55 resultados para Bordetella bronchiseptica
The beta-adrenergic receptor kinase (beta ARK) phosphorylates its membrane-associated receptor substrates, such as the beta-adrenergic receptor, triggering events leading to receptor desensitization. beta ARK activity is markedly stimulated by the isoprenylated beta gamma subunit complex of heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G beta gamma), which translocates the kinase to the plasma membrane and thereby targets it to its receptor substrate. The amino-terminal two-thirds of beta ARK1 composes the receptor recognition and catalytic domains, while the carboxyl third contains the G beta gamma binding sequences, the targeting domain. We prepared this domain as a recombinant His6 fusion protein from Escherichia coli and found that it had both independent secondary structure and functional activity. We demonstrated the inhibitory properties of this domain against G beta gamma activation of type II adenylyl cyclase both in a reconstituted system utilizing Sf9 insect cell membranes and in a permeabilized 293 human embryonic kidney cell system. Gi alpha-mediated inhibition of adenylyl cyclase was not affected. These data suggest that this His6 fusion protein derived from the carboxyl terminus of beta ARK1 provides a specific probe for defining G beta gamma-mediated processes and for studying the structural features of a G beta gamma-binding domain.
Many efforts are currently made to prepare combined vaccines against most infectious pathogens, that may be administered early in life to protect infants against infectious diseases as early as possible. However, little is known about the general immune modulation induced by early vaccination. Here, we have analyzed the cytokine secretion profiles of two groups of 6-month-old infants having received as primary immunization either a whole-cell (Pw) or an acellular (Pa) pertussis vaccine in a tetravalent formulation of pertussis-tetanus-diphtheria-poliomyelitis vaccines. Both groups of infants secreted IFN-gamma in response to the Bordetella pertussis antigens filamentous haemagglutinin and pertussis toxin, and this response was correlated with antigen-specific IL-12p70 secretion, indicating that both pertussis vaccines induced Th1 cytokines. However, Pa recipients also developed a strong Th2-type cytokine response to the B. pertussis antigens, as noted previously. In addition, they induced Th2-type cytokines to the co-administrated antigen tetanus toxoïd, as well as to the food antigen beta-lactoglobulin. Furthermore, the general cytokine profile of the Pa recipients was strongly Th2-skewed at 6 months, as indicated by the cytokines induced by the mitogen phytohaemagglutinin. These data demonstrate that the cytokine profile of 6-month-old infants is influenced by the type of formulation of the pertussis vaccine they received at 2, 3 and 4 months of life. Large prospective studies would be warranted to evaluate the possible long-term consequences of this early modulation of the cytokine responses in infants.
Based on studies reporting specific antibody titers, it is recommended to vaccinate preterm infants against Bordetella pertussis according to their chronological age. However, as specific T-cell responses also are involved in the protection against B. pertussis, we have determined whether highly preterm infants (<31 weeks) are able to mount these immune responses during vaccination. Forty-eight premature infants were vaccinated at 2, 3, and 4 months of their chronological age with an acellular (Pa; n = 24) or a whole-cell (Pw; n = 24) tetravalent diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis-polio vaccine, and blood samples were collected at 2, 3, and 6 months of age. Most of the Pa- and Pw-vaccinated infants developed at 3 or 6 months of age a gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) response to the B. pertussis antigens, accompanied by an interleukin-5 (IL-5) and IL-13 secretion for the Pa-vaccinated infants. No association was found between a very low infant birth weight, the occurrence of severe infections, and corticosteroid treatment or the administration of gammaglobulins with a low level of antigen-induced IFN-gamma secretion. We conclude that like full-term infants, most preterm infants are able to mount a specific cellular immune response to the administration of the first doses of an acellular or a whole-cell pertussis vaccine.
Due to their high risk of developing severe Bordetella pertussis (Bp) infections, it is recommended to immunize preterm infants at their chronological age. However, little is known about the persistence of their specific immune responses, especially of the cellular responses recognized to play a role in protection. We compared here the cellular immune responses to two major antigens of Bp between three groups of one year-old children born prematurely, who received for their primary vaccination respectively the whole cell vaccine Tetracoq(®) (TC), the acellular vaccine Tetravac(®) (TV), or the acellular vaccine Infanrix-hexa(®) (IR). Whereas most children had still detectable IFN-γ responses at one year of age, they were lower in the IR-vaccinated children compared to the two other groups. In contrast, both the TV- and the IR-vaccinated children displayed higher Th2-type immune responses, resulting in higher antigen-specific IFN-γ/IL-5 ratios in TC- than in TV- or IR-vaccinated children. The IFN-γ/IL-5 ratio of mitogen-induced cytokines was also lower in IR- compared to TC- or TV-vaccinated children. No major differences in the immune responses were noted after the booster compared to the pre-booster responses for each vaccine. The IR-vaccinated children had a persistently low specific Th1-type immune response associated with high specific Th2-type immune responses, resulting in lower antigen-specific IFN-γ/IL-5 ratios compared to the two other groups. We conclude that antigen-specific cellular immune responses persisted in one year-old children born prematurely and vaccinated during infancy at their chronological age, that a booster dose did not significantly boost the cellular immune responses, and that the Th1/Th2 balance of the immune responses is modulated by the different vaccines.
