955 resultados para Communication process


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Tutkielman tavoitteet: Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää miten branditunnettuutta voidaan kasvattaa yritysasiantuntijapalveluiden markkinoilla toimivassa tytäryhtiössä yleensä, ja erityisesti case yrityksessä. Vaikka yritysasiantuntijapalvelualan markkinointia on tutkittu melko paljon, ovat tutkimukset keskittyneet pääasiallisesti henkilökohtaiseen myyntityöhön ja suhdemarkkinointiin. Myös branditunnettuuden kehittämistä on tutkittu, mutta enimmäkseen kuluttajamarkkinoilla. Tutkimusmetodologiat: Tutkimus on toteutettu kvalitatiivisena deskriptiivis-analyyttisenä case-tutkimuksena. Tutkimuksen teoriaosuus perustuu kirjallisuuskatsaukseen ja empiirinen tutkimus puolistrukturoituun teemahaastatteluun.. Haastateltaviksi valittiin tutkittavan case organisaation ylin johto, sekä viestinnästä ja markkinoinnista vastaava henkilö. Tutkimustulokset ja päätelmät: Tutkimuksen tuloksena syntyi ehdotus siitä, millä tavoin case-yritys voisi kasvattaa branditunnettuuttaan potentiaalisten asiakkaidensa keskuudessa. Ehdotus etenee teoriarakenteen mukaisesti muodostaen mallin jossa kaikki viestintäprosessin oleelliset vaiheet on käyty läpi. Branditunnettuus rakennetaan viestintäprosessissa johon kuuluu: kohdeyleisönidentifiointi, viestinnän tavoitteiden asettaminen, viestin suunnittelu, viestintäkanavien valinta ja toimenpiteiden suunnittelu.


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Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää mahdollisuuksia ohjata pakettia uudelleen sen jälkeen, kun lähettäjä on luovuttanut paketin Postin kuljetettavaksi. Lähtökohtana työlle oli, että uudelleenohjaus suoritettaisiin matkapuhelimella, koska se suuren penetraationsa ansiosta tavoittaa mahdollisimman monen vastaanottajan. Ensin selvitettiin nykyinen Postin pakettiprosessin toiminta haastattelemalla asiantuntijoita ja perehtyen toiminnan kuvauksiin. Työssä pyrittiin ottamaan asiakaslähtöinen näkökanta, jonka pohjaksi tutustuttiin Postille tehtyihin kattaviin asiakastutkimuksiin. Asiakkaiden tarpeet kasvavat ja muuttuvat entistä yksilöllisimmiksi. Paketin uudelleenohjauksella voitaisiin asiakkaan toivomuksesta muuttaa paketin toimitusosoitetta, -aikaa tai tehdä kotiinkuljetustilaus. Asiakasta informoidaan saapuvasta lähetyksestä saapumisilmoituksella, jonka perusteella uudelleenohjaus voitaisiin tehdä. Toinen tapa olisi kertoa ennakkoon, että haluaa kaikki saapuvat lähetykset vastaanottaa tietyllä tavalla haluttuna ajankohtana. Uudelleenohjaus ei ole teknisesti vaikeaa, mutta toiminnallisen prosessin aikaansaaminen on vaikea tehtävä. Paketin uudelleenohjaus on varteenotettava mahdollisuus luoda Postin asiakkaille lisäarvoa ja yksilöllistä palvelua. Se vaatii kuitenkin pakettiprosessin muutoksia niin lähettäjälle, vastaanottajalle kuin Postille.


