961 resultados para Clinical diagnostic


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Peutz¿Jeghers syndrome (PJS, MIM175200) is an autosomal dominant condition defined by the development of characteristic polyps throughout the gastrointestinal tract and mucocutaneous pigmentation. The majority of patients that meet the clinical diagnostic criteria have a causative mutation in the STK11 gene, which is located at 19p13.3. The cancer risks in this condition are substantial, particularly for breast and gastrointestinal cancer, although ascertainment and publication bias may have led to overestimates in some publications. Current surveillance protocols are controversial and not evidence-based, due to the relative rarity of the condition. Initially, endoscopies are more likely to be done to detect polyps that may be a risk for future intussusception or obstruction rather than cancers, but surveillance for the various cancers for which these patients are susceptible is an important part of their later management. This review assesses the current literature on the clinical features and management of the condition, genotype¿phenotype studies, and suggested guidelines for surveillance and management of individuals with PJS. The proposed guidelines contained in this article have been produced as a consensus statement on behalf of a group of European experts who met in Mallorca in 2007 and who have produced guidelines on the clinical management of Lynch syndrome and familial adenomatous polyposis.


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Marfan syndrome (MFS) is an autosomal dominant disease of the connective tissue that affects the ocular, skeletal and cardiovascular systems, with a wide clinical variability. Although mutations in the FBN1 gene have been recognized as the cause of the disease, more recently other loci have been associated with MFS, indicating the genetic heterogeneity of this disease. We addressed the issue of genetic heterogeneity in MFS by performing linkage analysis of the FBN1 and TGFBR2 genes in 34 families (345 subjects) who met the clinical diagnostic criteria for the disease according to Ghent. Using a total of six microsatellite markers, we found that linkage with the FBN1 gene was observed or not excluded in 70.6% (24/34) of the families, and in 1 family the MFS phenotype segregated with the TGFBR2 gene. Moreover, in 4 families linkage with the FBN1 and TGFBR2 genes was excluded, and no mutations were identified in the coding region of TGFBR1, indicating the existence of other genes involved in MFS. Our results suggest that the genetic heterogeneity of MFS may be greater that previously reported.


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Réalisé en cotutelle avec le laboratoire M2S de Rennes 2


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Introducción: la hibridación genómica comparativa en una técnica que permite la exploración de las anormalidades cromosómicas. Su utilidad en la aproximación de los pacientes con retraso global del desarrollo o fenotipo dismórfico, sin embargo, no ha sido explorada mediante una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Metodología: realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Se incluyeron estudios controlados, cuasi-experimentales, de cohortes, de casos y controles, transversales y descriptivos publicados en idiomas inglés y español entre los años 2000 y 2013. Se realizó un análisis de la evidencia con un enfoque cualitativo y cuantitativo. Se realizó un análisis del riesgo de sesgo de los estudios incluidos. Resultados: se incluyeron 4 estudios que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. La prevalencia de alteraciones cromosómicas en los niños con retraso global del desarrollo fue de entre el 6 y 13%. El uso de la técnica permitió identificar alteraciones que no fueron detectadas mediante el cariotipo. Conclusiones: la hibridación genómica comparativa es una técnica útil en la aproximación diagnóstica de los niños con retraso global del desarrollo y del fenotipo dismórfico y permite una mayor detección de alteraciones comparada con el cariotipo.


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Antecedentes: Cada vez es mayor la relevancia que se da al papel del residente como docente, no solo por su importancia en la formación de estudiantes, internos y otros miembros del equipo de salud, sino por su deber en la instrucción del paciente y su familia. A pesar de ello, el rol del residente como docente no se encuentra plenamente definido en nuestro medio. Objetivo: Caracterizar el rol de los residentes de Medicina Interna de la Universidad el Rosario en la Fundación Cardioinfantil como docentes. Métodos: Estudio cualitativo a partir de observaciones en escenarios de enseñanza y entrevistas semiestructuradas a 44 participantes distribuidos en grupos focales Resultados: Los residentes asumen un rol docente en diversos escenarios educativos con estudiantes, internos, residentes y docentes. Reconocen que no tienen la preparación necesaria para asumir esta responsabilidad ni funciones establecidas para tal fin. A pesar de esto, utilizan diferentes estrategias para enseñar y se sienten motivados para hacerlo. Conclusiones: El rol del residente como docente en el servicio de Medicina Interna en la Fundación Cardioinfantil es fundamental para la formación de los futuros médicos y especialistas según la percepción que tienen los grupos focales. Los encuentros pedagógicos están enmarcados por la disponibilidad de tiempo y dependen de características personales del residente, conocimiento disciplinar y formación para enseñar. Se considera que se debe apoyar más el entrenamiento en docencia de los residentes, avanzar en la formalización de las funciones docentes de los mismos y generar sistemas de evaluación de este proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje.


