963 resultados para Branched-chain amino acids
Objective: We aimed to evaluate the effects of resistance exercise (RE) and leucine (LEU) supplementation on dexamethasone (DEXA)-induced muscle atrophy and insulin resistance. Methods: Male Wistar rats were randomly divided into DEXA(DEX), DEXA + RE (DEX-RE), DEXA + LEU (DEX-LEU), and DEXA + RE + LEU (DEX-RE-LEU) groups. Each group received DEXA 5 mg . kg(-1) . d(-1) for 7 d from drinking water and were pair-fed to the DEX group; LEU-supplemented groups received 0.135 g . kg(-1) . d(-1) through gavage for 7 d; the RE protocol was based on three sessions of squat-type exercise composed by three sets of 10 repetitions at 70% of maximal voluntary strength capacity. Results: The plantaris mass was significantly greater in both trained groups compared with the non-trained groups. Muscle cross-sectional area and fiber areas did not differ between groups. Both trained groups displayed significant increases in the number of intermediated fibers (IIa/IIx), a decreased number of fast-twitch fibers (IIb), an increased ratio of the proteins phospho(Ser2448)/ total mammalian target of rapamycin and phospho(Thr389)/total 70-kDa ribosomal protein S6 kinase. and a decreased ratio of phospho(Ser253)/total Forkhead box protein-3a. Plasma glucose was significantly increased in the DEX-LEU group compared with the DEX group and RE significantly decreased hyperglycemia. The DEX-LEU group displayed decreased glucose transporter-4 translocation compared with the DEX group and RE restored this response. LEU supplementation worsened insulin sensitivity and did not attenuate muscle wasting in rats treated with DEXA. Conversely, RE modulated glucose homeostasis and fiber type transition in the plantaris muscle. Conclusion: Resistance exercise but not LEU supplementation promoted fiber type transition and improved glucose homeostasis in DEXA-treated rats. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Objective: Aging is characterized by alterations in body composition such as an increase in body fat and decreases in muscle mass (sarcopenia) and bone density (osteopenia). Leucine supplementation has been shown to acutely stimulate protein synthesis and to decrease body fat. However, the long-term effect of consistent leucine supplementation is not well defined. This study investigated the effect of leucine supplementation during aging. Methods: Six-month-old rats were divided into three groups: an adult group (n = 10) euthanized at 6 mo of age, a leucine group (n = 16) that received a diet supplemented with 4% leucine for 40 wk, and a control group (n = 19) that received the control diet for 40 wk. The following parameters were evaluated: body weight, food intake, chemical carcass composition, indicators of acquired chronic diseases, and indicators of protein nutritional status. Results: Body weight and fat were lower in the leucine group after 40 wk of supplementation compared with the control group but still higher than in the adult group. The lipid and glycemic profiles were equally altered in the control and leucine groups because of aging. In addition, leucine supplementation did not affect the changes in protein status parameters associated with aging, such as decreases in body and muscle protein and total serum protein. Conclusion: The results indicate that leucine supplementation attenuates body fat gain during aging but does not affect risk indicators of acquired chronic diseases. Furthermore, supplemented animals did not show signs of a prevention of the decrease in lean mass associated with aging. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The impact of leucine supplementation and resistance exercise (RE) on plasma lipid profile was evaluated in adult rats treated with dexamethasone, an experimental model of dyslipidemia. Total cholesterol did not differ among groups. Furthermore, leucine supplementation did not promote improvement in the plasma total cholesterol and LDL-c of the animals. However, plasma TG and VLDL-c were significantly decreased and HDL-c increased after 7 days of leucine supplementation combined with RE. In conclusion, leucine supplementation combined with RE, but not isolated, improved the plasma lipid profile of dexamethasone-induced dyslipidemic rats.
