892 resultados para Collective memory construction


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Refus global, le recueil, n’est pas « Refus global », le texte rédigé par Paul-Émile Borduas et cosigné par 15 membres du groupe automatiste. Partant de cette distinction entre le recueil automatiste et son texte éponyme et du constat selon lequel la partie éclipse le tout dans le discours critique, cette thèse a pour objectif d’expliquer l’occultation du recueil dans l’histoire sociale et artistique québécoise. À partir de l’étude de la réception de 1948 à 2008, j’interroge la constitution du récit commun entourant l’œuvre, duquel le recueil est exclu. Il s’agit donc de mettre au jour les obstacles qui se sont présentés dans le parcours de réception du recueil, nuisant à la formation d’un discours unifié et cohérent à son sujet et l’empêchant de s’inscrire dans l’histoire. Dégagés de l’étude du corpus composé de 639 objets sémiotiques secondaires (OSS, selon le concept proposé par Brigitte Louichon), les obstacles à la réception du recueil relèvent à la fois de facteurs pragmatiques, telles la composition hétérogène de l’œuvre ou sa disponibilité; de facteurs institutionnels ou historiographiques, comme la disciplinarisation du champ culturel ou l’impact du récit de la Révolution tranquille sur l’histoire littéraire; et de facteurs humains, reposant sur le rôle des auteurs et de certains critiques dans l’accueil réservé à l’œuvre. Les différentes étapes de la réception sont ainsi considérées : de l’horizon d’attente (Jauss) à la réception productive (Link), en passant par la publication, les premières critiques, les rééditions, les lectures savantes, l’historicisation et l’entrée de l’œuvre dans la mémoire à titre de symbole ou d’hypotexte. Or, plutôt qu’à ce parcours de réception exemplaire, c’est son envers qui est interrogé ici, c’est-à-dire les difficultés et les déviations de la réception du recueil Refus global. Cette thèse est divisée en trois parties. La première, théorique et méthodologique, situe mon propos dans les domaines de l’histoire culturelle et des études de réception, et présente diverses considérations concernant la constitution du corpus et le traitement des données. La deuxième aborde l’horizon d’attente et la première réception, moment crucial pour la survie de l’œuvre, comme l’ont montré Hans Robert Jauss et Daniel Chartier. On y observe notamment l’effet de verrou (Cambron) qu’a le renvoi de Borduas sur la constitution du récit de réception, de même que les critères éthiques et esthétiques en fonction desquels s’est opérée la hiérarchisation des composantes du recueil. La troisième partie couvre la réception subséquente (1950-2008). À l’étude des obstacles empêchant l’intégration du recueil dans l’histoire s’ajoute alors l’étude des réceptions parallèles, parcellaires et autonomes dont a bénéficié Refus global pour survivre – ponctuellement et partiellement – en dehors du récit commun formé autour de « Refus global ». Avec les différentes catégories d’OSS (directs, indirects, hypertextuels, métacritiques et parcellaires), ces trois types de réception font partie des outils heuristiques développés dans le but d’expliquer la réception partielle dont a fait l’objet le recueil. Selon l’approche quantitative et environnementaliste de l’histoire culturelle, Refus global est envisagé comme un microcosme de la culture, dans lequel certaines œuvres sont retenues et d’autres négligées. L’analyse d’un corpus critique large et varié permet ainsi de saisir non seulement les phénomènes conduisant à la consécration du texte éponyme ou à l’oubli relatif du recueil, mais aussi les tendances critiques, les parutions marginales, les critiques isolées, etc. qui, enfouies dans les angles morts de la réception, offrent au recueil et à ses composantes des voies de contournement du discours dominant. En somme, l’étude de la réception du recueil Refus global a permis à la fois de déplacer la focalisation critique depuis « Refus global » vers Refus global, de développer des outils pour envisager la réception d’œuvres marginalisées et de mettre en évidence des critères privilégiés dans la constitution de l’histoire et de la mémoire culturelles québécoises depuis 1948.


