993 resultados para Code switching (Linguistics)


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This article focuses on the identity accounts of a group of Chinese children who attend a heritage language school. Bakhtin’s concepts of ideological becoming, and authoritative and internally persuasive discourse, frame our exploration. Taking a dialogic view of language and learning raises questions about schools as socializing spaces and ideological environments. The children in this inquiry articulate their own ideological patterns of alignment. Those patterns, and the children's code switching, seem mostly determined by their socialization, language affiliations, friendship patterns, family situations, and legal access to particular schools. Five patterns of ideological becoming are presented. The children’s articulated preferences indicate that they assert their own ideological stances towards prevailing authoritative discourses, give voice to their own sense of agency and internally persuasive discourses, and respond to the ideological resources that mediate their linguistic repertoires.


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In this thesis it is investigated how Spanish-speakers in Sweden experience living with two languages ​​and how common it is for them to use code-switching in their everyday speech. The study has focused on not only the experiences but also the use of code-switching among Hispanics who have become bilinguals in Sweden. The study has also examined the attitudes the informants show towards codeswitching.The aim of this study is to provide a picture of the experiences Spanish-speakers have of becoming bilinguals in Sweden and of learning and using Swedish as a second language. It is of interest to see how the bilinguals converse inside and outside the home and how frequent and accepted it is among the Hispanics in Sweden with the use of code-switching in different social contexts. In summary, we can see that the Hispanics in Sweden are satisfied with the linguistic development they have experienced by learning a new language and that they consider it beneficial being bilingual. The study shows that code-switching is very much used, but not fully accepted even by those who use it on a daily basis. Code-switching is in many cases not considered appropriate and it is sometimes performed unconsciously.


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Even though English should mainly be used in the EFL-classroom according to the Swedish national curriculum, some recent scholars have argued that a judicious use of the students’ L1 by the teachers in some particular situations may benefit the learning environment there. From this context, this thesis examines what research says about in what particular situations the L1 is used by teachers in upper secondary EFL-classrooms as well as the teachers’ and the students’ attitudes towards this practice. The method used was a systematic literature review, where seven articles from all across the globe were analyzed, compared and synthesized. The results show that the L1 was mainly used by the teachers when managing discipline, when explaining grammar and when teaching vocabulary. However, the articles did not conclude how the L1 could be used strategically by the teachers. Concerning the teachers’ and students’ attitudes, the majority of these were positive towards L1 use by the teacher in the above mentioned situations. However, the teachers were not aware of how the L1 could be used by them in a judicious and a strategic way. Lastly, it can be concluded that more research is needed on how the L1 can be used more strategically by the teachers as well as on the students’ perspective on this.


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Over 20,000 Swedish lower high school students are currently learning mathematics in English but little research has been conducted in this area. This study looks into the question of how much second language learner training teachers teaching mathematics in English to Swedish speaking students have acquired and how many of those teachers are using effective teaching practices for second language learners. The study confirms earlier findings that report few teachers receive training in second language learning but indicates that some of the teaching practices shown to be effective with second language learners are being used in some Swedish schools


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Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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“Mistura irregular de dois sistemas distintos” (Labov, 1971, p. 457). A afirmação de Labov reflete o que durante décadas se pensou sobre um comportamento linguístico comum a falantes bilíngues: a alternância de código (ou code-switching). Esse fenômeno, que se caracteriza pela mudança de uma língua para outra sem haver mudança de tópico ou falante, é, no entanto, sistematicamente organizado e está sujeito a restrições gramaticais, ocorrendo em pontos específicos e recorrentes nas sentenças, não de maneira aleatória. Um dos modelos teóricos frequentemente usados para dar conta da gramaticalidade do code-switching é o proposto por Poplack (1978/1881), que sugere duas restrições ao fenômeno: a “restrição morfema livre”, segundo a qual a alternância pode ocorrer após qualquer constituinte desde que não seja um morfema fixo; e a “restrição de equivalência”, que prevê a ocorrência em pontos onde elementos de ambas as línguas são equivalentes, para não haver violação de regras sintáticas das línguas envolvidas. Este trabalho apresenta a aplicação desse modelo à análise descritiva de alternância de código entre português e parkatêjê, língua Timbira falada no sudeste do Pará. Os dados que embasam este estudo são histórias tradicionais do povo, coletadas entre os anos de 2008 e 2011, nas quais é possível encontrar diversas ocorrências do fenômeno.


