943 resultados para Electronic filing systems


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Payment systems all over the world have grown into a complicated web of solutions. This is more challenging in the case of mobile based payment systems. Mobile based payment systems are many and consist of different technologies providing different services. The diffusion of these various technologies in a market is uncertain. Diffusion theorists, for example Rogers, and Davis suggest how innovation is accepted in markets. In the case of electronic payment systems, the tale of Mondex vs Octopus throws interesting insights on diffusion. Our paper attempts to understand the success potential of various mobile payment technologies. We illustrate what we describe as technology breadth in mobile payment systems using data from payment systems all over the world (n=62). Our data shows an unexpected superiority of SMS technology, over other technologies like NFC, WAP and others. We also used a Delphi based survey (n=5) with experts to address the possibility that SMS will gain superiority in market diffusion. The economic conditions of a country, particularly in developing countries, the services availed and characteristics of the user (for example number of un-banked users in large populated countries) may put SMS in the forefront. This may be true more for micro payments using the mobile.


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Em uso desde a Grécia antiga e atualmente massificado na maioria dos países do mundo, o sistema de votação tradicional baseado em cédulas de papel possui diversos problemas associados à segurança, tais como dificuldades para evitar coerção do eleitor, venda do voto e substituição fraudulenta do eleitor. Além de problemas de usabilidade que acarretam erros de preenchimento da cédula e um processo de apuração lento, que pode durar dias. Ao lado disso, o sistema tradicional não fornece a contraprova do voto, que permite ao eleitor conferir se o seu voto foi corretamente contabilizado na apuração. Inicialmente acreditou-se que a informatização do sistema de votação resolveria todos os problemas do sistema tradicional. Porém, com a sua implantação em alguns países o sistema de votação eletrônica não mostrou-se capaz de fornecer garantias irrefutáveis que não tivesse sido alvo de alterações fraudulentas durante o seu desenvolvimento ou operação. A má reputação do sistema eletrônico está principalmente associada à falta de transparência dos processos que, em sua maioria, não proporcionam a materialização do voto, conferido pelo eleitor para fins de contagem manual, e nem geram evidências (contraprova) da correta contabilização do voto do eleitor. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor uma arquitetura de votação eletrônica que integra, de forma segura, o anonimato e autenticidade do votante, a confidencialidade e integridade do voto/sistema. O sistema aumenta a usabilidade do esquema de votação baseado em "Três Cédulas" de papel, implementando-o computacionalmente. O esquema oferece maior credibilidade ao sistema de votação através da materialização e contraprova do voto, resistência à coerção e ao comércio do voto. Utilizando esquemas de criptografia assimétrica e segurança computacional clássica, associado a um sistema de auditoria eficiente, a proposta garante segurança e transparência nos processos envolvidos. A arquitetura de construção modular distribui a responsabilidade entre suas entidades, agregando-lhe robustez e viabilizando eleições em grande escala. O protótipo do sistema desenvolvido usando serviços web e Election Markup Language mostra a viabilidade da proposta.


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For 10 years the Institute for Fishing Technology, Hamburg (IFH) has been carrying out experiments in the brown shrimp fishery with beam trawls aiming at a reduction of unwanted bycatches. When the tests were transferred to commercial fishery conditions the personnel effort and costs increased markedly. It became e.g. necessary to install a deep-freeze chain to make it possible to evaluate more samples in the laboratory. This again required to increase the number of technicians for measuring the fish and shrimp samples, but also made it necessary to perform this work in the most rational and time-saving way by applying modern electronic aids. Though all samples still have to be sorted by species and have to be weighed and measured the introduction of electronic aids, however, like electronic measuring board and computer-aided image processing system, all weight and length data are immediately and digitally recorded after processing. They are transferred via a network to a server PC which stores them into a purpose-designed database. This article describes the applicationof two electronic systems: the measuring board (FM 100, Fa. SCANTROL), iniated by a project in the Norwegian Institute for Fishing Technology, and a computer-aided image processing system, focussing on measuring shrimps in their naturally flexed shape, also developed in the Institute for Fishing Technology in close collaboration with the University of Duisburg. These electronic recording systems allow the consistent and reproducible record of data independent of the changing day-to-day personal form of the staff operating them. With the help of these systems the number of measurements the laboratory could be maximized to 250 000 per year. This made it possible to evaluate, in 1999, 525 catch samples from 75 commercial hauls taken during 15 days at sea. The time gain in measuring the samples is about one third of the time previously needed (i.e. one hour per sample). An additional advantage is the immediate availability of the digitally stored data which enables rapid analyses of all finished subexperiments. Both systems are applied today in several institutes of the Federal Research Centre. The image processing system is now the standard measuring method in an international research project.


