968 resultados para Formation Mechanisms


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The discovery of mesoporous molecular sieves, MCM-41, which possesses a regular hexagonal array of uniform pore openings, aroused a worldwide resurgence in this field. This is not only because it has brought about a series of novel mesoporous materials with various compositions which may find applications in catalysis, adsorption, and guest-host chemistry, but also it has opened a new avenue for creating zeotype materials. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of recent advances in the field of MCM-41. Beginning with the chemistry of surfactant/silicate solutions, progresses made in design and synthesis, characterization, and physicochemical property evaluation of MCM-41 are enumerated. Proposed formation mechanisms are presented, discussed, and identified. Potential applications are reviewed and projected. More than 100 references are cited.


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The emission of particles in the ultrafine range (<100 nm) from laser printers has not been reported until recently (Uhde et al., 2006; He et al., 2007; Morawska et al., 2009). The research reported to date has provided a body of information about printer emissions and shed light on particle formation mechanisms. However, until now, the effect of fuser roller temperature on particle emissions had not been comprehensively investigated...


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Noble gases are mostly known as inert monatomic gases due to their limited reactivity with other elements. However, the first predictions of noble-gas compounds were suggested by Kossel in 1916, by von Antropoff in 1924, and by Pauling in 1930. It took many decades until the first noble-gas compound, XePtF6, was synthesized by Neil Bartlett in 1962. This was followed by gradual development of the field and many noble-gas compounds have been prepared. In 1995, a family of noble-gas hydride molecules was discovered at the University of Helsinki. These molecules have the general formula of HNgY, where H is a hydrogen atom, Ng is a noble-gas atom (Ar, Kr, or Xe), and Y is an electronegative fragment. The first molecular species made include HXeI, HXeBr, HXeCl, HKrCl and HXeH. Nowadays the total number of prepared HNgY molecules is 23 including both inorganic and organic compounds. The first and only neutral ground-state argon compound, HArF, was synthetized in 2000. Helium and neon are the only elements in the periodic table that do not form neutral, ground-state molecules. In this Thesis, experimental preparation of eight novel xenon- and krypton-containing organo-noble-gas hydrides made from acetylene (HCCH), diacetylene (HCCCCH) and cyanoacetylene (HCCCN) are presented. These novel species include the first organic krypton compound, HKrCCH, as well as the first noble-gas hydride molecule containing two Xe atoms, HXeCCXeH. Other new compounds are HXeCCH, HXeCC, HXeC4H, HKrC4H, HXeC3N, and HKrC3N. These molecules are prepared in noble-gas matrices (krypton or xenon) using ultraviolet photolysis of the precursor molecule and thermal mobilization of the photogenerated H atoms. The molecules were identified using infrared spectroscopy and ab initio calculations. The formation mechanisms of the organo-noble-gas molecules are studied and discussed in this context. The focus is to evidence experimentally the neutral formation mechanisms of HNgY molecules upon global mobility of H atoms. The formation of HXeCCXeH from another noble-gas compound (HXeCC) is demonstrated and discussed. Interactions with the surrounding matrix and molecular complexes of the HXeCCH molecule are studied. HXeCCH was prepared in argon and krypton solids in addition to a Xe matrix. The weak HXeCCH∙∙∙CO2 complex is prepared and identified. Preparation of the HXeCCH∙∙∙CO2 complex demonstrates an advanced approach to studies of HNgY complexes where the precursor complex (HCCH∙∙∙CO2) is obtained using photolysis of a larger molecule (propiolic acid).


