974 resultados para Chromosomal rearrangements


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The Chinese long-tailed mole (Scaptonyx fusicaudus) closely resembles American (Neurotrichus gibbsii) and Japanese (Dymecodon pilirostris and Urotrichus talpoides) shrew moles in size, appearance, and ecological habits, yet it has traditionally been classified either together with (viz subfamily Urotrichinae) or separately (tribe Scaptonychini) from the latter genera (tribe Urotrichini sensu lato). We explored the merit of these competing hypotheses by comparing the differentially stained karyotypes of S.fusicaudus and N. gibbsii with those previously reported for both Japanese taxa. With few exceptions, diploid chromosome number (2n = 34), fundamental autosomal number (FNa = 64), relative size, and G-banding pattern of S. fusicaudus were indistinguishable from those of D. pilirostris and U. talpoides. In fact, only chromosome 15 differed significantly between these species, being acrocentric in D. pilirostris, subtelocentric in U. talpoides, and metacentric in S. fusicaudus. This striking similarity is difficult to envisage except in light of a shared common ancestry, and is indicative of an exceptionally low rate of chromosomal evolution among these genera. Conversely, the karyotype of N. gibbsii deviates markedly in diploid chromosome and fundamental autosomal number (2n = 38 and FNa = 72, respectively), morphology, and G-banding pattern from those of Scaptonyx and the Japanese shrew moles. These differences cannot be explained by simple chromosomal rearrangements, and Suggest that rapid chromosomal reorganization Occurred ill the karyotype evolution of this species, possibly due to founder or bottleneck events.


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The fungal species Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii cause respiratory and neurological disease in animals and humans following inhalation of basidiospores or desiccated yeast cells from the environment. Sexual reproduction in C. neoformans and C. gattii is controlled by a bipolar system in which a single mating type locus (MAT) specifies compatibility. These two species are dimorphic, growing as yeast in the asexual stage, and producing hyphae, basidia, and basidiospores during the sexual stage. In contrast, Filobasidiella depauperata, one of the closest related species, grows exclusively as hyphae and it is found in association with decaying insects. Examination of two available strains of F. depauperata showed that the life cycle of this fungal species shares features associated with the unisexual or same-sex mating cycle in C. neoformans. Therefore, F. depauperata may represent a homothallic and possibly an obligately sexual fungal species. RAPD genotyping of 39 randomly isolated progeny from isolate CBS7855 revealed a new genotype pattern in one of the isolated basidiospores progeny, therefore suggesting that the homothallic cycle in F. depauperata could lead to the emergence of new genotypes. Phylogenetic analyses of genes linked to MAT in C. neoformans indicated that two of these genes in F. depauperata, MYO2 and STE20, appear to form a monophyletic clade with the MATa alleles of C. neoformans and C. gattii, and thus these genes may have been recruited to the MAT locus before F. depauperata diverged. Furthermore, the ancestral MATa locus may have undergone accelerated evolution prior to the divergence of the pathogenic Cryptococcus species since several of the genes linked to the MATa locus appear to have a higher number of changes and substitutions than their MATalpha counterparts. Synteny analyses between C. neoformans and F. depauperata showed that genomic regions on other chromosomes displayed conserved gene order. In contrast, the genes linked to the MAT locus of C. neoformans showed a higher number of chromosomal translocations in the genome of F. depauperata. We therefore propose that chromosomal rearrangements appear to be a major force driving speciation and sexual divergence in these closely related pathogenic and saprobic species.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Oncobiologia, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2015


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The molecular characterization of balanced chromosomal rearrangements have always been of advantage in identifying disease-causing genes. Here, we describe the breakpoint mapping of a de novo balanced translocation t(7;12)(q11.22;q14.2) in a patient presenting with a failure to thrive associated with moderate mental retardation, facial anomalies, and chronic constipation. The localization of the breakpoints and the co-occurrence of Williams-Beuren syndrome and 12q14 microdeletion syndrome phenotypes suggested that the expression of some of the dosage-sensitive genes of these two segmental aneuploidies were modified in cells of the proposita. However, we were unable to identify chromosomes 7 and/or 12-mapping genes that showed disturbed expression in the lymphoblastoids of the proposita. This case showed that position-effect might operate in some tissues, but not in others. It also illustrates the overlap of phenotypes presented by patients with the recently described 12q14 structural rearrangements.


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La leucémie lymphoïde représente environ 30% des cas de cancer chez l’enfant. Elle est souvent causée par des réarrangements chromosomiques impliquant des gènes encodant des facteurs de transcription, qui contrôlent des programmes génétiques complexes. Par exemple, LMO2 (LIM-only 2) est un facteur de transcription oncogénique fréquemment exprimé de façon aberrante dans les leucémies lymphoblastiques aigues des cellules T (T-ALL). Dans l’hématopoïèse normale, LMO2 est essentiel à la génération des cellules souches hématopoïétiques à l’origine de toutes les cellules sanguines. D’ailleurs, certaines cellules leucémiques possèdent des propriétés normalement réservées aux cellules souches hématopoïétiques. Ainsi, l’étude de la fonction de LMO2 dans les cellules souches hématopoïétiques peut être pertinente autant dans le contexte hématopoïétique normal que leucémique. Afin de mettre en évidence de nouvelles fonctions moléculaires pour LMO2, j’ai choisi d’identifier les protéines qui s’y associent. En plus de ses partenaires connus, j’ai identifié plusieurs protéines de transcription/remodelage de la chromatine, en accord avec son rôle transcriptionnel. Plusieurs nouvelles fonctions potentielles ont été révélées, indiquant que cette protéine adaptatrice pourrait faire partie de complexes non transcriptionnels, régulant d’autres processus cellulaires. Les oncogènes comme LMO2 pourraient être des régulateurs à large spectre. Particulièrement, j’ai identifié des interactions entre LMO2 et des protéines de réplication de l’ADN. J’ai montré que LMO2 contrôle la réplication de l’ADN dans les cellules hématopoïétiques, et possiblement durant la leucémogenèse, indépendamment de son rôle transcriptionnel. Ensemble, ces études ont donc permis de révéler de nouvelles fonctions pour LMO2, et pourraient servir de paradigme pour d’autres facteurs de transcription oncogéniques, particulièrement aux autres protéines de la famille LMO, qui sont aussi des oncogènes puissants.


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L'ADN de chaque cellule est constamment soumis à des stress pouvant compromettre son intégrité. Les bris double-brins sont probablement les dommages les plus nocifs pour la cellule et peuvent être des sources de réarrangements chromosomiques majeurs et mener au cancer s’ils sont mal réparés. La recombinaison homologue et la jonction d’extrémités non-homologues (JENH) sont deux voies fondamentalement différentes utilisées pour réparer ce type de dommage. Or, les mécanismes régulant le choix entre ces deux voies pour la réparation des bris double-brins demeurent nébuleux. Le complexe Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2 (MRX) est le premier acteur à être recruté à ce type de bris où il contribue à la réparation par recombinaison homologue ou JENH. À l’intersection de ces deux voies, il est donc idéalement placé pour orienter le choix de réparation. Ce mémoire met en lumière deux systèmes distincts de phosphorylation du complexe MRX régulant spécifiquement le JENH. L’un dépend de la progression du cycle cellulaire et inhibe le JENH, tandis que l’autre requiert la présence de dommages à l’ADN et est nécessaire au JENH. Ensembles, nos résultats suggèrent que le complexe MRX intègre différents phospho-stimuli pour réguler le choix de la voie de réparation.


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La leucémie myéloïde aigüe (LMA) est la forme de leucémie la plus fréquente chez l’adulte au Canada. Bien que de nombreux réarrangements chromosomiques récurrents aient été identifiés chez les patients LMA, près de la moitié des cas présentent un caryotype normal (LMA-CN). L’étude de la LMA-CN in vitro est rendue difficile par le fait que la survie des cellules primaires de patients est défectueuse sur le long terme et que les lignées cellulaires leucémiques ont un caryotype hautement anormal. En 2009, Munker et son équipe ont établi une nouvelle lignée cellulaire, CG-SH, ayant la particularité d’avoir un caryotype normal. L’objectif principal de ce projet d’étude est de caractériser plus en détail ce nouveau modèle d’étude. Nous avons identifié l’ensemble des variants génétiques présents dans CG-SH grâce au séquençage du génome entier. Les variants susceptibles de participer à la leucémogénèse ont été isolés, tels que des insertions détectées dans EZH2 et GATA2, et de nombreux variants faux-sens détectés dans des gènes pertinents pour la LMA. Nous avons montré que les cellules CG-SH sont sensibles à l’effet prolifératif d’une combinaison de cytokines, qui agissent sur le comportement des cellules en modifiant l’expression des gènes associés à la régulation de la prolifération, de l’apoptose et de la différentiation. De plus, les cytokines diminuent le taux de nécrose des cellules en culture sur le court terme. La présente étude a permis d’approfondir notre connaissance sur les caractéristiques moléculaires de la lignée cellulaire CG-SH, un nouveau modèle d’étude in vitro de la LMA-CN.


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La leucémie aiguë lymphoblastique (LAL) est le cancer pédiatrique le plus fréquent. Plusieurs réarrangements chromosomiques ont été associés à cette maladie, dont la translocation t(12;21), qui est observée dans 25% des cas de LAL de type pré-B. Cette translocation engendre l’expression de la protéine de fusion ETV6-AML1. Toutefois, celle-ci n’est pas suffisante pour initier seule une leucémie, ce qui suggère que des mutations additionnelles sont nécessaires à la transformation oncogénique. Or, on observe que l’allèle non-réarrangé d’ETV6 est perdu dans 75% des cas de t(12;21). Cette délétion entraîne l’inactivation complète du facteur de transcription ETV6 et l’abolition de sa fonction biologique. Puisqu’ETV6 semble jouer un rôle de suppresseur de tumeurs, nous croyons que son inactivation favoriserait le développement de la leucémie via la dérégulation de ses gènes cibles. Ce projet visait donc à identifier de nouvelles cibles transcriptionnelles d’ETV6, afin d’élucider son implication dans la leucémie. Une expérience de RNA-Seq a permis d’identifier plus de 200 gènes dont l’expression est corrélée avec celle d’ETV6 dans des cellules souches hématopoïétiques CD34+. Parmi ceux-ci, plusieurs gènes sont impliqués dans la réponse immunitaire et inflammatoire, la migration cellulaire, l’homéostasie ionique et la signalisation intracellulaire. Nous avons également mis en place une approche d’immunoprécipitation de la chromatine afin d’identifier les régions auxquelles le facteur de transcription ETV6 peut se lier. À l’aide de cette méthode, nous avons démontré une interaction entre ETV6 et SLCO2B1, un gène dont l’expression est également co-régulée avec ETV6. Finalement, notre étude suggère qu’ETV6 contribuerait à la leucémogenèse en dérégulant l’expression de certains gènes ayant des propriétés oncogéniques.


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Auriculo-condylar syndrome (ACS), an autosomal dominant disorder of first and second pharyngeal arches, is characterized by malformed ears (`question mark ears`), prominent cheeks, microstomia, abnormal temporomandibular joint, and mandibular condyle hypoplasia. Penetrance seems to be complete, but there is high inter-and intra-familial phenotypic variation, with no evidence of genetic heterogeneity. We herein describe a new multigeneration family with 11 affected individuals (F1), in whom we confirm intra-familial clinical variability. Facial asymmetry, a clinical feature not highlighted in other ACS reports, was highly prevalent among the patients reported here. The gene responsible for ACS is still unknown and its identification will certainly contribute to the understanding of human craniofacial development. No chromosomal rearrangements have been associated with ACS, thus mapping and positional cloning is the best approach to identify this disease gene. To map the ACS gene, we conducted linkage analysis in two large ACS families, F1 and F2 (F2; reported elsewhere). Through segregation analysis, we first excluded three known loci associated with disorders of first and second pharyngeal arches (Treacher Collins syndrome, oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum, and Townes-Brocks syndrome). Next, we performed a wide genome search and we observed evidence of linkage to 1p21.1-q23.3 in F2 (LOD max 3.01 at theta = 0). Interestingly, this locus was not linked to the phenotype segregating in F1. Therefore, our results led to the mapping of a first locus of ACS (ACS1) and also showed evidence for genetic heterogeneity, suggesting that there are at least two loci responsible for this phenotype.


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Gymnotus cf. carapo and Gynznotus sylvius are two fish species inhabiting the Upper Parana River Basin, presenting respectively 2n =54 and 2n = 40 chromosomes. In the present cytogenetic analysis, R-banding and telomere-sequence hybridization were carried out in order to determine the possible relationship between the karyotipes of these two species. Incorporation bands (R-bands) obtained for the two species allowed the identification of chromosome similarities, showing to be an usefull alternative to the G-banding methods, which fail in producing satisfying results in most of analyzed fish species. This approach, associated with the hybridization of telomeric sequences, permited to identify chromosomal rearrangements that could be used as indicators of karyotypic evolution within the group. In the present case, telomeric sequences were detected in the centromeric region of two metacentric chromosome pairs of Gymnotus sylvius. The results obtained after hybridization with the telomere sequences, coupled with the chromosome homeologies detected by R-banding, showed that G. cf carapo and G. sylvius should present a common ancestor, and this may also be corroborated by the similarities found in three chromosome pairs, that seem to have been conserved during the evolution of the two species. Based on the data here presented we propose that G. sylvius may have undergone a recent process of chromosome fusion that resulted in the diminution of its chromosome number.


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Traditionally comparative cytogenetic studies are based mainly on banding patterns. Nevertheless, when dealing with species with highly rearranged genomes, as in Akodon species, or with other highly divergent species, cytogenetic comparisons of banding patterns prove inadequate. Hence, comparative chromosome painting has become the method of choice for genome comparisons at the cytogenetic level since it allows complete chromosome probes of a species to be hybridized in situ onto chromosomes of other species, detecting homologous genomic regions between them. In the present study, we have explored the highly rearranged complements of the Akodon species using reciprocal chromosome painting through species-specific chromosome probes obtained by chromosome sorting. The results revealed complete homology among the complements of Akodon sp. n. (ASP), 2n = 10; Akodon cursor (ACU), 2n = 15; Akodon montensis (AMO), 2n = 24; and Akodon paranaensis (APA), 2n = 44, and extensive chromosome rearrangements have been detected within the species with high precision. Robertsonian and tandem rearrangements, pericentric inversions and/or centromere repositioning, paracentric inversion, translocations, insertions, and breakpoints, where chromosomal rearrangements, seen to be favorable, were observed. Chromosome painting using the APA set of 21 autosomes plus X and Y revealed eight syntenic segments that are shared with A. montensis, A. cursor, and ASP, and one syntenic segment shared by A. montensis and A. cursor plus five exclusive chromosome associations for A. cursor and six for ASP chromosome X, except for the heterochromatin region of ASP X, and even chromosome Y shared complete homology among the species. These data indicate that all those closely related species have experienced a recent extensive process of autosomal rearrangement in which, except for ASP, there is still complete conservation of sex chromosomes homologies.


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Mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of Tityus bahiensis were investigated using light (LM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to determine the chromosomal characteristics and disclose the mechanisms responsible for intraspecific variability in chromosome number and for the presence of complex chromosome association during meiosis. This species is endemic to Brazilian fauna and belongs to the family Buthidae, which is considered phylogenetically basal within the order Scorpiones. In the sample examined, four sympatric and distinct diploid numbers were observed: 2n = 5, 2n = 6, 2n = 9, and 2 = 10. The origin of this remarkable chromosome variability was attributed to chromosome fissions and/or fusions, considering that the decrease in chromosome number was concomitant with the increase in chromosome size and vice versa. The LM and TEM analyses showed the presence of chromosomes without localised centromere, the lack of chiasmata and recombination nodules in male meiosis, and two nucleolar organiser regions carrier chromosomes. Furthermore, male prophase I cells revealed multivalent chromosome associations and/or unsynapsed or distinctly associated chromosome regions (gaps, less-condensed chromatin, or loop-like structure) that were continuous with synapsed chromosome segments. All these data permitted us to suggest that the chromosomal rearrangements of T. bahiensis occurred in a heterozygous state. A combination of various factors, such as correct disjunction and balanced segregation of the chromosomes involved in complex meiotic pairing, system of achiasmate meiosis, holocentric nature of the chromosomes, population structure, and species dispersion patterns, could have contributed to the high level of chromosome rearrangements present in T. bahiensis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)