996 resultados para Formation Maître-TIC
Travail dirigé présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en sciences infirmières option formation des sciences infirmières
Cette recherche se situe dans le contexte de la société du savoir et de la nécessité de l’apprentissage et du développement professionnel tout au long de la vie. Elle porte sur la dynamique motivationnelle qui anime les enseignants en processus d’apprentissage professionnel, c’est-à-dire lorsqu’ils doivent accomplir des activités dans un programme de formation continue. Les objectifs de cette recherche sont les suivants : développer et valider une échelle qui mesure la satisfaction des besoins psychologiques fondamentaux dans le contexte du développement professionnel lié à l’intégration des TIC chez les enseignants du primaire et du secondaire; déterminer le degré de satisfaction des besoins psychologiques fondamentaux des enseignants dans le contexte de la formation continue concernant l’intégration des TIC; déterminer la perception des enseignants à l’égard de la pertinence des activités de formation continue; identifier les activités et les conditions organisationnelles favorisant la motivation des enseignants du primaire dans leur développement professionnel concernant l’intégration des TIC. Pour atteindre nos objectifs de recherche, nous avons adopté une méthodologie de type mixte, comprenant l’analyse des données quantitatives recueillies à l’aide d’un questionnaire à question fermées (64 participants) et des données qualitatives collectées à l’aide d’entrevues individuelles (5 participants). Malgré certaines limites méthodologiques et conceptuelles, les résultats de la présente recherche indiquent que le soutien à l’autonomie, au sentiment de compétence et à l’appartenance sociale, de même que la pertinence des activités de formation sont proposés comme déterminants principaux de la satisfaction et de la motivation dans le développement professionnel des enseignants. Les résultats de cette recherche ouvrent également la voie à des pistes pour favoriser la motivation dans le développement professionnel et proposent des idées de recherche prospectives.
Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en sciences infirmières option formation
Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en sciences infirmières option expertise-conseil en soins infirmiers
Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.), sciences infirmières option formation en soins infirmiers.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Over the years, society changes, renews and creates conditions for the use of new technological devices. The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to expand in our society and are used also in teaching and learning, making it necessary that the teacher knows them. This study was first to analyze the curriculum of teacher training at the campus of UNESP, specifically in relation to courses Full Degree in Education in order to understand how these courses are structured in relation to the subjects they deal with ICT. For this, we searched the literature on the main issues involving technology and teacher education, curriculum and document analysis of Pedagogy of UNESP. It was noted that only the Faculty of Education offers the campus of Bauru disciplines working technology issues centrally. From this result, the second objective of this research was to understand, through a questionnaire, the views of students of Bauru, enrolled in these disciplines, on the Distance Education. With the results of the questionnaires it was concluded that students rated as important the knowledge of technological tools, made possible by specific disciplines during their training was noted the positive contribution of a comprehensive curriculum with respect to knowledge of ICT for reflection and formation of critical thinking in teachers training
This research shows an investigation on teaching formation in regards to the TICs. Our interest in this subject is due to the fact that new generations of students who attend school require that the classes make use of technology in the classroom environment. By following the phenomenological orientation we have carried out a study which involved a field research at the College of Engineering in Guaratinguetá using the graduate as well as senior students of the Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics of this university. We have analyzed the data under the light of texts of the following authors: Filho (2007), Valente (1993), Miskulin (2006), Borba and Penteado (2001) among others in order to understand the teacher`s formation process to act using technologies in the classroom and its relevance. The data that has been analyzed was obtained in interviews which were conducted with the students of this university. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed according to the rigor of phenomenological research procedures involving ideographic and nomothetic analysis. This analysis has led us to three open categories: 1) Mathematics learning through TICs; 2) Technologies that have been used; 3) Teacher`s role. By understanding the open categories we have been able to grasp that the students -future teachers- admit feeling capable of using technology in their classes, however their testimonies in regards to the TIC`s have led us to believe that there would be a reproduction of the content studied at their time at college without using further reflection upon the subject or autonomy in order to create new projects for teaching Mathmatics using these TICs