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The importance of intermolecular interactions to chemistry, physics, and biology is difficult to overestimate. Without intermolecular forces, condensed phase matter could not form. The simplest way to categorize different types of intermolecular interactions is to describe them using van der Waals and hydrogen bonded (H-bonded) interactions. In the H-bond, the intermolecular interaction appears between a positively charged hydrogen atom and electronegative fragments and it originates from strong electrostatic interactions. H-bonding is important when considering the properties of condensed phase water and in many biological systems including the structure of DNA and proteins. Vibrational spectroscopy is a useful tool for studying complexes and the solvation of molecules. Vibrational frequency shift has been used to characterize complex formation. In an H-bonded system A∙∙∙H-X (A and X are acceptor and donor species, respectively), the vibrational frequency of the H-X stretching vibration usually decreases from its value in free H-X (red-shift). This frequency shift has been used as evidence for H-bond formation and the magnitude of the shift has been used as an indicator of the H-bonding strength. In contrast to this normal behavior are the blue-shifting H-bonds, in which the H-X vibrational frequency increases upon complex formation. In the last decade, there has been active discussion regarding these blue-shifting H-bonds. Noble-gases have been considered inert due to their limited reactivity with other elements. In the early 1930 s, Pauling predicted the stable noble-gas compounds XeF6 and KrF6. It was not until three decades later Neil Bartlett synthesized the first noble-gas compound, XePtF6, in 1962. A renaissance of noble-gas chemistry began in 1995 with the discovery of noble-gas hydride molecules at the University of Helsinki. The first hydrides were HXeCl, HXeBr, HXeI, HKrCl, and HXeH. These molecules have the general formula of HNgY, where H is a hydrogen atom, Ng is a noble-gas atom (Ar, Kr, or Xe), and Y is an electronegative fragment. At present, this class of molecules comprises 23 members including both inorganic and organic compounds. The first and only argon-containing neutral chemical compound HArF was synthesized in 2000 and its properties have since been investigated in a number of studies. A helium-containing chemical compound, HHeF, was predicted computationally, but its lifetime has been predicted to be severely limited by hydrogen tunneling. Helium and neon are the only elements in the periodic table that do not form neutral, ground state molecules. A noble-gas matrix is a useful medium in which to study unstable and reactive species including ions. A solvated proton forms a centrosymmetric NgHNg+ (Ng = Ar, Kr, and Xe) structure in a noble-gas matrix and this is probably the simplest example of a solvated proton. Interestingly, the hypothetical NeHNe+ cation is isoelectronic with the water-solvated proton H5O2+ (Zundel-ion). In addition to the NgHNg+ cations, the isoelectronic YHY- (Y = halogen atom or pseudohalogen fragment) anions have been studied with the matrix-isolation technique. These species have been known to exist in alkali metal salts (YHY)-M+ (M = alkali metal e.g. K or Na) for more than 80 years. Hydrated HF forms the FHF- structure in aqueous solutions, and these ions participate in several important chemical processes. In this thesis, studies of the intermolecular interactions of HNgY molecules and centrosymmetric ions with various species are presented. The HNgY complexes show unusual spectral features, e.g. large blue-shifts of the H-Ng stretching vibration upon complexation. It is suggested that the blue-shift is a normal effect for these molecules, and that originates from the enhanced (HNg)+Y- ion-pair character upon complexation. It is also found that the HNgY molecules are energetically stabilized in the complexed form, and this effect is computationally demonstrated for the HHeF molecule. The NgHNg+ and YHY- ions also show blue-shifts in their asymmetric stretching vibration upon complexation with nitrogen. Additionally, the matrix site structure and hindered rotation (libration) of the HNgY molecules were studied. The librational motion is a much-discussed solid state phenomenon, and the HNgY molecules embedded in noble-gas matrices are good model systems to study this effect. The formation mechanisms of the HNgY molecules and the decay mechanism of NgHNg+ cations are discussed. A new electron tunneling model for the decay of NgHNg+ absorptions in noble-gas matrices is proposed. Studies of the NgHNg+∙∙∙N2 complexes support this electron tunneling mechanism.


