984 resultados para Clustering a large document collection


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BACKGROUND: "Cumulative meta-analysis" describes a statistical procedure to calculate, retrospectively, summary estimates from the results of similar trials every time the results of a further trial in the series had become available. In the early 1990 s, comparisons of cumulative meta-analyses of treatments for myocardial infarction with advice promulgated through medical textbooks showed that research had continued long after robust estimates of treatment effects had accumulated, and that medical textbooks had overlooked strong, existing evidence from trials. Cumulative meta-analyses have subsequently been used to assess what could have been known had new studies been informed by systematic reviews of relevant existing evidence and how waste might have been reduced.

METHODS AND FINDINGS: We used a systematic approach to identify and summarise the findings of cumulative meta-analyses of studies of the effects of clinical interventions, published from 1992 to 2012. Searches were done of PubMed, MEDLINE, EMBASE, the Cochrane Methodology Register and Science Citation Index. A total of 50 eligible reports were identified, including more than 1,500 cumulative meta-analyses. A variety of themes are illustrated with specific examples. The studies showed that initially positive results became null or negative in meta-analyses as more trials were done; that early null or negative results were over-turned; that stable results (beneficial, harmful and neutral) would have been seen had a meta-analysis been done before the new trial; and that additional trials had been much too small to resolve the remaining uncertainties.

CONCLUSIONS: This large, unique collection of cumulative meta-analyses highlights how a review of the existing evidence might have helped researchers, practitioners, patients and funders make more informed decisions and choices about new trials over decades of research. This would have led to earlier uptake of effective interventions in practice, less exposure of trial participants to less effective treatments, and reduced waste resulting from unjustified research.


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (Didática da Matemática), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2016


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This qualitative case study explored the process of implementing Experiential Education (EXED) in Yukon Territory Kindergarten to Grade 12 (K-12) schools with a particular focus on investigating: (a) understandings of EXED and the drivers behind its implementation, (b) factors contributing to EXED’s suitability for Yukon schools, and (c) factors supporting and challenging the implementation of EXED in Yukon schools. Data collection involved interviews with Yukon Department of Education (YDE) staff members, principals and teachers, document collection, and reflective note collection. Findings indicated that EXED was understood as more of a methodology than a philosophy for teaching and learning. EXED implementation was primarily driven by bottom-up (school/ teacher) initiatives and was secondarily supported by top-down (YDE) efforts. The process of implementation was supported by three main factors and was challenged primarily by six factors. The results also pointed to three factors that made EXED suitable for implementation in Yukon schools.


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This qualitative case study explored the process of implementing Experiential Education (EXED) in Yukon Territory Kindergarten to Grade 12 (K-12) schools with a particular focus on investigating: (a) understandings of EXED and the drivers behind its implementation, (b) factors contributing to EXED's suitability for Yukon schools, and (c) factors supporting and challenging the implementation of EXED in Yukon schools. Data collection involved interviews with Yukon Department of Education (YDE) staff members, principals and teachers, document collection, and reflective note collection. Findings indicated that EXED was understood as more of a me~odology than a philosophy for teaching and learning. EXED implementation was primarily driven by bottom-up (school! teacher) initiatives and was secondarily supported by top-down (YDE) efforts. The process of implementation was supported by three main factors and was challenged primarily by six factors. The results also pointed to three factors that made EXED suitable for implementation in Yukon schools.


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This research explored environmental sustainability (ES) initiatives at five top-ranked Ontario golf courses that were members of the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program for Golf (ACSP). Research Questions: (1) How are golf courses adapting to safeguard the natural environment? (2) Why or why not are golf courses moving to ES? and (3) What are the arising barriers to ES in golf and how can they be overcome; what role does communication play? Overall, the research was framed with an adaptation of the dimensions of convergence by Houlihan (2012), including the motives, inputs, implementation, momentum, and impact. Additionally, impression management and message framing constructs were utilized to address the issue of communicating ES initiatives. Data collection involved in-depth interviews, observations, and unobtrusive document collection. Environmental aspects of the examination were guided by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Requirements and Guidance for Organizers of Sustainable Events and Sustainable Sport and Event Toolkit (SSET).


