965 resultados para Curriculum planning--Ontario.
This study was particularly aimed at the examinations and the effect they have on schooling at the secondary school level in Zimbabwe. The views and opinions of teachers on the use of terminal examinations for certification and the influence they are seen to have on teachers' approach to the curriculum were examined. The literature has shown that there is widespread criticism of the justice and effects of terminal examinations. It is argued that they lead to an over-emphasis of that which is measured, knowledge and intellectual ability, at the expense of that kind of education progress which is almost impossible to measure in an end-of-the-course assessment. Three hundred and six secondary school teachers responded to a survey which asked for teachers' perceptions of examinations and the curriculum. The findings of this study indicated that teaching is structured towards examinations. Although teachers are trying to teach and develop reasoning skills and other activities, the pressure of examinations and the importance of doing well in them force teachers to restrict themselves to examination requirements.
This study explored the relationship between the practical examination and other course evaluation methods~ specifically, the triple jump, tutorial, and written examination. Studies correlating academic and clinical grades tended to indicate that they may not be highly correlated because each evaluation process contributes different kinds of information regarding student knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Six hypotheses were generated stating a positive relationship between the four evaluation methods. A correlation matrix was produced of the Pearson Product Moment correlation co-efficients on the four evaluation methods in the second and third year Occupational Therapy Technique and Clinical Problem Solving courses of the 1988 and 1989 graduates (n~45). The results showed that the highest correlations existed between the triple jump and the tutorial grades and the lowest correlations existed between the practical examination and written examination grades. Not all of the correlations~ however~ reached levels of significance. The correlations overall. though, were only low to moderate at best which indicates that the evaluation methods may be measuring different aspects of student learning. This conclusion supports the studies researched. The implications and significance of this study is that it will assist the faculty in defining what the various evaluation methods measure which will in turn promote more critical input into curriculum development for the remaining years of the program.
Ontario Editorial Bureau (O.E.B.)
The site of present-day St. Catharines was settled by 3000 United Empire Loyalists at the end of the 18th century. From 1790, the settlement (then known as "The Twelve") grew as an agricultural community. St. Catharines was once referred to Shipman's Corners after Paul Shipman, owner of a tavern that was an important stagecoach transfer point. In 1815, leading businessman William Hamilton Merritt abandoned his wharf at Queenston and set up another at Shipman's Corners. He became involved in the construction and operation of several lumber and gristmills along Twelve Mile Creek. Shipman's Corners soon became the principal milling site of the eastern Niagara Peninsula. At about the same time, Merritt began to develop the salt springs that were discovered along the river which subsequently gave the village a reputation as a health resort. By this time St. Catharines was the official name of the village; the origin of the name remains obscure, but is thought to be named after Catharine Askin Robertson Hamilton, wife of the Hon. Robert Hamilton, a prominent businessman. Merritt devised a canal scheme from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario that would provide a more reliable water supply for the mills while at the same time function as a canal. He formed the Welland Canal Company, and construction took place from 1824 to 1829. The canal and the mills made St. Catharines the most important industrial centre in Niagara. By 1845, St. Catharines was incorporated as a town, with the town limits extending in 1854. Administrative and political functions were added to St. Catharines in 1862 when it became the county seat of Lincoln. In 1871, construction began on the third Welland Canal, which attracted additional population to the town. As a consequence of continual growth, the town limits were again extended. St. Catharines attained city status in 1876 with its larger population and area. Manufacturing became increasingly important in St. Catharines in the early 1900s with the abundance of hydro-electric power, and its location on important land and water routes. The large increase in population after the 1900s was mainly due to the