This study investigated the surface hardening of steels via experimental tests using a multi-kilowatt fiber laser as the laser source. The influence of laser power and laser power density on the hardening effect was investigated. The microhardness analysis of various laser hardened steels was done. A thermodynamic model was developed to evaluate the thermal process of the surface treatment of a wide thin steel plate with a Gaussian laser beam. The effect of laser linear oscillation hardening (LLOS) of steel was examined. An as-rolled ferritic-pearlitic steel and a tempered martensitic steel with 0.37 wt% C content were hardened under various laser power levels and laser power densities. The optimum power density that produced the maximum hardness was found to be dependent on the laser power. The effect of laser power density on the produced hardness was revealed. The surface hardness, hardened depth and required laser power density were compared between the samples. Fiber laser was briefly compared with high power diode laser in hardening medium-carbon steel. Microhardness (HV0.01) test was done on seven different laser hardened steels, including rolled steel, quenched and tempered steel, soft annealed alloyed steel and conventionally through-hardened steel consisting of different carbon and alloy contents. The surface hardness and hardened depth were compared among the samples. The effect of grain size on surface hardness of ferritic-pearlitic steel and pearlitic-cementite steel was evaluated. In-grain indentation was done to measure the hardness of pearlitic and cementite structures. The macrohardness of the base material was found to be related to the microhardness of the softer phase structure. The measured microhardness values were compared with the conventional macrohardness (HV5) results. A thermodynamic model was developed to calculate the temperature cycle, Ac1 and Ac3 boundaries, homogenization time and cooling rate. The equations were numerically solved with an error of less than 10-8. The temperature distributions for various thicknesses were compared under different laser traverse speed. The lag of the was verified by experiments done on six different steels. The calculated thermal cycle and hardened depth were compared with measured data. Correction coefficients were applied to the model for AISI 4340 steel. AISI 4340 steel was hardened by laser linear oscillation hardening (LLOS). Equations were derived to calculate the overlapped width of adjacent tracks and the number of overlapped scans in the center of the scanned track. The effect of oscillation frequency on the hardened depth was investigated by microscopic evaluation and hardness measurement. The homogeneity of hardness and hardened depth with different processing parameters were investigated. The hardness profiles were compared with the results obtained with conventional single-track hardening. LLOS was proved to be well suitable for surface hardening in a relatively large rectangular area with considerable depth of hardening. Compared with conventional single-track scanning, LLOS produced notably smaller hardened depths while at 40 and 100 Hz LLOS resulted in higher hardness within a depth of about 0.6 mm.
The reproductive behaviour of the field cricket, Gryllus integer, was systematically observed in indoor arenas to determine the extent of female Choice and male-male competition at different sex ratios representing two male densities (12:6 and 6:6). The costs and benefits to males and females in those two densities were analyzed according to the theory of the evolution o£ leks. Observations were conducted during the dark hours when most calling occurred since hourly rates of courtship song and mating did not fluctuate significantly over a 24 h period. Female mating rates were not significantly different between densities, therefore males at high densities were not advantaged because of increased female tendencies to mate when social stimulation was increased. Mean rates of acoustical signalling (calling and courtin"g) did not differ significantly between densities. Mean rates of fighting by males at the high density were significantly greater than those of males at the low density. Mating benefits associated with callin~courting and fighting were measured. Mating rates did not vary with rates of calling at either density. Calling was not a prerequisite to mating. Courtship song preceded all matings. There was a significant power fit between male mating and courting rates, and male mating and fighting rates at the low, but not at the high, density. Density differences in the benefits associated with increased courting and fighting may relate, in part, to greater economic defensibility and monopoly of females due to reduced male competition at the low density. Dominant males may be preferentially chosen by females or better able to monopolize mating opportunities than subordinate males. Three criteria were used to determine whether dominant males were preferentially chosen by females. The number of matings by males who won fights (within 30 min of mating) was significantly greater than the number of matings by males who were defeated in such fights. Mating rates did not vary significantly with rates of winning at either density. There was a significant power fit between male mating rates and the percentage of fights a male won (irrespective of his fighting-frequency) at the low density. The mean duration a male guarded the female after mating did not vary significantly between densities. There was a significant linear relationship between the duration a spermatophore was retained and the duration a male guarded the female after mating. Courtship song apparently stimulated spermatophore removal. Male guarding involved inter-male aggression and reduced courtship attempts by other males. Males at the high density received no apparent reproductive benefits associated with increased social stimulation. Conclusive evidence for preferential choice of males by females, using the criteria examined here, is lacking. Males at the lower density had fewer competitors and could monopolize females more effectively.