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Este trabalho investiga a implementação de sistemas fuzzy com circuitos eletrônicos. Tais sistemas têm demonstrado sua capacidade de resolver diversos tipos de problemas em várias aplicações de engenharia, em especial nas relacionadas com controle de processos. Para processos mais complexos, o raciocínio aproximado da lógica fuzzy fornece uma maneira de compreender o comportamento do sistema, permitindo a interpolação aproximada entre situações observadas de entrada e saída. A implementação de um sistema fuzzy pode ser baseada em hardware, em software ou em ambos. Tipicamente, as implementações em software utilizam ambientes de programação integrados com simulação, de modo a facilitar o trabalho do projetista. As implementações em hardware, tradicionais ou evolutivas, podem ser analógicas ou digitais e viabilizam sistemas de maior desempenho. Este trabalho tem por objetivo pesquisar a implementação eletrônica de sistemas fuzzy, a fim de viabilizar a criação de sistemas reais capazes de realizar o mapeamento de entrada e saída adequado. O foco é a utilização de uma plataforma com uma arquitetura analógico-digital baseada em uma tabela de mapeamento armazenada em uma memória de alta capacidade. Memórias do tipo SD (Secure Digital) foram estudadas e utilizadas na construção do protótipo eletrônico da plataforma. Também foram desenvolvidos estudos sobre a quantização, especificamente sobre a possibilidade de redução do número de bits. Com a implementação realizada é possível desenvolver um sistema fuzzy num ambiente simulado (Matlab), configurar a plataforma e executar o sistema fuzzy diretamente na plataforma eletrônica. Os testes com o protótipo construído comprovaram seu bom funcionamento.


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Near-space, defined as the altitude region between 20 and 100 km, offers many capabilities that are not accessible for low Earth-orbit (LEO) satellites or airplanes because it is above storm and not constrained by orbital mechanics and high fuel consumption. Hence, a high flying speed can be obtained for the maneuvering vehicles operating in near-space. This offers a promising solution to simultaneous high-resolution and wide-swath synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging. As such, one near-space wide-swath SAR imaging technique is presented in this letter. The system configuration, signal model, and imaging scheme are described. An example near-space SAR system is designed, and its imaging performance is analyzed. Simulation results show that near-space maneuvering vehicle SAR indeed seems to be a promising solution to wide-swath SAR imaging.


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Background: Insufficient physical activity (PA) levels which increase the risk of chronic disease are reported by almost two-thirds of the population. More evidence is needed about how PA promotion can be effectively implemented in general practice (GP), particularly in socio-economically disadvantaged communities. One tool recommended for the assessment of PA in GP and supported by NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) is The General Practice Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPPAQ) but details of how it may be used and of its acceptability to practitioners and patients are limited. This study aims to examine aspects of GPPAQ administration in non-urgent patient contacts using different primary care electronic recording systems and to explore the views of health professionals regarding its use.

Methods: Four general practices, selected because of their location within socio-economically disadvantaged areas, were invited to administer GPPAQs to patients, aged 35-75 years, attending non-urgent consultations, over two-week periods. They used different methods of administration and different electronic medical record systems (EMIS, Premiere, Vision). Participants’ (general practitioners (GPs), nurses and receptionists) views regarding GPPAQ use were explored via questionnaires and focus groups.