This article aims to describe how ICT can contribute to the training of teachers on sex education through the lived experience with the implementation of Workshops, which occurred on I COES - I Conference online of sexual education. This Conference was organized by the University of Lisbon-PT, in partnership with UNESP, SP and SC-UDESC. I COES involved education professionals, who work directly in the school to discuss and exchange their experiences related to sexuality education and related fields, through an online space. The research on teacher formation, initial and continuing on sexuality, sex education, gender and sexual diversity, have demonstrated the need to promote and encourage teachers from all areas, to adopt an intentional and emancipatory, their role as sexual educators . Through web conferencing tool Cisco System, I COES was enable the interaction and questioning of ninety five teachers from various parts of Brazil and Portugal, providing opportunities for rich moments of dialogue and reflection on the issues already mentioned, referring to the brazilian and portuguese realities.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
We studied the global and local ℳ-Z relation based on the first data available from the CALIFA survey (150 galaxies). This survey provides integral field spectroscopy of the complete optical extent of each galaxy (up to 2−3 effective radii), with a resolution high enough to separate individual H II regions and/or aggregations. About 3000 individual H II regions have been detected. The spectra cover the wavelength range between [OII]3727 and [SII]6731, with a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio to derive the oxygen abundance and star-formation rate associated with each region. In addition, we computed the integrated and spatially resolved stellar masses (and surface densities) based on SDSS photometric data. We explore the relations between the stellar mass, oxygen abundance and star-formation rate using this dataset. We derive a tight relation between the integrated stellar mass and the gas-phase abundance, with a dispersion lower than the one already reported in the literature (σ_Δlog (O/H) = 0.07 dex). Indeed, this dispersion is only slightly higher than the typical error derived for our oxygen abundances. However, we found no secondary relation with the star-formation rate other than the one induced by the primary relation of this quantity with the stellar mass. The analysis for our sample of ~3000 individual H II regions confirms (i) a local mass-metallicity relation and (ii) the lack of a secondary relation with the star-formation rate. The same analysis was performed with similar results for the specific star-formation rate. Our results agree with the scenario in which gas recycling in galaxies, both locally and globally, is much faster than other typical timescales, such like that of gas accretion by inflow and/or metal loss due to outflows. In essence, late-type/disk-dominated galaxies seem to be in a quasi-steady situation, with a behavior similar to the one expected from an instantaneous recycling/closed-box model.
A partir de diversos estudios de caso se plantea una aproximación a la utilización por parte del profesorado de Infantil y Primaria en diversos centros de enseñanza de la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. Los resultados señalan que pese a la alta valoración por el profesorado de las TIC como herramienta didáctica en el aula y la progresiva dotación de recursos tecnológicos en los centros educativos en los últimos diez años, la utilización de las TIC por el profesorado aún es escasa. Los motivos principales señalados son las dificultades para la formación en el uso de las nuevas tecnologías y el excesivo tiempo que conlleva la preparación de materiales didácticos.
El propósito de este estudio fue conocer las concepciones de profesores de educación primaria sobre las tecnologías educativas en dos dimensiones: a) conocimiento de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación; y b) creencias sobre el uso educativo que el profesorado da a estas herramientas. Se opta por un enfoque metodológico cuantitativo y un diseño no-experimental descriptivo del tipo encuesta. El análisis de los datos se realizó mediante paquete estadístico SPSS 14.0 y las técnicas utilizadas fueron descriptivos, frecuencias y porcentajes, técnicas de reducción de datos (análisis factorial) e inferencia estadística (comparación de medias y porcentajes). Los resultados demuestran que la mayoría de los profesores reconocen el interés que las tecnologías despiertan en el alumnado y las oportunidades de aprendizaje que ofrecen principalmente en relación con los diferentes ritmos de aprendizaje y las necesidades educativas especiales. Se identifica la búsqueda de información como una competencia fundamental, así como se evidencia que existe una relación causal entre el nivel de formación, la importancia que el profesor otorga al recurso y el uso educativo. Los resultados hacen aconsejable promover programas de formación continua en esta área y fortalecer la formación inicial docente.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.