Matrinxa, Brycon cephalus, is a native teleost fish from the Amazon Basin, and is of economic importance for cultivation for food and sport in Brazil. Mortality losses due to handling and transport of this stenohaline freshwater species are common. The effects of transportation at different densities on the biochemical stress responses of matrinxa (mean weight 1 kg) were examined. Fish were subjected to three different transport densities (100, 200, and 300 kg m(-3)) for four h in water with added salt (0.6%). The fish were bled at departure (baseline level), arrival (immediately after transportation) and at 24 and 96 h after arrival (recovery period). Blood glucose, cortisol, sodium, chloride, potassium and ammonia were used as stress bioindicators. No mortality was observed and no alterations in plasma cortisol were registered. However, blood glucose and ammonia levels increased and serum sodium and plasma chloride decreased on arrival for the fish transported at the highest densities. These stress responses were transient and the concentrations returned to baseline levels within 24 h. This study showed that matrinxa can be transported at densities as high as those tested in the present study, at least under the conditions employed in this study. A recovery period of at least 24 h is strongly recommended.
The primary stability of dental implants is fundamental for osseointegration. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the correlation between insertion torque (IT) and resonance frequency analysis (RFA) of implants placed in mandibles and maxillas of different bone densities. Eighty dental implants were placed in maxillas and mandibles, and IT and the implant stability quotient (ISQ) were measured at the time of implant insertion. Bone density was assessed subjectively by the Lekholm and Zarb index. The type I and II densities were grouped together (group A)as were the type III and IV densities (group B). The IT in group A was higher (Student t test, P = .0013) than in group B (46.27 +/- 18.51 Ncm, 33.62 +/- 14.74 Ncm, respectively). The implants placed in group A showed higher ISQ (Student t test, P = .0004) than those placed in group B (70.09 +/- 7.50, 63.66 +/- 8.00, respectively). A significant correlation between IT and the ISQ value was observed for group A (Pearson correlation test; r = 0.35; P = .0213) and for group B (r = 0.37; P = .0224). Within the limitations of this study, it was possible to conclude that there is a correlation between IT and RFA of implants placed in mandibles and maxillas of different bone densities.
Matrinxa, Brycon cephalus, is a native teleost fish from the Amazon Basin, and is of economic importance for cultivation for food and sport in Brazil. Mortality losses due to handling and transport of this stenohaline freshwater species are common. The effects of transportation at different densities on the biochemical stress responses of matrinxa (mean weight 1 kg) were examined. Fish were subjected to three different transport densities (100, 200, and 300 kg m(-3)) for four h in water with added salt (0.6%). The fish were bled at departure (baseline level), arrival (immediately after transportation) and at 24 and 96 h after arrival (recovery period). Blood glucose, cortisol, sodium, chloride, potassium and ammonia were used as stress bioindicators. No mortality was observed and no alterations in plasma cortisol were registered. However, blood glucose and ammonia levels increased and serum sodium and plasma chloride decreased on arrival for the fish transported at the highest densities. These stress responses were transient and the concentrations returned to baseline levels within 24 h. This study showed that matrinxa can be transported at densities as high as those tested in the present study, at least under the conditions employed in this study. A recovery period of at least 24 h is strongly recommended.
