82 resultados para Ayora


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El presente trabajo académico realiza un estudio acerca del reconocimiento constitucional de los derechos de la naturaleza y los mecanismos jurisdiccionales para la exigibilidad y tutela de sus derechos. A partir de estos postulados esta investigación se centra en el análisis de los resultados prácticos que ha tenido el reconocimiento de los derechos de la naturaleza desde la vigencia de la Constitución del 2008. Para abordar el tema de estudio la presente investigación se ha enfocado en dos partes, la primera, a modo de antecedente realiza un estudio de los principales fundamentos que llevaron al reconocimiento de estos derechos. La segunda parte se enfoca en el contenido de los derechos de la naturaleza y los mecanismos jurisdiccionales para su protección, lo que nos conducirá a un análisis del articulado de la Constitución y las garantías jurisdiccionales para hacer efectivo su cumplimiento, para posteriormente en el tercer capítulo pasar a analizar casos prácticos que han sido sustanciados ante los tribunales de justicia con el objeto de determinar en cada caso los resultados prácticos que ha tendido el reconocimiento de los Derechos de la Naturaleza a partir de la interposición de garantías jurisdiccionales.


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La “gripe española” –nombre asignado a la pandemia de gripe debido a que la prensa española propagó con mayor énfasis la noticia de la enfermedad- se originó en Kansas, EEUU. Fue provocada por una mutación gripal aviar (en el marco de condiciones económicas, sociales y ambientales que facilitaron la circunstancia originaria de la gripe y los factores del contagio) que inicialmente afectó a algunos ciudadanos estadounidenses muchos de los cuales, como parte de las tropas de su ejército, fueron conducidos hacia Europa, en el año de 1918. Desde los EEUU la gripe se difundió en los territorios de la primera guerra mundial, pero también se propagó por otras zonas del orbe, causando una mortandad que osciló entre 60 y 70 millones de víctimas. La “gripe española” llegó a Quito en diciembre de 1918. Se extendió hasta enero de 1919; provocó en ese lapso alrededor de15 mil casos de contagio y 185 muertos. Los efectos de esta pandemia fueron menos agresivos en Quito que en el resto de la región. Aquello se debió a las voces de alerta provocados por la prensa local y debido a la puesta en macha, mediante la “Cartilla sobre la gripe” y el “Instructivo de la Facultad de Medicina” –los dos documentos concebidos por Isidro Ayora- de una política informativa y preventiva en diversos niveles. El Cabildo jugó un rol importante a pesar que ante las políticas higienistas propuestas se evidenció algunos desfases desde el conjunto de la Institucionalidad.


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The emergence in 2009 of a swine-origin H1N1 influenza virus as the first pandemic of the 21st Century is a timely reminder of the international public health impact of influenza viruses, even those associated with mild disease. The widespread distribution of highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza virus in the avian population has spawned concern that it may give rise to a human influenza pandemic. The mortality rate associated with occasional human infection by H5N1 virus approximates 60%, suggesting that an H5N1 pandemic would be devastating to global health and economy. To date, the H5N1 virus has not acquired the propensity to transmit efficiently between humans. The reasons behind this are unclear, especially given the high mutation rate associated with influenza virus replication. Here we used a panel of recombinant H5 hemagglutinin (HA) variants to demonstrate the potential for H5 HA to bind human airway epithelium, the predominant target tissue for influenza virus infection and spread. While parental H5 HA exhibited limited binding to human tracheal epithelium, introduction of selected mutations converted the binding profile to that of a current human influenza strain HA. Strikingly, these amino-acid changes required multiple simultaneous mutations in the genomes of naturally occurring H5 isolates. Moreover, H5 HAs bearing intermediate sequences failed to bind airway tissues and likely represent mutations that are an evolutionary "dead end." We conclude that, although genetic changes that adapt H5 to human airways can be demonstrated, they may not readily arise during natural virus replication. This genetic barrier limits the likelihood that current H5 viruses will originate a human pandemic.


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The host adaptation of influenza virus is partly dependent on the sialic acid (SA) isoform bound by the viral hemagglutinin (HA). Avian influenza viruses preferentially bind the α-2,3 SA and human influenza viruses the α-2,6 isoform. Each isoform is predominantly associated with different surface epithelial cell types of the human upper airway. Using recombinant HAs and human tracheal airway epithelial cells in vitro and ex vivo, we show that many avian HA subtypes do not adhere to this canonical view of SA specificity. The propensity of avian viruses to adapt to human receptors may thus be more widespread than previously supposed.


