980 resultados para Francis Bacon


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Introduction by Oliphant Smeaton.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Includes bibliographical references.


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v. 1. Bacon's life -- v. 2. Bacon's philosophy.


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This chapter undertakes the first examination of the role the fine arts play in Thomas Bernhard’s prose works. Though not as prominent as the role of music, painting and the fine arts play a crucial role in Frost and Alte Meister; these two novels coincidentally also happen to be the first and last novels written by Bernhard. This chapter takes its cue from the positive role awarded to Francis Bacon in the novel Das Kalkwerk. Comparing and contrasting the relation and influence between the art of Bacon and the literature of Bernhard, I am able to demonstrate a number of surprising analogies. Following a brief biographical synopsis, I focus on four aesthetic operations that are crucial to both artists. Using the key terms of ‘middle way’, ‘variation’, ‘vibration’ and ‘mediation’, I am able to uncover surprising similarities between the novels and the paintings. These hidden connections are further confirmed by looking at the two artists’ shared major motifs, namely the slaughterhouse, the scream, the relation between animals and humans, and pain. This bleak outlook on the state of human civilisation that these two major artists of the end of the 20th century share, embodies both a warning and a prophesy for the 21st century.


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Contient : « Tableau des belles et rares conceptions de messire François VERULAM, chancelier de la Grand-Bretagne, touchant le restablissement des sciences, avec l'exposition de la méthode qu'il a jugée propre tant à ceux de son aage qu'à la postérité, pour l'intelligence d'icelles » ; c'est le morceau qui sert de préambule général à l'Instauratio magna ; The works of Francis Bacon, Londres, 1765, t. IV, pp. XIX-XX ; Epître dédicatoire de « François Verulam » au roi d'Angleterre Jacques premier ; The Works..., ibid., pp. 261-262, avant le Novum organum ; « Le Restablissement de François DE VERULAM. Préface » et « Distribution de tout l'oeuvre » ; c'est la Préface à l'Instauratio magna ; The Works..., ibid., pp. 1-13 ; « Préface de la seconde partie de cet oeuvre, intitulé Nouvel organe, ou vrays indices de l'interprétation de nature » ; Préface du Novum organum ; The Works..., ibid., pp. 263-264 ; « Sommaire [du Novum organum ou] de la seconde partie [de l'Instauratio magna], rédigée en Aphorismes ; Aphorismes de l'interprétation de la nature et du royaume de l'homme » [numéros 1 à 100] ; The Works..., ibid., pp. 266-293 ; « Livre second des Aphorismes de l'interprétation de la nature ou du royaume de l'homme » [numéros 1 à 11] ; The Works..., ibid., pp. 306-311


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Se presentan los elementos lingüísticos necesarios para comparar dos obras pictóricas: el retrato original de Inocencio X, pintado por el pintor español Velázquez, y la versión del mismo pintada por el artista irlandés Francis Bacon. Para ello se introduce al estudiante en el argot artístico en español para hablar sobre una obra pictórica, se ubica históricamente la obra de Velázquez, y se reflexiona sobre las razones que inspiran al artista para expresarse por medio de la pintura; en este caso, uno de los retratos pintados por F. Bacon basados en un retrato pintado por Velázquez. Las actividades propuestas además de contenidos culturales, incluyen, contenidos funcionales (dar información con diferentes grados de seguridad, discutir datos e información, comprobar la validez de la información, expresar preferencias y gustos y recursos para el debate) y contenidos gramaticales (uso de conectores de argumentación y concordancia de elementos ramaticales en un texto).


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"Essai sur la reine Elisabeth", t. 1, p. 199-225, is a translation of Bacon's In felicem memoriam Elizabethae.