In the last years the increasing demand of higher torque and power densities has led to the adoption of hairpin windings (HWs) in electrical machines, mainly in those intended for automotive applications. However, this winding topology is quite sensitive to AC losses, hence one of their main challenges is represented by their reduction. This work deals with different design aspects related to the enhancements of some performance figures of rotating electrical machines for traction applications, above all power density and reliability, mainly through the adoption of HWs.
Objective: To study the effect of an 830-nm gallium-aluminum-arsenic (GaAlAs) diode laser at two different energy densities (5 and 15 J/cm(2)) on the epiphyseal cartilage of rats by evaluating bone length and the number of chondrocytes and thickness of each zone of the epiphyseal cartilage. Background Data: Few studies have been conducted on the effects of low-level laser therapy on the epiphyseal cartilage at different irradiation doses. Materials and Methods: A total of 30 male Wistar rats with 23 days of age and weighing 90 g on average were randomly divided into 3 groups: control group (CG, no stimulation), G5 group (energy density, 5 J/cm(2)), and G15 group (energy density, 15 J/cm(2)). Laser treatment sessions were administered every other day for a total of 10 sessions. The animals were killed 24 h after the last treatment session. Histological slides of the epiphyseal cartilage were stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE), photographed with a Zeiss photomicroscope, and subjected to histometric and histological analyses. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way analysis of variance followed by Tukey's post hoc test. All statistical tests were performed at a significance level of 0.05. Results: Histological analysis and x-ray radiographs revealed an increase in thickness of the epiphyseal cartilage and in the number of chondrocytes in the G5 and G15 groups. Conclusion: The 830-nm GaAlAs diode laser, within the parameters used in this study, induced changes in the thickness of the epiphyseal cartilage and increased the number of chondrocytes, but this was not sufficient to induce changes in bone length.
This paper presents a new integrated model for the simulation of wind energy systems. The proposed model is more realistic and accurate, considering a variable-speed wind turbine, two-mass rotor, permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG), different power converter topologies, and filters. Additionally, a new control strategy is proposed for the variable-speed operation of wind turbines with PMSG/full-power converter topology, based on fractional-order controllers. Comprehensive simulation studies are carried out with matrix and multilevel power converter topologies, in order to adequately assert the system performance in what regards the quality of the energy injected into the electric grid. Finally, conclusions are duly drawn.
Deegan and Packel (1979) and Holler (1982) proposed two power indices for simple games: the Deegan–Packel index and the Public Good Index. In the definition of these indices, only minimal winning coalitions are taken into account. Using similar arguments, we define two new power indices. These new indices are defined taking into account only those winning coalitions that do not contain null players. The results obtained with the different power indices are compared by means of two real-world examples taken from the political field.
The report presents a grammar capable of analyzing the process of production of electricity in modular elements for different power-supply systems, defined using semantic and formal categories. In this way it becomes possible to individuate similarities and differences in the process of production of electricity, and then measure and compare “apples” with “apples” and “oranges” with “oranges”. For instance, when comparing the various unit operations of the process of production of electricity with nuclear energy to the analogous unit operations of the process of production of fossil energy, we see that the various phases of the process are the same. The only difference is related to characteristics of the process associated with the generation of heat which are completely different in the two systems. As a matter of facts, the performance of the production of electricity from nuclear energy can be studied, by comparing the biophysical costs associated with the different unit operations taking place in nuclear and fossil power plants when generating process heat or net electricity. By adopting this approach, it becomes possible to compare the performance of the two power-supply systems by comparing their relative biophysical requirements for the phases that both nuclear energy power plants and fossil energy power plants have in common: (i) mining; (ii) refining/enriching; (iii) generating heat/electricity; (iv) handling the pollution/radioactive wastes. This report presents the evaluation of the biophysical requirements for the two powersupply systems: nuclear energy and fossil energy. In particular, the report focuses on the following requirements: (i) electricity; (ii) fossil-fuels, (iii) labor; and (iv) materials.