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Traffic-related air pollution has been associated with a wide range of adverse health effects. One component of traffic emissions that has been receiving increasing attention is ultrafine particles(UFP, < 100 nm), which are of concern to human health due to their small diameters. Vehicles are the dominant source of UFP in urban environments. Small-scale variation in ultrafine particle number concentration (PNC) can be attributed to local changes in land use and road abundance. UFPs are also formed as a result of particle formation events. Modelling the spatial patterns in PNC is integral to understanding human UFP exposure and also provides insight into particle formation mechanisms that contribute to air pollution in urban environments. Land-use regression (LUR) is a technique that can use to improve the prediction of air pollution.


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Porous titanium dioxide synthesized with a bicontinuous surfactant template is a promising method that leads to a high active surface area electrode. The template used is based on a water/isooctane/dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate salt together with lecithin. Several parameters were varied during the synthesis to understand and optimize channel formation mechanisms. The material is patterned in stacked conical channels, widening towards the centre of the grains. The active surface area increased by 116% when the concentration of alkoxide precursors was decreased and increased by 241% when the template formation temperature was decreased to 10C. Increasing the oil phase viscosity tends to widen the pore aperture, thus decreasing the overall active surface area. Changing the phase proportions alters the microemulsion integrity and disrupts channel formation.


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The study examined the characterization of rural livelihood of the fishermen in the Nigeria portion of Lake Chad Basin are as part of European Commission (EC) founded project entitled "Sustainable development of continental fisheries; a regional study of policy options and policy formation mechanisms for the Lake Chad Basin" Wealth ranking exercise which was not based on real income but on production capacity of the fishermen was carried out in twenty (20) villages survey on the western part of the region using Rapid Rural Appraisal Technique with semi- structured interviews. The different activities carried out by the villagers for living were identified according to their socio-economic status. This was followed by an assessment of the socio-economic characterization within each wealth group. Series of comparative analysis of the ethnic composition, accessibility of fishing gear ownership by the population were done. The results show that the 3 wealth groups in the region include the rich (Group 1) the middle class (Group 2) and the poor (Group 3). It was identified that fishing is just one component of the socio-economic production system along side farming, livestock rearing and trading which are closely integrated. The diversified livelihood system being practiced in the Chad Basin region are not only less vulnerable but also more sustainable


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激光诱导周期性纳米微结构在多种材料包括电介质、半导体、金属和聚合物中观察到。研究了800 nm和400 nm飞秒激光垂直聚焦于6H SiC晶体表面制备纳米微结构。实验观察到800 nm和400 nm线偏光照射样品表面分别得到周期为150 nm和80 nm的干涉条纹, 800 nm圆偏振激光单独照射样品表面得到粒径约100 nm的纳米颗粒。偏振相互垂直的800 nm和400 nm激光同时照射晶体得到粒径约100 nm的纳米颗粒阵列, 该纳米阵列的方向随400 nm激光强度增加而向400 nm偏振方向偏转。利


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The time of flight mass spectrometric technique was used to determine the initial mean kinetic energy of small fragment ions C-n(+) (n <= 11) produced from C-60 excited by 532 nm nanosecond laser pulses. The measured kinetic energy shows little variation with the fragment mass and the laser fluence in a broad range. Based on the assumption that C-30(+) is produced predominantly by a single electron emission followed by successive C-2 evaporation from hot C-60 in the nanosecond laser field, the formation of small fragments is interpreted as the complete breakup of the unstable C-30(+) cage structure. The interpretation is consistent with the previously observed results.


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This paper reports a versatile seed-mediated growth method for selectively synthesizing single-crystalline rhombic dodecahedral, octahedral, and cubic gold nanocrystals. In the seed-mediated growth method, cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) and CPC-capped single-crystalline gold nanocrystals 41.3 nm in size are used as the surfactant and seeds, respectively. The CPC-capped gold seeds can avoid twinning during the growth process, which enables us to study the correlations between the growth conditions and the shapes of the gold nanocrystals. Surface-energy and kinetic considerations are taken into account to understand the formation mechanisms of the single-crystalline gold nanocrystals with varying shapes.