Two different types of pertussis vaccines are currently available to protect children against whooping cough, the first-generation whole-cell (Pw) vaccines and the more recent acellular (Pa) vaccines. Both types provide good protection, yet induce different types of immune responses in 6-month-old infants, with a strong Th1 response induced by Pw vaccines compared to a mixed Th1/Th2 response and a delay in non-specific IFN-gamma secretions after the administration of Pa vaccines. We show here that at 13 months of age, most Pw- or Pa-vaccinated children display Bordetella pertussis-specific T-cell responses, in addition to significant antibody levels, although a higher Th2/Th1 cytokine ratio remained in Pa recipients compared to Pw recipients. In contrast, the proportion of children with tetanus toxin-specific T-cell responses was lower in Pa than in Pw vaccine recipients, although most children had protective anti-tetanus toxin IgG levels. In addition, the global Th2 bias observed in 6-month-old infants vaccinated with a Pa vaccine was normalized at 13 months.
La communication cellulaire est un phénomène important pour le maintien de l’homéostasie des cellules. Au court des dernières années, cette sphère de recherche sur la signalisation cellulaire a connue des avancées importantes au niveau de l’identification des acteurs principaux impliqués dans la reconnaissance extracellulaire des signaux, ainsi que la compréhension des voies de signalisation engagées par les cellules pour répondre aux facteurs extracellulaires. Malgré ces nouvelles informations, les diverses interrelations moléculaires entre les acteurs ainsi que les voies de signalisation cellulaire, demeurent mal comprises. Le transfert d’énergie de résonance de bioluminescence (BRET) permet la mesure d’interactions protéiques et peut être utilisé dans deux configurations, le BRET480-YFP (connu aussi comme le BRET1) et le BRET400-GFP (connu aussi en tant que BRET2). Suite à l’oxydation de son substrat, la luciférase de renilla peut transférer son énergie à une protéine fluorescente, uniquement si elles sont à proximité l’une de l’autre (≤100Å). La combinaison dans un seul essai des BRET480-YFP et BRET400-GFP, a permis de suivre trois paires d’interactions, sur une même population cellulaire. Par contre, l’utilisation de deux substrats pour la réaction de bioluminescence rend impossible la mesure simultanée des différents signaux de BRET, pour ce trois nouvelles configurations de BRET ont été mises au point en utilisant des nouvelles protéines fluorescentes. Ainsi deux des nouvelles couleurs de BRET ayant des émissions résolues, le BRET400-BFP et le BRET400mAmetrine ont pu être combinées pour mesurer l’engagement par un RCPG d’une protéine G, ainsi que l’accumulation du second messager. La combinaison de ces BRET a également permis de révéler la formation d’un complexe entre le récepteur α2A adrénergique (α2AAR), Gαi1, le dimère Gβγ ainsi que la kinase des récepteurs couplés aux protéines G (GRK2), suite à l’activation du récepteur. De plus, seule l’entrée de GRK2 semble être en mesure de causer la désensibilisation du α2AAR, en s’intercalant entre Gαi1 et Gβγ. Par contre, la stabilisation de l’interaction entre α2AAR et la β-arrestine2 semble nécessiter l’activité kinase de GRK2. Une autre étude a révélé l’importance de différentes Gα pour la mobilisation du calcium, suite à l’activation du récepteur aux opioïdes de type delta (DOR). Suite à la surexpression de Gα de la famille Gαq, il a été possible de mesurer une influence de ces Gα sur la mobilisation du calcium. Toutefois, cette réponse calcique mesurée en présence des Gαq demeure sensible aux prétraitements à la toxine de Bordetella pertussis, qui inhibe sélectivement l’activité des Gαi. De plus, la co-expression de Gαi et Gαq permet de potentialiser la mobilisation de calcium, démontrant une interrelation entre ces deux familles de protéine Gα, pour la signalisation du DOR. Afin de démontrer l’interrelation directe, des expériences de BRET ont été réalisées entre différentes Gα. En plus de montrer la formation de complexes sélectifs entre les Gα, les expériences de BRET réalisées en parallèle d’analyses de séquences de Gα, ont également mis à jour un site de sélectivité d’interaction entre les Gα, l’hélice α4. Suite à la transposition de cette hélice α4 de Gα12 sur Gαi1, qui normalement n’interagissent pas, il a été possible de forcer l’interaction entre Gα12 et Gαi1, confirmant ainsi que cette hélice α contient l’information permettant une sélectivité d’interaction. Au cours de cette thèse, il a été possible de générer de nouvelles méthodes de mesure d’interactions protéiques qui permettent de multiplexer différents signaux, ce qui a permis de mettre à jour de nouvelles interactions entre divers effecteurs de la signalisation de RCGP