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Introducción: La atención de calidad en urgencias sólo es posible si los médicos han recibido una enseñanza de alta calidad. La escala PHEEM (Postgraduate Hospital Educational Environment Measure) es un instrumento válido y fiable, utilizado internacionalmente para medir el entorno educativo, en la formación médica de posgrado. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de corte trasversal que utilizó la escala PHEEM versión en español para conocer el entorno educativo de los programas de urgencias. El coeficiente alfa de Cronbach se calculó para determinar la consistencia interna. Se aplicó estadística descriptiva a nivel global, por categorías e ítems de la escala PHEEM y se compararon resultados por sexo, año de residencia y programa. Resultados: 94 (94%) residentes llenaron el cuestionario. La puntuación media de la escala PHEEM fue 93,91 ± 23,71 (58,1% de la puntuación máxima) que se considera un ambiente educativo más positivo que negativo, pero con margen de mejora. Hubo una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en la percepción del ambiente educativo entre los programas de residencia (p =0,01). El instrumento es altamente confiable (alfa de Cronbach = 0,952). La barrera más frecuente en la enseñanza fue el hacinamiento y la evaluación fue percibida con el propósito de cumplir normas. Discusión: Los resultados de este estudio aportaron evidencia sobre la validez interna de la escala PHEEM en el contexto colombiano. Este estudio demostró cómo la medición del ambiente educativo en una especialidad médico-quirúrgica, con el uso de una herramienta cuantitativa, puede proporcionar información en relación a las fortalezas y debilidades de los programas.


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This research presents a novel multi-functional system for medical Imaging-enabled Assistive Diagnosis (IAD). Although the IAD demonstrator has focused on abdominal images and supports the clinical diagnosis of kidneys using CT/MRI imaging, it can be adapted to work on image delineation, annotation and 3D real-size volumetric modelling of other organ structures such as the brain, spine, etc. The IAD provides advanced real-time 3D visualisation and measurements with fully automated functionalities as developed in two stages. In the first stage, via the clinically driven user interface, specialist clinicians use CT/MRI imaging datasets to accurately delineate and annotate the kidneys and their possible abnormalities, thus creating “3D Golden Standard Models”. Based on these models, in the second stage, clinical support staff i.e. medical technicians interactively define model-based rules and parameters for the integrated “Automatic Recognition Framework” to achieve results which are closest to that of the clinicians. These specific rules and parameters are stored in “Templates” and can later be used by any clinician to automatically identify organ structures i.e. kidneys and their possible abnormalities. The system also supports the transmission of these “Templates” to another expert for a second opinion. A 3D model of the body, the organs and their possible pathology with real metrics is also integrated. The automatic functionality was tested on eleven MRI datasets (comprising of 286 images) and the 3D models were validated by comparing them with the metrics from the corresponding “3D Golden Standard Models”. The system provides metrics for the evaluation of the results, in terms of Accuracy, Precision, Sensitivity, Specificity and Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) so as to enable benchmarking of its performance. The first IAD prototype has produced promising results as its performance accuracy based on the most widely deployed evaluation metric, DSC, yields 97% for the recognition of kidneys and 96% for their abnormalities; whilst across all the above evaluation metrics its performance ranges between 96% and 100%. Further development of the IAD system is in progress to extend and evaluate its clinical diagnostic support capability through development and integration of additional algorithms to offer fully computer-aided identification of other organs and their abnormalities based on CT/MRI/Ultra-sound Imaging.


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Near-infrared Raman spectroscopy (NIRS) is a particularly promising technique that is being used in recent years for many biomedical applications. Optical spectroscopy has gained increasing prominence as a tool for quantitative analysis of biological samples, clinical diagnostic, concentration measurements of blood metabolites and therapeutic drugs, and analysis of the chemical composition of human tissues. Toxoplasmosis is an important zoonosis in public health, and domestic cats are the most important transmitters of the disease. This disease can be detected by several serological tests, which usually have a high cost and require a long time. The goal of this work was to investigate a new method to diagnosis Toxoplasma gondii infections using NIRS. In order to confirm antibody detection, 24 cat blood scrum samples were analyzed by the Raman spectra, from which 23 presented positive serology to toxoplasmosis and one was a reference negative serum. Characteristic Raman peaks allowed differentiation between negative and positive sera, confirming the possibility of antibody detection by Raman spectroscopy. These results give the first evidence that this technique can be useful to quantify antibodies in cat sera.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência do sobrepeso/obesidade em um grupo de crianças com constipação crônica funcional. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo com 257 crianças de dois a 15 anos com constipação crônica funcional diagnosticada segundo critérios de Roma II, atendidas consecutivamente em clínica terciária de gastroenterologia pediátrica. Informações demográficas, clínicas, diagnósticas e antropométricas foram obtidas de prontuários. O índice de massa corporal (IMC) foi calculado e utilizou-se a referência do Centers for Disease Control para determinar o percentil de IMC para idade e gênero. Crianças com percentil de IMC>85 foram consideradas com sobrepeso/obesidade; as com percentis > 5 e <85 foram classificadas como eutróficas. RESULTADOS: Para as variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas, não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os subgrupos sobrepeso/obesidade e eutrofia. A prevalência de crianças constipadas com sobrepeso/obesidade foi de 24,4%. A média dos percentis do subgrupo sobrepeso/obesidade foi 94,4±4,3; a das eutróficas foi 45,3±24,2. A prevalência de sobrepeso/obesidade foi similar em ambos os sexos e grupos etários (<7 anos e >7 anos). CONCLUSÕES: Os subgrupos dos eutróficos e sobrepeso/obesidade foram homogêneos nas características sociodemográficas e clínicas, sugerindo que tais variáveis não influenciaram na prevalência do excesso de peso. A prevalência estimada de sobrepeso/obesidade entre as crianças com constipação crônica funcional está dentro dos valores esperados para a população pediátrica brasileira.


