950 resultados para Found photos


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Temple Emanuel was founded in 1920 in Lawrence, Massachusetts. It began by serving a small immigrant Jewish community that has since grown to an affluent and lively congregation of about 600 families. This growth occurred largely under the tenure of Rabbi Harry A. Roth, who lead the congregation from 1962 until 1990 and oversaw the temple’s move to Andover, Massachusetts. This collection includes correspondence, photographs, and sermons.


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Ruminant livestock are important sources of human food and global greenhouse gas emissions. Feed degradation and methane formation by ruminants rely on metabolic interactions between rumen microbes and affect ruminant productivity. Rumen and camelid foregut microbial community composition was determined in 742 samples from 32 animal species and 35 countries, to estimate if this was influenced by diet, host species, or geography. Similar bacteria and archaea dominated in nearly all samples, while protozoal communities were more variable. The dominant bacteria are poorly characterised, but the methanogenic archaea are better known and highly conserved across the world. This universality and limited diversity could make it possible to mitigate methane emissions by developing strategies that target the few dominant methanogens. Differences in microbial community compositions were predominantly attributable to diet, with the host being less influential. There were few strong co-occurrence patterns between microbes, suggesting that major metabolic interactions are non-selective rather than specific. © 2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited.


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The Eva Stroh Family Collection provides material on the lives and family history of members of the Sondheimer and Stroh families. The collection consists of numerous photos and several photo albums, family trees, official documents, correspondence, published articles and clippings and some notes, a notebook documenting cultural activities and some daily calendars.


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DNA ja siinä sijaitsevat geenit ohjaavat kaikkea solujen toimintaa. DNA-molekyyleihin kuitenkin kertyy mutaatioita sekä ympäristön vaikutuksen, että solujen oman toiminnan tuloksena. Mikäli virheitä ei korjata, saattaa tuloksena olla solun muuttuminen syöpäsoluksi. Soluilla onkin käytössä useita DNA-virheiden korjausmekanismeja, joista yksi on ns. mismatch repair (MMR). MMR vastaa DNA:n kahdentumisessa syntyvien virheiden korjauksesta. Periytyvät mutaatiot geeneissä, jotka vastaavat MMR-proteiinien rakentamisesta, aiheuttavat ongelmia DNA:n korjauksessa ja altistavat kantajansa periytyvälle ei-polypoottiselle paksusuolisyöpäoireyhtymälle (hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, HNPCC). Yleisimmin mutatoituneet MMR-geenit ovat MLH1 ja MSH2. HNPCC periytyy vallitsevasti, eli jo toiselta vanhemmalta peritty geenivirhe altistaa syövälle. MMR-geenivirheen kantaja sairastuu syöpään elämänsä aikana suurella todennäköisyydellä, ja sairastumisikä on vain noin 40 vuotta. Syövälle altistavan geenivirheen löytäminen mutaation kantajilta on hyvin tärkeää, sillä säännöllinen seuranta mahdollistaa kehittymässä olevan kasvaimen havaitsemisen ja poistamisen jo aikaisessa vaiheessa. Tämän on osoitettu alentavan syöpäkuolleisuutta merkittävästi. Varma tieto altistuksen alkuperästä on tärkeä myös niille syöpäsuvun jäsenille, jotka eivät kanna kyseistä mutaatiota. Syövälle altistavien mutaatioiden ohella MMR-geeneistä löydetään säännöllisesti muutoksia, jotka ovat normaalia henkilöiden välistä geneettistä vaihtelua, eikä niiden oleteta lisäävän syöpäaltistusta. Altistavien mutaatioiden erottaminen näistä neutraaleista variaatioista on vaikeaa, mutta välttämätöntä altistuneiden tehokkaan seurannan varmistamiseksi. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkittiin 18:a MSH2 -geenin mutaatiota. Mutaatiot oli löydetty perheistä, joissa esiintyi paljon syöpiä, mutta niiden vaikutus DNA:n korjaustehoon ja syöpäaltistukseen oli epäselvä. Työssä tutkittiin kunkin mutaation vaikutusta MSH2-proteiinin normaaliin toimintaan, ja tuloksia verrattiin potilaiden ja sukujen kliinisiin tietoihin. Tutkituista mutaatiosta 12 aiheutti puutteita MMR-korjauksessa. Nämä mutaatiot tulkittiin syövälle altistaviksi. Analyyseissä normaalisti toimineet 4 mutaatiota eivät todennäköisesti ole syynä syövän syntyyn kyseisillä perheillä. Tulkinta jätettiin avoimeksi 2 mutaation kohdalla. Tutkimuksesta hyötyivät suoraan kuvattujen mutaatioiden kantajaperheet, joiden geenivirheen syöpäaltistuksesta saatiin tietoa, mahdollistaen perinnöllisyysneuvonnan ja seurannan kohdentamisen sitä tarvitseville. Työ selvensi myös mekanismeja, joilla mutatoitunut MSH2-proteiini voi menettää toimintakykynsä.