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Les études sur la mémoire, qui connaissent une grande popularité depuis les années 1980, ont mené à un intérêt pour l’histoire de l’histoire et pour la création de figures héroïques. Ce mémoire de maîtrise s’inscrit dans ces courants de recherche en étudiant le sort qu’une historiographie plurinationale a réservé à trois officiers français du théâtre nord-américain de la guerre de Sept Ans. Nous observerons comment les ouvrages britanniques, français, américains, canadiens-anglais et canadiens-français ont traité de Vaudreuil, Bougainville et Lévis. Nous pourrons ainsi exploiter la richesse de l’historiographie relative à cette guerre, qui date du XVIIIe siècle jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Il s’agira de suivre les regards croisés que les historiens des différentes époques et allégeances nationales ont porté sur nos personnages. C’est que ces trois hommes incarnent trois postures que l’historiographie interprétera de façon variable. En effet, comme cette production historique est surtout marquée par des rivalités entre les personnages qui prennent des allures de conflits nationaux, nos héros seront surtout jugés selon une perspective nationale. Vaudreuil, le gouverneur canadien né dans la colonie y devient donc le champion de son «pays», Bougainville, le métropolitain critique des conditions coloniales, futur navigateur et homme des Lumières, est jugé en fonction de ses propos sur le Canada, alors que Lévis, le métropolitain discret dans ses écrits, sera surtout jugé en fonction de sa victoire à Sainte-Foy en 1760.


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La presente revisión de la literatura tiene el objetivo de identificar el rol que desempeña el testigo en la elaboración individual del trauma y el papel que cumple en el establecimiento de la memoria colectiva en contextos de conflicto armado. El papel del testigo, dentro de esta situación, puede ser adoptado por el agresor, la víctima o un tercero que presencia una escena, cumpliendo con diversas funciones tanto a nivel individual como colectivo, no solo en el área jurídica, también en la antropológica, psicológica, histórica, entre otras. Su principal producción, que corresponde al testimonio, media procesos tales como la elaboración del trauma y la constitución de la memoria colectiva. El testimonio, siendo una producción lingüística, por medio de la palabra y el silencio, funciona como una herramienta con la que cuenta tanto el sujeto como las sociedades para dar sentido a su existencia. La acción de testimoniar, a través de la virtud creadora del lenguaje, permite articular a nivel individual las experiencias limite vividas por un sujeto, teniendo igualmente un efecto reparador dentro del tejido social una vez alterado.


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La presente revisión de la literatura tiene el objetivo de identificar el rol que desempeña el testigo en la elaboración individual del trauma y el papel que cumple en el establecimiento de la memoria colectiva en contextos de conflicto armado. El papel del testigo, dentro de esta situación, puede ser adoptado por el agresor, la víctima o un tercero que presencia una escena, cumpliendo con diversas funciones tanto a nivel individual como colectivo, no solo en el área jurídica, también en la antropológica, psicológica, histórica, entre otras. Su principal producción, que corresponde al testimonio, media procesos tales como la elaboración del trauma y la constitución de la memoria colectiva. El testimonio, siendo una producción lingüística, por medio de la palabra y el silencio, funciona como una herramienta con la que cuenta tanto el sujeto como las sociedades para dar sentido a su existencia. La acción de testimoniar, a través de la virtud creadora del lenguaje, permite articular a nivel individual las experiencias limite vividas por un sujeto, teniendo igualmente un efecto reparador dentro del tejido social una vez alterado.


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La Época de la Violencia es el nombre que recibe el conflicto bipartidista colombiano de la primera mitad del siglo XX. Este conflicto, es reconocido como la génesis de la violencia actual del país; al mismo tiempo, La Violencia trajo consigo numerosos cambios que han impactado, hasta el día de hoy, buena parte de la estructura social colombiana generando así un masivo interés desde la academia y las artes. En este último caso, la literatura se ha convertido en uno de los principales catalizadores del conflicto, al punto que, en la actualidad, es posible hablar de un género literario conocido como Novela de la Violencia. La presente monografía, pretende analizar cómo la Novela de la Violencia, especialmente la escrita y publicada en el periodo de 1946 a 1959, se ha convertido en una herramienta para la construcción de memoria histórica del conflicto.


