877 resultados para Building, Communication, ICT, Protocol, Smart-Medium Enterprise
Questa tesi affronta il tema dell'analisi della migrazione verso un ambiente cloud enterprise, con considerazioni sui costi e le performance rispetto agli ambienti di origine
Over the last few years Facebook has become a widespread and continuously expanding medium of communication. Being a new medium of social interaction, Facebook produces its own communication style. My focus of analysis is how Facebook users from the city of Malaga create this style by means of phonic features typical of the Andalusian variety and how the users reflect on the use of these phonic features. This project is based on a theoretical framework which combines variationist sociolinguistics with CMC to study the emergence of a style peculiar of the online social networks. In a corpus of Facebook users from three zones of Malaga, I have analysed the use of non-standard phonic features and then compared them with the same features in a reference corpus collected on three beaches of Malaga. From this comparison it can be deduced that the analysed social and linguistic factors work differently in real and virtual speech. Due to these different uses we can consider the peculiar electronic communication of Facebook as a style constrained by the electronic medium. It is a style which serves the users to create social meaning and to express their linguistic identities.
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) share the biggest part in Myanmar economy in terms of number, contribution to employment, output, and investment. Myanmar economic growth is thus totally dependent on the development of SMEs in the private sector. Today, the role of SMEs has become more vital in strengthening national competitive advantage and the speedy economic integration into the ASEAN region. However, studies show that SMEs have to deal with a number of constraints that hinder their development potential, such as the shortage in power supply, unavailability of long-term credit from external sources and many others. Among them, the financing problem of SMEs is one of the biggest constraints. Such is deeply rooted in demand and supply issues, macroeconomic fundamentals, and lending infrastructure of the country. The governments policy towards SMEs could also lead to insufficient support for the SMEs. Thus, focusing on SMEs and private sector development as a viable strategy for industrialization and economic development of the country is a fundamental requirement for SME development. This paper recommends policies for stabilizing macro economic fundamentals, improving lending infrastructures of the country and improving demand- and supply-side conditions from the SMEs financing perspective in order to provide a more accessible financing for SMEs and to contribute in the overall development of SMEs in Myanmar thereby to sharpen national competitive advantage in the age of speedy economic integration.
Mmoire numris par la Direction des bibliothques de l'Universit de Montral.
Mmoire numris par la Direction des bibliothques de l'Universit de Montral.
A comunicao essencial para a vida em sociedade. Na atualidade, com o desenvolvimento de novas formas e possibilidades tecnolgicas a comunicao se faz presente tambm no mbito educacional utilizando as Tecnologias da Informao e Comunicao (TIC) para atender s exigncias sociais e educativas. No caso da educao on-line, os MOOC Massive Open Online Courses, vm ganhando destaque e constituem um modelo recente de educao e formao, com a possibilidade de democratizao e acesso ao conhecimento e informao, disponvel a um nmero cada vez maior de pessoas. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste estudo o de analisar as estratgias e recursos comunicacionais utilizados em cursos MOOC, visando elaborar diretrizes a ter em conta na construo de um curso desta natureza. Para tal, optou-se por uma investigao qualitativa, de natureza exploratria-descritiva, em que a reviso bibliogrfica e a construo e aplicao de um modelo de anlise dos recursos e estratgias comunicacionais utilizados nos cursos ofertados em plataformas MOOC, integram a metodologia do estudo. Como principais resultados destacamos que os vdeos e fruns so os recursos mais utilizados nos cursos analisados, observando-se uma tendncia de prticas mais empiristas e tradicionais, h pouca utilizao de recursos ldicos e uma ausncia do uso de redes sociais como recurso comunicacional. Para alm disso, no utilizada a avaliao dos cursos pelos alunos e predominam as estratgias avaliativas de escolha mltipla. Visando compartilhar as experincias e reflexes advindas desta pesquisa, so apresentadas, ao final, recomendaes que podem contribuir para a elaborao de cursos MOOC.
El artculo se basa en los resultados del estudio exploratorio sobre Tecnologias de la Informacin de Comunicacin (TIC) y las decisiones gerenciales en Pequeas Y Medianas Empresas (PYMES), debido a los bajos factores de permanencia de estas empresas en el mercado como son: la aplicacin ineficiente de modelos de comunicacin interna y externa, el poco empleo de las TIC implementadas en las mismas, el uso inadecuado de paquetes informticos y la subutilizacin de los servicios adicionales que prestan los operadores de internet; Adems se logro determinar que al tener poca preparacin administrativa el manejo del comportamiento organizacional es inoperante, todo lo anterior repercute en las decisiones gerenciales. Por lo cual, se desarrollo un anlisis sobre aspectos gerenciales dbiles, especialmente el flujo de la informacin y el empleo de las TIC, a travs de una investigacin cualitativa exploratoria que presenta como resultados una serie de posibles gestiones correctas a implementar y estrategias a disear para afrontar los Tratados de Libre Comercio (TLC) vigentes en Colombia. Por ltimo, se presentan las ventajas de una eficiente comunicacin por medio de medidas operativas e informticas, mostrando algunas herramientas de gestin que se deben adoptar para mejorar productividad.