La incidencia de la tosferina ha mostrado un incremento en los últimos años; afectando predominantemente a los niños menores de 1 año, adolescentes y adultos. En el 2005 el Comité Asesor de Prácticas en Inmunización (ACIP) recomendó administrar una dosis de refuerzo de la vacuna acelular antipertussis a los adolescentes. Esta estrategia ha sido adoptada por distintos países. Sin embargo hasta el momento no existe una revisión sistemática que evalúe la efectividad de esta medida de prevención primaria. Métodos: Revisión sistemática de la literatura de artículos acerca de la efectividad de la vacuna acelular antipertussis como dosis de refuerzo en adolescentes. Resultados: La búsqueda inicial arrojó un total de 121 resultados, de los cuales solo 4 cumplieron los criterios de selección. Se evaluó en éstos, la inmunogenicidad generada contra tétanos y difteria por la vacuna Tdap vs Td con resultados significativos y similares. Además se documentó la respuesta inmunológica protectora generada por la Tdap contra tosferina. En cuanto a la reactogenicidad, en general fue baja. Discusión: La vacuna Tdap genera inmunogenicidad similar a la Td contra tétanos y difteria. Además proporciona adecuada protección contra la tosferina como dosis de refuerzo en los adolescentes. Conclusión: La evidencia disponible sugiere que se puede recomendar la vacuna Tdap como dosis de refuerzo en adolescentes entre los 10 y los 18 años de edad por su baja reactogenicidad y adecuada inmunogenicidad contra tétanos, difteria y B. Pertussis.
Preface. Iron is considered to be a minor element employed, in a variety of forms, by nearly all living organisms. In some cases, it is utilised in large quantities, for instance for the formation of magnetosomes within magnetotactic bacteria or during use of iron as a respiratory donor or acceptor by iron oxidising or reducing bacteria. However, in most cases the role of iron is restricted to its use as a cofactor or prosthetic group assisting the biological activity of many different types of protein. The key metabolic processes that are dependent on iron as a cofactor are numerous; they include respiration, light harvesting, nitrogen fixation, the Krebs cycle, redox stress resistance, amino acid synthesis and oxygen transport. Indeed, it is clear that Life in its current form would be impossible in the absence of iron. One of the main reasons for the reliance of Life upon this metal is the ability of iron to exist in multiple redox states, in particular the relatively stable ferrous (Fe2+) and ferric (Fe3+) forms. The availability of these stable oxidation states allows iron to engage in redox reactions over a wide range of midpoint potentials, depending on the coordination environment, making it an extremely adaptable mediator of electron exchange processes. Iron is also one of the most common elements within the Earth’s crust (5% abundance) and thus is considered to have been readily available when Life evolved on our early, anaerobic planet. However, as oxygen accumulated (the ‘Great oxidation event’) within the atmosphere some 2.4 billion years ago, and as the oceans became less acidic, the iron within primordial oceans was converted from its soluble reduced form to its weakly-soluble oxidised ferric form, which precipitated (~1.8 billion years ago) to form the ‘banded iron formations’ (BIFs) observed today in Precambrian sedimentary rocks around the world. These BIFs provide a geological record marking a transition point away from the ancient anaerobic world towards modern aerobic Earth. They also indicate a period over which the bio-availability of iron shifted from abundance to limitation, a condition that extends to the modern day. Thus, it is considered likely that the vast majority of extant organisms face the common problem of securing sufficient iron from their environment – a problem that Life on Earth has had to cope with for some 2 billion years. This struggle for iron is exemplified by the competition for this metal amongst co-habiting microorganisms who resort to stealing (pirating) each others iron supplies! The reliance of micro-organisms upon iron can be disadvantageous to them, and to our innate immune system it represents a chink in the microbial armour, offering an opportunity that can be exploited to ward off pathogenic invaders. In order to infect body tissues and cause disease, pathogens must secure all their iron from the host. To fight such infections, the host specifically withdraws available iron through the action of various iron depleting processes (e.g. the release of lactoferrin and lipocalin-2) – this represents an important strategy in our defence against disease. However, pathogens are frequently able to deploy iron acquisition systems that target host iron sources such as transferrin, lactoferrin and hemoproteins, and thus counteract the iron-withdrawal approaches of the host. Inactivation of such host-targeting iron-uptake systems often attenuates the pathogenicity of the invading microbe, illustrating the importance of ‘the battle for iron’ in the infection process. The role of iron sequestration systems in facilitating microbial infections has been a major driving force in research aimed at unravelling the complexities of microbial iron transport processes. But also, the intricacy of such systems offers a challenge that