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The nature of a burial is always ritualistic. This is often forgotten when dealing with Finnish inhumation burials containing animal bones. Only the animal bones found close to the deceased have traditionally been thought to have a ritualistic purpose. The animal bones found in the filling of the grave, which is still part of the burial, has on the other hand, often been neglected in the previous research. In this Master s thesis I will discuss the function and interpretation of animal bones in graves. The base of this study is six sites, all of different nature, from Finland. Luistari in Eura is from the western coast and is dated to Late Iron Age (and possibly Medieval period), the Medieval hamlet of Finno is situated in Espoo which is situated on the southern coast. Two town burials, Turku and Porvoo, are also included in this study. The graves from Turku are dated to Late Medieval period and Early Renaissance, whereas the cemetery in Porvoo is from the 18th century. Visulahti in Mikkeli is from the Late Iron Age and represents Eastern Finnish burial tradition, the same as Suotniemi from Käkisalmi parish, which is nowadays part of Russia. While parts of the animal bones had already been analysed before, the author also analysed animal bones for the purpose of the present Master´s thesis. The bones were compared to the burial contexts, when possible. Based on the comparisons I have made interpretations which might explain the existence of animal bones in the graves. The interpretations are among others sacrifice, commemoration meals and animal burials. The site could also have been a settlement site prior to the graves, thus the bones in the graves would belong to the settlement phase. When comparing the date of the studied sites, the town burials are later and the animal bones are probably related to previous or contemporary use of the sites as graveyards. On top of this there does not seem to be much difference in burial tradition between Eastern and Western Finland, although at least from the hamlet burials of Finno there are aspects that could be linked to Eastern burials. In making the interpretations I have taken into consideration the aspects of belief during different time periods when they could be accounted as relevant. Also the problems with bone preservation were relevant and challenging for the study. Often only the hardest substance of the skeleton, namely teeth, has been preserved. For this reason the quality of the archaeological documentation was a key issue in this study. In producing quality interpretations of the animal bones in graves, the bones, contexts and their relationship to the surrounding site should be documented with care.


