408 resultados para Educadoras


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Monográfico con el título: '¿Educa la ciudad?'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Contiene un cuadro con los principios que conforman una ciudad educadora


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Resumen en inglés y catalán. Monográfico con el título: Año Europeo por un Envejecimiento Activo y de la Solidaridad Intergeneracional


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Monográfico con el título: "Fortalecer la institución escolar".


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Se explican los rasgos que deben caracterizar al espacio local para que se convierta en un espacio socio-educativo, facilitador de una educación integral permanente y de calidad. Se muestra un nuevo modelo pedagógico, que se ejemplifica con trabajos desarrollados en distintas ciudades españolas, en consonancia con los fines y objetivos de la Asociación Internacional de Ciudades Educadoras.


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Este estudio pretende ser una aproximación preliminar que intenta sentar las bases para lo que será mi proyecto de tesis doctoral que tiene por objetivo comprender cómo influyen las concepciones de educación artística de museos en las prácticas educativas de las educadoras a partir del estudio del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Chile


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A presente dissertação intitulada Processo de Formação Docente das Educadoras Leigas de Creches Comunitárias tem como objetivo analisar como ocorre a construção identitária de professora pelas educadoras leigas atuantes em creches comunitárias conveniadas com a Prefeitura Municipal de Porto Alegre/RS, matriculadas no curso de ensino médio Normal na E.M.E.M. Emílio Meyer. Este estudo valeu-se predominantemente da abordagem qualitativa, utilizando-se de recursos quantitativos para compreender o contexto e o perfil das alunas estagiárias na íntegra. Pautou-se em estudo de caso, sendo utilizados instrumentos metodológicos como questionário, entrevistas semi-estruturadas, observação de campo e análise documental para compor o corpus da pesquisa. Buscou-se identificar a partir da fala das alunas, protagonistas deste processo, bem como de seus interlocutores, professores do curso e coordenadoras pedagógicas das creches comunitárias onde trabalham, como acontece a passagem de educadora leiga à professora e se estas imprimem ressignificações na prática pedagógica cotidiana com crianças na creche. Apoiou-se em autores que abordam a formação docente, a legislação e o processo identitário das professoras. As conclusões deste processo investigativo indicam a importância de haver formação em nível médio, objetivando a continuidade em nível de graduação para profissionais que atuam com a faixa etária de zero a seis anos de idade. Sinaliza a necessidade de haver relação nas propostas dos cursos de formação de professores que contemplem o saber formal com os saberes da prática trazidos pelas alunas. Bem como vislumbra que os cursos incidirão positivamente na identidade de professora de suas alunas, quando contemplarem em seus programas curriculares momentos em que a trajetória de vida e as experiências profissionais estejam interrelacionadas, proporcionando reflexão, onde haja espaço para uma análise crítica de sua própria prática à luz da teoria. Finalmente desvela que para as educadoras leigas a oportunidade de cursar o Normal significou a realização de um sonho de qualificação e formação.


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A presente tese no âmbito do Curso de Mestrado em Psicologia da Educação da Universidade da Madeira, pretende analisar a perceção dos educadores de infância de algumas unidades de préescolar da Região Autónoma da Madeira sobre a relação escola-família. Esta relação recíproca, que cada docente estabelece com as famílias das suas crianças, é o pilar de todo um processo comunicacional entre dois sistemas (familiar e educativo), que não só se complementam como são interdependentes. Partindo deste pressuposto, surgiu a nossa questão de investigação na medida em que a relação escola-família apresenta ainda algumas debilidades e os intervenientes parecem não maximizar todas as potencialidades desta colaboração. O presente estudo pretende assim, conhecer e compreender a perceção e as representações dos educadores de infância sobre o modo como é planificada e concretizada a relação família-escola. Tendo em conta a problemática atrás explicitada, consideramos a recolha de crenças e perceções sobre esta temática, junto dos Educadores, fundamental para a aquisição de informação proveitosa e pertinente. Assim, definimos como objetivos basilares deste projeto, recolher, analisar e compreender as perceções das educadoras de infância sobre a relação escola-família assim como identificar a importância da utilização de estratégias adequadas que favoreçam e consolidem as relações entre estas duas instituições.