The majority of Australian construction firms are small businesses, with 97% of general construction businesses employing less than 20 employees and 85% employing less than five employees (Lin and Mills, 2001; Lingard and Holmes, 2001). The Australian Bureau of Statistics definition of a small to medium enterprise was used for the purpose of this study (McLennan, 2000). This included small business employing less than twenty people and medium business employing less than 200 people. Although small to medium enterprises (SME) make up the major share of construction organisations in Australia, there is a paucity of published research in relation to occupational health and safety (OHS) issues for this group. Typically, SME organisations are frequently undercapitalized and depend on continuous cash flow for their continued business (Cole, 2003; 12). Research by Lin and Mills (2001) indicates that these factors influence the smaller operators ability and motivation to achieve high levels of OHS compared to larger firms which tend to integrate OHS into their management systems. According to Lin and Mills (2001; 137) small firms do not feel the need to focus on OHS in their management systems, instead they often believe that the control of risk is the responsibility of employees. This report documents findings from a qualitative research study that examined SME organisations views of a newly developed voluntary code of practice (VCOP), and ways in which they might implement the code in their businesses. The research also explored respondents awareness of current safety issues in industry in the context of their personal experiences.
Many studies in the area of project management and social networks have identified the significance of project knowledge transfer within and between projects. However, only few studies have examined the intra- and inter-projects knowledge transfer activities. Knowledge in projects can be transferred via face-to-face interactions on the one hand, and via IT-based tools on the other. Although companies have allocated many resources to the IT tools, it has been found that they are not always effectively utilised, and people prefer to look for knowledge using social face-to-face interactions. This paper explores how to effectively leverage two alternative knowledge transfer techniques, face-to-face and IT-based tools to facilitate knowledge transfer and enhance knowledge creation for intra- and inter-project knowledge transfer. The paper extends the previous research on the relationships between and within teams by examining the projects external and internal knowledge networks concurrently. Social network qualitative analysis, using a case study within a small-medium enterprise, was used to examine the knowledge transfer activities within and between projects, and to investigate knowledge transfer techniques. This paper demonstrates the significance of overlapping employees working simultaneously on two or more projects and their impact on facilitating knowledge transfer between projects within a small/medium organisation. This research is also crucial to gaining better understanding of different knowledge transfer techniques used for intra- and inter-project knowledge exchange. The research provides recommendations on how to achieve better knowledge transfer within and between projects in order to fully utilise a projects knowledge and achieve better project performance.
New substation automation applications, such as sampled value process buses and synchrophasors, require sampling accuracy of 1 s or better. The Precision Time Protocol (PTP), IEEE Std 1588, achieves this level of performance and integrates well into Ethernet based substation networks. This paper takes a systematic approach to the performance evaluation of commercially available PTP devices (grandmaster, slave, transparent and boundary clocks) from a variety of manufacturers. The ``error budget'' is set by the performance requirements of each application. The ``expenditure'' of this error budget by each component is valuable information for a system designer. The component information is used to design a synchronization system that meets the overall functional requirements. The quantitative performance data presented shows that this testing is effective and informative. Results from testing PTP performance in the presence of sampled value process bus traffic demonstrate the benefit of a ``bottom up'' component testing approach combined with ``top down'' system verification tests. A test method that uses a precision Ethernet capture card, rather than dedicated PTP test sets, to determine the Correction Field Error of transparent clocks is presented. This test is particularly relevant for highly loaded Ethernet networks with stringent timing requirements. The methods presented can be used for development purposes by manufacturers, or by system integrators for acceptance testing. A sampled value process bus was used as the test application for the systematic approach described in this paper. The test approach was applied, components were selected, and the system performance verified to meet the application's requirements. Systematic testing, as presented in this paper, is applicable to a range of industries that use, rather than develop, PTP for time transfer.
There is an evident need to develop the strategic capabilities of companies from within, to ensure competitive competence in a time where strategy is a necessity. This paper is based on the first 4 months of a longitudinal embedded case study of a family-owned Australian small to medium enterprise, in their journey towards design integration. The first author was embedded as a Design Innovation Catalyst to collaborate on overcoming early barriers of strategic development, using design led innovation. Action research methodology, semi-structured interviews with seven out of eight employees and a reflective journal revealed the absence of a shared vision, conflicting drivers and a focus on operational efficiency rather than strategy. Through the Catalysts facilitation, a company vision, general awareness, practice and knowledge in strategic development have emerged as the first steps to generating strategic design competence within the firm.
The advances in modern information and communication (ICT) technology continue to address the challenges and improve` health outcomes for the survivors of chronic disease such as prostate cancer. The management of survivorship is increasingly becoming an important need for the survivors to manage their chronic conditions. The technology interventions such as tele-health as well as self-managed technology applications have shown a potential to improve survivorship outcomes. However, the application of these tools should be supported by strong health economics evidence. This work discusses the challenges of technology led survivorship care models and presents an integrated approach to address these challenges.