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Purpose of reviewTo critically review data on the use of neuroimaging tools in the clinical diagnostic investigation of dementias.Recent findingsFor many years, the use of neuroimaging tools in the evaluation of dementias has been restricted to excluding neurosurgical lesions that may account for the cognitive decline. However, modern neuroimaging extends beyond this traditional role of excluding other conditions and has a key role in the clinical investigation of Alzheimer's disease and of other degenerative cortical dementias. MRI, PET with fluorodeoxyglucose, and single-photon emission computed tomography are topographic markers of neural damage and enable the identification of specific lesional patterns that characterize Alzheimer's disease and other cortical dementias. More recently, PET amyloid markers have enabled the in-vivo assessment of amyloid load, a key feature in the physiopathology of Alzheimer's disease.SummaryThe combined use of neuroimaging examinations with clinical, neuropsychological, and cerebrospinal fluid markers can improve the specificity of the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, even at early stages of the disease. In the following years, progress in research will provide standardized and validated imaging markers of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, which may increase their application in clinical settings.


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Um reprodutor bovino, Bos indicus, com varicocele bilateral detectado por palpação e ultra-sonografia foi acompanhado por um período de 24 meses quanto à biometria testicular, valores espermáticos e concentração de testosterona comparados entre as estações do ano e outros animais da mesma espécie. As alterações morfológicas dos defeitos maiores e menores não variaram entre o touro com a patologia e os demais touros, no entanto, durante o verão o touro com varicocele apresentou maior percentual de defeitos totais se comparado aos demais touros da mesma espécie (49,86%±6,9 e 27,91%±2,9). O animal apresentou maior percentual de defeitos maiores no verão se comparado às outras estações do ano. Os achados de necrópsia confirmaram o diagnóstico clínico. Pode-se concluir que esta patologia, caracterizada por trombose nos vasos do cordão espermático, comprometeu a termoregulação determinando degeneração testicular severa. O aumento das concentrações de testosterona sérica sugerem a diminuição da retenção de esteroides nos testículos pelo plexo pampiniforme, a produção espermática estava anormal.


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Snake venoms are an extremely rich source of pharmacologically active proteins with a considerable clinical and medical potential. To date, this potential has not been fully explored, mainly because of our incomplete knowledge of the venom proteome and the pharmacological properties of its components, in particular those devoid of enzymatic activity. This review summarizes the latest achievements in the determination of snake venom proteome, based primarily on the development of new strategies and techniques. Detailed knowledge of the venom toxin composition and biological properties of the protein constituents should provide the scaffold for the design of new more effective drugs for the treatment of the hemostatic system and heart disorders, inflammation, cancer and consequences of snake bites, as well as new tools for clinical diagnostic and assays of hemostatic parameters.


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The authors present a rare case of vocal cord paralysis following thyroid cyst. The clinical diagnostic and evolution aspects are presented. The importance of precise evaluation of the thyroid gland in all cases of vocal cord paralysis is emphasized.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to develop an objective method to determine the incidence of pleiomorphisms and its influence on the distribution of sperm morphometric subpopulations in ejaculates of howling monkeys (Alouatta caraya) by using a combination of computerized analysis system (ASMA) and principal component analysis (PCA) methods. Ejaculates were collected by electroejaculation methods on a regular basis from five individuals maintained under identical captive environmental, nutritional, and management conditions. Each sperm head was measured for dimensional parameters (Area [A, (square micrometers)], Perimeter [P, (micrometers)], Length [L, (micrometers)], and Width [W, (micrometers)]) and shape-derived parameters (Ellipticity [(L/W)], Elongation [(L - W)/(L + W)], and Rugosity [(4 pi A/P-2)]). PCA revealed two principal components explaining more than the 96 % of the variance. Clustering methods and discriminant analyzes were performed and seven separate subpopulations were identified. There were differences (P < 0.001) in the distribution of the seven subpopulations as well as in the incidence of abnormal pleiomorphisms (58.6 %, 49.8 %, 35.1 %, 66.4 %, and 55.1 %, P < 0.05) among the five donors tested. Our results indicated that differences among individuals related to the incidence of pleiomorphisms, and sperm subpopulational structure was not related to the captivity conditions or the sperm collection method, since all individuals were studied under identical conditions. In conclusion, the combination of ASMA and PCA is a useful clinical diagnostic resource for detecting deficiencies in sperm morphology and sperm subpopulations in A. caraya ejaculates that could be used in ex situ conservation programs of threatened species in Alouatta genus or even other endangered neotropical primate species.