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This article examines the role of oral history in the social construction of collective memory and forgetting. The article presents a case study of a South African public accounting firm's attempt to document the history of race relations within the firm through the publication of a collection of oral histories. The research draws from the sociology of memory and recent scholarship on individual and collective memory in South Africa to analyze the firm's account of its experiences in making the transition from Apartheid to a multiracial democracy. The analysis finds that the firm's portrayal of its history reflects a narrative of reconciliation and redemption that minimizes the deep social and economic divisions that characterize South Africa's past, their relevance to accounting history, and the continuing salience of race to employment in public accounting.


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The Heritage of War is an interdisciplinary study of the ways in which heritage is mobilized in remembering war, and in reconstructing landscapes, political systems and identities after conflict. It examines the deeply contested nature of war heritage in a series of places and contexts, highlighting the modes by which governments, communities, and individuals claim validity for their own experiences of war, and the meanings they attach to them.

From colonizing violence in South America to the United States’ Civil War, the Second World War on three continents, genocide in Rwanda and continuing divisions in Europe and the Middle East, these studies bring us closer to the very processes of heritage production. The Heritage of War uncovers the histories of heritage: it charts the constant social and political construction of heritage sites over time, by a series of different agents, and explores the continuous reworking of meaning into the present.

What are the forces of contingency, agency and political power that produce, define and sustain the heritage of war? How do particular versions of the past and particular identities gain legitimacy, while others are marginalised? In this book contributors explore the active work by which heritage is produced and reproduced in a series of case studies of memorialization, battlefield preservation, tourism development, private remembering and urban reconstruction. These are the acts of making sense of war; they are acts that continue long after violent conflict itself has ended.


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A series of events: workshop in the collective memory and response to the stones of SW Vic, followed by a stone walling workshop led by professional stone wallers, and the construction of a permanent section of stone wall on the foreshore of Lake Bolac.


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This article explores how three Victorian country newspapers shaped and reinforced the collective memory of Anzac Day in its first decade, from 1916 to 1925. It draws on a sample of 300 articles, and looks to scholarship on journalism and memory to generate understandings of these newspapers' important role as co-creators and protectors of Anzac Day commemoration. The sample provides evidence that Anzac Day coverage was thematically consistent from the start. The analysis highlights journalists' roles as patriotic cheerleaders for a new, national identity; as collaborators with other social institutions in establishing the commemoration tradition; and as boundary riders, who patrolled less than acceptable Anzac Day behaviour. This role is most striking when communities failed to mark Anzac Day in the early days, as this article reveals.


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo realizar uma análise da atuação de um grupo de instrutores na Escola Militar do Realengo no período compreendido entre os anos de 1919 e 1922, tomando por objeto as representações feitas por esses sujeitos, do que foi por eles atribuída como Missão Indígena. Os efeitos de sua atuação foram marcantes e se fizeram sentir por toda uma geração de oficiais do Exército Brasileiro, que ficou conhecida como a “geração do Realengo”. Embora constantemente lembrada pela historiografia militar, a Missão Indígena ainda foi muito pouco explorada em trabalhos acadêmicos, no que tange ao seu surgimento, à sua atuação na Escola Militar e ao envolvimento de alguns de seus membros no movimento tenentista. Dessa forma, o foco da pesquisa se concentrou na maneira como esse grupo de instrutores atuou e nas mudanças provocadas e percebidas pelos alunos em função dessa atuação, tanto na instrução como no regime militar diário da Escola Militar, estabelecimento de ensino que pretendia formar oficias “apolíticos” e que serviu de laboratório do Exército para experiências acerca de qual educação militar seria a ideal para a formação de seus quadros. A escolha do tema repousa no fato de a Missão ter sido constituída por um grupo de jovens oficiais subalternos e intermediários do Exército, dotados de elevada capacidade técnico-profissional e cujo perfil psicológico lhes conduziam a atuar em consonância com o ensino prático de caráter militar, inteiramente de acordo com as normas e regulamentos do Exército, sob a influência do rígido modelo alemão de instrução. Como instrumentos metodológicos foram utilizados os trabalhos de Michael Pollak, no que se refere à construção da memória e à institucionalização de determinadas narrativas, e de Maurice Halbwachs, no tocante à relação existente entre memória coletiva e espaço. Uma pesquisa realizada nos acervos documentais da Escola Militar do Realengo, pertencentes ao Arquivo Histórico do Exército, e nos arquivos pessoais e acervos de história oral do Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação História Contemporânea do Brasil, da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, possibilitou o acesso às fontes. Conclui-se que o esforço da Missão Indígena, voltado para a formação profissional da oficialidade do Exército Brasileiro, não esteve dissociado das inclinações para agir politicamente da geração que passou pela Escola do Realengo na década de 1920.


