902 resultados para Approval of Calendar 2005-2006


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I. Scientific Issues Posed by OECOS II. Participant Contributions to the OECOS Workshop A. ASPECTS OF PHYTOPLANKTON ECOLOGY IN THE SUBARCTIC PACIFIC Microbial community compositions by Karen E. Selph Subarctic Pacific lower trophic interactions: Production-based grazing rates and grazing-corrected production rates by Nicholas Welschmeyer Phytoplankton bloom dynamics and their physiological status in the western subarctic Pacific by Ken Furuya Temporal and spatial variability of phytoplankton biomass and productivity in the northwestern Pacific by Sei-ichi Saitoh, Suguru Okamoto, Hiroki Takemura and Kosei Sasaoka The use of molecular indicators of phytoplankton iron limitation by Deana Erdner B. IRON CONCENTRATION AND CHEMICAL SPECIATION Iron measurements during OECOS by Zanna Chase and Jay Cullen 25 The measurement of iron, nutrients and other chemical components in the northwestern North Pacific Ocean by Kenshi Kuma The measurement of iron, nutrients and other chemical components in the northwestern North Pacific Ocean by Kenshi Kuma C. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY, FINE-SCALE DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS AND AUTONOMOUS DRIFTERS The use of drifters in Lagrangian experiments: Positives, negatives and what can really be measured by Peter Strutton The interaction between plankton distribution patterns and vertical and horizontal physical processes in the eastern subarctic North Pacific by Timothy J. Cowles D. MICROZOOPLANKTON Microzooplankton processes in oceanic waters of the eastern subarctic Pacific: Project OECOS by Suzanne Strom Functional role of microzooplankton in the pelagic marine ecosystem during phytoplankton blooms in the western subarctic Pacific by Takashi Ota and Akiyoshi Shinada E. MESOZOOPLANKTON Vertical zonation of mesozooplankton, and its variability in response to food availability, density stratification, and turbulence by David L. Mackas and Moira Galbraith Marine ecosystem characteristics and seasonal abundance of dominant calanoid copepods in the Oyashio region by Atsushi Yamaguchi, Tsutomu Ikeda and Naonobu Shiga OECOS: Proposed mesozooplankton research in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific by Tsutomu Ikeda Some background on Neocalanus feeding by Michael Dagg Size and growth of interzonally migrating copepods by Charles B. Miller Growth of large interzonal migrating copepods by Toru Kobari F. MODELING Ecosystem and population dynamics modeling by Harold P. Batchelder III. Reports from Workshop Breakout Groups A. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL ASPECTS WITH EMPHASIS ON IRON AND IRON SPECIATION B. PHYTOPLANKTON/MICROZOOPLANKTON STUDIES C. MESOZOOPLANKTON STUDIES IV. Issues arising during the workshop A. PHYTOPLANKTON STOCK VARIATIONS IN HNLC SYSTEMS AND TROPHIC CASCADES IN THE NANO AND MICRO REGIMES B. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN EAST AND WEST IN SITE SELECTION FOR OECOS TIME SERIES C. TIMING OF OECOS EXPEDITIONS D. CHARACTERIZATION OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY V. Concluding Remarks VI. References (109 page document)


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Each year the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources reports to the Office of State Budget that includes the agency's mission, goals and objectives to accomplish the mission, and performance measures regarding the goals and objectives.


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RESUMO - INTRODUÇÃO: A equidade em cuidados de saúde constitui uma prioridade das políticas de saúde, tendo vários estudos descrito uma iniquidade que geralmente favorece os indivíduos com maior rendimento e nível educacional. Este estudo visa caracterizar as desigualdades socioeconómicas na utilização de cuidados de saúde na população com 65 ou mais anos de idade, dadas as suas características, maior vulnerabilidade e crescente peso demográfico na população. METODOLOGIA: Através de dados do INS, procedeu-se à análise univariada e multivariada por regressão linear múltipla para avaliação das desigualdades socioeconómicas na utilização de cuidados de saúde em 8698 indivíduos. RESULTADOS: Identifica-se um padrão de desigualdade na utilização de cuidados de saúde – indivíduos com maior rendimento e nível de escolaridade utilizam em média mais consultas de especialidade; ocorrendo o inverso nas consultas de CSP. Com ajustamento pela necessidade, através do estado de saúde auto-reportado, observa-se um padrão de iniquidade no sexo masculino relativamente às consultas em geral e consultas de CSP. DISCUSSÃO E CONCLUSÕES: A iniquidade na utilização de cuidados de saúde, apesar de não constituir a única causa, pode determinar maior iniquidade em saúde, pelo que é relevante o seu estudo. Os resultados alcançados podem ser justificados pelas características do SNS, assim como pelas isenções de taxas moderadoras, rede social, outros indicadores económicos, ou ainda pelo próprio contexto de vida do individuo. Torna-se fundamental prosseguir a investigação acerca da equidade, assim como promover uma ampla reflexão sobre os desafios futuros do sistema de saúde, que permitam preservar a sua sustentabilidade e princípios fundadores.


