876 resultados para IS research methodologies


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The aim of this study is to assess the current and future preconditions for conducting private business in municipal service systems for home care in Lahti and Hyvinkää in Finland, and in Uppsala and Huddinge in Sweden. This study also aims to assess the implications of quality related issues on the preconditions for conducting private business in the service systems in question. The theories and the research methodologies of the study are based on the Business Model Generation and the Business Model Canvas -concepts. Also a couple of frameworks on implications of quality are applied and integrated into the study. The study is completed as a case study – with structured and identical approaches for all four municipalities. The analyses and assessments of the study are primarily qualitative, but supported by simple quantitative methodologies. The data of the study consists primarily of publicly available information, and secondarily of answers provided by the case-municipalities to multiple choice questions. The results of the study show that the service systems for home care among the case-municipalities are, from perspective of private companies, diverse with local characteristics. Both the premises for conducting private business and the quality-issues are in many respects different in the Finnish and the Swedish case-municipalities. This is partly due to differences in the national service systems; the service voucher system versus the system of choice. Still, it appears that the current preconditions for conducting private business in the service systems for home care, including the implications of quality, would be more favorable in Uppsala and Huddinge than in Lahti and Hyvinkää. On the other hand, the service systems are subject to changes, and the most positive and significant development is here forecasted for a Finnish case-municipality (Lahti). Communication of quality is clearly more advanced in the Swedish case-municipalities. The results of this study can be utilized in several ways, for instance by private companies interested in entering into service systems for home care, either in some of the case-municipalities, or in some other Finnish or Swedish municipalities. Also municipalities can apply the analyses of the study when designing, developing or evaluating their own service systems for home care.


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Since the 1990’s, the Internet has played a central role in our daily lives. The Internet is an integral part of our personal, business, family, research, entertainment, academic and social life. However, there are social implications in using the Internet that are dependent on categories such as gender, age, ethnicity and cultural attributes. This social aspect can play a detrimental role in the expression of human anxiety on the Internet. An anxiety is a complex phenomenon that requires further elaboration. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to investigate human anxiety, or specifically, whether Internet anxiety can be conceptualized and measured. This thesis utilizes literature, qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, and a triangulation validation approach to conceptualize and measure the Internet anxiety phenomenon. In particular, the aim is to explore anxiety levels of Internet participants to develop and validate an Internet anxiety scale based on earlier research on Internet anxiety. The results of the dissertation present a two phase study. In Phase I, a smaller set of studies were conducted with a limited sample size. In Phase II, the research topic was investigated using 385 participants. Based on a number of studies or experiments, the state-of-the-art discovered in this thesis is creation, design, and validation of two scales, the Self-Assessment Scale (SAS) and a Modified Internet Anxiety Scale (MIAS) for measuring users’ anxieties on the Internet. The result of this dissertation is a conceptualization and measurement of various types of Internet anxiety and measurement of affective feelings of users on the Internet. As a proof-of-concept of measuring Internet anxiety, this thesis describes the author’s implementation of three sets of tools: MyAnxiety, introducing Internet anxieties types; Intelligentia, for collecting Internet anxieties types; and MyIAControl tool, implemented as a browser plug-in, for measuring affective feelings of users on the Internet. Conclusions drawn from the results show that these empirically validated scales and tools might be useful for researchers and practitioners in understanding and measuring the Internet anxiety phenomenon further.


