908 resultados para Boy scouts.


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El estudio está centrado en Mallorca y abraza dos etapas del movimiento Scout. Se proponen cuatro objetivos; profundizar sobre los antecedentes y los inicios de los Boys Scouts y sobre los principales aspectos del método Scout. Descubrir el significado de la naturaleza y la adaptación que experimenta dentro del Medio Ambiente, desde la visión Scout. Realizar una análisis histórica de los Boys Scouts, incidiendo en los acontecimientos más significativos, para plasmar mejor el desarrollo que ha tenido durante las dos etapas en que se inscriben los Boys Scouts en Mallorca. Localizar, clasificar y consultar las fuentes necesarias, para descubrir las relaciones de los Boys Scouts con otros grupos e instituciones, con la iglesia y con los Boys Scouts catalanes. Y por último, revisar y relacionar las diversas posturas de los Boys Scouts, entorno a los momentos sociopolíticos más significativos que ha experimentado. Por una parte se han utilizado muestras de varios archivos institucionales, así como también otros particulares y la consulta a una serie de bibliotecas de las Islas Baleares, la muestra concluye con el complemento de varias aportaciones personales. Primeramente se ha buscado documentos, prensa y revista de la época como fuente principal así como testimonios directos para complementar la información encontrada en los documentos y revistas. La primera fase del proyecto ha consistido en un profundo estudio bibliográfico, seguido de el conocimiento de investigaciones ya hechas con la continuación de una selección de datos significativos y los que faltan. El estudio es fundamentalmente descriptivo, para la redacción del texto se utiliza el criterio cronológico. La organización mundial Scout forma parte de un movimiento educativo en el tiempo libre, extendido a 211 países y territorios y formado por 25 millones de miembros. Pretende una educación integral a través de un método para formar personas responsables. La fundación Boy Scout, no es un hecho al azar, sino que responde a una idea madurada. El movimiento Scout inicial tuvo un fuerte componente militarista. Se utiliza el Método Scout, básicamente un método de conducta que se acepta mediante una promesa y una ley. La naturaleza es el marco educativo de todo este movimiento. Este movimiento es junto a las escuelas de verano, las únicas actividades infantiles y juveniles en el tiempo libre, enmarcadas en una pedagogía activa. En Mallorca se implanta el método Scout procedente del original inglés, afrancesado y catalanizado. Impulsa la lengua catalana y la incorporación de la mujer dentro de la sociedad. Durante la época franquista era un movimiento ilegal, pero aceptado ya que estaba apoyado en la jerarquía de la Iglesia Católica. La expansión y consolidación del movimiento se da a principio de la década de los 60 y luego en las siguientes décadas fue creciendo gradualmente.


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Underlying social space are territories, lands,geographical domains, the actual geographical underpinnings of the imperial, and also the cultural contest. To think about distant places, to colonize them, to populate or depopulate them: all of this occurs on, about, or because of land. […] Imperialism and the culture associated with it affirm both the primacy of geography and an ideology about control of territory.


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In Powers of Horror, Julia Kristeva writes about lost children. These are what she calls “dejects,” who, in the psychodrama of subject formation, fail to fully absent the body of the mother, to accept the Law of the Father and the Symbolic, and subsequently to establish “clear boundaries which constitute the object-world for normal subjects.” Dejects are “strays” looking for a place to belong, a place that is bound up with the Imaginary mother of the pre-Oedipal period. Kristeva’s sketch of the deject as one who is unable to negotiate a proper path to the Symbolicis useful to a reading of Hartnett’s Of A Boy (2002),a novel that also deals with lost children and imaginary mothers. However, in its portrayal of children who are doomed to never achieve adulthood, Of A Boy enacts a haunting retrieval of the pre-Oedipal from the dark side of phallocentric representation, privileging the semiotic (Kristeva’s concept) and the maternal as necessary disruptive checks on a patriarchal Symbolic Order.


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PRESENTED by the Escapists, Boy Girl Wall tells the unlikely yet strangely inevitable story of the series of events by which an odd assortment of people, objects and chance occurrences conspire to bring together lonely neighbours Thomas and Alethea...


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A 16 y.o. fully ambulant boy born to consanguineous Indian parents, presented for assessment of a fragility femoral neck fracture sustained against a background of autism and moderately severe intellectual disability. He had a past history of infantile eczema, and epilepsy treated with anticonvulsants from 2 to 10 years of age, with no further seizures following cessation of anticonvulsants. He had a thin body habitus (see Table 1) with long fingers and a high arched palate. He had no speech and negligible social interaction, but physical examination was otherwise unremarkable. Positive investigations revealed an undetectable serum creatinine and a urinary metabolic screen which showed an elevated GUA:Phe of 160 (< 36) and a decreased creatinine of 0.3 mmol/l (1.2–29.5) consistent with the diagnosis of guanidinoacetate methyltransferase(GAMT) deficiency. He was commenced on oral creatine 5 g three times daily. Despite improvement in physical activity, height and bone density, there was no discernable improvement in his intellectual functioning. Proton and phosphorous brain and leg magnetic resonance spectroscopy(MRS) was performed at baseline and showed an increased inorganic phosphorus peak and decreased phosphocreatine synthesis in brain and decreased creatine concentration in muscle. Following creatine treatment total brain creatine(1H-MRS) and phosphocreatine/ATP ratio (31P-MRS) content increased to 30% and 60% of control values, respectively. Brain GUA returned to normal levels.


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This chapter provides an indepth examination of the history of product placement in the James Bond film series, specifically focusing on the emergence of technology and gadgetry in the series and the impact this had on the number and types of products that were placed in the films.


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This chapter focuses on some of the flows of film work between Australia and South Korea and some of the roles taken by Australians in the performance (and particularly the sound) of Koreanness in different film contexts. We explore Korean-Australian collaboration on film, through case studies of Sejong Park's Oscar nominated short animated film Birthday Boy (2004) and two Korean feature films - Musa (Kim Sung-su, 2001) and Shadowless Sword (Kim Young-jun, 2005) - for which Australian firms provided sound post-production services. We show how these films instanciate and expand Korean, Australian, diasporic and transnational filmmaking.


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Synopsis and review of Sejong Park's film Birthday Boy. Includes credits. Birthday Boy has won over 40 awards at film festivals around the world including Best Animated Short at the prestigious SIGGRAPH Computer Animation Festival in 2004 which qualified the film for the 2005 Academy Awards even before Park and fellow students had graduated from the Australian Film, Television and Radio School (AFTRS). It was subsequently nominated for the Oscar for Best Animated Short Film, losing to another extraordinary short, Chris Landreth’s tribute to pioneering Canadian animator Ryan Larkin, Ryan. Other awards include the Prix Jean-Luc Xiberras at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival in 2005 (which had a special focus on Korea) and Best Short Animation at the 2005 BAFTA awards. It has screened at over 100 film festivals around the world, and is the most awarded film in the almost forty year history of the AFTRS...


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Review of His Stupid Boyhood by Peter Goldsworthy (Hamish Hamilton, 2013).


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Nazario, Sonia (2006). New York: Random House, Inc.; 294 pages. $26.95. ISBN 1400062055.