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Neste artigo analisamos a troca de código, uma estratégia de compensação que consiste na utilização de uma palavra ou frase em L1, L3 ou L4, no interior do enunciado em L2, empregada por aprendizes de italiano LE cuja língua materna é o português brasileiro, durante a realização em dupla de uma tarefa escrita. A pesquisa, que se baseou nos instrumentos propostos pela etnografia, mostra que a troca de código constitui um potencial para o desenvolvimento da interlíngua e para a aquisição/aprendizagem de LE e que tal estratégia, além de compensar eventuais lacunas linguísticas originadas pela falta de recursos adequados para expressar-se em LE, é usada pelos falantes como procedimento típico da conversação bilíngue para facilitar a comunicação.


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L'elaborato intende proporre un'analisi sociolinguistica della comunità portoricana di New York. Il lavoro di ricerca, condotto proprio nella città di New York, ha lo scopo di fornire una prospettiva, il più ampia possibile, sull'uso dell'inglese, dello spagnolo e delle pratiche linguistiche legate allo Spanglish da parte di questa specifica comunità ispanofona. Lo studio si è concentrato prevalentemente sull'analisi del comportamento linguistico di due generazioni di portoricani, i cui usi linguistici variano in relazione a specifici parametri riscontrati all'interno dell'organizzazione sociale.


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This dissertation deals with the translations of seven books for children written by the Chicano author Pat Mora. I started to be interested in the Chicano world, a world suspended between Mexico and the United States, after reading a book by Sandra Cisneros. I decided to deepen my curiosity and for this reason, I discovered a hybrid reality full of history, culture and traditions. In this context, the language used is characterized by a continuous code switching between Spanish and English and I thought it was an interesting phenomenon from the literary and translation point of view. During my research in the Chicano culture, I ran across Pat Mora. Her books for children fascinated me because of their actual themes (the cultural diversity and the defense of identity) and their beautiful illustrations. For this reason, I chose to translate seven of her books because I believe they could be an enrichment for children literature in Italy. The work consists of five chapters. The first one deals with the identity of Chicano people, their history, their literature and their language. In the second chapter, I outline Pat Mora’s profile. I talk about her biography and I analyze her most famous works. In the third chapter, I introduce the seven books for children to be translated and I point out their plots and main themes. In the fourth chapter, I present the translation of the books. The fifth chapter is the translation comment. I deal with the linguistic analysis of the source texts and the analysis of the target texts focusing on the choices made during the translation process.


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This study of the process of language shift and maintenance in the bilingual community of Romanians living in Hungary was based on 40 tape-recorded Romanian sociolinguistic interviews. These were transcribed into computerised form and provide an excellent source of sociolinguistic, contact linguistic and discourse analysis data, making it possible to show the effect of internal and external factors on the bilingual speech mode. The main topics considered were the choice of Romanian and Hungarian in community interactions, factors of language choice, code-switching: introlanguage and interlanguage, reasons for code-switching, the relationship between age and the frequency of code switching in the interview situation, and the unequal competition of minority and majority languages at school.


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This study of the process of language shift and maintenance in the bilingual community of Romanians living in Hungary was based on 40 tape-recorded Romanian sociolinguistic interviews. These were transcribed into computerised form and provide an excellent source of sociolinguistic, contact linguistic and discourse analysis data, making it possible to show the effect of internal and external factors on the bilingual speech mode. The main topics considered were the choice of Romanian and Hungarian in community interactions, factors of language choice, code-switching: introlanguage and interlanguage, reasons for code-switching, the relationship between age and the frequency of code switching in the interview situation, and the unequal competition of minority and majority languages at school.