Results: Of 2,154 eligible consultations, 192 (8.9%) completed GPPAQs; of these 83 (43%) were categorised as inactive. All practices were located within areas ranked as being in the tertile of greatest socio-economic deprivation in Northern Ireland. GPs/nurses in two practices invited completion of the GPPAQ, receptionists did so in two. One practice used an electronic template; three used paper copies of the questionnaires. End-of-study questionnaires, completed by 11 GPs, 3 nurses and 2 receptionists and two focus groups, with GPs (n = 8) and nurses (n = 4) indicated that practitioners considered the GPPAQ easy to use but not in every consultation. Its use extended consultation time, particularly for patients with complex problems who could potentially benefit from PA promotion.

Conclusions: GPs and nurses reported that the GPPAQ itself was an easy tool with which to assess PA levels in general practice and feasible to use in a range of electronic record systems but integration within routine practice is constrained by time and complex consultations. Further exploration of ways to facilitate PA promotion into practice is needed.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores


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Les professionnels de l'information traversent actuellement une période de redéfinition de leur profession provoquée par la transformation de l'information et des processus informationnels vers un mode de plus en plus électronique. Les systèmes d'information Web (SIW) — c'est-à-dire des systèmes d'information basés sur les technologies Web tels que les sites Web externes, les intranets, les systèmes de commerce électronique et les extranets — font partie des technologies à l'origine de ces changements. Ces systèmes sont de plus en plus adoptés par les organisations et, en particulier, par les gouvernements dans leur volonté de devenir électroniques. Le gouvernement fédéral canadien est reconnu comme un des plus innovateurs en matière de SIW et doit adapter son environnement informationnel, dont font partie les professionnels de l'information, à l'introduction de ces systèmes. Malgré l'innovation que les SIW représentent, peu d'études empiriques ont été menées pour identifier quels sont les intervenants nécessaires à leur mise en place. Aucun consensus n'émerge de la littérature quant à la nature de l'intervention des professionnels de l'information dans ces systèmes. Cette recherche vise à accroître les connaissances sur l'intervention des professionnels de l'information dans les SIW. Pour les besoins de cette recherche, les professionnels de l'information sont définis comme les personnes ayant une maîtrise en bibliothéconomie et sciences de l'information ou toute autre formulation équivalente. Cette recherche étudie quatre questions de recherche qui portent sur : (1) les rôles des professionnels de l'information décrits dans les politiques d'information pan-gouvernementales liées aux SIW ainsi que ceux des autres intervenants mentionnés en lien direct avec les SIW, (2) les types de SIW dans lesquels les professionnels de l'information interviennent, (3) les tâches des professionnels de l'information dans ces SIW, et (4) les autres intervenants qui travaillent dans ces systèmes. Une approche qualitative a été utilisée pour répondre à ces questions et implique quatre modes de collecte des données : (1) des entrevues en profondeur en personne avec des professionnels de l'information impliqués dans des SIW, (2) une analyse des SIW où interviennent ces professionnels de l'information, (3) une analyse des politiques pan-gouvernementales liées aux SIW, et (4) la documentation pertinente. Les professionnels de l'information rencontrés proviennent de sept ministères du gouvernement fédéral canadien, ministères retenus pour leur implication dans les SIW. Les résultats indiquent que les professionnels de l'information rencontrés interviennent dans les SIW aux niveaux micro et macro, c'est-à-dire dans des SIW spécifiques ainsi que globalement au niveau de l'ensemble des SIW d'un ministère ou du gouvernement fédéral. Ces professionnels de l'information sont impliqués dans toutes les dimensions et les phases de développement des SIW. Les tâches liées au contenu sont prédominantes mais les tâches technologiques sont aussi très présentes. Trois variables se dégagent de cette étude qui ont un impact sur l'intervention des professionnels de l'information dans les SIW : les types de SIW, les types de postes occupés par les professionnels de l'information et les types de gouvernance.