Aging is a multidimensional process of physical, psychological, and social changes. Understanding how we sleep and how this dynamic process evolves across life span will help to identify normal developmental aspects of sleep over time and to create strategies to increase awareness of sleep disturbances and their early management. In normal sleepers from HypnoLaus cohort, we evaluated the effects of age and gender on both subjective and objective sleep measurements. Our results indicate that normal aging is not accompanied by sleep complaints, and when they exist suggest the presence of underlying comorbidities. Polysomnographic data revealed that slow wave sleep was more affected with age in men, and age affected differently NREM and REM spectral power densities. Both sleep structure and spectral analysis profiles may constitute standards to delineate pathological changes in sleep, both for aging women and men. Another important aspect in the management of sleep and its disorders is a detailed characterization of sleep-inducing medications. Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is an inhibitory neurotransmitter derivative of GABA, but its mode of action and the range of effects are not well understood. Several properties, as growth hormone stimulation in humans and the development of weight loss in treated patients suggest an unexplored metabolic effect. In different experiments we assessed the effects of acute, short term and chronic GHB administration on central (cerebral cortex) and peripheral (liver) biochemical processes involved in the metabolism of the drug, as well as the effects of the drug on metabolism in C57BL/6J, GABAB knock-out and obese (ob/ob) mice. We showed that GHB treatment affects weight gain in C57BL/6J and GABAB knock-out mice. Metabolomic analysis indicated large central and peripheral metabolic changes induced by GHB with important relevance to its therapeutic use. -- Le vieillissement est un processus multidimensionnel accompagné par de multiples changements dans les domaines physique, psychologique et social. Comprendre comment nous dormons et comment ce processus dynamique évolue sur la durée de vie nous aidera à identifier les aspects normaux du développement du sommeil au fil du temps, et à créer des stratégies pour accroître la connaissance et compréhension des troubles du sommeil et leur prise en charge précoce. Chez les sujets normaux de la cohorte HypnoLaus nous avons évalué les effets de l'âge et du sexe sur les mesures subjectives et objectives du sommeil. Nos résultats indiquent que le vieillissement normal ne s'accompagne pas de troubles du sommeil, et quand ils existent ceux-ci suggèrent la présence de comorbidités sous-jacentes. Les données polysomnographiques ont révélé que le sommeil profond était plus affecté avec l'âge chez les hommes. De plus, nous avons montré comment l'âge modifie la composition spectrale du sommeil lent et paradoxal. La structure du sommeil et les profils d'analyse spectrale peuvent donc constituer des standards permettant de définir les changements pathologiques du sommeil chez les personnes âgées. Parmi les aspects importants de la gestion du sommeil et de ses troubles, la caractérisation détaillée des médicaments hypnotiques utilisés est essentielle. L'acide gamma-hydroxybutyrique (GHB) est un acide gras à courte chaîne dérivé du GABA, principal neurotransmetteur inhibiteur du cerveau, mais son mode d'action et tous ses effets sont toujours largement méconnus. Plusieurs propriétés, comme la stimulation de la sécrétion de l'hormone de croissance chez l'homme et le développement d'une perte de poids chez les patients traités suggèrent un effet métabolique inexploré. Dans différentes expériences, nous avons évalué les effets d'une exposition aiguë, à court terme et chronique de GHB sur les processus biochimiques centraux (cortex cérébral) et périphériques (foie) impliqués dans le métabolisme du médicament. Nous avons aussi évalué les effets du médicament sur le métabolisme des souris C57BL/6J, GABAB KO et obèses (ob/ob). Nos résultats ont montré que le GHB diminue le gain de poids chez les souris C57BL/6J et GABAB KO. L'analyse métabolomique a indiqué des changements importants induits par GHB au niveau central et périphérique, et ces effets sont importants pour son utilisation thérapeutique.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of Pacific marine shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) and tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), in a polyculture in tanks subjected to different stocking densities and feeding strategies, in comparison with monoculture. Two experiments were performed, at the same time, in a completely randomized design with three treatments and four replicates each. Treatments for experiment I were: monoculture with 10 shrimp per m² (10S:0T); polyculture with 10 shrimp and 0.5 tilapia per m² (10S:0.5T); and polyculture with 10 shrimp and 1 tilapia per m² (10S:1T). Shrimp was the main crop, and feed was provided based on shrimp biomass. Treatments for experiment II were: monoculture with 2 tilapia per m² (2T:0S); polyculture with 2 tilapia and 2.5 shrimp per m² (2T:2.5S); and polyculture with 2 tilapia and 5 shrimp per m² (2T:5S). Tilapia was the main crop, and feed was provided based on fish requirements. In the experiment I, tilapia introduction to shrimp culture resulted in lower shrimp growth and poor feed conversion rate. In experiment II, shrimp introduction to tilapia culture did not interfere with fish performance. Polyculture is more efficient with the combination of 2 tilapia and 2.5 or 5 shrimp per m² and feed based on fish requirements.