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Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena oli standardoida ja kehittää hankinnan prosesseja systemaattisesti. Prosessien standardoiminen edesauttaa organisaation itseohjautuvuutta ja parantaa organisaation kyvykkyyttä. Tämä tutkielma tuottaa uutta tutkimustietoa tutkimusaukkoon hankinnan prosessien systemaattisesta kehittämisestä. Tutkielman teoriaosassa käsitellään prosessiajattelua, ISO 9001 standardin vaikutusta hankintatoimintaan, tunnistetaan hankinnan prosesseja ja esitetään erilaisia hankinnan prosesseihin soveltuvia LEAN Six Sigma kehitystyökaluja. Tutkielman empiirinen osio on toteutettu toimeksiantona suurelle teollisuusyritykselle. Tämän tutkielman empiirisessä osiossa on yhdistelty kvalitatiiviselle ja kvantitatiiviselle tutkimukselle ominaisia tutkimusmetodologioita. Tutkimusmetodologioiden yhdisteleminen tuottaa lisäarvoa tutkielman toteutukselle ja parantaa työn luotettavuutta. Tässä tutkielmassa käytetyt tutkimusmenetelmät koostuvat kvantitatiiviselle tutkimukselle ominaisesta kyselystä hankinnan prosessien nykytilan selvittämiseksi sekä kvalitatiivisen tutkimuksen tutkimusmenetelmille ominaisesta tapaustutkimuksesta. Kyselyn avulla muodostettiin analyysi hankinnan prosessien nykytilasta, jonka pohjalta toimeksiantajayritykselle ehdotettiin kehitettäviä hankinnan prosesseja. Lopulliseksi kehityskohteeksi valittu prosessi määriteltiin aivoriihessä kerätyn tiedon perusteella kehityspotentiaalin esille tuovasta nelikentästä. Kehitettävä prosessi asemoitui samalla tapaustutkimuksella tutkittavaksi tapaukseksi. Kehitettäväksi prosessiksi valittiin saapuvan tavaran vastaanotto ja visuaalinen tarkastaminen. Prosessia kehitettiin mallintamalla ja LEAN Six Sigma menetelmiä hyödyntäen. Prosessimallinnuksen sekä LEAN Six Sigma menetelmien tueksi kerättiin tietoa aivoriihistä ja teemahaastatteluista. Tutkielman tuloksena toimeksiantajayritys sai kokonaiskuvan hankinnan prosessien nykytilasta, kehitetyn tavoiteprosessin ja työohjeen saapuvan tavaran vastaanotolle ja visuaaliselle tarkastukselle sekä jatkossa hankinnan prosessien standardoimista ja kehittämistä helpottavan hankinnan prosessin systemaattisen kehittämismallin. Hankinnan prosessin systemaattinen kehittämismalli on uutta tutkimustietoa, joka asemoituu hankinnan prosessien kehittämisen tutkimusaukkoon. Hankinnan prosessin systemaattista kehittämismallia ei tämän tutkielman pohjalta voida yleistää, koska tutkielma on toteutettu toimeksiantajayrityksen lähtökohdista. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että toimeksiantajayritys, muut organisaatiot sekä tutkimuskenttä tarvitsevat lisää tietoa hankinnan prosessien kehittämisestä. Hankinnan prosessien kehittämistä tulisi tutkia enemmän ja erityisesti tässä tutkielmassa esitettyä kehittämismallia tulisi jatkossa testata niin, että kehittämismallin toimivuus voitaisiin yleistää.


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Exploring the new science of emergence allows us to create a very different classroom than how the modern classroom has been conceptualised under the mentality of efficiency and output. Working on the whole person, and not just the mind, we see a shift from the epistemic pillars of truth to more ontological concerns as regards student achievement in our post-Modern and critical discourses. It is important to understand these shifts and how we are to transition our own perception and mentality not only in our research methodologies but also our approach to conceptualisations of issues in education and sustainability. We can no longer think linearly to approach complex problems or advocate for education and disregard our interconnectedness insofar as it enhances our children’s education. We must, therefore, contemplate and transition to a world that is ecological and not mechanical, complex and not complicated—in essence, we must work to link mind-body with self-environment and transcend these in order to bring about an integration toward a sustainable future. A fundamental shift in consciousness and perception may implicate our nature of creating dichotomous entities in our own microcosms, yet postmodern theorists assume, a priori, that these dualities can be bridged in naturalism alone. I, on the other hand, embrace metaphysics to understand the implicated modern classroom in a hierarchical context and ask: is not the very omission of metaphysics in postmodern discourse a symptom from an education whose foundation was built in its absence? The very dereliction of ancient wisdom in education is very peculiar indeed. Western mindfulness may play a vital component in consummating pragmatic idealism, but only under circumstances admitting metaphysics can we truly transcend our limitations, thereby placing Eastern Mindfulness not as an ecological component, but as an ecological and metaphysical foundation.


