59 resultados para GENERICS
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo, através de um estudo de caso envolvendo três empresas do Pólo Industrial de Manaus, testar até que ponto um modelo de competência pode prever o desempenho de uma pessoa em uma determinada função. A metodologia utilizada, denominada Job Competency Assessment (JCA), foi criada e aplicada por mais de 20 anos pelos pesquisadores McCelland e McBer (apud Spencer & Spencer, 1993) com o propósito de descobrir porque pessoas na mesma função tinham desempenhos diferentes. Após tantos anos de pesquisa destes e outros pesquisadores foi possível a cnaçao modelos de competência teóricos para as funções mais comuns, como gerentes, pessoal técnico, de vendas, empreendedores, etc. o que fizemos foi, utilizando um destes modelos teóricos, - no caso para a função supervisor de produção - e, aplicando a metodologia JCA, comparar o desempenho previsto pelo modelo com aquele percebido pelos chefes e gerentes de cada supervisor em cada uma das três empresas pesquisadas. Os resultados encontrados pela pesquisa apontam para uma forte relação entre o comportamento previsto pelo modelo para os supervisores e aquele apontado pelos chefes, indicando ser esta metodologia uma ferramenta útil nas áreas de seleção, treinamento e desenvolvimento de pessoas.
This paper studies the effects of generic drug’s entry on bidding behavior of drug suppliers in procurement auctions for pharmaceuticals, and the consequences on procurer’s price paid for drugs. Using an unique data set on procurement auctions for off-patent drugs organized by Brazilian public bodies, we surprisingly find no statistically difference between bids and prices paid for generic and branded drugs. On the other hand, some branded drug suppliers leave auctions in which there exists a supplier of generics, whereas the remaining ones lower their bidding price. These findings explain why we find that the presence of any supplier of generic drugs in a procurement auction reduces the price paid for pharmaceuticals by 7 percent. To overcome potential estimation bias due to generic’s entry endogeneity, we exploit variation in the number of days between drug’s patent expiration date and the tendering session. The two-stage estimations document the same pattern as the generalized least square estimations find. This evidence indicates that generic competition affects branded supplier’s behavior in public procurement auctions differently from other markets.
Comparative HPLC-UV and LC-MS/MS studies of impurity profiles of a reference sample (Xenical (R), F. Hoffmann La Roche Ltd., Switzerland) vs. generic (Lipiblock (R), EMS Sigma Pharma, a generic drug) were carried out with ethanol extracts of commercial samples. The generic formulation contained higher levels of common impurities as well as a considerable number of impurities not found in the reference product. The detected impurity profile of Lipiblock (R) revealed that it most likely is based on fermentation. Since the effect of the impurities is unknown, at this point fully synthetic Xenical (R) appears to offer a better safety margin than Lipiblock (R) which, however, compares quite well to other generic formulations.
The interval datatype applications in several areas is important to construct a interval type reusable, i.e., a interval constructor can be applied to any datatype and get intervals this datatype. Since the interval is, of certain form, a set of elements limited for two bounds, left and right, with a order notions, then it s reasonable that interval constructor enclose datatypes with partial order. On the order hand, what we want is work with interval of any datatype like this we work with this datatype then. it s important to guarantee the properties of the datatype when maps to interval of this datatype. Thus, the interval constructor get a theory to parametrized interval type, i.e., a interval with generics parameters (for example rational, real, complex). Sometimes, the interval application in some algebras doesn t guarantee the mainutenance of their properties, for example, when we use interval of real, that satisfies the field properties, it doesn t guarantee the distributivity propertie. A form to surpass this problem Santiago introduced the local equality theory that weakened the notion of strong equality, and thus, allowing some properties are local keeped, what can be discard before. The interval arithmetic generalization aim to apply the interval constructor on ordered algebras weakened for local equality with the purpose of the keep their properties. How the intervals are important in applications with continuous data, it s interesting specify that theory using a specification language that supply a system development using intervals of form disciplined, trustworth and safe. Currently, the algebraic specification language, based in math models, have been use to that intention often. We choose CASL (Common Algebraic Specification Language) among others languages because CASL has several characteristics excellent to parametrized interval type, such as, provide parcialiy and parametrization
In Brazil, the registration of new drugs is carried out only when the regulatory agency (Anvisa, acronym in Portuguese) is fully satisfied with the evidence of their quality, efficacy and safety, presented by a pharmaceutical industry that strive for this registration. With the patent expiration, pharmaceutical companies are attracted to produce biological medicines called biosimilar or biogenerics or simply generics, whose approval may result in reduced treatment costs. But it is necessary that the biosimilar be, at least, equally efective and safe and without contaminants in relation to the original. Recent consensus guidelines aim to establish criteria for efcacy and safety of these medicines. Preclinical studies in vitro and in vivo, the origin of raw materials and clinical studies phase I, II and III are recommended for biosimilar medicine registration in the international market. Low molecular weight heparins are found in this situation. In this review we specifcally addressed this type of medicine, which could serve as a benchmark for other biosimilar medicines.
