1000 resultados para Efectes secundaris dels medicaments
Hem establert les bases metodològiques i teòriques per investigar la pregunta “Tenen les nacions sense estat el dret de controlar el seu propi espai de comunicació?”. La investigació ajusta el concepte d’espai de comunicació a la teoria política, cercant els seus límits en els drets individuals i, des de la perspectiva del liberalisme 2, aportant la justificació del seu control en quant que plataforma que incideix en la conservació i supervivència d’una cultura nacional. El primer article i fase de la tesi és l’adaptació i definició del concepte espai de comunicació. Fins ara, la recerca ha proposat diferents models d’espai de comunicació entenent si es tracta d’una visió emfatitzant la distribució i la producció de material marcat amb els símbols de la identitat nacional de la societat emissora, o bé si emfatitza la idea d’un espai de circulació de fluxos comunicatiu ajustat a un territori tradicionalment vinculat a una identitat nacional o nació sense estat. Igualment, es distingeix la dimensió d’emissió –sortir del territori al món- i la de recepció –fluxos informatius rebuts des del món al territori, concretament, al ciutadà; el paper d’intervenció de les institucions democràtiques és diferent en una dimensió o una altra i, per tant, també són diferents els drets afectats i les teories o principis que neguen o justifiquen el control de l’espai de comunicació. També s’ha indagat en les teories sobre els efectes cognitius dels mitjans de comunicació per relacionar-los amb la construcció nacional com a cohesió simbòlica i cultural. Si bé els mitjans no poden fer canviar de pensament immediatament, sí que poden conformar a llarg termini una percepció nacional general. Una comunitat és imaginada, donada la distància física dels seus components, i la comunicació social és, juntament amb l’educació, el principal factor de construcció nacional, avui en dia.
This paper examines statins competition in the Spanish pharmaceutical market, where prices are highly regulated, and simulates a situation in which there is unrestricted price competition. A nested logit demand model is estimated with a panel of monthly data for pharmaceuticals prescribed from 1997 to 2005. The simulation indicates that the regulation of prices is similar in its effects to cooperation among producers, since the regulated prices are close to those that would be observed in a scenario of perfect collusion. Freedom to set prices and a regulatory framework with appropriate incentives would result in a general reduction in prices and may make the current veiled competition in the form of discounts to pharmacists become more visible. The decrease in prices would be partially offset by an increase in consumption but the net effect would be an overall decrease in expenditure. The counterfactual set-up would also lead to important changes in the market shares of both manufacturers and active ingredients, and a reversal of generic drugs. Therefore, pro-competitive regulation would be welfare-enhancing but would imply winners and losers.
La cesària és un procediment de cirurgia major que genera un dolor postoperatori agut, moderat o sever segons els casos. El dolor agut postoperatori es correlaciona amb un augment de la morbilitat postoperatòria. L’objectiu principal de l’estudi fou avaluar la incidència i la quantificació del dolor postoperatori en la cirurgia de cesària a l’Hospital General de Granollers. Durant 2 mesos es van incloure 66 pacients que van ser sotmeses a una cesària. El dolor postoperatori fou alt. Es recomanable realitzar un protocol de tractament del dolor postoperatori en cesàries que sigui eficaç, segur i amb mínims efectes secundaris per a la mare i el nadó.
The first dichloroplatinum(II) conjugates of dicarba analogues of octreotide , which is expected to act as a"tumour-targeting device", have been efficiently synthesized following a stepwise solid-phase approach; these compounds emulate the mechanism of cisplatin since they form a 1,2-intrastrand cross-link with two consecutive guanines of an oligonucleotide.
Objective: To determine the variation in prevalence of temporomandibular disorders (TMD), other side effects, and technical complications during 5 years of sleep apnea treatment with a mandibular advancement device. Materials and Methods: Forty patients diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea received an adjustable appliance at 70% of the maximum protrusion. The protrusion was then progressively increased. TMD (diagnosed according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD), overjet, overbite, occlusal contacts, subjective side effects, and technical complications were recorded before and a mean of 14, 21, and 58 months after treatment and analyzed by the Wilcoxon test (P Less-than .05). Results: Fifteen patients still used the oral appliance at the 5-year follow-up, and no significant variation in TMD prevalence was observed. Subjective side effects were common, and a significant reduction was found in overjet, overbite, and in the number of occlusal contacts. Furthermore, the patients made a mean of 2.5 unscheduled dental visits per year and a mean of 0.8 appliance repairs/relines per year by a dental technician. The most frequent unscheduled visits were needed during the first year and were a result of acrylic breakage on the lateral telescopic attachment, poor retention, and other adjustments to improve comfort. Conclusions: Five-year oral appliance treatment does not affect TMD prevalence but is associated with permanent occlusal changes in most sleep apnea patients during the first 2 years. Patients seek several unscheduled visits, mainly because of technical complications.