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Ce projet offre une analyse des traductions en langue française du roman d’Aphra Behn, Oronooko, or The Royal Slave (1688). Dans cette œuvre, la première femme à vivre de sa plume présente une des premières formulations du discours abolitionniste de la littérature anglaise et met au défi des idées reçues sur l’esclavage depuis le XVIIe siècle. Le texte a été traduit vers le français pour la première fois par Pierre-Antoine de La Place (Behn, 1745), dont l’interprétation s’inscrit dans la tradition des belles infidèles. Sa version connaît un succès fulgurant jusqu’à la fin du XVIIIe siècle, avec de nombreuses rééditions parues entre 1745 et 1799. En 1990, Bernard Dhuicq publie une retraduction dans le but de faire connaître Behn aux lecteurs français du XXe siècle. En 2008, il contribue à la préparation d’une nouvelle édition de La Place, et une réédition de sa propre traduction parue en 1990. Pour sa part, Guillaume Villeneuve adapte le texte au lectorat francophone d’aujourd’hui avec une édition critique comprenant un important appareil critique publiée dans la collection « GF » des Éditions Flammarion en 2009. Les traductions de La Place, d’Dhuicq et de Villeneuve affichent chacune des variations par rapport à l’original, variations qui reflètent l’intention de ces traducteurs et de leurs éditeurs ainsi que les pratiques traductives et éditoriales de leur époque.. Cette étude montre notamment comment le récit de Behn a contribué à changer la conception occidentale de l’esclavage. Elle analyse la réception des propos idéologiques d’Oroonoko dans la culture littéraire et philosophique française, depuis le XVIIIe siècle jusqu’à nos jours. À travers le cas Oronooko, le présent mémoire offre aussi une réflexion d’ordre méthodologique sur l’étude des retraductions dans une perspective historique. L’étude des retraductions vise aujourd’hui des objectifs plus vastes sur le plan historique que ne l’indique l’hypothèse du progrès en retraduction, selon laquelle un texte est retraduit pour être corrigé ou amélioré. Notre travail montre qu’en associant à l’étude des traductions celle de leur paratexte, de leur péritexte et des sujets (traducteurs et éditeurs) qui les produisent, et ce afin de resituer chaque retraduction dans son contexte historique propre, on parvient à faire entrer ces retraductions dans un dialogue interculturel et « transhistoriciste » (Nouss, 2007).


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What is research? What is visual research? Visual research and the creative enquiry Connecting Studio Practice and Skills and Research Comms Skills Examples of Graphic Arts blogs


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RESUMO: O presente projecto surge como trabalho final de Mestrado em “Educação Especial: Domínio Cognitivo e Motor”, relatando a concepção, realização e avaliação de um Projecto de Intervenção/Acção, no qual a Expressão Musical configura a área primordial de intervenção. O trabalho intitula-se “(Com)passo a (com)passo com a Síndrome de Down”. Baseia-se num grupo de treze crianças de educação pré-escolar, no qual está incluída uma criança com Síndrome de Down. Neste contexto reflecte-se sobre essa síndrome, segundo a perspectiva de vários autores. Descrevem-se também as metodologias de investigação utilizadas para a recolha de dados, tendo por base autores de referência. Faz-se ainda a caracterização do contexto escolar onde se desenvolveu o Projecto de Intervenção/Acção e a apresentação do respectivo Plano de Acção. Relata-se a intervenção realizada, acrescida da interpretação e avaliação dos dados obtidos a partir das vinte e três sessões de actividade levadas a cabo. A análise dos resultados permitiu inferir que as sessões de Expressão Musical se revestiram de um carácter bastante positivo, dado que se constataram mudanças consideráveis no comportamento das crianças e do grupo. Tais mudanças tornaram-se mais evidentes na área da socialização, traduzidas num maior envolvimento das crianças dentro do grupo, que provocou um maior entusiasmo e interesse em participar nas actividades propostas. ABSTRACT: The present draft appears as Masters final work in “Special Education: Cognitive and Motor Domains”, reporting the idea, implementation and evaluation of an Intervention / Action Project, in which the Musical Expression configures the primary area of intervention. The work is entitled “(Com)passo a (com)passo com a Síndrome de Down”, based on a group of thirteen children of preschool, in which is included in a child with Down Syndrome. In this context this work reflects upon this syndrome from several authors‟ perspective. It also describes the research methodologies used for data collection having for base reference authors. It‟s done, also, the characterization of the school environment where the Intervention/ Action Project and the presentation of its Action Plan were developed. It is reported the intervention, together with the interpretation and evaluation of data obtained from the twenty-three sessions of activity carried out. The results allowed inferring that Musical Expression sessions assumed a very positive character, given that significant changes were observed in the behavior of the studied children and the rest of the group. These changes became more evident in the socialization area, translated into a greater involvement of children within the group, which led to a greater enthusiasm and interest in participating in the proposed activities.