Comparative HPLC-UV and LC-MS/MS studies of impurity profiles of a reference sample (Xenical®, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Switzerland) vs. generic (Lipiblock®, EMS-Sigma Pharma, a generic drug) were carried out with ethanol extracts of commercial samples. The generic formulation contained higher levels of common impurities as well as a considerable number of impurities not found in the reference product. The detected impurity profile of Lipiblock® revealed that it most likely is based on fermentation. Since the effect of the impurities is unknown, at this point fully synthetic Xenical® appears to offer a better safety margin than Lipiblock® which, however, compares quite well to other generic formulations.
The objective of this study is to examine the pharmaceutical industry and changes that the fall of patents and entry of generics may cause in the price and consumption of drugs. Thus, there is a brief discussion about the global pharmaceutical industry, from its origins to the present day, showing in particular the case of the United States, today considered the largest industry in this sector. From this, the work seeks to address specifically the Brazilian industry and its regulation. Since the generic law implementation, the participation of this type of medicine has grown significantly in the country. Because they have always been lower than prices of their brand, the cost of treating disease is reduced, which makes generic drugs represent an improvement for consumers in terms of welfare of society
Atenolol is the most used drug in Brazil to hypertension treatment. Two crystal structures are known for this molecule: a racemic form (R,S)-atenolol and a pure form S-atenolol. The racemic form is found in commercial tablets. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) is an adequate tool to study crystalline structures including drugs. Using the Rietveld Method with XRD data it is possible to quantify the crystalline structures existing in the raw material. Other methods like Le Bail and Pawley can be used to the profile fit and phases identification. For this work we analyzed three tablets of atenolol, two generics and the reference (materials were purchased from a drugstore at the city of Araraquara). These tablets were analyzed by Rietveld, Le Bail and Pawley methods. All tablets exhibited the racemic mixture API (R,S)-atenolol. Some crystalline excipients could be characterized: magnesium carbonate hydrate, lactose monohydrate and talc. The conclusion is that the three methods can be efficiently used to characterize the three atenolol tablets.
Recently, some countries outside the Triad (Japan, Europe and the United States) have assumed an important role in the pharmaceutical scenario, as large producers, among them stand out Brazil. In the 90s, there were major institutional transformations and the pharmaceutical industry has undergone a reverse specialization process, because liberalization has discouraged production of pharmaceutical chemicals and dependence of imports increased. The law of generics medicines in 1999 emerged as an attempt to increase the population's access to medicines equivalent to ones with brand, with more affordable prices. As a result of this law there was a strengthening of the national capital and a major attraction for foreign companies to brazilian market. This study aims to assess the development trajectory of the country, showing how path-dependence has culminated in greater empowerment of national pharmaceutical industries after the Generics Law in 1999
Low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWHs) have shown equivalent or superior efficacy and safety to unfractionated heparin as antithrombotic therapy for patients with acute coronary syndromes. Each approved LMWH is a pleotropic biological agent with a unique chemical, biochemical, biophysical and biological profile and displays different pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic profiles. As a result, LMWHs are neither equipotent in preclinical assays nor equivalent in terms of their clinical efficacy and safety. Previously, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cautioned against using various LMWHs interchangeably, however recently, the FDA approved generic versions of LMWH that have not been tested in large clinical trials. This paper highlights the bio-chemical and pharmacological differences between the LMWH preparations that may result in different clinical outcomes, and also reviews the implications and challenges physicians face when generic versions of the original/innovator agents are approved for clinical use.