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Kalateollisuus ja kalakauppa tarvitsisivat menetelmän, jolla kalan säilyvyyttä voitaisiin arvioida reaaliaikaisesti ja luotettavasti. Laatuindeksimenetelmä QIM® (engl. Quality Index Method) on käytössä jo useassa Euroopan maassa useille eri kalalajeille. QIM® pyrkii lajikohtaisesti ennustamaan aistinvaraisten ominaisuuksien muutoksien perusteella jäljellä olevaa säilyvyysaikaa. Työn tavoitteena oli luoda QIM® meressä kasvatetulle siialle. Tämä on ensimmäinen suomalaiselle kalalle tehtävä QIM®, ja tavoitteena on saada meressä kasvatetun siian QIM® myös viralliseen QIM®-käsikirjaan. Tutkimus tehtiin Elintarviketurvallisuusvirasto Eviralle. Tutkittavat kalat Evira osti Kalatukku E. Eriksson Oy:ltä. QIM®-tuloksen tueksi tutkittiin yhden erän pH ja indikoitiin pilaantuminen myös mikrobiologisesti. Luotiin myös kasvatetun siian profiili (arvioijia 13). Itse tutkimusosassa kaksi profiiliraatia (n = 9) ja QIM®-raati (n = 5) arvioivat raa’an ja kypsän kalan. Tulos varmistettiin myös aistinvaraisella kalan laadunarviointimenetelmällä (Evira 8001). QIM®-raati loi QIM®-luonnoksen ja luonnoksen toimivuutta testattiin. Kiinteänä osana työn toteutusta oli myös eri vaiheiden muutosten valokuvaus. Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan luotu QIM®-luonnos on toimiva pohja validoitaessaa QIM®-menetelmää siialle. Voidaan myös todeta, että QIM® soveltuu meressä kasvatetulle siialle. Kypsän kalan aistinvaraisella laadunarviointimenetelmällä (Evira 8001) analysoitiin säilytysajankohta, jolloin kypsästä kalasta voitiin todeta kalan kauppakelvottomuus – tätä pidettiin ajanhetkenä, jolloin raa’an kalan tutkiminen voitiin lopettaa. Tutkimuksessa käytetty mikrobiologinen menetelmä ”Mikrobien lukumäärän määrittäminen” (Evira 3420/1) korreloi QIM®-tuloksen kanssa; kalanäyte oli tässä tutkimuksessa niin mikrobiologisesti arvioituna kuin laatuindeksinkin mukaan käyttökelvotonta viidentenätoista päivänä. Tutkittujen kalojen pH-arvoja ei voitu verrata laatuindeksiin, sillä tässä tutkimuksessa mitattujen pH-arvojen tuloksista ei voitu päätellä pilaantumisen etenemistä. Kun QIM® meressä kasvatetulle siialle on validoitu (Evira), valmista meressä kasvatetun siian QI-menetelmää voidaan hyödyntää jatkossa Suomen kalateollisuudessa ja -markkinoilla. Olisi hyvä, jos QIM® luotaisiin myös muille Suomen yleisimmille kauppakaloille, jotta pakkauksiin merkityt viimeiset käyttöpäivät perustuisivat yhteen yhteiseen menetelmään ja näin viimeisellä käyttöpäivällä olisi tieteellinen pohja.