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The purpose of the research was to investigate operational processes related to home care of the elderly as well as use of assistive devices in smart home environments, and operational processes that are generally related to use of assistive devices – from the point of view of productivity improvement. The themes were looked into from the points of view of both the elderly and care personnel. In addition, perspectives of near relatives of the elderly, of the larger service system as well as of companies that provided assistive devices to the smart homes were taken into consideration. In the study of home care processes, 32 customer interviews and 17 employee interviews were carried out. This report contains a summary that is based on a separate report of the home care study. The study of home care was conducted in 2006. The use of technological and mechanical assistive devices and the related operational processes were investigated with the help of the smart home pilot in 2007–2008. The study is described in this report. The smart home pilot was implemented in four different housing service units for elderly people at Lahti, Nastola and Hollola. They were in use during short-term housing periods related to, for instance, end of hospitalisation, holidays of caring relatives and assessment of living and housing conditions. More than 60 different assistive devices and technologies were brought to the smart homes. During the pilot period, experiences of customers and personnel as well as processes related to the use of assistive devices were investigated. The research material consisted of 20 survey questionnaires of personnel and customers, four interviews with customers, five interviews with personnel, feedback survey responses from 14 companies, and other data that were collected, for instance, in orientation events. The research results highlighted the need for tailored services based on an elderly person’s needs and wishes, while taking advantage of innovative and technological solutions. As in the earlier home care study, also assistive device-related operational processes were looked into with the help of concepts of ‘resource focus’, ‘lost motion’ and ‘intermediate landing’. The following were identified as central operational processes in assistive device-related services (regardless of the service provider): (1) acquisition process of technologies and assistive devices as well as of rearrangement and rebuilding works in the home, (2) introduction and orientation process (of the elderly, their relatives and care personnel), (3) information and communication process, and (4) service and monitoring process. In addition, the research focused on design and desirability of assistive devices as well as their costs, such as opportunity costs. The process-based points of view gave new knowledge that may be used in the future to develop service processes and clarify their ownership so that separately managed cross-functional processes could be built with participants from different sectors to operate alongside organisations of elderly care. Development of functionality of assistive device-related services is a societally significant issue.


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The adoption of a proper traceability system is being incorporated into meat production practices as a method of gaining consumer confidence. The various partners operating in the chain of meat production can be considered a social network, and they have the common goal of generating a communication process that can ensure each characteristic of the product, including safety. This study aimed to select the most appropriate meat traceability system “from farm to fork” that could be applied to Brazilian beef and pork production for international trade. The research was done in three steps. The first used the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) for selecting the best on-farm livestock traceability. In the second step, the actors in the meat production chain were identified to build a framework and defined each role in the network. In the third step, the selection of the traceability system was done. Results indicated that with an electronic traceability system, it is possible to acquire better connections between the links in the chain and to provide the means for managing uncertainties by creating structures that facilitate information flow more efficiently.


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Cette recherche s’intéresse aux processus communicationnels utilisés dans les comités d’éthique clinique (CEC) en Amérique du nord dans leur fonction de consultation. Selon la littérature, les CEC bénéficieraient de «pay closer attention to group process [as an] effective communication in a HEC is essential to a committee’s function» (Berchelmann and Blechner 2002 p.143). Or, très peu de données sur les dynamiques de groupe et les modes de communication en CEC sont disponibles. Ce travail cherche à savoir si l’approche dialogique peut être utile au soutien des discussions de groupe des CEC. Dans un premier temps, une revue de littérature rend compte, à partir de son historique, de l’état actuel des CEC. Sont ensuite explorées et analysées, dans leurs avantages et leurs limites, les diverses méthodes utilisées afin de mener les discussions dans le cadre des consultations. Dans un deuxième temps, les barrières communicationnelles qui affectent potentiellement les CEC sont identifiées. Par la suite, afin d’améliorer le processus de communication (et diminuer l’effet des barrières), une nouvelle piste de solution est proposée : le dialogue tel que développé par le milieu organisationnel. Le dialogue est alors conceptualisé et mis en lien avec les besoins des CEC en matière de communication. Bien que le dialogue propose plusieurs contributions avantageuses pour les CEC et leurs membres, certaines contraintes réduisent sa faisabilité d’une façon globale dans le contexte particulier des CEC. Par contre, en l’utilisant comme formation complémentaire, le dialogue permet le développement de l’individu et du groupe et demeure une approche intéressante et utile pour les CEC qui éprouvent des difficultés systémiques et comprennent les implications de sa démarche.