continued industrialization and urbanization of the northern part of the city and the related expansion of business activity. The fourth Welland Canal was opened in 1932 as the third canal could no longer accommodate the larger ships. The post war years and the automobile brought great change to the urban form of St. Catharines. St. Catharines began to spread its boundaries in all directions with land being added five times during the 1950s. The Town of Merritton, Village of Port Dalhousie and Grantham Township were all incorporated as part of St. Catharines in 1961. In 1970 the Province of Ontario implemented a regional approach to deal with such issues as planning, pollution, transportation and services. As a result, Louth Township on the west side of the city was amalgamated, extending the city's boundary to Fifteen Mile Creek. With its current population of 131,989, St. Catharines has become the dominant centre of the Niagara region. Source: City of St. Catharines website http://www.stcatharines.ca/en/governin/HistoryOfTheCity.asp (January 27, 2011)
Con este artículo queremos exponer una experiencia didáctica interdisciplinar con la intervención de las áreas de expresión visual, literaria y musical, y, al mismo tiempo, rendir homenaje a una parte pequeña, pero no por eso menos significativa, de nuestro autor: sus canciones para niños. Apel·les Mestres, figura polifacética y en estrecha comunión con su tiempo, nos dejó un amplio legado en todas las áreas o disciplinas que cultivó: la música, la literatura, el dibujo, la poesía, etc
La experiencia se enmarca en un proyecto de intercambio Comenius desarrollado entre los años 2002-2005, con la participación de seis centros europeos. A partir de la asignatura de prácticas de los alumnos de la Universidad de Girona, se ha implicado la educación musical en el proyecto y se ha desarrollado, a lo largo de tres cursos, una rica experiencia intercultural a través de la canción, la danza y la composición. A su vez, se analizan las aportaciones del proyecto al trabajo de las competencias básicas de la etapa
Este texto quiere servir de inspiración o ser suficientemente atractivo como para que más maestros tengan ganas de descubrir las posibilidades de los procesos educativos multiculturales y artísticos/estéticos, en y con sus propios alumnos
L'objectiu bàsic d'aquesta investigació es elaborar una proposta de criteris útil per a l'elaboració i revisió de les seqüències de continguts educatius al currículum. Per dur-lo a terme, s'han desenvolupat les tasques següents: - Revisió critica de les diferents aportacions al tema des de la psicologia, l'epis¬temologia i la didàctica. - Elaboració d'un conjunt de criteris, fonamentals i relacionats, per orientar el professorat i els dissenyadors de currículums i materials curriculars en la presa de decisions sobre la manera de presentar i desenvolupar els continguts educatius en els plans d'ensenyament, englobant de manera simultània les dife¬rents variables que intervenen. - Estudi d'un cas en el qual un equip docent d'Educació Primària elabora una seqüència educativa per a l'estudi dels essers vius, i l'experimenta a l'aula, ba¬sant-se en la proposta de criteris realitzada. L'estudi del cas ha cobert un període de quatre anys de treball conjunt de l'investigador i l'equip docent. Hipòtesis de treball: L'establiment d'un conjunt de criteris explícits que orientin l'anàlisi i l'elaboració de seqüències de continguts educatius per part dels equips docents pot ajudar a millorar el disseny i el desenvolupament del currículum als centres. Se suposa que els criteris esmentats: 1. Proporcionaran als docents una millor comprensió dels continguts educatius que ensenyen, de la seva estructura lògica i psicològica i, en conseqüència dels as¬pectes més rellevants per a l'ensenyament. 2. Situaran el professorat en unes millors condicions per elaborar seqüències d'ensenyament fonamentades i progressives. 3. Facilitaran l'adaptació de Is continguts educatius a les capacitats, el conei¬xements i les experiències prèvies de l'alumnat. 4. Afavoriran una presentació dels continguts a l'alumnat més organitzada i relacionada. 5. Comentaran un tractament mes equilibrat i integrat dels diferents tipus de continguts. Conclusions: - Els criteris proposats s'han mostrat útils i coherents per ajudar a analitzar i reconduir les seqüències educatives, mitjançant hipòtesis explícites fonamentades que els donin més coherència. - El tipus d'intervenció realitzada i la metodologia utilitzada en l'estudi del cas, basades a l'observació participant s'han mostrat útils per tractar els pro¬blemes plantejats. - Els resultats del treball realitzat tenen repercussions en la formació inicial i permanent del professorat i en el disseny dels currículums i materials curri¬culars. D'una altra banda, la seva generalització faria necessari la seva rèplica en altres etapes i àrees curriculars.
