976 resultados para Eça de Queiróz
Aquest estudi se centra en el document del CTE que es refereix a les estructures metàl·liques d’acer, concretament en els càlculs a tenir en compte a l’hora de realitzar pòrtics d’estructura d’edificació amb perfils metàl·lics laminats. Aquest document és el DB-SE-A, que són les sigles de “Document Bàsic Seguretat Estructural Acer”. Aquest document introdueix algunes modificacions en el mètode de càlcul de les estructures metàl·liques respecte l’antiga norma. La idea d’aquest estudi és fer una comparació entre les dues normes – la vella i ja derogada, i la nova i vigent – i com tracten el càlcul d’esforços en segon ordre i el tractament de les imperfeccions. Com ja s’ha comentat aquest Document Bàsic de la Seguretat Estructural en Acer del CTE (DB-SE-A) substitueix l’antiga norma que es referia al càlcul d’estructura metàl·lica, la NBE-EA-95. En l’aplicació de les accions i el càlcul d’esforços s’utilitza del CTE el Document Bàsic dedicat a les accions en l’edificació (DB-SE-AE) i que substitueix l’antiga NBE-AE-88
Slides from guest lecture, provides an overview of current UK legislation, explores perceptions and attitudes and how legislation affects the role of the IT professional.
El comportamiento biológico de las células cancerosas es influenciado por el microambiente en el que se desarrollan y en este, factores como la angiogénesis o el estímulo de agentes estresores como la hipoxia, se han considerado críticos para su evolución y manejo terapéutico. Uno de los mecanismos moleculares implicados en la respuesta celular frente a estímulos estresores es la activación de vías de señalización intracelulares; en este estudio, se evaluó el estado de la vía JAK/STAT y en ella la expresión/activación de la proteína STAT3 en la línea tumoral (HeLa) y endotelial (EA.hy926), sometidas a hipoxia física y química con mesilato de deferoxamina durante 2, 6 y 24 horas. Adicionalmente, al considerar la importancia de la hipoxia como un agente modificador de la respuesta en el manejo del cáncer utilizando radiaciones ionizantes, se construyeron curvas de supervivencia celular que permitieron evaluar el comportamiento celular frente a estos estímulos. El presente estudio resalta la importancia de la hipoxia como un estímulo que modifica la activación de la proteína STAT3 y la supervivencia de células irradiadas en las dos líneas estudiadas.
La Escuela Politécnica Federal desde sus comienzos, en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, ha tenido un carácter técnico. Es la única que depende del gobierno. Persigue a través de sus profesores consagrados a la investigación científica, desarrollar el espíritu de iniciativa de sus estudiantes para así conseguir de ellos, una formación técnica y científica adecuada. En los dos primeros años de estudio fijan los fundamentos científicos que solo una escuela superior puede enseñar, de forma sistemática, y hacen posible la evolución intelectual del joven y futuro ingeniero que tendrá una adaptación mayor a los nuevos problemas técnicos, con prácticas sobre ciencias aplicadas y adaptando los conocimientos teóricos a los técnicos y a las exigencias de la economía nacional.
Conferencia pronunciada en el Ateneo de Madrid el día 28 de febrero de 1947
Entrevista realizada al escritor portugués y Secretario Nacional del Departamento de Información, Cultura Popular y Turismo de Portugal, Antoni Ferro, con motivo de su visita a España a la Feria del Libro y por haber sido nombrado académico de la Real Academia de la Historia. Ferro da su impresión sobre su nombramiento, habla del intercambio cultural existente en la época entre España y Portugal; sobre la notable presencia de Portugal en la Feria del Libro española y sobre su deseo de participación española en la celebración del centenario de Eça de Queiroz, escritor portugués laureado.
Eça de Queirós não possui um texto reflexivo sobre o budismo, nem a sua obra possui personagens budistas. A sua concepção da doutrina de Buda e do budismo surge, em essência, no romance A Correspondência de Fradique Mendes, texto da última fase da obra de Eça de Queirós, e obedece ao espírito humanista presente nos romances e contos publicados ou escritos nos seus últimos dez anos de vida (1890 – 1900). Usando uma metodologia comparatista, Eça faz equivaler Buda a Cristo como homens santos, o primeiro para a mentalidade oriental, o segundo para a ocidental. No entanto, porque Buda permite a salvação de todos através do aperfeiçoamento das diversas reencarnações corporais, Fradique prefere Buda a Cristo.
