1000 resultados para Aprendizagem autónoma


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A colaboração é um tema cada vez mais atual nas práticas pedagógicas dos docentes. No que diz respeito a esta temática, a avaliação externa das escolas no seu quadro de referência apela ao trabalho colaborativo entre os docentes, na prestação do serviço educativo, afirmando o acompanhamento e a supervisão da prática letiva e apresentando um papel relevante na monitorização da eficiência das práticas de apoio educativo. Pretendemos, desta forma, investigar as metodologias colaborativas evidenciadas, bem como a partilha de vivências e perspetivas em relação à efetiva prática ou ausência de colaboração, entre professores do 2º ciclo do ensino básico e professores de apoio educativo das disciplinas de Português, Matemática e Inglês, de uma escola da Região Autónoma dos Açores. Para além disso, também investigámos os processos de supervisão das práticas de colaboração. Para a consecução dessa investigação realizámos questionários a professores de turma e de apoio educativo do 2.º ciclo das disciplinas de Português, Matemática e Inglês, para evidenciar as práticas colaborativas entre os professores titulares e os professores de apoio educativo. Também foram realizadas entrevistas às coordenadoras dos respetivos departamentos, sobre a temática da investigação, e à coordenadora dos apoios educativos. Sendo assim, evidenciou-se uma metodologia mista cujas técnicas de análise de dados tiveram como base a análise estatística descritiva e a análise de conteúdo categorial. Desta recolha de dados foi percetível que as práticas colaborativas ainda não são uma realidade entre os docentes de turma do 2.º ciclo e de apoio educativo. Foi notório que essas práticas se centram apenas na troca de informações, de forma informal, ou então em momentos de avaliação, através da realização de relatórios periodais. A noção do conceito de colaboração ainda não se encontra bem definido para esses docentes, no entanto afirmam a importância dos processos colaborativos para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem. No que diz respeito às práticas de supervisão, estas não se encontram instituídas na escola onde decorreu a investigação, nomeadamente a supervisão promotora de processos de colaboração. Esta investigação poderá ser promotora de outros estudos relacionados com a colaboração e a supervisão das práticas colaborativas, bem como um contributo para a abertura a essas mesmas práticas.


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Although learning strategies are important tools for schooling process, there is a lack of national instruments to evaluate their knowledge by brazilian students. Therefore, the objectives of this paper are to describe the steps necessary for the construction of a scale to evaluate the learning strategies for basic education students and to present the preliminary study of its psychometric properties. It is also discussed the utility of this instrument for diagnosis, intervention and prevention in school and educational psychology.


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The purpose of the present study was to verify the factorial validity of a learning strategy scale as well as to explore the concurrent validity of the instrument in regard to students´ academic achievement. The sample was composed of 815 basic education children from both public and private schools of São Paulo and Minas Gerais. The Learning Strategy Scale was collectively applied. Exploratory factorial analyses were conducted to achieve the purposes of the study. The alphas of Cronbach of the instrument and of its three subscales showed good reliability. Variance analyses showed significant differences between school achievement and punctuation in the scale. The data were discussed in terms of their possible implications for the psycho-educational evaluation area.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a pedagogical intervention to improve the reading comprehension of fourth grade students of a public primary school. Two classes of 28 students were randomly assigned to an experimental or control group. The students were assessed during three different moments by means of an informative questionnaire, a Learning Strategies Scale and two cloze tests for reading comprehension. The intervention consisted of seven sessions which included learning strategies instruction, reading strategies instruction, meta-cognition activation, motivational support and study guidance. Results showed improvement in meta-cognition and in reading comprehension in both groups. However, gains were higher and more consistent in the experimental group.


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The text describes a study about the adoption of virtual learning environments and its consequences to the learning process of undergraduate students at the State University of Campinas - Unicamp. These environments can be incorporated in various ways into the academic daily life of students and teachers. One efficient way to promote the adoption of these environments, as observed by the Distance Learning support team, is to train teachers and students in their use. Two training alternatives are described in this text to instruct the academic community in the use of TelEduc, a freeware developed and coordinated by the NIED - Núcleo de Informática Aplicada à Educação (Center for Information Technology Applied to Education), and officially adopted by Unicamp. Training courses are offered in two ways - presence or distance learning - to suit each teacher's preferences. This article compares the two modes of training, showing their strong and weak points. The adoption of TelEduc and its direct consequences to the learning process are described in a study carried out with some engineering undergraduates at Unicamp. The authors' questions and the general views of teachers and students regarding the effectiveness of the use of TelEduc as a supporting tool to presence teaching are presented. This investigation revealed the importance of training teachers in the effective use of these environments.


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In this article, it is discussed the role of interaction in the process of teaching and learning Portuguese of deaf students at an inclusive school. In the context where the research took place, the hearing teacher does not understand sign language, and there are, in her classroom, hearing students and four deaf students, being three of them sign language users. As the communication between the hearing teacher and the deaf students occurred in different codes - Portuguese and Brazilian sign language - and having a social-interactional approach of language (MOITA LOPES, 1986; FREIRE, 1999), we observed if the interaction among the subjects enabled the deaf students to understand what was being taught. The results showed that the fact of having four deaf students in the same classroom allowed them to work in a cooperative way. Besides, the sign language became more visible in this institution. On the other hand, the interaction between the teacher and her deaf students revealed to be of little significance to the learning process of this small group.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física