939 resultados para Electric currents.
Trade-off between settling time and micropower consumption in MOS regulated cascode current sources as building parts in high-accuracy, current-switching D/A converters is analyzed. The regulation-loop frequency characteristic is obtained and difficulties to impose a dominant-pole condition to the resulting 2nd-order system are discussed. Raising pole frequencies while meeting consumption requirements is basically limited by parasitic capacitances. An alternative is found by imposing a twin-pole system in which design constraints are somewhat relaxed and settling slightly faster. Relationships between pole frequencies, transistor geometry and bias are established. Simulated waveforms obtained with PSpice of designed circuits following a voltage perturbation suggest a good agreement with theory. The proposed approach applied to the design of a micropower current-mode D/A converter improves its simulated settling performance.
Although conventional rotating machines have been largely used to drive underground transportation systems, linear induction motors are also being considered for future applications owing to their indisputable advantages. A mathematical model for the transient behavior analysis of linear induction motors, when operating with constant r.m.s. currents, is presented in this paper. Operating conditions, like phase short-circuit and input frequency variations and also some design characteristics, such as air-gap and secondary resistivity variations, can be considered by means of this modeling. The basis of the mathematical modeling is presented. Experimental results obtained in the laboratory are compared with the corresponding simulations and discussed in this paper.
A new strategy for minimization of Cu2+ and Pb2+ interferences on the spectrophotometric determination of Cd2+ by the Malachite green (MG)-iodide reaction using electrolytic deposition of interfering species and solid phase extraction of Cd2+ in flow system is proposed. The electrolytic cell comprises two coiled Pt electrodes concentrically assembled. When the sample solution is electrolyzed in a mixed solution containing 5% (v/v) HNO3, 0.1% (v/v) H2SO4 and 0.5 M NaCl, Cu2+ is deposited as Cu on the cathode, Pb2+ is deposited as PbO2 on the anode while Cd2+ is kept in solution. After electrolysis, the remaining solution passes through an AG1-X8 resin (chloride form) packed minicolumn in which Cd2+ is extracted as CdCl4/2-. Electrolyte compositions, flow rates, timing, applied current, and electrolysis time was investigated. With 60 s electrolysis time, 0.25 A applied current, Pb2+ and Cu2+ levels up to 50 and 250 mg 1-1, respectively, can be tolerated without interference. For 90 s resin loading time, a linear relationship between absorbance and analyte concentration in the 5.00-50.0 μg Cd 1-1 range (r2 = 0.9996) is obtained. A throughput of 20 samples per h is achieved, corresponding to about 0.7 mg MG and 500 mg KI and 5 ml sample consumed per determination. The detection limit is 0.23 μg Cd 1-1. The accuracy was checked for cadmium determination in standard reference materials, vegetables and tap water. Results were in agreement with certified values of standard reference materials and with those obtained by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry at 95% confidence level. The R.S.D. for plant digests and water containing 13.0 μg Cd 1-1 was 3.85% (n = 12). The recoveries of analyte spikes added to the water and vegetable samples ranged from 94 to 104%. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.
This paper describes a analog implementation of radial basis neural networks (RBNN) in BiCMOS technology. The RBNN uses a gaussian function obtained through the characteristic of the bipolar differential pair. The gaussian parameters (gain, center and width) is changed with programmable current source. Results obtained with PSPICE software is showed.
This paper presents an improved design methodology for determining the parameters used in the classical Series-Parallel Loaded Resonant (SPLR) filter employed in the switching frequency controlled dimmable electronic ballasts. According to the analysis developed in this paper, it is possible to evaluate some characteristics of the resonant filter during the dimming process, such as: range of switching frequency, phase shift and rms value of the current drained by the resonant filter + fluorescent lamp set.
An electronic ballast for multiple tubular fluorescent lamps is presented in this paper. The proposed structure features high power-factor, dimming capability, and soft-switching to the semiconductor devices operated in high frequencies. A Zero-Current-Switching - Pulse-Width-Modulated (ZCS-PWM) SEPIC converter composes the rectifying stage, controlled by the instantaneous average input current technique, performing soft-commutations and high input power factor. Regarding the inverting stage, it is composed by a classical resonant Half-Bridge converter, associated to Series Parallel-Loaded Resonant (SPLR) filters. The dimming control technique employed in this Half-Bridge inverter is based on the phase-shift in the current processed through the sets of filter + lamp. In addition, experimental results are shown in order to validate the developed analysis.
In some applications like fault analysis, fault location, power quality studies, safety analysis, loss analysis, etc., knowing the neutral wire and ground currents and voltages could be of particular interest. In order to investigate effects of neutrals and system grounding on the operation of the distribution feeders with faults, in this research a hybrid short circuit algorithm is generalized. In this novel use of the technique, the neutral wire and assumed ground conductor are explicitly represented. Results obtained from several case studies using IEEE 34-node test network are presented and discussed.