El tratamiento de los tumores de la cavidad bucal incluye en la mayoría de los casos la combinación de cirugía y radioterapia. Dentro de las secuelas de la radioterapia de la región cervicofacial podemos distinguir efectos agudos como radiodermitis, mucositis e hiposialia,y efectos tardios como necrosis cutánea, mucosa y ósea.La necrosis ósea u osteorradionecrosis es la complicación más severa de la radioterapia cervicofacial, siendo la mandibula la zona de la cavidad bucal que presenta una mayor incidencia. En este artículo presentamos una revisión bibliográfica de los efectos secundarios de la irradiación en la región de cabeza y cuello, haciendo especial hincapié en la osteorradionecrosis, describiendo su fisiopatología, clínica,diagnóstico,tratamiento y medidas preventivas encaminadas a minimizar o evitar esta patología.
Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), an ester prodrug of the immunosuppressant mycophenolic acid (MPA), is widely used for maintenance immunosuppressive therapy and prevention of renal allograft rejection in renal transplant recipients.MPA inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), an enzyme involved in the “de novo” synthesis of purine nucleotides, thus suppressing both T-cell and B-cell proliferation. MPA shows a complex pharmacokinetics with considerable interand intra- patient by between- and within patient variabilities associated to MPA exposure. Several factors may contribute to it. The pharmacokinetic modeling according to the population pharmacokinetic approach with the non-linear mixed effects models has shown to be a powerful tool to describe the relationships between MMF doses and the MPA exposures and also to identify potential predictive patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics for dose tailoring during the post-transplant immunosuppresive treatment.
Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), an ester prodrug of the immunosuppressant mycophenolic acid (MPA), is widely used for maintenance immunosuppressive therapy and prevention of renal allograft rejection in renal transplant recipients.MPA inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), an enzyme involved in the “de novo” synthesis of purine nucleotides, thus suppressing both T-cell and B-cell proliferation. MPA shows a complex pharmacokinetics with considerable interand intra- patient by between- and within patient variabilities associated to MPA exposure. Several factors may contribute to it. The pharmacokinetic modeling according to the population pharmacokinetic approach with the non-linear mixed effects models has shown to be a powerful tool to describe the relationships between MMF doses and the MPA exposures and also to identify potential predictive patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics for dose tailoring during the post-transplant immunosuppresive treatment.
Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), an ester prodrug of the immunosuppressant mycophenolic acid (MPA), is widely used for maintenance immunosuppressive therapy and prevention of renal allograft rejection in renal transplant recipients.MPA inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), an enzyme involved in the “de novo” synthesis of purine nucleotides, thus suppressing both T-cell and B-cell proliferation. MPA shows a complex pharmacokinetics with considerable interand intra- patient by between- and within patient variabilities associated to MPA exposure. Several factors may contribute to it. The pharmacokinetic modeling according to the population pharmacokinetic approach with the non-linear mixed effects models has shown to be a powerful tool to describe the relationships between MMF doses and the MPA exposures and also to identify potential predictive patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics for dose tailoring during the post-transplant immunosuppresive treatment.
Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), an ester prodrug of the immunosuppressant mycophenolic acid (MPA), is widely used for maintenance immunosuppressive therapy and prevention of renal allograft rejection in renal transplant recipients.MPA inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), an enzyme involved in the “de novo” synthesis of purine nucleotides, thus suppressing both T-cell and B-cell proliferation. MPA shows a complex pharmacokinetics with considerable interand intra- patient by between- and within patient variabilities associated to MPA exposure. Several factors may contribute to it. The pharmacokinetic modeling according to the population pharmacokinetic approach with the non-linear mixed effects models has shown to be a powerful tool to describe the relationships between MMF doses and the MPA exposures and also to identify potential predictive patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics for dose tailoring during the post-transplant immunosuppresive treatment.
Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), an ester prodrug of the immunosuppressant mycophenolic acid (MPA), is widely used for maintenance immunosuppressive therapy and prevention of renal allograft rejection in renal transplant recipients.MPA inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), an enzyme involved in the “de novo” synthesis of purine nucleotides, thus suppressing both T-cell and B-cell proliferation. MPA shows a complex pharmacokinetics with considerable interand intra- patient by between- and within patient variabilities associated to MPA exposure. Several factors may contribute to it. The pharmacokinetic modeling according to the population pharmacokinetic approach with the non-linear mixed effects models has shown to be a powerful tool to describe the relationships between MMF doses and the MPA exposures and also to identify potential predictive patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics for dose tailoring during the post-transplant immunosuppresive treatment.