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This paper reports on some research from an ARC funded project conducted by the authors into the ways in which Australian universities establish collaborations with partners in Hong Kong and Papua New Guinea to offer courses in those countries. The research used principally qualitative methods (interviews, observations, document collection and analysis) to develop case-studies of a range of partnerships in Hong Kong. The project commenced in 1999 and is in its final stages. The paper discusses the experiences of staff who developed, administered and taught courses offered in Hong Kong by Australian institutions in partnership with a local provider. It presents and discusses findings on their reasons for working 'off-shore' in Hong Kong, their engagement with local staff and students, and their experience of Hong Kong students' coping with Australian curricula, pedagogies and assessment.


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The ranking method is a key element of Content-based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system, which can affect the final retrieval performance. In the literature, previous ranking methods based on either distance or probability do not explicitly relate to precision and recall, which are normally used to evaluate the performance of CBIR systems. In this paper, a novel ranking method based on relative density is proposed to improve the probability based approach by ranking images in the class. The proposed method can achieve optimal precision and recall. The experiments conducted on a large photographic collection show significant improvements of retrieval performance.


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Esta dissertação tem por objetivo discutir parcela da trajetória do escritor Haroldo Maranhão (1927-2004), revelada à luz dos documentos pertencentes ao seu arquivo pessoal. O estudo se organiza tendo em vista três perspectivas: o Haroldo Maranhão leitor, possuidor de um acervo bibliográfico acumulado ao longo de anos, o Haroldo Maranhão jornalista, nascido e formado profissionalmente no seio de um clã que por meio século esteve à frente de um dos jornais mais influentes da capital paraense, a Folha do Norte, e o Haroldo Maranhão escritor, em seus freqüentes embates com as práticas que regem a lógica do mundo editorial.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Classification is a fundamental activity for the organization and management of archival document collection, as it is from this function that are based the priorities for the description and the bases for appraisal procedures. This article seeks through the fundamental works to the theoretical and methodological development of the Archival Science characterizes the historical and conceptual background from the classification notion. This article aims to answering some questions about the expansion of its importance during the development of its theory and its use on today. Is also sought to characterize the history of the Archival Science as a discipline since the classification was one of the first activities to be theorized.


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In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden verschiedene Kandidatengene für den Wilmstumor (WT), eine Tumorerkrankung der Niere, identifiziert und charakterisiert. Da dieses frühkindliche Malignom aus einer inkorrekt ablaufenden Metanephrogenese resultiert, wurden die Genexpressionsmuster verschiedener humaner Wilmstumor- und Normalnierengewebe (adulte sowie fetale Niere) mit Hilfe der Technik des differential display verglichen und die als differenziell exprimiert identifizierten Gene kloniert und charakterisiert. Bei TM7SF1 handelt es sich um ein neues Gen, dessen Transkription im Zuge der Metanephrogenese angeschaltet wird. Das von ihm codierte putative Protein kann aufgrund von Strukturvorhersagen vermutlich zur Familie G Protein-gekoppelter Rezeptoren gezählt werden. Die ableitbare Funktion als Signalmolekül der Nierenentwicklung, sowie seine Lokalisation in einem WT-Lokus (1q42-q43) machen TM7SF1 zu einem aussichtsreichen Kandidatengen für den WT. Darüber hinaus konnten die Voraussetzungen für funktionelle Tests, die eine weitere Charakterisierung von TM7SF1 erlauben, geschaffen werden (Identifikation und Klonierung des murinen Homologen, stabil überexprimierende WT-Zelllinien, Antikörper gegen den Aminoterminus des putativen Proteins). Mit TCF2 wurde ein weiteres Gen identifiziert, dessen Produkt in Prozessen der Metanephrogenese eine Rolle spielt. Die signifikante Herunterregulation der TCF2-Expression in der großen Mehrzahl der untersuchten WTs, die innerhalb der vorliegenden Arbeit gezeigte Regulation durch das WT1-Genprodukt, sowie seine genomische Lokalisation in einem Intervall für die familiäre Form des WT (FWT1 in 17q12-q21) zeigen das Potenzial von TCF2, als Kandidatengen für den FWT zu gelten. Darüber hinaus wurde mit GLI3 ein in verschiedenen WTs stark exprimiertes Gen identifiziert. Sein Produkt ist eine Komponente des entwicklungsbiologisch relevanten und in verschiedene Tumorerkrankungen involvierten sonic hedgehog-Signaltransduktionsweges. Mit FE7A3 und CDT151 konnten zwei differenziell exprimierte cDNAs identifiziert werden, die Teile neuer Gene darstellen und die in WT-Loci kartiert werden konnten. Aufgrund von Homologievergleichen im Bereich der identifizierten offenen Leserahmen konnte eine mögliche Bedeutung der putativen Genprodukte für die WT-Pathogenese als Zelladhäsionsmolekül (FE7A3) bzw. als mit der Proliferation assoziiertem Transkriptionsfaktor (CDT151) herausgearbeitet werden. Neben den komparativen Genexpressionsuntersuchungen wurde in einem zweiten Ansatz die transkriptionelle Regulation des einzigen bisher klonierten Wilmstumorgens (WT1) analysiert. Mit Hilfe vergleichender Reportergenanalysen in WT1-exprimierenden und nicht-exprimierenden Zelllinien konnten neue für die transkriptionelle Regulation von WT1 relevante Bereiche identifiziert werden. Darüber hinaus wurde der für die Transkriptionsfaktoren SP1 und SP3 an anderen Promotoren beschriebene funktionelle Antagonismus für die WT1-Expression untersucht und in Gelretardationsanalysen mit dem WT1-Expressionsstatus oben genannter Zelllinien korreliert.