The chapter starts from the premise that an historically- and institutionally-formed orientation to music education at primary level in European countries privileges a nineteenth century Western European music aesthetic, with its focus on formal characteristics such as melody and rhythm. While there is a move towards a multi-faceted understanding of musical ability, a discrete intelligence and willingness to accept musical styles or 'open-earedness', there remains a paucity of documented evidence of this in research at primary school level. To date there has been no study undertaken which has the potential to provide policy makers and practitioners with insights into the degree of homogeneity or universality in conceptions of musical ability within this educational sector. Against this background, a study was set up to explore the following research questions: 1. What conceptions of musical ability do primary teachers hold a) of themselves and; b) of their pupils? 2. To what extent are these conceptions informed by Western classical practices? A mixed methods approach was used which included survey questionnaire and semi-structured interview. Questionnaires have been sent to all classroom teachers in a random sample of primary schools in the South East of England. This was followed up with a series of semi-structured interviews with a sub-sample of respondents. The main ideas are concerned with the attitudes, beliefs and working theories held by teachers in contemporary primary school settings. By mapping the extent to which a knowledge base for teaching can be resistant to change in schools, we can problematise primary schools as sites for diversity and migration of cultural ideas. Alongside this, we can use the findings from the study undertaken in an English context as a starting point for further investigation into conceptions of music, musical ability and assessment held by practitioners in a variety of primary school contexts elsewhere in Europe; our emphasis here will be on the development of shared understanding in terms of policies and practices in music education. Within this broader framework, our study can have a significant impact internationally, with potential to inform future policy making, curriculum planning and practice.
The so called Campaign for the Improvement and Diffusion of High School (in Portuguese, CADES) took place between 1953 and 1971, in Brazil. During this period, the Campaign published or helped publish dozens of books, in different teaching areas, and several of them were located by the authors of this article. These books guided high school teachers with respect to curriculum planning, legal aspects and methods of teaching. In this article, we contextualize historically this Campaign and also mention its objectives. We briefly describe some of the books found - especially those related to the teaching of mathematics - in order to open perspectives for future approaches and research that can be done based on this written material. Our main aim is to discuss its orientations and to provide ingredients that enable the construction of considerations related to this perspective of training mathematics teachers during a period when there were few colleges and universities to prepare teachers in Brazil.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
BACKGROUND In 2007, a first survey on undergraduate palliative care teaching in Switzerland has revealed major heterogeneity of palliative care content, allocation of hours and distribution throughout the 6 year curriculum in Swiss medical faculties. This second survey in 2012/13 has been initiated as part of the current Swiss national strategy in palliative care (2010 - 2015) to serve as a longitudinal monitoring instrument and as a basis for redefinition of palliative care learning objectives and curriculum planning in our country. METHODS As in 2007, a questionnaire was sent to the deans of all five medical faculties in Switzerland in 2012. It consisted of eight sections: basic background information, current content and hours in dedicated palliative care blocks, current palliative care content in other courses, topics related to palliative care presented in other courses, recent attempts at improving palliative care content, palliative care content in examinations, challenges, and overall summary. Content analysis was performed and the results matched with recommendations from the EAPC for undergraduate training in palliative medicine as well as with recommendations from overseas countries. RESULTS There is a considerable increase in palliative care content, academic teaching staff and hours in all medical faculties compared to 2007. No Swiss medical faculty reaches the range of 40 h dedicated specifically to palliative care as recommended by the EAPC. Topics, teaching methods, distribution throughout different years and compulsory attendance still differ widely. Based on these results, the official Swiss Catalogue of Learning Objectives (SCLO) was complemented with 12 new learning objectives for palliative and end of life care (2013), and a national basic script for palliative care was published (2015). CONCLUSION Performing periodic surveys of palliative care teaching at national medical faculties has proven to be a useful tool to adapt the national teaching framework and to improve the recognition of palliative medicine as an integral part of medical training.
"Sixteen-week courses November 2, 1945, to February 23, 1946".