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YPO4 nano/microcrystals with multiform crystal phases and morphologies, such as hexagonal nano/submicroprisms, spherical-like nanoparticles, and nanorods with different length/diameter ratios as well as tetragonal nanospindles, have been synthesized via a facile hydrothermal route. A series of controlled experiments indicate that the pH values in the initial solution, phosphorus sources, and the organic additive trisodium citrate (Cit(3-)) are responsible for crystal phase and shape determination of final products. It is found that Cit(3-) as a ligand and shape modifier has the dynamic effect by adjusting the growth rate of different facets under different experimental conditions, resulting in the formation of various geometries of the final products. The possible formation mechanisms for products with diverse architectures have been presented.


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LaF3. CeF3, CeF3:Tb3+, and CeF3:Tb3+ @LaF3 (core-shell) 2D nanoplates have been successfully synthesized by a facile and effective hydrothermal process. X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), and photoluminescence (PL) spectra as well as kinetic decays were used to characterize the samples. The experimental results indicate that the organic additive, trisodium citrate (Cit(3-)), as a shape modifier has the dynamic effect by adjusting the growth rate of different crystal facets, resulting in forming the anisotropic geometries of the final products. The possible formation mechanisms for different products have been presented. The CeF3, CeF3:Tb3+, and CeF3:Tb3+ @LaF3 (core/shell) nanoplates show characteristic emission of Ce3+ (5d-4f) and Tb3+ (f-f), respectively.


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Lutetium fluorides with different compositions, crystal phases, and morphologies, such as beta-NaLuF4 hexagonal microprisms, microdisks, mirotubes, alpha-NaLuF4 submicrospheres, LuF3 octahedra, and NH4Lu2F7 icosahedra, prolate ellipsoids and spherical particles have been successfully synthesized via a facile hydrothermal route. X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, selected area electron diffraction, and photoluminescence spectra were used to characterize the samples. The intrinsic structural feature of lutetium fluorides, the solution pH values, F- sources, and organic additives (Cit(3-) and EDTA) account for the ultimate shape evolutions of the final products. The possible formation mechanisms for products with various architectures have been presented. Additionally, we investigated the upconversion luminescence properties of beta-NaLuF4: 20% Yb3+/2% Er3+ with different morphologies.


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beta-NaYF4 microcrystals with a variety of morphologies, such as microrod, hexagonal microprism, and octadecahedron, have been synthesized via a facile hydrothermal route. X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), and photoluminescence (PL) spectra were used to characterize the samples. The intrinsic structural feature of beta-NaYF4 seeds and two important external factors, namely, the pH values in the initial reaction solution and fluoride sources, are responsible for shape determination of beta-NaYF4 microcrystals. It is found that the organic additive trisodium citrate (Cit(3-)) as a shape modifier has the dynamic effect by adjusting the growth rate of different facets under different experimental conditions, resulting in the formation of the anisotropic geometries of various beta-NaYF4 microcrystals. The possible formation mechanisms for products with various architectures have been presented. A systematic study on the photoluminescence of Tb3+-doped beta-NaYF4 samples with rod, prism, and octadecahedral shapes has shown that the optical properties of these phosphors are strongly dependent on their morphologies and sizes.


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Y2O3 : Eu3+ microspheres, with an average diameter of 3 mu m, were successfully prepared through a large-scale and facile solvothermal method followed by a subsequent heat treatment. X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectra, thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis, inductive coupled plasma atomic absorption spectrometric analysis, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, photoluminescence spectra, as well kinetic decays, and cathodoluminescence spectra were used to characterize the samples. These microspheres were actually composed of randomly aggregated nanoparticles. The formation mechanisms for the Y2O3 : Eu3+ microspheres have been proposed on an isotropic growth mechanism. The Y2O3 : Eu3+ microspheres show a strong red emission corresponding to D-5(0) -> F-7(2) transition (610 nm) of Eu3+ under ultraviolet excitation (259 nm) and low-voltage electron beams excitation (1-5 kV), which have potential applications in fluorescent lamps and field emission displays.