94 resultados para DIAMONDS


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Article tastets d'economia número 4, que explica el paradigma dels diamants i l'aigua, adreçat al target de les ciències socials.


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Totes les plantes estan adaptades a viure en unes condicions ambientals concretes i en un determinat tipus del sòl. La relació que s'estableix entre la vegetació i la composició mineralògica del sòl ha fet que els geòlegs, quan busquen jaciments, es fixin, entre moltes altres dades, en les plantes que hi creixen. Stephen E. Haggerty i els seus col·laboradors, de la Universitat Internacional de Florida, als EUA, han descobert un tipus de palmera que creix únicament en indrets rics en diamants, en zones tropicals humides. La seva proposta, que recull la revista Economic Geology, és utilitzar aquesta correlació com un indicador per buscar nous jaciments, la qual cosa facilitaria la tasca i evitaria malmetre el medi ambient en prospeccions infructuoses.


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This study deals with the import of West Central African slaves and their religious practices to Minas Gerais in the eighteenth century. The captaincy of Minas Gerais in the interior of Brazil developed into the world’s largest gold producing region in the beginning of the eighteenth century. The large-scale mining of gold, and later diamonds, was only possible through massive imports of slaves from Africa to Brazil. The first part of this study discusses the Atlantic slave trade in the southern Atlantic world. The discovery of gold in Minas Gerais led to an increasing demand for slaves in Brazil, which was largely met by supplies from Angola. The study analyzes the formation of Central Africans’ identities both in their homelands and in Brazil. Slave identities or “nations” have often been seen as creations of the slave owners. By interpreting major Central African “nations” such as Angola, Congo, and Benguela as regional identities that were tied to the slaves’ origins in Africa, this study offers a new interpretation of what these identities meant for Central Africans in Minas Gerais. The second part of this study concentrates on the religious universe of Central Africans. Processes of cultural creolization affected West Central African societies after the Portuguese landed in the kingdom of Kongo in the late fifteenth century and led to the development of an Atlantic Creole culture. The spread of Catholicism in West Central Africa affected religious life especially in the kingdom of Kongo, in the city of Luanda, and in the Portuguese colony of Angola. Central African religious specialists were often denounced to the authorities in Angola for organizing healing and divination rituals. Diagnosis in these rituals was often made through spirit possession. Central Africans took these healing and divining methods to Minas Gerais, where numerous African religious specialists enjoyed great prominence. In the Brazilian mining region, it was commonplace that African healers served not only the African slave population, but also free whites. In the eighteenth century, Central African popular healers made a significant contribution to the therapeutic arts practiced in Minas Gerais and elsewhere in Brazil.


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The need for industries to remain competitive in the welding business, has created necessity to develop innovative processes that can exceed customer’s demand. Significant development in improving weld efficiency, during the past decades, still have their drawbacks, specifically in the weld strength properties. The recent innovative technologies have created smallest possible solid material known as nanomaterial and their introduction in welding production has improved the weld strength properties and to overcome unstable microstructures in the weld. This study utilizes a qualitative research method, to elaborate the methods of introducing nanomaterial to the weldments and the characteristic of the welds produced by different welding processes. The study mainly focuses on changes in the microstructural formation and strength properties on the welded joint and also discusses those factors influencing such improvements, due to the addition of nanomaterials. The effect of nanomaterial addition in welding process modifies the physics of joining region, thereby, resulting in significant improvement in the strength properties, with stable microstructure in the weld. The addition of nanomaterials in the welding processes are, through coating on base metal, addition in filler metal and utilizing nanostructured base metal. However, due to its insignificant size, the addition of nanomaterials directly to the weld, would poses complications. The factors having major influence on the joint integrity are dispersion of nanomaterials, characteristics of the nanomaterials, quantity of nanomaterials and selection of nanomaterials. The addition of nanomaterials does not affect the fundamental properties and characteristics of base metals and the filler metal. However, in some cases, the addition of nanomaterials lead to the deterioration of the joint properties by unstable microstructural formations. Still research are ongoing to achieve high joint integrity, in various materials through different welding processes and also on other factors that influence the joint strength.


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High chromium content in kimberlite indicator minerals such as pyrope garnet and diopside is often correlated with the presence of diamonds. In this study, kimberlite indicator minerals were examined using visible light reflectance spectroscopy to determine if chromium content can be correlated with spectral absorption features. The depth of absorption features in the visible spectral region were correlated with the molecular percentage of chromium and other first series transition metal elements obtained by electron microprobe data. In the visible part of the spectrum, chromium is evident by 3 absorption features in the pyrope reflectance spectrum; one isolated and narrow feature at the wavelength 689 nm was used to correlate with the chromium mol %. The isolation of this feature in the pyrope spectra is advantageous since it is not directly affected by other proximal absorption bands that could be caused by other transition metals. Analysis of the feature indicates that as grain volume increases the depth of the absorption feature will also increase. Clustering grain volumes into fractions yields better correlation between absorption depth and mol % chromium. Other types of garnet (almandine, grossular, spessartine) and kimberlite indicator minerals (olivine, diopside, chromite, ilmenite) were analyzed to determine if other absorption features could be used to predict the proportion of specific transition metal elements. Diopside in particular illustrates the same isolated chromium absorption feature as pyrope and may indicate mol percent but needs further study with larger sample sets.