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Dissertation considers the birth of modernist and avant-gardist authorship as a reaction against mass society and massculture. Radical avant-gardism is studied as figurative violence done against the human form. The main argument claims avant-gardist authorship to be an act of masculine autogenesis. This act demands human form to be worked to an elementary state of disarticulateness, then to be reformed to the model of the artist's own psychophysical and idiosyncratic vision and experience. This work is connected to concrete mass, mass of pigment, charcoal, film, or flesh. This mass of the figure is worked to create a likeness in the nervous system of the spectator. The act of violence against the human figure is intended to shock the spectator. This shock is also a state of emotional and perceptional massification. I use theatrical image as heuristic tool and performance analysis, connecting figure and spectator into a larger image, which is constituted by relationships of mimesis, where figure presents the likeness of the spectator and spectator the likeness of the figure. Likeness is considered as both gestural - social mimetic - and sensuous - kinesthetically mimetic. Through this kind of construction one can describe and contextualize the process of violent autogenesis using particular images as case studies. Avant-gardist author is the author of theatrical image, not particular figure, and through act of massification the nervous system of the spectator is also part of this image. This is the most radical form and ideology of avant-gardist and modernist authorship or imagerial will to power. I construct a model of gestural-mimic performer to explicate the nature of violence done for human form in specific works, in Mann's novella Death in Venice, in Schiele's and Artaud's selfportaits, in Francis Bacon's paintings, in Beckett's shortplat NOT I, in Orlan's chirurgical performance Operation Omnipresense, in Cindy Sherman's Film/Stills, in Diamanda Galás's recording Vena Cava and in Hitchcock's Psycho. Masspsychology constructed a phobic picture of human form's plasticity and capability to be constituted by influencies coming both inside and outside - childhood, atavistic organic memories, urban field of nervous impulses, unconsciousness, capitalist (image)market and democratic masspolitics. Violence is then antimimetic and antitheatrical, a paradoxical situation, considering that massmedias and massaudiences created an enormous fascination about possibilities of theatrical and hypnotic influence in artistic elites. The problem was how to use theatrical image without coming as author under influence. In this work one possible answer is provided: by destructing the gestural-mimetic performer, by eliminating representations of mimic body techniques from the performer of human (a painted figure, a photographed figure, a filmed figure or an acted figure, audiovisual or vocal) figure. This work I call the chirurgical operation, which also indicates co-option with medical portraitures or medico-cultural diagnoses of human form. Destruction of the autonomy of the performer was a parallel process to constructing the new mass media audience as passive, plastic, feminine. The process created an image of a new kind of autotelic masculine author-hero, freed from human form in its bourgeois, aristocratic, classical and popular versions.


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"An Inquiry into identities of thought and expression peculiar to Bacon's `King Henry VII' (1622) and the Shakespeare Drama (1623)". Monograph exploring the extent to which works by Francis Bacon and William Shakespeare share certain precepts and expressions.


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Esta pesquisa tem como ponto de partida a abordagem que o filósofo francês Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995) faz da pintura, e concentra-se na argumentação desenvolvida em seu livro Francis Bacon, logique de la sensation. Além da análise lógica e conceitual da sensação, privilegia-se aqui o enfoque deleuziano do processo pictórico de Francis Bacon, naquilo em que este envolve a manipulação do acaso , e busca-se relacioná-lo com a questão do enfrentamento do caos , tal como se apresenta no livro de Deleuze e Félix Guattari Quest- ce que la philosophie? Neste trabalho é de grande importância a compreens ão do problema da representação na obra deleuziana. Trata-se de pensar em como este problema se traduz na destruição dos clichês e da recognição, mas sobretudo na afirmação das forças da vida, da criação, da diferença e da liberdade.


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Este trabalho disseca o processo de realização do documentário Retrato de Carmem D. a partir da ideia da quebra da inflexibilidade da imagem ilustrativa formulada pelo artista plástico Francis Bacon. À luz de autores como Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Didi-Huberman e Jaques Rancière, a presente dissertação se confronta com as atuações do acaso e da intervenção em um filme documentário.


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Cultura Moderna e Contemporânea, n.2