Generic programming is likely to become a new challenge for a critical mass of developers. Therefore, it is crucial to refine the support for generic programming in mainstream Object-Oriented languages — both at the design and at the implementation level — as well as to suggest novel ways to exploit the additional degree of expressiveness made available by genericity. This study is meant to provide a contribution towards bringing Java genericity to a more mature stage with respect to mainstream programming practice, by increasing the effectiveness of its implementation, and by revealing its full expressive power in real world scenario. With respect to the current research setting, the main contribution of the thesis is twofold. First, we propose a revised implementation for Java generics that greatly increases the expressiveness of the Java platform by adding reification support for generic types. Secondly, we show how Java genericity can be leveraged in a real world case-study in the context of the multi-paradigm language integration. Several approaches have been proposed in order to overcome the lack of reification of generic types in the Java programming language. Existing approaches tackle the problem of reification of generic types by defining new translation techniques which would allow for a runtime representation of generics and wildcards. Unfortunately most approaches suffer from several problems: heterogeneous translations are known to be problematic when considering reification of generic methods and wildcards. On the other hand, more sophisticated techniques requiring changes in the Java runtime, supports reified generics through a true language extension (where clauses) so that backward compatibility is compromised. In this thesis we develop a sophisticated type-passing technique for addressing the problem of reification of generic types in the Java programming language; this approach — first pioneered by the so called EGO translator — is here turned into a full-blown solution which reifies generic types inside the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) itself, thus overcoming both performance penalties and compatibility issues of the original EGO translator. Java-Prolog integration Integrating Object-Oriented and declarative programming has been the subject of several researches and corresponding technologies. Such proposals come in two flavours, either attempting at joining the two paradigms, or simply providing an interface library for accessing Prolog declarative features from a mainstream Object-Oriented languages such as Java. Both solutions have however drawbacks: in the case of hybrid languages featuring both Object-Oriented and logic traits, such resulting language is typically too complex, thus making mainstream application development an harder task; in the case of library-based integration approaches there is no true language integration, and some “boilerplate code” has to be implemented to fix the paradigm mismatch. In this thesis we develop a framework called PatJ which promotes seamless exploitation of Prolog programming in Java. A sophisticated usage of generics/wildcards allows to define a precise mapping between Object-Oriented and declarative features. PatJ defines a hierarchy of classes where the bidirectional semantics of Prolog terms is modelled directly at the level of the Java generic type-system.
La presente tesi è dedicata al riuso nel software. Eccettuata un'introduzione organica al tema, l'analisi è a livello dei meccanismi offerti dai linguaggi di programmazione e delle tecniche di sviluppo, con speciale attenzione rivolta al tema della concorrenza. Il primo capitolo fornisce un quadro generale nel quale il riuso del software è descritto, assieme alle ragioni che ne determinano l'importanza e ai punti cruciali relativi alla sua attuazione. Si individuano diversi livelli di riuso sulla base dell'astrazione e degli artefatti in gioco, e si sottolinea come i linguaggi contribuiscano alla riusabilità e alla realizzazione del riuso. In seguito, viene esplorato, con esempi di codice, il supporto al riuso da parte del paradigma ad oggetti, in termini di incapsulamento, ereditarietà, polimorfismo, composizione. La trattazione prosegue analizzando differenti feature – tipizzazione, interfacce, mixin, generics – offerte da vari linguaggi di programmazione, mostrando come esse intervengano sulla riusabilità dei componenti software. A chiudere il capitolo, qualche parola contestualizzata sull'inversione di controllo, la programmazione orientata agli aspetti, e il meccanismo della delega. Il secondo capitolo abbraccia il tema della concorrenza. Dopo aver introdotto l'argomento, vengono approfonditi alcuni significativi modelli di concorrenza: programmazione multi-threaded, task nel linguaggio Ada, SCOOP, modello ad Attori. Essi vengono descritti negli elementi fondamentali e ne vengono evidenziati gli aspetti cruciali in termini di contributo al riuso, con esempi di codice. Relativamente al modello ad Attori, viene presentata la sua implementazione in Scala/Akka come caso studio. Infine, viene esaminato il problema dell'inheritance anomaly, sulla base di esempi e delle tre classi principali di anomalia, e si analizza la suscettibilità del supporto di concorrenza di Scala/Akka a riscontrare tali problemi. Inoltre, in questo capitolo si nota come alcuni aspetti relativi al binomio riuso/concorrenza, tra cui il significato profondo dello stesso, non siano ancora stati adeguatamente affrontati dalla comunità informatica. Il terzo e ultimo capitolo esordisce con una panoramica dell'agent-oriented programming, prendendo il linguaggio simpAL come riferimento. In seguito, si prova ad estendere al caso degli agenti la nozione di riuso approfondita nei capitoli precedenti.