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L’industrie publicitaire est un travail quotidien de collaboration entre deux « hémisphères » distincts : l’un de nature commercial et l’autre de nature créatif. Des individus qui favorisent des aspects logiques et rationnels se doivent de collaborer avec des individus qui favorisent des aspects intuitifs et artistiques, ce qui suscite des tensions. Cette mise en relation s’opère au travers d’un processus, que nous nommerons processus de design visuel communicationnel car il permet de relier la communication au design, approche que nous adoptons dans ce mémoire. L’industrie publicitaire s’est dotée d’outils permettant de faciliter le processus de design visuel communicationnel, dont le brief créatif. Notre recherche propose d’observer la manière dont les « commerciaux » et les « créatifs » perçoivent leur travail quotidien en agence et comment le brief créatif est réquisitionné. Nous adoptons une posture interprétative pour tenir compte de la complexité du phénomène et nous mobilisons une série d’entrevues pour répondre à nos questions de recherche. Nos questions de recherche sont les suivantes : de quelle manière les « commerciaux » et les « créatifs » négocient-ils les tensions lors du processus de design visuel communicationnel? Quels rôles le brief créatif occupe-t-il au sein de ce processus? Les résultats nous renseignent sur les transformations et les innovations qui émergent des tensions entre les « commerciaux » et les « créatifs » et sur l’importance que revêtent les caractéristiques communicationnelles du brief créatif dans le cadre du processus de design visuel communicationnel.


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El término Mercadeo Electrónico (ME) se refiere a nuevos procesos dentro de una compañía para generar comunicación entre el cliente y el negocio. Este proceso usa los cambios tecnológicos generados en los procesos de comunicación previos, como Internet que ha roto con las barreras culturales, económicas, políticas y geográficas –distancia de conexión-. El desarrollo de el ME ha incrementado substancialmente junto con la caída de los costos en las telecomunicaciones y los equipos en la tecnología de información. Esta tesis se aproxima a aspectos de usar algunas tecnologías para el desarrollo de la comunicación entre Inter Staff y sus clientes. El uso de diferentes tipos de publicidades virtual (en especial las usadas en la social media y los diferentes procesos en ésta), diseño y desarrollo de estrategias de mercadeo electrónico son algunos de los resultados obtenidos en éste escrito. El primer capítulo de la tesis presenta un análisis del termino Marketing, objetivos, procesos, herramientas de los medios y Mercadeo electrónico como estrategia. El segundo capítulo de la tesis presenta una introducción a sector de los agentes de aduana. ¿Cómo funcionan? Historia y objetivos. El tercer capítulo desarrolla el Plan de Mercadeo Electrónico. Éste contiene los objetivos, procesos y metas para aplicarlo como estrategia en la empresa.


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El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo explicar el papel de las redes sociales en el proceso de conformación de la opinión pública en Colombia en el gobierno de Juan Manuel Santos. Lo que se quiere comprobar es que las redes sociales han ejercido un papel de herramienta configuradora de agendas en el gobierno de Juan Manuel Santos. Las antiguas formas de comunicación como las tertulias en los cafés y las discusiones cara a cara se han reemplazado por las conversaciones “online”, modificando así los procesos comunicativos entre los individuos y la forma de producir opinión pública. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación es pertinente desarrollar los conceptos de opinión pública, esfera pública y redes sociales; además de hacer uso de un método de recolección y análisis de información cualitativo con herramientas cuantitativas como las encuestas, estadísticas y gráficas.


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Aquesta tesi analitza i posa en relació, des d'un punt de vista teòric, la funció del sistema emocional humà y els processos de la comunicació publicitària. I busca en l'estètica i l'art, i més concretament en la pintura, els recursos expressius que permeten establir un lligam emocional amb el receptor de la publicitat.


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Schools in England (as elsewhere in Europe) have a duty to promote equality for disabled people and make reasonable adjustments for disabled children. There is, however, a degree of uncertainty about how well-placed parents are addressed to use the legislation to ensure their child’s needs. This paper presents data drawn from a national questionnaire designed for schools to use to identify their disabled pupils and examines, in detail, parental responses to a question on the kinds of support their child finds helpful in offsetting any difficulties they experience. It illustrates the complex and varied nature of the ‘reasonable adjustments’ that are required and an overriding sense that need to be underpinned by the values of a responsive child-centred approach, one that recognises that parents’ knowledge and understanding of their child are important. Schools need to have in place the two-way communication process that supports them in ‘knowing’ about the visible and invisible challenges that pupils with difficulties and disabilities face in participating in school life.