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This text is organized through discussions undertaken in the area of the History of Education in Rio Grande do Norte, circumscribed to the History of Women from the first decades of the Brazilian Republic, and to the analysis of what was expected of this education. We examined representations of women in Natal, between 1889 and 1914, with the goal of configuring relations between the sexes with the emphasis on moral, intellectual and pedagogical aspects required of these women. As documental sources we utilized the educational, civil and criminal Legislation, on a National scope, as well as on a State and Municipal scope. We circumscribed our search to the newspaper A República, in which we found literature that circulated in Natal in the form of pamphlets, short stories and poetry, as well as other texts by authors that were part of the corpus of analysis of this study, located in public and private archives in Rio Grande do Norte, such as the Historical and Geographic Institute of Rio Grande do Norte (IHGRN) and the State Public Archive of Rio Grande do Norte (APE-RN). The use of the indexing method and the propositions of Cultural History were the appropriate theoretical-methodological framework to complete studies of this nature. This operational perspective permitted us to elaborate nuances about this time of transition from the 19th to the 20th Century, and to spotlight the fire of the women from this period. The basis of the argument that related women to maternity and domesticity, and within the ideals of abnegation and religious leadership, aligned to a demand coming from the increase in the quantity of schools for women, allocated women as the most appropriate for superior in educational performance in the country, based on its foundations: primary education. Beyond the universe of formal education, the other side of women appeared in republican politics. The mother-spouse and the institutionalization of domestic education associated the female gender with the role of educator at home as well. Be it in the public sphere, as a teacher, or in private, as mother-spouse, female care is perceived in this configuration, as an educational base that the Republic, and in transition, bequeathed to the Brazilian 20th Century


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This project has resulted from a reunion between me and two teachers with whom I had already worked, pedagogically counseling them during the execution of the Project of Youngsters and Adults Schooling at the Agrarian Reform Settlements in the State of Sergipe (PAJA/PRONERA) between 2002 and 2003. The matter that really motivated the research was related to the essential principle that guided the accomplishment of the PAJA s teachers education and professionalization: understanding their reality and knowing their needs, promoting the dialogue between scientific and common sense knowledge. Taking as a reference the fact that the teachers education is not restricted to the academic qualification, that is, that it is a part of the educational process, which, in turn, is a result of each one s personal background, dialectically individual and collective, the access to the teachers reality and needs was accomplished by studying their backgrounds, especially their school and professional career. They, inevitably, focused themselves on the country life s social and cultural context, that could be better understood by living together with the teachers during the twenty-seven days I stayed in the Golfo s settlement, located in the town named Pacatuba/SE. The approach to the teachers lives through their stories and the daily contact proved how much Science is still distant from the peasants routine, sometimes being presented to them as a finished product . That way, the dialog between those two categories and the expectation of the country life s social and cultural conditions, together with the education, in which teachers have an essential role, still remain as a challenge


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This work aims to examine the television social representation by mothers/educators as a TV viewers, to understand the meaning of this media in their quotidian and which relations occur between teachers and students in the classroom. The study purpose is the educational television rule, based on a social representation approach. It look for to reveal, through the discourses of five educators who are engaged in pedagogic activities in the Public Elementary School of the Natal city, a significant experience in the media education field progress. It’s also a way to understand which representations the educators have about the television can contribute to aid the idea and critic analysis about the media meaning in the teacher’s formation. Some questions were in the basis of the investigation as: What is the television for the educators who are also TV viewers? How it reaches the classroom? Their relation with the media interfere in the pedagogic practice? Assuming that the verbal technical is one of the formal ways to access the representations, the methodological strategy employed was the open interview, guided by a wide and flexible schedule, leaving the interviewees free to expose their ideas, a attitude adopted to avoid the imposition of interviwer’s points of view, that result in a rich material. Through this strategy it was possible to confirm or to reject presumptions raised in the beginning of the investigation and modify some planning direction lines. The study has as the theory presupposition the contribution of the Mexican researcher Guillermo Orozco Gómez, who, based on the Paulo Freire e Jesús Martín-Barbero ideas, establishes a dialogue between popular Education and the communication theories, mainly the television reception, when he develops an integral view focused on the audience or on the multiple mediations model. The school – and the family, as well – is an important mediator of the media information. The relationship which the teachers establish between the television and their representations about it in their lives reflects effectively and directly on their professional practice and on the media dialogue within the school, it can contribute to the critic reflection which students establish with the media trough the educators mediation