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This paper revisits Diamond’s classical impossibility result regarding the ordering of infinite utility streams. We show that if no representability condition is imposed, there do exist strongly Paretian and finitely anonymous orderings of intertemporal utility streams with attractive additional properties. We extend a possibility theorem due to Svensson to a characterization theorem and we provide characterizations of all strongly Paretian and finitely anonymous rankings satisfying the strict transfer principle. In addition, infinite horizon extensions of leximin and of utilitarianism are characterized by adding an equity preference axiom and finite translation-scale measurability, respectively, to strong Pareto and finite anonymity.


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Esta monografía titulada, La intervención de la Comunidad Humanitaria Internacional en la Crisis Humanitaria de Sierra Leona 1991-2002, tiene como objetivo primordial analizar los factores internos y externos que llevaron a Sierra Leona a su crisis humanitaria. Las bases teóricas sobre las cuales se construyo la investigación fueron propuestas por Mery Kaldor y Roberg Rotberg. Cabe resaltar las siguientes conclusiones, la inestabilidad política de Sierra Leona creó las condiciones necesarias para que Liberia interviniera en el conflicto mediante el tráfico de diamantes y armas. Las dimensiones del conflicto llevaron a la intervención de la Comunidad Humanitaria Internacional, la cual estuvo sometida a fuertes críticas.


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La crisis de refugiados como consecuencia de la inestabilidad política en Costa de Marfil, ha desencadenado en una amenaza regional. La población vulnerable presente en la frontera porosa que caracteriza a Costa de Marfil y Liberia, es objeto de actividades ilícitas como el narcotráfico, tráfico de diamantes y tráfico de armas. Es entonces, como la crisis de refugiados marfileños resulta ser un elemento desestabilizador de las relaciones bilaterales entre Costa de Marfil y Liberia, en tanto se facilita el tráfico de armas entre combatientes liberianos y los refugiados marfileños. Este panorama, sin duda, intensifica el conflicto interno que hoy en día tiene lugar en Costa de Marfil.


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La Participación de las Empresas Militares Executive Outcomes y Sandline International en el conflicto de Sierra Leona fue una de las primeras veces en las que se vieron en escena a estos actores confluyendo en un nuevo orden internacional; y este estudio de caso busca determinar la manera de actuar de estas empresas y su incidencia en el conflicto. El caso de Sierra Leona es uno de los principales acercamientos a este nuevo fenómeno, que empezó a ejercer funciones que tradicionalmente le correspondían a los Estados y que han llevado a una privatización de la seguridad. Por medio de este estudio de caso se busca también determinar cuáles son las falencias y los retos que acarrean a las Empresas Militares Privadas en cuanto a su intervención en los conflictos internos. El caso de Sierra Leona es fundamental en tanto fue uno de los conflictos más intensos desarrollados en África en la década de los 90; y fue el momento en el cual las Empresas Militares Privadas empezaron a estar en la mira internacional a causa de estas intervenciones que generaron tanto críticas negativas como positivas.


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The temporary suspension of diamond exports in Ghana in 2006 and 2007 is arguably the most significant move to address mounting criticisms of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS), an international initiative aimed at stemming the flow of rough diamonds used to finance wars. The ban, which took effect in November 2006, was much praised, particularly in civil society circles, where it continues to be seen as a genuine effort to prevent the smuggling of ‘conflict diamonds’. At the time, Ghana was accused of harbouring stones originating from rebel-held territories in neighbouring Côte d’Ivoire. No evidence was found in support of the case that it was a repository for ‘conflict diamonds’, however, and exports resumed early in March 2007. This article examines the context for the accusations of Ghana’s implication in the smuggling of illicit diamonds, and draws on recent fieldwork to explain how the suspension has affected Akwatia, the country’s main diamondiferous area. The actions taken raise important questions about how suspected violators – particularly smaller diamond-producing nations – of the KPCS should be handled, and underscore how global compacts can have a host of negative repercussions at the village level.