In this work, the planning of secondary distribution circuits is approached as a mixed integer nonlinear programming problem (MINLP). In order to solve this problem, a dedicated evolutionary algorithm (EA) is proposed. This algorithm uses a codification scheme, genetic operators, and control parameters, projected and managed to consider the specific characteristics of the secondary network planning. The codification scheme maps the possible solutions that satisfy the requirements in order to obtain an effective and low-cost projected system-the conductors' adequate dimensioning, load balancing among phases, and the transformer placed at the center of the secondary system loads. An effective algorithm for three-phase power flow is used as an auxiliary methodology of the EA for the calculation of the fitness function proposed for solutions of each topology. Results for two secondary distribution circuits are presented, whereas one presents radial topology and the other a weakly meshed topology. © 2005 IEEE.
The problem of power system stability including the effects of a flexible alternating current transmission system (FACTS) is approached. First, the controlled series compensation is considered in the machine against infinite bar system and its effects are taken into account by means of construction of a Lyapunov function (LF). This simple system is helpful in order to understand the form the device affects dynamic and transient performance of the power system. After, the multimachine case is considered and it is shown that the single-machine results apply to multimachine systems. An energy-form Lyapunov function is derived for the power system including the FACTS device and it is used to analyse damping and synchronizing effects due to the FACTS device in single-machine as well as in multimachine power systems. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The objective of this paper is to show an alternative methodology to calculate transmission line parameters per unit length. With this methodology the transmission line parameters can be obtained starting from the phase currents and voltages in one terminal of the line. First, the article shows the classical methodology to calculate frequency dependent transmission line parameters by using Carson's and Pollaczeck's equations for representing the ground effect and Bessel's functions to represent the skin effect. After that, it is shown a new procedure to calculate frequency dependent transmission line parameters directly from currents and voltages of the line that is already built. Then, this procedure is applied in a two-phase transmission line whose parameters have been previously calculated by using the classical methodology. Finally, the results obtained by using the new procedure and by using the classical methodology are compared. ©2005 IEEE.
This paper discusses the utilization of Virtual Instrumentation to the implementation and evaluation of different power definitions, so that classical formulations and new definitions can be compared without the necessity of acquiring different power meters or analyzers. Accordingly, the definitions of IEEE Standard 1459-2000 for the measurement of power quantities under distorted and unbalanced situations, have been digitally implemented. Thus, several power and power factor components related to the decomposition of the measured voltage and current signals have been obtained. The proposed PC-based Virtual Instrument uses a high performance acquisition board and isolated sensors and transducers. All digital algorithms and routines have been implemented by means of a graphical development system. Regarding to the implementation of STD 1459, this paper also proposes several different algorithms to the required decompositions of voltage, current and power components. © 2005 IEEE.
In this paper it is proposed a novel hybrid three-phase rectifier capable to achieve high input power factor (PF), and low total harmonic distortion in the input currents (THDI). The proposed hybrid high power rectifier is composed by a standard three-phase 6-pulses diode rectifier (Graetz bridge) with a parallel connection of single-phase Boost rectifiers in each three-phase rectifier leg. Such topology results in a structure capable of programming the input current waveform and providing conditions for obtaining high input power factor and low harmonic current distortion. In order to validate the proposed hybrid rectifier, this paper describes its principles of operation, with detailed experimental results and discussions on power rating of the required Boost converters as related to the desired total harmonic current distortion. It is demonstrated that only a fraction of the output power is processed through the Boost converters, making the proposed solution economically viable for very high power installations, with fast pay back of the investment. Moreover, retrofitting to existing installations is also feasible since the parallel path can be easily controlled by integration with the existing de-link. A prototype rated at 6 kW has been implemented in laboratory and fully demonstrated its operation, performance and feasibility to high power applications. © 2005 IEEE.