Leucine activates the intracellular mammalian target of the rapamycin (mTOR) pathway, and hypothalamic mTOR signaling regulates food intake. Although central infusion of leucine reduces food intake, it is still uncertain whether oral leucine supplementation is able to affect the hypothalamic circuits that control energy balance. We observed increased phosphorylation of p70s6k in the mouse hypothalamus after an acute oral gavage of leucine. We then assessed whether acute oral gavage of leucine induces the activation of neurons in several hypothalamic nuclei and in the brainstem. Leucine did not induce the expression of Fos in hypothalamic nuclei, but it increased the number of Fos-immunoreactive neurons in the area postrema. In addition, oral gavage of leucine acutely increased the 24 h food intake of mice. Nonetheless, chronic leucine supplementation in the drinking water did not change the food intake and the weight gain of ob/ob mice and of wild-type mice consuming a low- or a high-fat diet. We assessed the hypothalamic gene expression and observed that leucine supplementation increased the expression of enzymes (BCAT1, BCAT2 and BCKDK) that metabolize branched-chain amino acids. Despite these effects, leucine supplementation did not induce an anorectic pattern of gene expression in the hypothalamus. In conclusion, our data show that the brain is able to sense oral leucine intake. However, the food intake is not modified by chronic oral leucine supplementation. These results question the possible efficacy of leucine supplementation as an appetite suppressant to treat obesity
Patients with end-stage liver disease often reveal significant protein-energy malnutrition, which may deteriorate after listing for transplantation. Since malnutrition affects post-transplant survival, precise assessment must be an integral part of pre- and post-surgical management. While there is wide agreement that aggressive treatment of nutritional deficiencies is required, strong scientific evidence supporting nutritional therapy is sparse. In practice, oral nutritional supplements are preferred over parenteral nutrition, but enteral tube feeding may be necessary to maintain adequate calorie intake. Protein restriction should be avoided and administration of branched-chain amino acids may help yield a sufficient protein supply. Specific problems such as micronutrient deficiency, fluid balance, cholestasis, encephalopathy, and comorbid conditions need attention in order to optimize patient outcome.
The Dld gene product, known as dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase or the E3 component, catalyzes the oxidation of dihydrolipoyl moieties of four mitochondrial multienzyme complexes: pyruvate dehydrogenase, α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, branched-chain α-ketoacid dehydrogenase, and the glycine cleavage system. Deficiency of E3 activity in humans results in various degrees of neurological dysfunction and organic acidosis caused by accumulation of branched-chain amino acids and lactic acid. In this study, we have introduced a null mutation into the murine Dld gene (Dldtm1mjp). The heterozygous animals are shown to have approximately half of wild-type activity levels for E3 and all affected multienzyme complexes but are phenotypically normal. In contrast, the Dld−/− class dies prenatally with apparent developmental delay at 7.5 days postcoitum followed by resorption by 9.5 days postcoitum. The Dld−/− embryos cease to develop at a time shortly after implantation into the uterine wall when most of the embryos have begun to gastrulate. This null phenotype provides in vivo evidence for the requirement of a mitochondrial oxidative pathway during the perigastrulation period. Furthermore, the early prenatal lethal condition of the complete deficiency state may explain the low incidence of detectable cases of E3 deficiency in humans.
Introducción: El informe emitido por la Agencia Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria (EFSA) en 2010 sobre las declaraciones nutricionales y propiedades saludables, muestra que no existen evidencias científicas que apoyen la suplementación con aminoácidos ramificados (BCAAs). El objetivo de este estudio es analizar los efectos del consumo de suplementos de BCAAs en deportes de larga duración (DLD). Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de revisión bibliográfica sobre el estado actual del efecto del consumo de suplementos de BCAAs. Se realizó una búsqueda en la base de datos PubMed y estrategia de bola de nieve. Criterios de inclusión: Estudios realizados en humanos, ensayos clínicos controlados aleatorizados (ECCA) en castellano/inglés relacionados con el consumo de BCAAs, leucina, valina e isoleucina en DLD y sus efectos sobre el daño muscular, rendimiento deportivo, fatiga central, respuesta anabólica y sistema inmunológico publicados en cualquier país hasta mayo 2014. Resultados: De los 330 estudios identificados, 14 cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. La media de sujetos participantes en los estudio es igual a (11,36 ± 7,43). Sólo dos estudios incluyen un grupo de mujeres. Las disciplinas deportivas que se encontraron en los estudios fueron carrera a pie, ciclismo, combinación ciclismo y carrera a pie, triatlón distancia olímpica y un estudio que incluía 2 grupos de deportistas (triatlón distancia olímpica y carrera a pie). Se estudian los efectos de los BCAAs y daño muscular, rendimiento deportivo, fatiga central, respuesta anabólica en periodo de recuperación y respuesta inmunológica en periodos diferentes del entrenamiento: antes, durante y después o una combinación de éstos. Discusión: Se observa que existe un menor grado de dolor y daño muscular, menor percepción del esfuerzo y fatiga mental, mayor respuesta anabólica en periodo de recuperación y mejora de la respuesta inmunológica cuando se suplementa con BCAAs, no obstante su toma antes o durante la actividad física no mejora el rendimiento deportivo. No se ha encontrado consenso en la dosis y cronología de la toma más eficaz, aunque es más efectivo si hay una relación 2-3/1/1g, entre los aminoácidos Leucina/ Isoleucina y Valina.
Acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS) and acetolactate synthase (ALS) are thiamine diphosphate (ThDP)-dependent enzymes that catalyze the decarboxylation of pyruvate to give a cofactor-bound hydroxyethyl group, which is transferred to a second molecule of pyruvate to give 2-acetolactate. AHAS is found in plants, fungi, and bacteria, is involved in the biosynthesis of the branched-chain amino acids, and contains non-catalytic FAD. ALS is found only in some bacteria, is a catabolic enzyme required for the butanediol fermentation, and does not contain FAD. Here we report the 2.3-Angstrom crystal structure of Klebsiella pneumoniae ALS. The overall structure is similar to AHAS except for a groove that accommodates FAD in AHAS, which is filled with amino acid side chains in ALS. The ThDP cofactor has an unusual conformation that is unprecedented among the 26 known three-dimensional structures of nine ThDP-dependent enzymes, including AHAS. This conformation suggests a novel mechanism for ALS. A second structure, at 2.0 Angstrom, is described in which the enzyme is trapped halfway through the catalytic cycle so that it contains the hydroxyethyl intermediate bound to ThDP. The cofactor has a tricyclic structure that has not been observed previously in any ThDP-dependent enzyme, although similar structures are well known for free thiamine. This structure is consistent with our proposed mechanism and probably results from an intramolecular proton transfer within a tricyclic carbanion that is the true reaction intermediate. Modeling of the second molecule of pyruvate into the active site of the enzyme with the bound intermediate is consistent with the stereochemistry and specificity of ALS.
Acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS; EC catalyses the formation of 2-acetolactate and 2-aceto-2-hydroxybutyrate as the first step in the biosynthesis of the branched-chain amino acids valine, leucine and isoleucine. The enzyme is inhibited by a wide range of substituted sulfonylureas and imidazolinones and many of these compounds are used as commercial herbicides. Here, the crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of the catalytic subunit of Arabidopsis thaliana AHAS in complex with the sulfonylurea herbicide chlorimuron ethyl are reported. This is the first report of the structure of any plant protein in complex with a commercial herbicide. Crystals diffract to 3.0 Angstrom resolution, have unit-cell parameters a = b = 179.92, c = 185.82 Angstrom and belong to space group P6(4)22. Preliminary analysis indicates that there is one monomer in the asymmetric unit and that these are arranged as pairs of dimers in the crystal. The dimers form a very open hexagonal lattice, with a high solvent content of 81%.
Ketol-acid reductoisomerase (EC catalyses the second reaction in the biosynthesis of branched-chain amino acids. The reaction involves an Mg2+-dependent alkyl migration followed by an NADPH-dependent reduction of the 2-keto group. Here, the crystallization of the Escherichia coli enzyme is reported. A form with a C-terminal hexahistidine tag could be crystallized under 18 different conditions in the absence of NADPH or Mg2+ and a further six crystallization conditions were identified with one or both ligands. With the hexahistidine tag on the N-terminus, 20 crystallization conditions were found, some of which required the presence of NADPH, NADP(+), Mg2+ or a combination of ligands. Finally, the selenomethionine-substituted enzyme with the N-terminal tag crystallized under 15 conditions. Thus, the enzyme is remarkably easy to crystallize. Most of the crystals diffract poorly but several data sets were collected at better than 3.2 Angstrom resolution; attempts to phase them are currently in progress.
Acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS) is the first common enzyme in the pathway for the biosynthesis of branched-chain amino acids. Interest in the enzyme has escalated over the past 20 years since it was discovered that AHAS is the target of the sulfonylurea and imidazolinone herbicides. However, several questions regarding the reaction mechanism have remained unanswered, particularly the way in which AHAS I chooses' its second substrate. A new method for the detection of reaction intermediates enables calculation of the microscopic rate constants required to explain this phenomenon.
Ketol-acid reductoisomerase (EC catalyses the second reaction in the biosynthesis of the branched-chain amino acids. The reaction catalyzed consists of two stages, the first of which is an alkyl migration from one carbon atom to its neighbour. The likely transition state is therefore a cyclopropane derivative, and cyclopropane-1,1-dicarboxylate(CPD) has been reported to inhibit the Escherichia coli enzyme. In addition, this compound causes the accumulation of the substrate of ketol-acid reductoisomerase in plants. Here, we investigate the inhibition of the purified rice enzyme. The cDNA was cloned, and the recombinant protein was expressed in E. coli, purified and characterized kinetically. The purified enzyme is strongly inhibited by cyclopropane-1,1-dicarboxylate, with an inhibition constant of 90 nM. The inhibition is time-dependent and this is due to the low rate constants for formation (2.63 X 10(5) M-1 min(-1)) and dissociation (2.37 x 10(-2) min(-1)) of the enzyme-inhibitor complex. Other cyclopropane derivatives are much weaker inhibitors while dimethylmalonate is moderately effective. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ketol-acid reductoisomerase (KARI; EC catalyzes two steps in the biosynthesis of branched-chain amino acids. Amino acid sequence comparisons across species reveal that there are two types of this enzyme: a short form (Class 1) found in fungi and most bacteria, and a long form (Class 11) typical of plants. Crystal structures of each have been reported previously. However, some bacteria such as Escherichia coli possess a long form, where the amino acid sequence differs appreciably from that found in plants. Here, we report the crystal structure of the E. coli enzyme at 2.6 A resolution, the first three-dimensional structure of any bacterial Class 11 KARI. The enzyme consists of two domains, one with mixed alpha/beta structure, which is similar to that found in other pyridine nucleotide-dependent dehydrogenases. The second domain is mainly alpha-helical and shows strong evidence of internal duplication. Comparison of the active sites between KARI of E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and spinach shows that most residues occupy conserved positions in the active site. E. coli KARI was crystallized as a tetramer, the likely biologically active unit. This contrasts with P. aeruginosa KARI, which forms a dodecamer, and spinach KARI, a dimer. In the E. coli KARI tetramer, a novel subunit-to-subunit interacting surface is formed by a symmetrical pair of bulbous protrusions.
Isoleucine, leucine and valine are synthesized via a common pathway in which the first reaction is catalysed by AHAS (acetohydroxyacid synthase; EC This heterotetrameric enzyme is composed of a larger subunit that contains the catalytic machinery and a smaller subunit that plays a regulatory role. The RSU (regulatory subunit) enhances the activity of the CSU (catalytic sub unit) and mediates end-product inhibition by one or more of the branched-chain amino acids, usually valine. Fungal AHAS differs front that in other organisms in that the inhibition by valine is reversed by MgATP. The fungal AHAS RSU also differs from that in other organisms in that it contains a sequence insert. We suggest that this insert may form the MgATP-binding site and we have tested this hypothesis by mutating ten highly conserved amino acid residues of the yeast AHAS RSU. The modified subunits were tested for their ability to activate the yeast AHAS CSU, to confer sensitivity to valine inhibition and to mediate reversal of the inhibition by MgATP. All but one of the mutations resulted in substantial changes in the properties of the RSU. Unexpectedly, four of them gave a protein that required mgATP in order for strong stimulation of the CSU and valine inhibition to be observed. A model to explain this result is proposed. Five of the mutations abolished MgATP activation and are suggested to constitute the binding site for this modulator.