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O presente estudo é resultado de um trabalho inserido no contexto de uma pesquisa-ação desenvolvida no Instituto Federal de Sergipe- IFS, visando solucionar as dificuldades de aprendizagem apresentadas pelos alunos durante as aulas de Literatura Brasileira. A investigação tem como objeto a reflexão acerca da estratégia do Seminário Temático utilizada como método de ensino da referida disciplina, fundamentando-se, para tanto, no aporte teórico de autores como Carvalho (1979), Cândido (1995), Zilberman (2003), Veiga (2003), Morais (2005), Libâneo (2009), dentre outros que abordam não somente esta temática, mas também o ensino de Literatura, como os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (2002). Os sujeitos da pesquisa, em número de 82, foram alunos da 2ª série do Ensino Médio dos Cursos Integrados de Eletrônica, Informática e Química, que participaram respondendo a um questionário composto de dez questões abertas, onde manifestaram suas opiniões pessoais sobre a importância do ensino da Literatura, o Seminário como método didático, abordagens dos textos literários e a contribuição do Seminário tanto na formação da cultura individual e de ações sociais, quanto na aprendizagem da Literatura Brasileira e no estímulo à pesquisa. Partindo-se do objetivo geral de investigar a contribuição do Seminário Temático no processo de aprendizagem da Literatura Brasileira desses alunos à luz da dinâmica de sala de aula, optou-se pela metodologia da análise de conteúdo para enfatizar os aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos do material levantado. Os resultados demonstraram que os discentes valorizaram as experiências vivenciadas ao afirmarem que, no âmbito das atividades do Seminário Temático, adquiriram de forma dinâmica os conhecimentos propostos pela disciplina, validando assim a escolha do trabalho sistemático com tal estratégia metodológica.


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Esta pesquisa, cujo referencial metodológico é predominantemente de cunho qualitativo, com participação ativa do pesquisador e dos sujeitos abordados, teve como objetivo identificar os fatores que motivam os educadores a buscarem a continuidade da formação profissional e qual a contribuição dessa continuidade para o desenvolvimento de competências reflexivas, autônomas, críticas, políticas e humanas, e o aperfeiçoamento de sua prática pedagógica. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa de campo e bibliográfica, contemplando a aplicação de questionários, entrevistas e observações participantes em sala de aula, junto a 58 educadores de duas escolas da rede pública municipal de educação de Aracaju. Trata-se de um estudo de caso. Os dados da pesquisam revelaram que os esforços esparsos e fragmentados que têm assinalado a formação continuada oferecida pelos órgãos próprios do sistema educacional tendem a ser superados por um modelo formativo centrado nas necessidades da própria escola, desde a disponibilidade de recursos materiais, tecnológicos e humanos até as metodologias de ensino e de aprendizagem. Conclui tendo a escola como o espaço formativo por excelência de educadores e educandos.


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Research in construction management is diverse in content and in quality. There is much to be learned from more fundamental disciplines. Construction is a sub-set of human experience rather than a completely separate phenomenon. Therefore, it is likely that there are few problems in construction requiring the invention of a completely new theory. If construction researchers base their work only on that of other construction researchers, our academic community will become less relevant to the world at large. The theories that we develop or test must be of wider applicability to be of any real interest. In undertaking research, researchers learn a lot about themselves. Perhaps the only difference between research and education is that if we are learning about something which no-one else knows, then it is research, otherwise it is education. Self-awareness of this will help to reduce the chances of publishing work which only reveals a researcher’s own learning curve. Scientific method is not as simplistic as non-scientists claim and is the only real way of overcoming methodological weaknesses in our work. The reporting of research may convey the false impression that it is undertaken in the sequence in which it is written. Construction is not so unique and special as to require a completely different set of methods from other fields of enquiry. Until our research is reported in mainstream journals and conferences, there is little chance that we will influence the wider academic community and a concomitant danger that it will become irrelevant. The most useful insights will come from research which challenges the current orthodoxy rather than research which merely reports it.