Diplomityön tavoitteena on selvittää Wärtsilän dieselvoimalaitosten jätevedenkäsittelyn vallitseva tila. Tutkimuksessa keskitytään raskaspolttoöljykäyttöisiin voimalaitoksiin. Työssä selvitetään yleisimmät dieselvoimalaitosten jätevesille asetetut vaatimukset. Selvitys tehdään keräämälläja tutkimalla dieselvoimalaitosten jätevesille sovellettuja standardeja. Työssä selvitetään myös dieselvoimalaitokselta ulostulevan jäteveden laatu sekä nykyisen jätevedenkäsittelyjärjestelmän toiminta. Selvitys tehdään keräämällä ja tutkimalla yrityksen sisäisiä tietoja, sekä ottamalla ja analysoimalla jätevesinäytteitä. Näytteiden otto ja analysointi toteutetaan vierailemallakahdessa voimalaitoksessa sekä yhdessä muussa kohteessa. Jäteveden laatu ennen ja jälkeen käsittelyn määritetään. Myös öljynjalostusteollisuuden jätevedenkäsittelyä tarkastellaan kirjallisuuteen pohjautuen. Tarkastelun tavoitteena on hankkia tietoa jätevedenkäsittelystä kohteissa, joissa jäteveden laatu vastaa dieselvoimalaitoksella syntyvää jätevettä. Vertailun vuoksi myös öljynjalostusteollisuudelle asetetuttuja jätevesistandardeja tutkitaan. Lisäksi työssä tutkitaan myös joitakin muita jätevedenkäsittelymenetelmiä. Diplomityön tuloksena määritetään dieselvoimalaitosten jätevedenkäsittelyn tulevaisuuden haasteet ja mahdollisuudet.
In der Leistungselektronik spielt die Kenntnis des Wärmevrhaltens einer Platine eine sehr große Rolle. Die immer größeren Leistungsdichten unterstreichen die Wichtigkeit des Kenntnisses des Wärmeverhaltens. In der Platine funktionieren die Leistungskomponenten und Kupferlagen die große Ströme tragen als Leistungsquellen. Das Isolationsmaterial zwischen den Kupferlagen limitiert die maximale Temperatur der Platine. Dieses bringt eine Grentzung für den maximalen Strom der durch die Platine geführt werden kann. In dieser Arbeit wurden die maximalen Stromdichten im Worst-Case-Szenario einer Platine untersucht. Dafür wurde eine Testplatine entworfen und für die Testplatine ein thermisches Modell konstruiert. Die Effekte von Kühlung wurden auch untersucht. Die Bestimmtheit des Modells wurde mit Messungen überprüft.
The effect of different population densities of Pratylenchus brachyurus on the growth of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) plants was studied in three greenhouse experiments, using cultivars IAC 20 and IAC 22. Both cultivars proved to be good hosts to the nematode, which however did not affect plant height and affected only slightly fresh root weight and dry top weight of both cultivars, even at the highest population density (over 9,000 nematodes/plant).