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"Des spécialistes de la Cour suprême du Canada et de la Cour fédérale du Canada, Bill MURRAY et Gary PINDER, ont entrepris d’explorer les moyens par lesquels ces institutions pourraient prendre le virage vers l’électronique pour leurs échanges et leur gestion de l’information. Deux projets ont initialement été présentés au programme Gouvernement en direct. Ces projets ont progressivement convergés jusqu’au point de n’en former qu’un seul, celui décrit dans le « Document de travail : Modèle de fournisseur de services de dépôt électronique ». Un document, avertissent ses auteurs, qui ne vise pas l’endossement d’un modèle particulier, mais plutôt l’identification des voies par lesquelles un système cohérent de dépôt électronique pourrait être mis en place au Canada. D'emblée, quatre éléments du modèle proposé apparaissent particulièrement remarquables : il offre un cadre d’ensemble plutôt qu’un projet isolé ; il s’appuie sur l’utilisation de normes techniques, « Standard as Key Enabler » écrivent-ils ; il met à profit l’entreprise privée, un partenaire capable de trouver les marchés et de les développer ; il prévoit enfin, et ce n’est pas le moindre de ses mérites, la création d’un environnement compétitif pour le dépôt électronique. Selon nous, la voie qu’ils ont tracée peut être empruntée. Ce n’est pas dire qu’il faille accepter, tels quels, tous les éléments du projet sans examiner d’autres orientations ou poursuivre certaines réflexions. Mais, dans l’ensemble, la direction est juste et nous devrions nous y engager. Nous avons choisi de suggérer des orientations, et elles convergent presque toujours avec celles adoptées par les auteurs du document de travail. Nous ne mentionnons ici que la plus centrale d’entre elles. Le projet de mettre en place un système cohérent de dépôt électronique confirme s’il était nécessaire le besoin maintes fois ressenti d’un conseil canadien de l’information juridique. Un tel conseil pourrait mener des consultations et procéder à l’adoption des normes techniques qui manquent aujourd’hui cruellement au monde juridique canadien. Le présent projet et la réflexion qu’il nous impose nous offrent peut-être l’occasion de nous doter de cet outil qui non seulement pourrait clarifier le cadre du dépôt électronique, mais aussi d’élaborer les autres normes et lignes de conduite nécessaires à notre domaine. Il reste à inviter la magistrature à examiner attentivement le projet avancé par MURRAY et PINDER. Il esquisse une approche audacieuse et nouvelle pour que nos institutions judiciaires évoluent vers une utilisation encore plus efficiente des nouveaux moyens technologiques. L’influence et l’appui éclairé de la magistrature sont essentiels au démarrage d’un tel projet. D’autres aussi auront à examiner les mérites du modèle proposé, notamment les responsables administratifs des grandes institutions judiciaires canadiennes, nous sommes certains qu’ils sauront eux aussi reconnaître les possibilités que recèle ce projet."


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"Le présent rapport a pour objet de fournir un commentaire détaillé sur la faisabilité globale d'un portail unique de dépôt électronique hébergé par le secteur privé (modèle transactionnel central de dépôt électronique) fondé sur la norme LegalXML. Le résultat attendu principal est une opinion concernant la faisabilité du modèle à guichet unique (portail électronique). D'autres résultats attendus comprennent : une connaissance accrue chez les intéressés du modèle de fournisseur de services et une évaluation préliminaire de l'appui que le modèle reçoit. Nous avons utilisé deux véhicules d'analyse principaux pour réaliser les objectifs de l'étude susmentionnés : des analyses documentaires et des entretiens auprès d'intéressés. Les analyses visent explicitement à : examiner des approches différentes au dépôt électronique, notamment un système de dépôt électronique comme extension de chaque instance, et l'hébergement par le secteur privé par opposition au secteur public d'un guichet unique; recenser les questions et les facteurs de risque critiques se rapportant à la mise en place de services de dépôt électronique dans les cours, notamment la protection des renseignements personnels, la propriété intellectuelle et la sécurité, et en discuter; opposer chacun de ces points au modèle de FSA; faire des recommandations sur la stratégie permettant de régler les questions et les facteurs de risque critiques. L'étude a révélé que : de nombreux intéressés appuient le dépôt électronique; de nombreux intéressés (p. ex. les avocats) ne font aucune distinction entre les formes différentes de dépôt électronique, tandis que d'autres s'en soucient beaucoup (p. ex. administrateurs de certaines cours); un modèle de fournisseur de services de dépôt électronique (FSDE) à guichet unique offre quelques avantages importants par rapport à une approche de dépôt électronique individuelle, surtout pour ce qui concerne les coûts et la plate-forme de l'avenir; un modèle de FSDE du secteur privé offre des avantages considérables par rapport à un modèle de FSDE du secteur privé, surtout en matière de succès et de coût de la mise en œuvre."