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This study deals with the participation of the dance of São Gonçalo of the Mussuca town/SE, in the process of construction of the ethnic identity among this social group. The Mussuca is a grouping recognized as afro-descendents, linked with black enslaved people in the valley of the Cotinguiba region. The collective memory functions as a drive of this linking with the past and if it makes to elaborate narratives on this descent. The objective of this study was to investigate the ways the rite went through to constitute itself as an element of ethnic representation. Internal and external agents had been identified who had participated in different contexts. By means of an ethnographic work we ve reached some aspects of the local structure social which demonstrated the contradictions through the social relations of the group. This process of ethnic autorecognition presents the kinship and the space question as definers of the social arrangements which establish its ethnic boundaries


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Shows up the memory of the elderly, as a consistent experience in the in the construction of the social memory of Janduís, Rio Grande do Norte, where the research takes place. Through an autobiographic narrative, in a qualitative approaching, the intent is to stand up aspects about the individual history and collective memories, starting in a simple question: what did they remember? A question that turns into many others, as how the remember and under which circumstances. So, the lived and remembered moments are the subject of this paper, as these testimonials shows and reveals the citizens typical aspects, intending to telling (again) the city s history by the memories of this people. By oral statements and the analysis that followed, subjective aspects that made a social memory, highlight in violent episodes, that, now remembered, occurred in the historical sediment, which connects several social times, establishing a narrative standard. In Janduís, this standard is about the memory that sticks out their individual ways, and the collective life, in the past, standing out the fair and the events that occurred on it, as the most remembered place, where the memories go stronger. When they narrate are incorporated others facts, the story is reinvented, connecting the past to the future. The paper also revels builders subjects aspects of a social memory, as historical sediment that joins the social times. At the present moment, the fair, to them, is a place that doesn t exist anymore; for the city, is a place of enlargement of women s presence at the trending spaces, which means a place of social transformation. That being said, the fair, in both times, present and past, turns into a analysis object, with important elements to reference narrative s time and place. And how the narrative update the past recorded in the old citizen s memory. What was intended to do was articulate the memory and the history form temporal and special etching that define the place and the narrative context: the lived and the remembered at the group s day by day. In that way, were identify the collective memory s common elements, enunciating the memory and the narratives that update that history, influencing and being influenced, forming in memories in a collective phenomenon fueling the local imaginary


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In the first half of the twentieth century different groups of intellectuals were engaged in the pursuit of an ideal of Brazility. Thereon, two currents are perceived. The first was marked by a nostalgic bias about the past, being formulated by intellectuals from the region that was turning as Northeast. This group of intellectuals emphasized values and traditions of the agrarian aristocracy of the region that was losing visibility in the political and economic Brazil scene. Already the other current has a more modern and industrial feature, was formed by intellectuals from the Southeast that in detriment of the first, was rising. This group, on the other hand, was intended to give a new face to Brazil and break with the "roots" of our delay that in their view were linked to our agrarian past. This resulted in different perceptions and interpretations of our historical past, and the construction of different profiles to the Brazilian. Accordingly, our work seeks to understand how was produced the writing that silenced the mixed ancestry of Auta de Souza (1876-1901) considering the position that she should occupy in the intellectuals projects who were in charge of forming a memory for our state. Auta as a relevant historical character in this project of potiguares intellectuals, she was raised to the condition of a model woman and elected in the pantheon of the most beloved poets of Rio Grande do Norte, however, to occupy such prestigious position she had her racial ancestry concealed in the writings that these same intellectuals had written about her, what is still spreaded in memory and rituals places of religious and civic features


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS