143 resultados para Chameaux -- Irak
El artículo forma parte de un monográfico de la revista dedicado a lecciones contra la guerra como tema transversal
Heshil Frumkin
Scan von Monochrom-Mikroform
Scan von Monochrom-Mikroform
The proinflammatory cytokine interleukin 1 (IL-1) activates the transcription of many genes encoding acute phase and proinflammatory proteins, a function mediated primarily by the transcription factor NF-κB. An early IL-1 signaling event is the recruitment of the Ser/Thr kinase IRAK to the type I IL-1 receptor (IL-1RI). Here we describe the function of a previously identified IL-1 receptor subunit designated IL-1 receptor accessory protein (IL-1RAcP). IL-1 treatment of cells induces the formation of a complex containing both IL-1RI and IL-1RAcP. IRAK is recruited to this complex through its association with IL-1RAcP. Overexpression of an IL-1RAcP mutant lacking its intracellular domain, the IRAK-binding domain, prevented the recruitment of IRAK to the receptor complex and blocked IL-1-induced NF-κB activation.
Mutant I1A cells, lacking IL-1 receptor-associated kinase (IRAK) mRNA and protein, have been used to study the involvement of IRAK in NFκB and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activation. A series of IRAK deletion constructs were expressed in I1A cells, which were then tested for their ability to respond to IL-1. Both the N-terminal death domain and the C-terminal region of IRAK are required for IL-1-induced NFκB and JNK activation, whereas the N-proximal undetermined domain is required for the activation of NFκB but not JNK. The phosphorylation and ubiquitination of IRAK deletion mutants correlate tightly with their ability to activate NFκB in response to IL-1, but IRAK can mediate IL-1-induced JNK activation without being phosphorylated. These studies reveal that the IL-1-induced signaling pathways leading to NFκB and JNK activation diverge either at IRAK or at a point nearer to the receptor.
Las consecuencias políticas, humanitarias y de desarrollo de décadas de migraciones forzadas masivas forman parte de la herencia que los líderes políticos iraquíes actuales deben manejar. Y para eso necesitan disponer de las instituciones correctas con el objetivo de guiar a su país hacia un futuro más pacífico y estable.
El Estado iraquí posterior a la era de Saddam disfruta de un apoyo limitado por parte del pueblo, excluye del poder a importantes sectores de la población, suprime a la oposición y deja desprotegidos a sus ciudadanos frente a las detenciones arbitrarias mientras la corrupción campa a sus anchas. Existe una relación directa entre estos fracasos y el desplazamiento en Irak.
nach dessen Originalskizzen redigirt von H. Kiepert.
Includes bibliographical references.
La presente investigación tiene como finalidad analizar las implicaciones humanitarias de la participación de las Compañías Militares Privadas (PMC) contratadas por los Estados en escenarios de conflicto, a partir del caso de Blackwater y Estados Unidos en Irak (2003-2007), con el fin de mostrar a través de algunos hechos específicos como el acaecido en la plaza Al Nisour los vacíos existentes en la regulación de sus actividades. Frente a estos hechos se muestra como la Comunidad Internacional ha tratado de avanzar en la creación de un régimen internacional que las controle, sin embargo, como se evidencia a lo largo de este escrito la falta de compromiso por parte de los Estados ha hecho que esta tarea se vea obstaculizada y por lo tanto la actuación de estas compañías se encuentra aún en una zona jurídica gris.
La monografía pretende explicar el rol desempeñado por Exxon Mobil y Chevron en la formulación de la Gran Estrategia del gobierno Bush hacia Irak. Especialmente, se sostiene que las dos compañías multinacionales mencionadas lograron que la intervención militar en Irak, fuera pensada como un objetivo fundamental de la política energética del gobierno Bush. Para lograr este objetivo, Chevron y Exxon aprovecharon principalmente su posición en la economía nacional estadounidense. De hecho, lograron celebrar contratos a largo plazo para la extracción del crudo y de gas en Irak. Fundamentándose en un análisis documental, estas compañías son analizadas como grupos de presión empresarial y grupos económicos, cuyos beneficios derivados de la invasión en Irak pueden encontrarse incluso durante el gobierno Obama.
To identify novel cytokine-related genes, we searched the set of 60,770 annotated RIKEN mouse cDNA clones (FANTOM2 clones), using keywords such as cytokine itself or cytokine names (such as interferon, interleukin, epidermal growth factor, fibroblast growth factor, and transforming growth factor). This search produced 108 known cytokines and cytokine-related products such as cytokine receptors, cytokine-associated genes, or their products (enhancers, accessory proteins, cytokine-induced genes). We found 15 clusters of FANTOM2 clones that are candidates for novel cytokine-related genes. These encoded products with strong sequence similarity to guanylate-binding protein (GBP-5), interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 2 (IRAK-2), interleukin 20 receptor alpha isoform 3, a member of the interferon-inducible proteins of the Ifi 200 cluster, four members of the membrane-associated family 1-8 of interferon-inducible proteins, one p27-like protein, and a hypothetical protein containing a Toll/Interleukin receptor domain. All four clones representing novel candidates of gene products from the family contain a novel highly conserved cross-species domain. Clones similar to growth factor-related products included transforming growth factor beta-inducible early growth response protein 2 (TIEG-2), TGFbeta-induced factor 2, integrin beta-like 1, latent TGF-binding protein 4S, and FGF receptor 4B. We performed a detailed sequence analysis of the candidate novel genes to elucidate their likely functional properties.
Sepsis induces a systemic inflammatory response leading to tissue damage and cell death. LPS tolerance affects inflammatory response. To comprehend potential new mechanisms of immune regulation in endotoxemia, we examined macrophage mRNA expression by macroarray affected by LPS tolerance. LPS tolerance was induced with subcutaneous administration of 1 mg/kg/day of LPS over 5 days. Macrophages were isolated from the spleen and the expression of 1200 genes was quantitatively analyzed by the macroarray technique. The tolerant group displayed relevant changes in the expression of 84 mRNA when compared to naive mice. A functional group of genes related to cell death regulation was identified. PARP-1, caspase 3, FASL and TRAIL genes were confirmed by RT-PCR to present lower expression in tolerant mice. In addition, reduced expression of the pro-inflammatory genes TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma in the tolerant group was demonstrated. Following this, animals were challenged with polymicrobial sepsis. Flow cytometry analysis showed reduced necrosis and apoptosis in macrophages from the tolerant group compared to the naive group. Finally, a survival study showed a significant reduction in mortality in the tolerant group. Thus, in the current study we provide evidence for the selective reprogramming of the gene expression of cell death pathways during LPS tolerance and link these changes to protection from cell death and enhanced survival rates. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ce livre montre qu'il n'existe pas de différence fondamentale entre les mouvements protestataires dans les sociétés musulmanes et ceux qui surviennent ailleurs. Par sa réflexion sur le partage entre "conduites infrapolitiques" et action organisée, mouvements religieux et mouvements politiques, réseaux informels et processus de mobilisation, au Maroc, en Égypte, en Iran, en Irak ou en Palestine, ce livre renouvelle, à un moment clé, la compréhension des mouvements sociaux dans les pays musulmans.