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While spoken codeswitching (CS) among Latinos has received significant scholarly attention, few studies have examined written CS, specifically naturally-occurring CS in email. This study contributes to an under-studied area of Latino linguistic practices by reporting the results of a study of CS in the emails of five Spanish-English bilingual Latinos. Methods are employed that are not often used in discourse analysis of email texts, namely multi-dimensional scaling and tree diagrams, to explore the contextual parameters of written Spanish-English CS systematically. Consistent with the findings of other studies of CS in CMC, English use was most associated with professional or formal contacts, and use of Spanish, the participants’ native language, was linked to intimacy, informality, and group identification. Switches to Spanish functioned to personalize otherwise transactional or work-related English-dominant emails. The article also discusses novel orthographic and linguistic forms specific to the CMC context.


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Esta tesis indaga acerca de algunos de los aspectos lingüísticos y discursivos presentes en la construcción de la narrativa de la autora chicana Sandra Cisneros (1954-). En contraposición a la literatura canónica, la literatura chicana se define como escritura de minorías. Según G. Deleuze y F. Guattari (1975), una literatura de minorías se caracteriza por la desterritorialización de una lengua mayoritaria a través de su uso en esa literatura, la articulación de loindividual en lo inmediato político y el dispositivo colectivo de enunciación. La obra de S. Cisneros, que se desarrolla principalmente a partir del inglés, pone de manifiesto el contacto entre el español y el inglés de un modo particular. En este trabajo, se analiza el fenómeno del contacto de lenguas vinculado a la traducción literal, cuya presencia se vuelve un rasgo distintivo del estilo de la autora y una estrategia clave para la desterritorialización del lenguaje. En este sentido, la hipótesis central de nuestra investigación indica que bajo la apariencia de una única lengua, el inglés (L1), hay otra lengua, el español (L2), que se manifiesta en la utilización de alguno de sus niveles (léxico-semántico, pragmático, morfosintáctico o gráfico), lo cual contribuye a la desterritorialización de L1 y constituye un caso especial de alternancia de lenguas. Esta hipótesis ha guiado la clasificación del corpus de esta investigación constituido por frases y estructuras que registran cierta fijación,pertenecientes a la colección de relatos Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories (1991). El interés en estas formas reside en que si bien aparecen expresadas en inglés, remiten al español como marco discursivo, acentuando el carácter heterogéneo constitutivo de toda palabra. Dado que la traducción literal no integra los modelos sociolingüísticos revisados (S. Poplack: 1982; C. Myers-Scotton: 1993a y 1993b) y considerando que el contacto de lenguastambién se manifiesta a través de esta operación de traducción, que conforma un punto de heterogeneidad fuerte, fue necesario buscar una teoría lingüísticaque pudiera explicar la complejidad el discurso de Cisneros. Así, la teoría de las heterogeneidades enunciativas (J. Authier-Revuz: 1984, 1995) se presenta como un marco más amplio para el estudio de las marcas de heterogeneidad y desterritorialización en el seno de la narrativa de S. Cisneros. Esta perspectivateórica, que da cuenta de los procesos que se ponen en marcha en la constitución del discurso y atiende, entre otras, la función de las marcas gráficas presentes en el texto escrito, propone un marco más amplio para abordar nuestro objeto. Son dos los objetivos principales de esta investigación: describir la operación de desterritorialización en el interior de este discurso y establecer relaciones entre algunos de los modelos que abordan el estudio de la alternancia de lenguas (S. Poplack: 1982; C. Myers-Scotton: 1993a y 1993b) y la teoría de las heterogeneidades enunciativas propuesta por J. Authier-Revuz (1984, 1995).