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Research in construction management is diverse in content and in quality. There is much to be learned from more fundamental disciplines. Construction is a sub-set of human experience rather than a completely separate phenomenon. Therefore, it is likely that there are few problems in construction requiring the invention of a completely new theory. If construction researchers base their work only on that of other construction researchers, our academic community will become less relevant to the world at large. The theories that we develop or test must be of wider applicability to be of any real interest. In undertaking research, researchers learn a lot about themselves. Perhaps the only difference between research and education is that if we are learning about something which no-one else knows, then it is research, otherwise it is education. Self-awareness of this will help to reduce the chances of publishing work which only reveals a researcher’s own learning curve. Scientific method is not as simplistic as non-scientists claim and is the only real way of overcoming methodological weaknesses in our work. The reporting of research may convey the false impression that it is undertaken in the sequence in which it is written. Construction is not so unique and special as to require a completely different set of methods from other fields of enquiry. Until our research is reported in mainstream journals and conferences, there is little chance that we will influence the wider academic community and a concomitant danger that it will become irrelevant. The most useful insights will come from research which challenges the current orthodoxy rather than research which merely reports it.


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The study of intuition is an emerging area of research in psychology, social sciences, and business studies. It is increasingly of interest to the study of management, for example in decision-making as a counterpoint to structured approaches. Recently work has been undertaken to conceptualize a construct for the intuitive nature of technology. However to-date there is no common under-standing of the term intuition in information systems (IS) research. This paper extends the study of intuition in IS research by using exploratory research to cate-gorize the use of the word “intuition” and related terms in papers published in two prominent IS journals over a ten year period. The entire text of MIS Quarterly and Information Systems Research was reviewed for the years 1999 through 2008 using searchable PDF versions of these publications. As far as could be deter-mined, this is the first application of this approach in the analysis of the text of IS academic journals. The use of the word “intuition” and related terms was catego-rized using coding consistent with Grounded Theory. The focus of this research was on the first two stages of Grounded Theory analysis - the development of codes and constructs. Saturation of coding was not reached: an extended review of these publications would be required to enable theory development. Over 400 incidents of the use of “intuition”, and related terms were found in the articles reviewed. The most prominent use of the term of “intuition” was coded as “Intui-tion as Authority” in which intuition was used to validate a research objective or finding; representing approximately 37 per cent of codes assigned. The second most common coding occurred in research articles with mathematical analysis, representing about 19 per cent of the codes assigned, for example where a ma-thematical formulation or result was “intuitive”. The possibly most impactful use of the term “intuition” was “Intuition as Outcome”, representing approximately 7 per cent of all coding, which characterized research results as adding to the intui-tive understanding of a research topic or phenomena. This research contributes to a greater theoretical understanding of intuition enabling insight into the use of intuition, and the eventual development of a theory on the use of intuition in academic IS research publications. It also provides potential benefits to practi-tioners by providing insight into and validation of the use of intuition in IS man-agement. Research directions include the creation of reflective and/or formative constructs for intuition in information systems research.


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The NeuroHub project aims to develop a research information system for neuroscientists at three different partner institutions: Oxford, Reading and Southampton. Each research group has different working practices, research methodologies and user requirements, which have lead to the development of a system that supports a wide variety of tasks in the neuroscience research life cycle. In this paper, we present how these user requirements have been translated in a research information environment that supports a community of over 70 researchers using the system for day-to-day research tasks.


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This article reflects on the introduction of ‘matrix management’ arrangements for an Educational Psychology Service (EPS) within a Children’s Service Directorate of a Local Authority (LA). It seeks to demonstrate critical self-awareness, consider relevant literature with a view to bringing insights to processes and outcomes, and offers recommendations regarding the use of matrix management. The report arises from an East Midland’s LA initiative: ALICSE − Advanced Leadership in an Integrated Children’s Service Environment. Through a literature review and personal reflection, the authors consider the following: possible tensions within the development of matrix management arrangements; whether matrix management is a prerequisite within complex organizational systems; and whether competing professional cultures may contribute barriers to creating complementary and collegiate working. The authors briefly consider some research paradigms, notably ethnographic approaches, soft systems methodology, activity theory and appreciative inquiry. These provide an analytic framework for the project and inform this iterative process of collaborative inquiry. Whilst these models help illuminate otherwise hidden processes, none have been implemented following full research methodologies, reflecting the messy reality of local authority working within dynamic organizational structures and shrinking budgets. Nevertheless, this article offers an honest reflection of organizational change within a children’s services environment.