stimulates the curiosity. One such challenge is to understand how balanced levels of free iron within the cytosol are achieved in a way that avoids toxicity whilst providing sufficient levels for metabolic purposes – this is a requirement that all organisms have to meet. Although the systems involved in achieving this balance can be highly variable amongst different microorganisms, the overall strategy is common. On a coarse level, the homeostatic control of cellular iron is maintained through strict control of the uptake, storage and utilisation of available iron, and is co-ordinated by integrated iron-regulatory networks. However, much yet remains to be discovered concerning the fine details of these different iron regulatory processes. As already indicated, perhaps the most difficult task in maintaining iron homeostasis is simply the procurement of sufficient iron from external sources. The importance of this problem is demonstrated by the plethora of distinct iron transporters often found within a single bacterium, each targeting different forms (complex or redox state) of iron or a different environmental condition. Thus, microbes devote considerable cellular resource to securing iron from their surroundings, reflecting how successful acquisition of iron can be crucial in the competition for survival. The aim of this book is provide the reader with an overview of iron transport processes within a range of microorganisms and to provide an indication of how microbial iron levels are controlled. This aim is promoted through the inclusion of expert reviews on several well studied examples that illustrate the current state of play concerning our comprehension of how iron is translocated into the bacterial (or fungal) cell and how iron homeostasis is controlled within microbes. The first two chapters (1-2) consider the general properties of microbial iron-chelating compounds (known as ‘siderophores’), and the mechanisms used by bacteria to acquire haem and utilise it as an iron source. The following twelve chapters (3-14) focus on specific types of microorganism that are of key interest, covering both an array of pathogens for humans, animals and plants (e.g. species of Bordetella, Shigella, , Erwinia, Vibrio, Aeromonas, Francisella, Campylobacter and Staphylococci, and EHEC) as well as a number of prominent non-pathogens (e.g. the rhizobia, E. coli K-12, Bacteroides spp., cyanobacteria, Bacillus spp. and yeasts). The chapters relay the common themes in microbial iron uptake approaches (e.g. the use of siderophores, TonB-dependent transporters, and ABC transport systems), but also highlight many distinctions (such as use of different types iron regulator and the impact of the presence/absence of a cell wall) in the strategies employed. We hope that those both within and outside the field will find this book useful, stimulating and interesting. We intend that it will provide a source for reference that will assist relevant researchers and provide an entry point for those initiating their studies within this subject. Finally, it is important that we acknowledge and thank wholeheartedly the many contributors who have provided the 14 excellent chapters from which this book is composed. Without their considerable efforts, this book, and the understanding that it relays, would not have been possible. Simon C Andrews and Pierre Cornelis
A coqueluche é uma doença respiratória, causada pela bactéria Bordetella pertussis. Atualmente, estima-se a ocorrência anual de 50 milhões de casos e mais de 300 mil mortes anuais em todo mundo. A transmissão ocorre, principalmente, pelo contato direto de uma pessoa doente com uma pessoa suscetível, através de gotículas de secreção da orofaringe eliminada por tosse ou espirro. O estudo realizado objetivou a caracterização da coqueluche como doença re-emergente, visando a análise epidemiológica da doença no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, valorizando também a percepção da Biossegurança pelos profissionais da área da saúde. Os resultados alcançados revelaram indicadores da ressurgência da doença no Brasil. As análises foram objeto de reflexões propostas em quatro artigos científicos, que explicitaram as metodologias utilizadas, os resultados encontrados e as discussões pertinentes à pesquisa. Os artigos intitulam-se: (1) An overview of reemerging Pertussis and evidence of ressurgence in Brazil, (2); A re-emergência da coqueluche; Da rotina dos atendimentos ao imperativo da Biossegurança (3); Fórum itinerante de ciência e saúde. Programa de capacitação para as doenças negligenciadas e re-emergentes e (4) Identification of linear B epitopes of pertactin of Bordetella pertussis induced by immunization with whole and acellular vaccine
