788 resultados para Infrastructure Organizations
We propose a theory of trust in interorganizational virtual organizations that focuses on how trustworthiness can be communicated and trust built in this environment. The theory highlights three issues that must be dealt with if the potential obstacles to the development of trust in the virtual context are to be overcome. These are communication of trustworthiness facilitated by reliable Information and Communication Technology (ICT), establishment of a common business understanding, and strong business ethics. We propose four specific propositions relating to these issues, and suggest topics to be explored in future research. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Learning organizations are a special form of organization where enhancing learning is a strategy to increase intellectual capital. Developing learning organizations has become an imperative for many managers, since an organization's learning methods and rate may be the only source of sustainable competitive advantage. However, learning organization theory tends to be prescriptive and rhetorical, with empirical research still relatively new. This paper contributes to the literature by reporting case-study research in progress based on four Australian organizations. In the organizations studied, use of the learning organization metaphor was coupled with an emergent metaphor: organization as `family". By employing structure mapping of metaphor within analytical induction, both established methods but not combined before, this paper shows how theory might be developed from metaphor.
A soft linguistic evaluation method is proposed for the environmental assessment of physical infrastructure projects based on fuzzy relations. Infrastructure projects are characterized in terms of linguistic expressions of 'performance' with respect to factors or impacts and the 'importance' of those factors/impacts. A simple example is developed to illustrate the method in the context of three road infrastructure projects assessed against five factors/impacts. In addition, a means to include hard or crisp factors is presented and illustrated with respect to a sixth factor.
This paper examines the proposition that the traditional archetype of the professional partnership is said to have changed into a more 'business-like' entity, the managed professional business. It broadens the restricted case sample base on which much of the evidence has been adduced, by developing a survey questionnaire through which 197 large British law firms were sampled. Change, consistent with the notion of a more commercially oriented and consciously managed organization, is concentrated in the market-facing area of the firm but coexists with areas of continuity in the governance of the firm and its strategic management. The findings reveal a more managerial form of organization in which the core elements of the traditional form of professional organization have not been transformed. These results contest the assertion of either transformational or sedimented change found in other, case-based research and suggest that archetype change needs theoretically to be distinguished from the general phenomenon of greater managerialism within the professional service firm.
O trabalho apresenta e analisa os resultados de uma pesquisa de campo realizada junto aos gerentes-executivos de programas do Plano Plurianual (PPA) sobre a possibilidade de aplica????o do conceito de organiza????o virtual no setor p??blico. Em uma organiza????o virtual, os parceiros compartilham informa????es e infra-estrutura de maneira sin??rgica, incrementando a efetividade para um n??vel que nenhum deles poderia alcan??ar sozinho. Nesta nova Era, tradicionais conceitos s??o abandonados ou questionados, e o pr??prio conceito de ???organiza????o??? est?? mudando, de forma a refletir os desafios inerentes ao novo ambiente. O trabalho descreve e analisa o contexto que molda essa nova abordagem para o processo de planejamento governamental, e os resultados de pesquisa de campo, na qual foram avaliados os fatores e estrat??gias que impactam a coordena????o interorganizacional requerida para o adequado funcionamento de uma organiza????o virtual. Entre as conclus??es, destaca-se a possibilidade de aplica????o, no setor p??blico, do conceito de organiza????es virtuais, as quais operam necessariamente a partir do compartilhamento de recursos, informa????es e de objetivos de organiza????es formalmente independentes, o que requer lidar com diferentes impress??es sobre autonomia, poder e controle e diferentes culturas organizacionais, alterando, radicalmente, conceitos e pr??ticas acerca de fronteiras organizacionais, propriedade de recursos, gest??o da informa????o e processo decis??rio.
In this paper we aim to identify and analyze a set of variables that can potentially influence the adoption and knowledge of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in Portugal. Hypotheses were tested using data obtained from a questionnaire sent to 591 publicly-owned organizations (local governments, municipal corporations and hospitals) and 549 privately-owned organizations (large companies and small and medium enterprises) in Portugal. The results allow us to conclude that although the majority of respondents claimed to know the BSC, its use in Portugal is still limited and very recent, particularly in the public sector organizations. However, it should be noted that its use has increased in Portugal in recent years. The study also reveals that in spite of the noticeable differences between public and private sector, the BSC is used in the public sector after a few adjustments to the traditional model. Using as theoretical framework the contingency and institutional theories, we found that decentralization, vertical differentiation and the degree of higher education are associated with the implementation of the BSC.
Abstract: in Portugal, and in much of the legal systems of Europe, «legal persons» are likely to be criminally responsibilities also for cybercrimes. Like for example the following crimes: «false information»; «damage on other programs or computer data»; «computer-software sabotage»; «illegitimate access»; «unlawful interception» and «illegitimate reproduction of protected program». However, in Portugal, have many exceptions. Exceptions to the «question of criminal liability» of «legal persons». Some «legal persons» can not be blamed for cybercrime. The legislature did not leave! These «legal persons» are v.g. the following («public entities»): legal persons under public law, which include the public business entities; entities utilities, regardless of ownership; or other legal persons exercising public powers. In other words, and again as an example, a Portuguese public university or a private concessionaire of a public service in Portugal, can not commit (in Portugal) any one of cybercrime pointed. Fair? Unfair. All laws should provide that all legal persons can commit cybercrimes. PS: resumo do artigo em inglês.