Este trabalho se propõe a analisar as formas como a figura de Jesus aparece representada na obra ficcional de Eça de Queiroz, tomando por base, principalmente, três momentos dessa representação: A relíquia, «A morte de Jesus» e «O suave milagre».
Endothelial cells are primary targets for pro-atherosclerotic stressors such as oxidized LDL (ox-LDL). The isoflavone genistein, on the other hand, is suggested to prevent a variety of processes underlying atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. By analyzing the proteome of EA(.)hy 926 endothelial cells, here we show, that genistein reverses the ox-LDL-induced changes of the steady-state levels of several proteins involved in atherosclerosis. These alterations caused by genistein are functionally linked to the inhibition of ox-LDL induced apoptosis.
This paper describes recent variations of the North Atlantic eddy-driven jet stream and analyzes the mean response of the jet to anthropogenic forcing in climate models. Jet stream changes are analyzed both using a direct measure of the near-surface westerly wind maximum and using an EOF-based approach. This allows jet stream changes to be related to the widely used leading patterns of variability: the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and East Atlantic (EA) pattern. Viewed in NAO–EA state space, isolines of jet latitude and speed resemble a distorted polar coordinate system, highlighting the dependence of the jet stream quantities on both spatial patterns. Some differences in the results of the two methods are discussed, but both approaches agree on the general characteristics of the climate models. While there is some agreement between models on a poleward shift of the jet stream in response to anthropogenic forcing, there is still considerable spread between different model projections, especially in winter. Furthermore, the model responses to forcing are often weaker than their biases when compared to a reanalysis. Diagnoses of jet stream changes can be sensitive to the methodologies used, and several aspects of this are also discussed.
Enterprise Architecture (EA) has been recognised as an important tool in modern business management for closing the gap between strategy and its execution. The current literature implies that for EA to be successful, it should have clearly defined goals. However, the goals of different stakeholders are found to be different, even contradictory. In our explorative research, we seek an answer to the questions: What kind of goals are set for the EA implementation? How do the goals evolve during the time? Are the goals different among stakeholders? How do they affect the success of EA? We analysed an EA pilot conducted among eleven Finnish Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in 2011. The goals of the pilot were gathered from three different stages of the pilot: before the pilot, during the pilot, and after the pilot, by means of a project plan, interviews during the pilot and a questionnaire after the pilot. The data was analysed using qualitative and quantitative methods. Eight distinct goals were recognised by the coding: Adopt EA Method, Build Information Systems, Business Development, Improve Reporting, Process Improvement, Quality Assurance, Reduce Complexity, and Understand the Big Picture. The success of the pilot was analysed statistically using the scale 1-5. Results revealed that goals set before the pilot were very different from those mentioned during the pilot, or after the pilot. Goals before the pilot were mostly related to expected benefits from the pilot, whereas the most important result was to adopt the EA method. Results can be explained by possibly different roles of respondents, which in turn were most likely caused by poor communication. Interestingly, goals mentioned by different stakeholders were not limited to their traditional areas of responsibility. For example, in some cases Chief Information Officers' goals were Quality Assurance and Process Improvement, whereas managers’ goals were Build Information Systems and Adopt EA Method. This could be a result of a good understanding of the meaning of EA, or stakeholders do not regard EA as their concern at all. It is also interesting to notice that regardless of the different perceptions of goals among stakeholders, all HEIs felt the pilot to be successful. Thus the research does not provide support to confirm the link between clear goals and success.
A systematic determination of the gluon distribution is of fundamental interest in understanding the parton structure Of nuclei and the QCD dynamics. Currently, the behavior of this distribution at small x (high energy) is completely undefined. In this Letter we analyze the possibility of constraining the nuclear effects present in Xg(A) using the inclusive observables which would be measured in the future electron-nucleus collider at RHIC. We demonstrate that the Study of nuclear longitudinal and charm structure functions allows to estimate the magnitude of shadowing and antishadowing effects in the nuclear gluon distribution. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A sound and complete first-order goal-oriented sequent-type calculus is developed with ``large-block'' inference rules. In particular, the calculus contains formal analogues of such natural proof-search techniques as handling definitions and applying auxiliary propositions.