Toll-like receptors (TLRs) present in innate immune cells recognize pathogen molecular patterns and influence immunity to control the host-parasite interaction. The objective of this study was to characterize the involvement of TLR4 in the innate and adaptive immunity to Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, the most important primary fungal pathogen of Latin America. We compared the responses of C3H/HeJ mice, which are naturally defective in TLR4 signaling, with those of C3H/HePas mice, which express functional receptors, after in vitro and in vivo infection with P. brasiliensis. Unexpectedly, we verified that TLR4-defective macrophages infected in vitro with P. brasiliensis presented decreased fungal loads associated with impaired synthesis of nitric oxide, interleukin-12 (IL-12), and macrophage chemotactic protein 1 (MCP-1). After intratracheal infection with 1 million yeasts, TLR4-defective mice developed reduced fungal burdens and decreased levels of pulmonary nitric oxide, proinflammatory cytokines, and antibodies. TLR4-competent mice produced elevated levels of IL-12 and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), besides cytokines of the Th17 pattern, indicating a proinflammatory role for TLR4 signaling. The more severe infection of TLR4-normal mice resulted in increased influx of activated macrophages and T cells to the lungs and progressive control of fungal burdens but impaired expansion of regulatory T cells (Treg cells). In contrast, TLR4-defective mice were not able to clear their diminished fungal burdens totally, a defect associated with deficient activation of T-cell immunity and enhanced development of Treg cells. These divergent patterns of immunity, however, resulted in equivalent mortality rates, indicating that control of elevated fungal growth mediated by vigorous inflammatory reactions is as deleterious to the hosts as low fungal loads inefficiently controlled by limited inflammatory reactions.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Methods We conducted a phase I, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-arm (10) parallel study involving healthy adults to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of influenza A (H1N1) 2009 non-adjuvanted and adjuvanted candidate vaccines. Subjects received two intramuscular injections of one of the candidate vaccines administered 21 days apart. Antibody responses were measured by means of hemagglutination-inhibition assay before and 21 days after each vaccination. The three co-primary immunogenicity end points were the proportion of seroprotection >70%, seroconversion >40%, and the factor increase in the geometric mean titer >2.5. Results A total of 266 participants were enrolled into the study. No deaths or serious adverse events were reported. The most commonly solicited local and systemic adverse events were injection-site pain and headache, respectively. Only three subjects (1.1%) reported severe injection-site pain. Four 2009 influenza A (H1N1) inactivated monovalent candidate vaccines that met the three requirements to evaluate influenza protection, after a single dose, were identified: 15 μg of hemagglutinin antigen without adjuvant; 7.5 μg of hemagglutinin antigen with aluminum hydroxide, MPL and squalene; 3.75 μg of hemagglutinin antigen with aluminum hydroxide and MPL; and 3.75 μg of hemagglutinin antigen with aluminum hydroxide and squalene. Conclusions Adjuvant systems can be safely used in influenza vaccines, including the adjuvant monophosphoryl lipid A (MPL) derived from Bordetella pertussis with squalene and aluminum hydroxide, MPL with aluminum hydroxide, and squalene and aluminum hydroxide.
The family of RTX (RTX representing repeats in the structural toxin) toxins is composed of several protein toxins with a characteristic nonapeptide glycine-rich repeat motif. Most of its members were shown to have cytolytic activity. By comparing the genetic relationships of the RTX toxin genes we established a set of 10 gene probes to be used for screening as-yet-unknown RTX toxin genes in bacterial species. The probes include parts of apxIA, apxIIA, and apxIIIA from Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, cyaA from Bordetella pertusis, frpA from Neisseria meningitidis, prtC from Erwinia chrysanthemi, hlyA and elyA from Escherichia coli, aaltA from Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans and lktA from Pasteurella haemolytica. A panel of pathogenic and nonpathogenic gram-negative bacteria were investigated for the presence of RTX toxin genes. The probes detected all known genes for RTX toxins. Moreover, we found potential RTX toxin genes in several pathogenic bacterial species for which no such toxins are known yet. This indicates that RTX or RTX-like toxins are widely distributed among pathogenic gram-negative bacteria. The probes generated by PCR and the hybridization method were optimized to allow broad-range screening for RTX toxin genes in one step. This included the binding of unlabelled probes to a nylon filter and subsequent hybridization of the filter with labelled genomic DNA of the strain to be tested. The method constitutes a powerful tool for the assessment of the potential pathogenicity of poorly characterized strains intended to be used in biotechnological applications. Moreover, it is useful for the detection of already-known or new RTX toxin genes in bacteria of medical importance.