When masculine forms are used to refer to men and women, this causes male-biased cognitive representations and behavioral consequences, as numerous studies have shown. This effect can be avoided or reduced with the help of gender-fair language. In this talk, we will present different approaches that aim at influencing people’s use of and attitudes towards gender-fair language. Firstly, we tested the influence of gender-fair input on people’s own use of gender-fair language. Based on Irmen and Linner’s (2005) adaptation of the scenario mapping and focus approach (Sanford & Garrod, 1998), we found that after reading a text with gender-fair forms women produced more gender-fair forms than women who read gender-neutral texts or texts containing masculine generics. Men were not affected. Secondly, we examined reactions to arguments which followed the Elaboration Likelihood Model (Petty &Cacioppo, 1986). We assumed that strong pros and cons would be more effective than weak arguments or control statements. The results indicated that strong pros could convince some, but not all participants, suggesting a complex interplay of diverse factors in reaction to attempts at persuasion. The influence of people’s initial characteristics will be discussed. Currently, we are investigating how self-generated refutations, in addition to arguments, may influence initial attitudes. Based on the resistance appraisal hypothesis (Tormala, 2008), we assume that individuals are encouraged in their initial attitude if they manage to refute strong counter-arguments. The results of our studies will be discussed regarding their practical implications.
In many languages, masculine generics are the traditional way of referring to women and men. However, gender-fair forms (e.g., feminine-masculine word pairs) can enhance gender equality: for instance, they counteract male biases in mental associations (Stahlberg et al., 2007) and evoke more neutral perceptions of gender-stereotypical professions (Merkel et al., 2013). Compared to masculine forms, use of gender-fair language in advertisements for leadership positions also helps to achieve gender equality in hiring decisions (e.g., use of German Geschäftsführerin/Geschäftsführer 'CEO fem/masc' instead of Geschäftsführer 'CEO masc', cf. Horvath & Sczesny, 2012). The present research investigates how potential applicants react to the use of gender-fair vs. masculine forms in German job ads for leadership positions (Study 1) and how the respective organization is perceived in response to these forms (Study 2). In Study 1, 251 participants showed higher intentions to apply for a leadership position when it was advertised with a feminine-masculine word pair instead of a masculine form; this was mediated by job appeal and organizational attraction. In Study 2, 154 participants perceived the organization as more discriminatory when masculine forms were used. This was mediated by the organizational image of gender equality. Thus, gender-fair language affects the social perception of a job and the respective organization and can impact social behavior in an organizational context.
Taste acceptability of pulverized brand-name and generic drugs containing amlodipine or candesartan.
Trials with pulverized brand-name antihypertensive drugs suggest that, from the perspective of taste acceptability, crushed candesartan, chlortalidon, hydrochlorothiazide, lercanidipine and lisinopril should be preferred to pulverized amlodipine, atenolol, bisoprolol, enalapril, irbesartan, losartan, ramipril, telmisartan and valsartan. Brand-name antihypertensive drugs and the corresponding generic medicines have never been compared with respect to their taste acceptability. We therefore investigated among healthy health care workers the taste acceptability of a pulverized 1 mg-test dose of the brand-name and two generics containing either the dihydropyridine calcium-channel blocker amlodipine (Norvasc(®), Amlodipin-Mepha(®) and Amlodipin Pfizer(®)) or the angiotensin receptor antagonist candesartan (Atacand(®), Cansartan-Mepha(®) and Pemzek(®)). For this purpose, a smiley-face scale depicting four degrees of pleasure was used. Between November and December 2013, the taste test was performed among 19 nurses (15 female and 4 male subjects) and 12 physicians (5 female and 7 male subjects) aged between 25 and 49 years. Pulverized brand-names and generics containing either amlodipine or candesartan did not differ with respect to their taste acceptability.