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Awareness of emerging situations in a dynamic operational environment of a robotic assistive device is an essential capability of such a cognitive system, based on its effective and efficient assessment of the prevailing situation. This allows the system to interact with the environment in a sensible (semi)autonomous / pro-active manner without the need for frequent interventions from a supervisor. In this paper, we report a novel generic Situation Assessment Architecture for robotic systems directly assisting humans as developed in the CORBYS project. This paper presents the overall architecture for situation assessment and its application in proof-of-concept Demonstrators as developed and validated within the CORBYS project. These include a robotic human follower and a mobile gait rehabilitation robotic system. We present an overview of the structure and functionality of the Situation Assessment Architecture for robotic systems with results and observations as collected from initial validation on the two CORBYS Demonstrators.


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Presentación en la Primera Conferencia Latinoamericana Prevención y Atención del Aborto Inseguro. Lima, Perú, 29 y 30 de junio de 2009


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The present data set provides contextual environmental data for samples from the Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) that were selected for publication in a special issue of the SCIENCE journal (see related references below). The data set provides calculated averages of mesaurements made at the sampling location and depth, calculated averages from climatologies (AMODIS, VGPM) and satellite products.


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The present data set is a worldwide compilation from 11 oceanographic expeditions during which an underwater vision profiler (UVP) was deployed in situ to determine the vertical distribution (abundance) of 10 taxonomic/morphological groups of plankton larger than 600 µm, belonging to the Infrakingdom Rhizaria, including Phaeodaria, Radiolaria, Collodaria and Acantharia.


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The present data set provides environmental context to a worldwide compilation from 11 oceanographic expeditions during which an underwater vision profiler (UVP) was deployed in situ to determine the vertical distribution plankton larger than 600 µm, belonging to the Infrakingdom Rhizaria.


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The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) sampled the world oceans on board a 36 m long schooner, collecting environmental data and organisms from viruses to planktonic metazoans for later analyses using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. Tara Oceans Data are particularly suited to study the genetic, morphological and functional diversity of plankton. The present data set provides biodiversity context to all samples from the Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013), including various diversity indexes calculated for the sampling location using satellite and model climatologies (Darwin project, Physat) and results from the sequencing of Tara Oceans samples.


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The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) sampled the world oceans on board a 36 m long schooner, collecting environmental data and organisms from viruses to planktonic metazoans for later analyses using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. Tara Oceans Data are particularly suited to study the genetic, morphological and functional diversity of plankton. The present data set provides environmental context to all samples from the Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013), including calculated averages of mesaurements made concurrently at the sampling location and depth, and calculated averages from climatologies (AMODIS, VGPM) and satellite products.


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The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) sampled the world oceans on board a 36 m long schooner, collecting environmental data and organisms from viruses to planktonic metazoans for later analyses using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. Tara Oceans Data are particularly suited to study the genetic, morphological and functional diversity of plankton. The present data set provides environmental context to all samples from the Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013), about mesoscale features related to the sampling date, time and location. Includes calculated averages of mesaurements made concurrently at the sampling location and depth, and calculated averages from climatologies (AMODIS, VGPM) and satellite products.


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Nursing Education in Europe is regulated by law from 2005. Clinical learning comprises at least 50% of the total degree program in nursing. It is necessary rely on professionals nurses involved in the learning process and skills development assessment. The level of implication in learning processes of these professional nurses is very important to ensure good results.


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The Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) aims to combine a form methodological process of professional experience in health with the most current information on the clinical situation. The professional novice can make better decisions despite lacking sufficient years in clinical practice. We then train the student in correct habits within the methodological process by which you can strengthen both their knowledge and their attitude and ability, allowing secure customs, where all of your work is based on PBE.


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The main objective of the present work is to analyze the results of the utilization and evaluation of the LORETO Record System (LRS), providing improvement areas in the teaching-learning process and technology, in second year nursing students. A descriptive, prospective, cross sectional study using inferential statics has been carried out on all electronic records reported by 55 nursing students during clinical internships (April 1º-June 26º, 2013). Electronic record average rated 7.22 points (s=0.6; CV=0.083), with differences based on the clinical practice units (p<0,05). Three items assessed did not exceed the quality threshold set at 0.7 (p<0.05). Record Rate exceeds the quality threshold set at 80% for the overall sample, with differences based on the practice units. Only two clinical practice units rated above the minimum threshold (p <0.05). Record of care provision every 3 days did not reach the estimated quality threshold (p <0.05). There is a dichotomy between qualitative and quantitative results of LRS. Improvement areas in theoretical education have been identified. The LRS seems an appropriate learning and assessment tool, although the development of a new APP version and the application of principles of gamification should be explored.