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Children's views are essential to enabling schools to fulfil their duties under the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 and create inclusive learning environments. Arguably children are the best source of information about the ways in which schools support their learning and what barriers they encounter. Accessing this requires a deeper level of reflection than simply asking what children find difficult. It is also a challenge to ensure that the views of all children contribute including those who find communication difficult. Development work in five schools is drawn on to analyse the ways in which teachers used suggestions for three interview activities. The data reveals the strengths and limitations of different ways of supporting the communication process.


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Schools in England (as elsewhere in Europe) have a duty to promote equality for disabled people and make reasonable adjustments for disabled children. This paper presents data drawn from a national questionnairedesigned for schools to use to identify their disabled pupils and examines in detail parental responses to a question on the kinds of support their child finds helpful in offsetting any difficulties they experience. It illustrates the complex and varied nature of the reasonable adjustments required and an overriding sense these need to be underpinned by the values of a responsive child centred approach, one that reflects parents’ knowledge and understanding of their child. Schools need to have in place the two way communication process that supports them in “knowing” about the visible and invisible challenges that disabled pupils face in participating in school life


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Esta pesquisa avalia o estilo de gestão do CMAS/POA na elaboração da política de assistência social do município, na visão dos seus próprios integrantes (conselheiros). Baseiase no modelo de análise de estilo de gestão estruturado por Rensis Likert, aplicado às condições e contexto de um conselho de assistência social. Todos os 35 conselheiros municipais responderam a um questionário de levantamento de dados quantitativos, utilizando uma escala tipo Likert, com respostas no intervalo de 1 a 4, correspondendo aos estilos de gestão: autoritário-forte, autoritário-benévolo, participativoconsultivo e participativo-grupal. As questões abrangem aspectos relativos às dimensões ou temas: processos de liderança utilizados, natureza das forças motivacionais, do processo de comunicação, do processo de influência e interação, do processo decisório, do sistema de metas e diretrizes, do processo de controle e metas de desempenho e treinamento. Os resultados evidenciam que o estilo de gestão do CMAS/POA é o participativoconsultivo. A análise das variáveis causais permite sugerir diversas ações para tornar o estilo de gestão participativo grupal.


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Uma grande evolução aconteceu no mundo com o surgimento da Internet. Ela causou um espantoso aumento das comunicações, que passaram a ser em tempo real e com uma abrangência mundial. Foi a democratização da informação. A Internet serve como uma grande ferramenta para as empresas, principalmente com a globalização dos mercados, fenômeno que cresce cada dia mais e atinge a todos. A globalização fez com que as organizações se tornassem globais, e a Internet funciona como um elo de ligação entre empresas, fornecedores e consumidores. Este trabalho consistiu na realização de uma pesquisa survey exploratória com o objetivo de verificar e descrever o uso potencial da Internet como ferramenta de auxílio à realização de negócios de caráter global, nas micro, pequenas e médias empresas de Porto Alegre. A amostra das empresas pesquisadas foi extraída do Trade Point Porto Alegre, por ser essa uma entidade que tem por objetivo auxiliar as empresas a realizarem operações globais. Com relação ao mercado global, o trabalho identificou que quase todas as empresas acreditam que ele tenha oportunidades de negócios. Os principais meios para entrar nesse mercado são a participação em feiras e rodadas de negócios, contato pessoal e o Trade Point. A Internet já está disseminada no meio empresarial, todas as empresas já a conhecem, e boa parte das empresas realizam operações que podem ser auxiliadas pela rede, como comunicação, promoção de produtos e acompanhamento pós-venda. Identificou-se que as microempresas são as que menos acreditam no mercado internacional, mas apontaram que a Internet pode ajudá-las em suas atividades. Já as pequenas empresas são as que atuam no mercado internacional e acreditam que a Internet possa ajudá-las em algumas atividades. Por fim, as médias empresas, também atuam no mercado internacional, principalmente com as exportações, e são as que já estão utilizando a Internet. O Trade Point se mostrou um serviço bem requisitado pelas empresas, principalmente as que atuam com o comércio internacional. As principais vantagens citadas foram a centralização de informações e a geração de novos negócios.