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The first part of this paper will give a brief introduction to maritime missiology, the second section will trace the beginnings of the Boston Seaman’s Friend Society in the nineteenth century and the third will focus on the Vineyard Haven branch of that work well into the twentieth century. Using source material from the American Seamen’s Friend Society - there is a 5,000 document collection of the ASFS papers in the G.W. Blunt White Library at Mystic Seaport, the Boston Seaman’s Friend Society - whose papers are mostly in the Congregational House on Beacon Hill in Boston, and other secondary works from the nineteenth and twentieth century. I am especially indebted to George Wiseman’s book, They Kept the Lower Lights Burning, Wiseman was the pastor of Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church in Oak Bluff during WWII and the son-in-law of Austin Tower. This presentation will look at the many facets that made up religious work among seafarers.


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Nowadays, there is a significant quantity of linguistic data available on the Web. However, linguistic resources are often published using proprietary formats and, as such, it can be difficult to interface with one another and they end up confined in “data silos”. The creation of web standards for the publishing of data on the Web and projects to create Linked Data have lead to interest in the creation of resources that can be published using Web principles. One of the most important aspects of “Lexical Linked Data” is the sharing of lexica and machine readable dictionaries. It is for this reason, that the lemon format has been proposed, which we briefly describe. We then consider two resources that seem ideal candidates for the Linked Data cloud, namely WordNet 3.0 and Wiktionary, a large document based dictionary. We discuss the challenges of converting both resources to lemon , and in particular for Wiktionary, the challenge of processing the mark-up, and handling inconsistencies and underspecification in the source material. Finally, we turn to the task of creating links between the two resources and present a novel algorithm for linking lexica as lexical Linked Data.


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Statistically significant charge clusters (basic, acidic, or of mixed charge) in tertiary protein structures are identified by new methods from a large representative collection of protein structures. About 10% of protein structures show at least one charge cluster, mostly of mixed type involving about equally anionic and cationic residues. Positive charge clusters are very rare. Negative (or histidine-acidic) charge clusters often coordinate calcium, or magnesium or zinc ions [e.g., thermolysin (PDB code: 3tln), mannose-binding protein (2msb), aminopeptidase (1amp)]. Mixed-charge clusters are prominent at interchain contacts where they stabilize quaternary protein formation [e.g., glutathione S-transferase (2gst), catalase (8act), and fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase (1fba)]. They are also involved in protein-protein interaction and in substrate binding. For example, the mixed-charge cluster of aspartate carbamoyl-transferase (8atc) envelops the aspartate carbonyl substrate in a flexible manner (alternating tense and relaxed states) where charge associations can vary from weak to strong. Other proteins with charge clusters include the P450 cytochrome family (BM-3, Terp, Cam), several flavocytochromes, neuraminidase, hemagglutinin, the photosynthetic reaction center, and annexin. In each case in Table 2 we discuss the possible role of the charge clusters with respect to protein structure and function.