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A Terra atua como um grande magneto esférico, cujo campo assemelha-se àquele gerado por um dipolo magnético. Este campo apresenta mudanças de intensidade que variam com a localização e a hora local. A parte principal do campo geomagnético se origina no interior da Terra através de processos eletromagnéticos. Extensivos estudos mostraram ainda que existem contribuições de origem externa ao planeta, principalmente de origem solar. Dentre estas fontes há anomalias do campo magnético que surgem a partir de um aumento diurno da corrente elétrica em uma estreita faixa da ionosfera, de direção leste-oeste, centrada no equador magnético e denominada Eletrojato Equatorial (EEJ). Ocasionalmente estas correntes podem apresentar reversões de fluxo, sendo denominadas Contra-Eletrojato (CEJ). Vários autores têm estudado os efeitos do EEJ e CEJ sobre as observações geoeletromagnéticas. Eles estão interessados no efeito combinado do EEJ e estruturas geológicas condutivas 1-D e 2-D. Nestes trabalhos a estrutura 2-D sempre se apresentava paralela ao eletrojato, o que é uma hipótese bastante restritiva ao se modelar ambientes geológicos mais realistas, em que corpos bidimensionais podem ter qualquer strike em relação ao EEJ. Neste trabalho apresentamos a solução deste problema sem esta restrição. Assim, mostramos os campos geoeletromagnéticos devidos a estruturas bidimensionais que possuam strike oblíquo em relação ao EEJ, através de perfis dos campos elétrico e magnéticos calculados na superfície e formando direção arbitrária à heterogeneidade condutiva 2-D. Com esta resposta avaliamos ainda qual a influência que estruturas bidimensionais exercem sobre a resposta magnetotelúrica, sob influência do Eletrojato Equatorial. Durante o desenvolvimento deste trabalho, utilizamos o método de elementos finitos, tendo por fonte eletromagnética o EEJ e o CEJ, que por sua vez foram representados por uma combinação de distribuições gaussianas de densidade de corrente. Estas fontes foram decompostas nas direções paralela e perpendicular à estrutura 2-D, resultando nos modos de propagação TE1 e TE2 e TM acoplados, respectivamente. Resolvemos o modo acoplado aplicando uma Transformada de Fourier nas equações de Maxwell e uma Transformada Inversa de Fourier na solução encontrada. De acordo com os experimentos numéricos realizados em um modelo interpretativo da Anomalia Condutiva da Bacia do Parnaíba, formado por uma enorme estrutura de 3000 ohm-m dentro de um corpo externo condutivo (1 ohm-m), concluímos que a presença do CEJ causa uma inversão na anomalia, se compararmos com o resultado do EEJ. Concluímos também que para as frequências mais altas as componentes do campo elétrico apresentam menor influência da parte interna do corpo 2-D do que da parte externa. Já para frequências mais baixas este comportamento se observa com as componentes do campo magnético. Com relação à frequência, vimos os efeitos do “skin-depth”, principalmente nas respostas magnéticas. Além disso, quando a estrutura 2-D está paralela ao eletrojato, o campo elétrico é insensível à estrutura interna do modelo para todos os valores de frequência utilizados. Com respeito ao ângulo θh entre a heterogeneidade e a fonte, vimos que o modo TM se manifesta naturalmente quando θh é diferente de 0°. Neste caso, o modo TE é composto por uma parte devido à componente da fonte paralela à heterogeneidade e a outra devido à componente da fonte perpendicular, que é acoplada ao modo TM. Assim, os campos calculados têm relação direta com o valor de θh. Analisando a influência do ângulo entre a direção do perfil dos campos e o strike da heterogeneidade verificamos que, à medida que θh se aproxima de 90°, os campos primários tornam-se variáveis para valores de θp diferentes de 90°. Estas variações causam uma assimetria na anomalia e dão uma idéia da inclinação da direção do perfil em relação aos corpos. Finalmente, concluímos que uma das influências que a distância entre o centro do EEJ e o centro da estrutura 2-D, causa sobre as componentes dos campos está relacionado às correntes reversas do EEJ e CEJ, pois a 500 km do centro da fonte estas correntes têm máxima intensidade. No entanto, com o aumento da distância, as anomalias diminuem de intensidade. Nas sondagens MT, nós também usamos o EEJ e o CEJ como fonte primária e comparamos nossos resultados com a resposta da onda plana. Deste modo observamos que as componentes do campo geoeletromagnético, usadas para calcular a impedância, têm influência do fator de acoplamento entre os modos TE2 e TM. Além disso, esta influência se torna maior em meios resistivos e nas frequências mais baixas. No entanto, o fator de acoplamento não afeta os dados magnetotelúricos em frequências maiores de 10-2 Hz. Para frequências da ordem de 10-4 Hz os dados MT apresentam duas fontes de perturbação: a primeira e mais evidente é devido à presença fonte 2-D (EEJ e CEJ), que viola a hipótese da onda plana no método MT; e a segunda é causada pelo acoplamento entre os modos TE2 e TM, pois quando a estrutura bidimensional está obliqua à fonte 2-D temos correntes elétricas adicionais ao longo da heterogeneidade. Concluimos assim, que o strike de uma grande estrutura condutiva bidimensional relativamente à direção do EEJ ou CEJ tem de fato influência sobre o campo geomagnético. Por outro lado, para estudos magnetotelúricos rasos (frequências maiores de 10-3 Hz) o efeito do ângulo entre a estrutura geológica 2-D e a direção do EEJ não é tão importante. Contudo, em estudos de litosfera frequências menores de 10-3 Hz) o acoplamento entre os modos TE2 e TM não pode ser ignorado.