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This paper offers an alternative viewpoint on why people choose to engage in artisanal mining – the low tech mineral extraction and processing of mainly precious metals and stones – for extended periods in sub-Saharan Africa. Drawing upon experiences from Akwatia, Ghana’s epicentre of diamond production since the mid-1920s, the analysis challenges the commonly-held view that the region’s people are drawn to artisanal mining solely because of a desire ‘to get rich quick’. A combination of events, including the recent closure of Ghana Consolidated Diamonds Ltd’s industrial-scale operation and decreased foreign investment in the country’s diamond industry over concerns of it potentially harbouring ‘conflict’ stones from neighbouring Coˆte D’Ivoire, has had a debilitating economic impact on Akwatia. In an attempt to alleviate their hardships, many of the town’s so-called ‘lifetime’ diamond miners have managed to secure employment in neighbouring artisanal gold mining camps. But their decision has been condemned by many of the country’s policymakers and traditional leaders, who see it solely as a move to secure ‘fast money’. It is argued here, however, that these people pursue work in surrounding artisanal gold mining communities mainly because of poverty, and that their decision has more to do with a desire to immerse in activities with which they are familiar, that offer stable employment and consistent salaries, and provide immediate debt relief. Misdiagnosis of cases such as Akwatia underscores how unfamiliar policymakers and donors are with the dynamics of ASM in sub-Saharan Africa.


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This paper provides an account of the changing livelihood dynamics unfolding in diamond-rich territories of rural Liberia. In these areas, many farm families are using the rice harvested on their plots to attract and feed labourers recruited specifically to mine for diamonds. The monies accrued from the sales of all recovered stones are divided evenly between the family and hired hands, an arrangement which, for thousands of people, has proved to be an effective short-term buffer against poverty. A deepened knowledge of these dynamics could be an important step towards facilitating lasting development in Liberia’s highly-impoverished rural areas.


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Artisanal miners have tended to be portrayed in the literature and media as people who work hard and play hard, not infrequently depicted as ‘rough diamonds’ likely to cross the boundaries of appropriate behaviour through pursuit of wealth and flamboyant living, often at the cost of local environmental damage. A popular alternative image is that of marginalised labourers, driven by poverty to toil in harsh conditions and pursuing mining livelihoods in the face of national governments and large-scale mining companies’ subversion of their land and mineral rights. Both views reflect partial realities, but are inclined to exaggerate the position of miners as mischief-making rogues or victims. Through documentation of the multi-faceted nature of Tanzanian artisanal miners’ work and home lives during the country’s on-going economic mineralisation, we endeavour to convey a balanced rendering of their aspirations, occupational identity and social ties. Our emphasis is on their working lives as artisans, how they organise themselves and contend with the risks of their occupation, including their engagement with government policy and large-scale mining interests.


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Biography of Josephine Bonaparte. The incredible rise and unbelievable fall of Josephine, a mistress, courtesan and Revolutionary heroine whose energy and ambition has often been overshadowed by Napoleon’s military might. Historian Kate Williams, author of Becoming Queen, tells Josephine’s searing story of sexual obsession, politics and surviving as a woman in a man’s world. Abandoned in Paris by her aristocratic husband, Josephine's future did not look promising. But while her friends and contemporaries were sent to the guillotine during the Terror that followed the Revolution, she survived prison and emerged as the doyenne of a wildly debauched party scene, surprising everybody when she encouraged the advances of a short, marginalised Corsican soldier, six years her junior. Josephine, the fabulous hostess and skilled diplomat, was the perfect consort to the ambitious but obnoxious Napoleon. With her by his side, he became the greatest man in Europe, the Supreme Emperor; and she amassed a jewellery box with more diamonds than Marie Antoinette’s. But as his fame grew, Napoleon became increasingly obsessed with his need for an heir and irritated with Josephine’s extravagant spending. The woman who had enchanted France became desperate and jealous. Until, a divorcee aged forty-seven, she was forced to watch from the sidelines as Napoleon and his young bride produced a child.


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Introduction: As opposed to the cementation metal posts, the cementation of fiber posts has several details that can significantly influence the success of post retention. This study evaluated the effect of the relining procedure, the cement type, and the luted length of the post on fiber posts retention. Methods: One hundred eighty bovine incisors were selected to assess post retention; after endodontic treatment, the canals were flared with diamonds burs. Post holes were prepared in lengths of 5, 7.5, and 10 mm; the fiber posts were relined with composite resin and luted with RelyX ARC, RelyX Unicem, or RelyX Luting 2. All cements are manufactured by 3M ESPE (St. Paul, MN). Samples were subjected to a pull-out bond strength test in a universal testing machine; the results (N) were submitted to a three-way analysis of variance and the Tukey post hoc test (alpha = 0.05). Results: The improvement of post retention occurred with the increase of the post length luted into the root canal; the relining procedure improved the pull-out bond strength. RelyX Unicem and RelyX ARC showed similar values of retention, both showing higher values than RelyX Luting 2. Conclusion: Post length, the reining procedure, and the cement type are all important factors for improving the retention of fiber posts. (J Endod 2010;36:1543-1546)