Introducció: Els errors de medicació són definits com qualsevol incident prevenible que pot causar dany al pacient o donar lloc a una utilització inapropiada dels medicaments, quan aquests estan sota el control dels professionals sanitaris o del pacient. Els errors en la preparació i l’administració de medicació són els més comuns de l’àrea hospitalària i, tot i la llarga cadena per la qual passa el fàrmac, el professional d’infermeria és el últim responsable de l’acció, tenint així, un paper molt important en la seguretat del pacient. Les infermeres dediquen el 40% del temps de la seva jornada laboral en tasques relacionades amb la medicació. Objectiu: Determinar si les infermeres produeixen més errors si treballen amb sistemes de distribució de medicació de stock o en sistemes de distribució unidosis de medicació. Metodologia: Estudi quantitatiu, observacional i descriptiu, on la notificació d’errors (o oportunitats d’error) realitzats per la infermera, en les fases de preparació i administració de medicació, es farà mitjançant un qüestionari autoelaborat. Els elements a identificar seran: el tipus d’error, les causes que poden haver--‐lo produït, la seva potencial gravetat i qui l’ha pogut evitar; així com el tipus de professional que l’ha produït. Altres dades rellevants són: el medicament implicat junt amb la dosis i la via d’administració i el sistema de distribució utilitzat. Mostreig i mostra: El mostreig serà no probabilístic i per conveniència. S’escolliran aquelles infermeres que l’investigador consideri amb les característiques necessàries per participar en l’estudi, així que la mostra estarà formada per les infermeres les quals treballen a la unitat 40 de l’Hospital del Mar i utilitzen un sistema de distribució de medicació de dosis unitàries i les infermeres que treballen a urgències (concretament a l’àrea de nivell dos) de l’Hospital del Mar les quals treballen amb un sistema de distribució de medicació de stock.
Increased plasma levels of cholesterol are high risk factors of cardiovascular disease. Statins are drugs that inhibit cholesterol synthesis at both pancreatic and extrahepathic levels, being the treatment of choice for hypercholesterolemia. Objective: To analyze the side effects of statins in the mouth cavity, and to analyze the symptoms after interruption of the treatment. Design: Observational study, preliminary. Material and methods: Patients aged 50-70, diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia and undergoing treatment with statins, referred from their primary care physician to the dentist"s office. Anamnesis over oral symptoms was performed in the first visit. Statin treatment was discontinued, followed by lab tests and control visits seven and fifteen days later. We monitored the improvement and/or remission of oral symptoms. Statin treatment was resumed, sending out a report of the patient evolution to the PCP. Symptoms were registered in sheet specially designed for the study. Exclusion criteria: patient refusal, use of drugs for dry mouth treatment, Sjögren"s syndrome. Results: n=26 patients. Dry mouth patients: improvement in 17 out of 23 patients (88.5%). Itchiness: 6 out of 15 cases improved (57.7%). Bitterness: improvement in 13 out of 14 patients (53.8%). Cough: improvement in 11 out of 12 patients (46.1%). Discussion: A high percentage of oral symptoms are associated to treatment with statins. There is a marked improvement after temporary interruption of the treatment. Little is known regarding the side effects of oral treatment with statins. This preliminary study includes a relatively small number of patients. The design of experimental treatments will be required to establish a true correlation between statin treatment and oral symptoms
Objetivo: Identificar factores de riesgo para el síndrome de boca ardiente (SBA) a través de estudio de casos y controles. Material y métodos: Se realizó análisis cuantitativo del flujo salival total en reposo y estimulado; se registraron la xerostomía subjetiva, el consumo de medicamentos y los estados psicológicos de ansiedad y depresión en 40 pacientes con SBA y 40 controles. Resultados: El análisis ANOVA mostró diferencias significativas en las medias del número de medicamentos/día, número de medicamentos xerostomizantes/día, xerostomía subjetiva, ansiedad y depresión, entre los grupos estudiados. No se observaron diferencias significativas en las tasas de flujo salival en reposo y estimulado. El análisis de asociación Odds ratio determinó asociación del SBA con xerostomía y con el consumo de hipotensores y diuréticos. Conclusiones: Según los resultados de este estudio, se puede afirmar que el consumo de hipotensores y diuréticos fue un factor de riesgo para el padecimiento del SBA. La función de las glándulas salivales en los pacientes con SBA no está deteriorada.
Abstract Personalized medicine is a challenging research area in paediatric treatments. Elaborating new paediatric formulations when no commercial forms are available is a common practice in pharmacy laboratories; among these, oral liquid formulations are the most common. But due to the lack of specialized equipment, frequently studies to assure the efficiency and safety of the final medicine cannot be carried out. Thus the purpose of this work was the development, characterization and stability evaluation of two oral formulations of sildenafil for the treatment of neonatal persistent pulmonary hypertension. After the establishment of a standard operating procedure (SOP) and elaboration, the physicochemical stability parameters appearance, pH, particle size, rheological behaviour and drug content of formulations were evaluated at three different temperatures for 90 days. Equally, prediction of long term stability, as well as, microbiological stability was performed. Formulations resulted in a suspension and a solution slightly coloured exhibiting fruity odour. Formulation I (suspension) exhibited the best physicochemical properties including Newtonian behaviour and uniformity of API content above 90% to assure an exact dosification process.