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This dissertation studies the effects of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on the banking sector and the payments system. It provides insight into how technology-induced changes occur, by exploring both the nature and scope of main technology innovations and evidencing their economic implications for banks and payment systems. Some parts in the dissertation are descriptive. They summarise the main technological developments in the field of finance and link them to economic policies. These parts are complemented with sections of the study that focus on assessing the extent of technology application to banking and payment activities. Finally, it includes also some work which borrows from the economic literature on banking. The need for an interdisciplinary approach arises from the complexity of the topic and the rapid path of change to which it is subject. The first chapter provides an overview of the influence of developments in ICT on the evolution of financial services and international capital flows. We include main indicators and discuss innovation in the financial sector, exchange rates and international capital flows. The chapter concludes with impact analysis and policy options regarding the international financial architecture, some monetary policy issues and the role of international institutions. The second chapter is a technology assessment study that focuses on the relationship between technology and money. The application of technology to payments systems is transforming the way we use money and, in some instances, is blurring the definition of what constitutes money. This chapter surveys the developments in electronic forms of payment and their relationship to the banking system. It also analyses the challenges posed by electronic money for regulators and policy makers, and in particular the opportunities created by two simultaneous processes: the Economic and Monetary Union and the increasing use of electronic payment instruments. The third chapter deals with the implications of developments in ICT on relationship banking. The financial intermediation literature explains relationship banking as a type of financial intermediation characterised by proprietary information and multiple interactions with customers. This form of banking is important for the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises. We discuss the effects of ICT on the banking sector as a whole and then apply these developments to the case of relationship banking. The fourth chapter is an empirical study of the effects of technology on the banking business, using a sample of data from the Spanish banking industry. The design of the study is based on some of the events described in the previous chapters, and also draws from the economic literature on banking. The study shows that developments in information management have differential effects on wholesale and retail banking activities. Finally, the last chapter is a technology assessment study on electronic payments systems in Spain and the European Union. It contains an analysis of existing payment systems and ongoing or planned initiatives in Spain. It forms part of a broader project comprising a series of country-specific analyses covering ten European countries. The main issues raised across the countries serve as the starting point to discuss implications of the development of electronic money for regulation and policies, and in particular, for monetary-policy making.


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Impedance spectroscopy has been proven a powerful tool for reaching high sensitivity in sensor arrays made with nanostructured films in the so-called electronic tongue systems, whose distinguishing ability may be enhanced with sensing units capable of molecular recognition. In this study we show that for optimized sensors and bio-sensors the dielectric relaxation processes involved in impedance measurements should also be considered, in addition to an adequate choice of sensing materials. We used sensing units made from layer-by-layer (LbL) films with alternating layers of the polyeletrolytes, poly(allylamine) hydrochloride (PAH) and poly(vinyl sulfonate) (PVS), or LbL films of PAH alternated with layers of the enzyme phytase, all adsorbed on gold interdigitate electrodes. Surprisingly, the detection of phytic acid was as effective in the PVS/PAH sensing system as with the PAH/phytase system, in spite of the specific interactions of the latter. This was attributed to the dependence of the relaxation processes on nonspecific interactions such as electrostatic cross-linking and possibly on the distinct film architecture as the phytase layers were found to grow as columns on the LbL film, in contrast to the molecularly thin PAH/PVS films. Using projection techniques, we were able to detect phytic acid at the micromolar level with either of the sensing units in a data analysis procedure that allows for further optimization.


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With the proliferation of electronic information systems over the last two decades, the integrity of the stored data and its uses have become an essential component of effective organisational functioning. This digitised format, used in input, output, processing, storage, and communication, has given those wishing to deceive new opportunities. This paper examines the nature of deception and its potential as a new security risk in the information age.