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Executive Summary: A number of studies have shown that mobile, bottom-contact fishing gear (such as otter trawls) can alter seafloor habitats and associated biota. Considerably less is known about the recovery of these resources following such disturbances, though this information is critical for successful management. In part, this paucity of information can be attributed to the lack of access to adequate control sites – areas of the seafloor that are closed to fishing activity. Recent closures along the coast of central California provide an excellent opportunity to track the recovery of historically trawled areas and to compare recovery rates to adjacent areas that continue to be trawled. In June 2006 we initiated a multi-year study of the recovery of seafloor microhabitats and associated benthic fauna inside and outside two new Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) closures within the Cordell Bank and Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuaries. Study sites inside the EFH closure at Cordell Bank were located in historically active areas of fishing effort, which had not been trawled since 2003. Sites outside the EFH closure in the Gulf of Farallones were located in an area that continues to be actively trawled. All sites were located in unconsolidated sands at equivalent water depths. Video and still photographic data collected via a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) were used to quantify the abundance, richness, and diversity of microhabitats and epifaunal macro-invertebrates at recovering and actively trawled sites, while bottom grabs and conductivity/temperature/depth (CTD) casts were used to quantify infaunal diversity and to characterize local environmental conditions. Analysis of still photos found differences in common seafloor microhabitats between the recovering and actively trawled areas, while analysis of videographic data indicated that biogenic mound and biogenic depression microhabitats were significantly less abundant at trawled sites. Each of these features provides structure with which demersal fishes, across a wide range of size classes, have been observed to associate. Epifaunal macro-invertebrates were sparsely distributed and occurred in low numbers in both treatments. However, their total abundance was significantly different between treatments, which was attributable to lower densities at trawled sites. In addition, the dominant taxa were different between the two sites. Patchily-distributed buried brittle stars dominated the recovering site, and sea whips (Halipteris cf. willemoesi) were most numerous at the trawled site though they occurred in only five of ten transects. Numerical classification (cluster analysis) of the infaunal samples also revealed a clear difference between benthic assemblages in the recovering vs. trawled areas due to differences in the relative abundances of component species. There were no major differences in infaunal species richness, H′ diversity, or J′ evenness between recovering vs. trawled site groups. However, total infaunal abundance showed a significant difference attributable to much lower densities at trawled sites. This pattern was driven largely by the small oweniid polychaete Myriochele gracilis, which was the most abundant species in the overall study region though significantly less abundant at trawled sites. Other taxa that were significantly less abundant at trawled sites included the polychaete M. olgae and the polychaete family Terebellidae. In contrast, the thyasirid bivalve Axinopsida serricata and the polychaetes Spiophanes spp. (mostly S. duplex), Prionospio spp., and Scoloplos armiger all had significantly to near significantly higher abundances at trawled sites. As a result of such contrasting species patterns, there also was a significant difference in the overall dominance structure of infaunal assemblages between the two treatments. It is suggested that the observed biological patterns were the result of trawling impacts and varying levels of recovery due to the difference in trawling status between the two areas. The EFH closure was established in June 2006, within a month of when sampling was conducted for the present study, however, the stations within this closure area are at sites that actually have experienced little trawling since 2003, based on National Marine Fishery Service trawl records. Thus, the three-year period would be sufficient time for some post-trawling changes to have occurred. Other results from this study (e.g., similarly moderate numbers of infaunal species in both areas that are lower than values recorded elsewhere in comparable habitats along the California continental shelf) also indicate that recovery within the closure area is not yet complete. Additional sampling is needed to evaluate subsequent recovery trends and persistence of effects. Furthermore, to date, the study has been limited to unconsolidated substrates. Ultimately, the goal of this project is to characterize the recovery trajectories of a wide spectrum of seafloor habitats and communities and to link that recovery to the dynamics of exploited marine fishes. (PDF has 48 pages.)


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The Vancouver Lake Pilot Dredge Study revealed concentrations of certain chemicals which could be of concern: the metals copper, zinc and mercury and the pesticides lindane and aldrin were found in significant amounts. (PDF contains 1 page)


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The authors provide an extensive annotated bibliography to a full list of species occurring in Scotland, to highlight what is known about them and to indicate potential areas for further research. The list of references brings together published research papers and numerous unpublished theses and reports, including experimental and laboratory studies conducted in Scotland, although some may not have unique application to the fish fauna in Scottish waters. There has been no attempt to include references that are made incidentally in the general literature intended for naturalists.


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This translation includes selected passages of a longer paper on Mastigophora and Rhizopoda found in saline lakes Weissovo and Repnoie. The translation focuses on describing taxonomy and morphology of Ochromonas species and Pedinella. Plates and figures of the original paper are not included in the translation.


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Fish assemblages were investigated in tidal-creek and seagrass habitats in the Suwannee River estuary, Florida. A total of 91,571 fish representing 43 families were collected in monthly seine samples from January 1997 to December 1999. Tidal creeks supported greater densities of fish (3.89 fish/m2; 83% of total) than did seagrass habitats (0.93 fish/m2). We identified three distinct fish assemblages in each habitat: winter−spring, summer, and fall. Pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides), pigfish (Orthopristis chrysoptera), and syngnathids characterized seagrass assemblages, whereas spot (Leiostomus xanthurus), bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli), silversides (Menidia spp.), mojarras (Eucinostomus spp.), and fundulids characterized tidal-creek habitats. Important recreational and commercial species such as striped mullet (Mugil cephalus) and red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) were found primarily in tidal creeks and were among the top 13 taxa in the fish assemblages found in the tidal-creek habitats. Tidal-creek and seagrass habitats in the Suwannee River estuary were found to support diverse fish assemblages. Seasonal patterns in occurrence, which were found to be associated with recruitment of early-life-history stages, were observed for many of the fish species.