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Commentaire de M. Timothy Mark Executive Director / Directeur général Canadian Association of Research Libraries / Association des bibliothèques de recherche du Canada. Room / Pièce 239. 65 University Private / 65 université privé. Ottawa ON K1N 9A5 Tel / tél : 613.562.5385 Fax / téléc : 613.562.5195 www.carl-abrc.ca «J'ai lu avec beaucoup d'intêret et d'enthousiasme l'article Statistiques 2004-2005 et 2005 des bibliothèques universitaires et de recherche au Canada qui vient de paraître dans la revue Documentation et bibliothèques. Permettez-moi de vous féliciter, madame, sur un article qui démontre un haut niveau de recherche et d'analyse. A titre d'intérêt, l'article sera mentionné dans notre publication hebdomadaire "Cyberavis" demain. ( Prière de consulter le site web de l'ABRC). Recevez, madame, mes salutations less meilleures. Tim Mark. (Courriel daté du 14 février 2008) ==========================================


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El artículo analiza, a la luz de la evidencia empírica, la hipótesis acerca de que la coyuntura política actual es, en efecto crítica, pero que no marca un giro hacia la izquierda, sino la culminación de un largo período de ajuste político en los Andes. Tomando como punto de partida la coyuntura electoral andina del 2006, el autor clasifica a los países de la región en dos grupos: aquellos en los que el proceso de ajuste ha culminado, produciendo nuevas configuraciones de actores político-electorales (partidos y/o movimientos), este conjunto incluye a Venezuela y Colombia. Y un segundo grupo de países en los que el ajuste estaría todavía en proceso: Ecuador, Perú y Bolivia.


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Land cover plays a key role in global to regional monitoring and modeling because it affects and is being affected by climate change and thus became one of the essential variables for climate change studies. National and international organizations require timely and accurate land cover information for reporting and management actions. The North American Land Change Monitoring System (NALCMS) is an international cooperation of organizations and entities of Canada, the United States, and Mexico to map land cover change of North America's changing environment. This paper presents the methodology to derive the land cover map of Mexico for the year 2005 which was integrated in the NALCMS continental map. Based on a time series of 250 m Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data and an extensive sample data base the complexity of the Mexican landscape required a specific approach to reflect land cover heterogeneity. To estimate the proportion of each land cover class for every pixel several decision tree classifications were combined to obtain class membership maps which were finally converted to a discrete map accompanied by a confidence estimate. The map yielded an overall accuracy of 82.5% (Kappa of 0.79) for pixels with at least 50% map confidence (71.3% of the data). An additional assessment with 780 randomly stratified samples and primary and alternative calls in the reference data to account for ambiguity indicated 83.4% overall accuracy (Kappa of 0.80). A high agreement of 83.6% for all pixels and 92.6% for pixels with a map confidence of more than 50% was found for the comparison between the land cover maps of 2005 and 2006. Further wall-to-wall comparisons to related land cover maps resulted in 56.6% agreement with the MODIS land cover product and a congruence of 49.5 with Globcover.


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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When masculine forms are used to refer to men and women, this causes male-biased cognitive representations and behavioral consequences, as numerous studies have shown. This effect can be avoided or reduced with the help of gender-fair language. In this talk, we will present different approaches that aim at influencing people’s use of and attitudes towards gender-fair language. Firstly, we tested the influence of gender-fair input on people’s own use of gender-fair language. Based on Irmen and Linner’s (2005) adaptation of the scenario mapping and focus approach (Sanford & Garrod, 1998), we found that after reading a text with gender-fair forms women produced more gender-fair forms than women who read gender-neutral texts or texts containing masculine generics. Men were not affected. Secondly, we examined reactions to arguments which followed the Elaboration Likelihood Model (Petty &Cacioppo, 1986). We assumed that strong pros and cons would be more effective than weak arguments or control statements. The results indicated that strong pros could convince some, but not all participants, suggesting a complex interplay of diverse factors in reaction to attempts at persuasion. The influence of people’s initial characteristics will be discussed. Currently, we are investigating how self-generated refutations, in addition to arguments, may influence initial attitudes. Based on the resistance appraisal hypothesis (Tormala, 2008), we assume that individuals are encouraged in their initial attitude if they manage to refute strong counter-arguments. The results of our studies will be discussed regarding their practical implications.


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Recent studies on the history of economic development demonstrate that concentration of power on a monarch or a ruling coalition impedes economic growth and that institutional changes that diffuse power, though beneficial to the society in general, are opposed by some social groups. In November 2005, Kenyans rejected a proposed constitution primarily because it did not reduce the powers of the executive to any significant degree. Using data of voting patterns in the constitutional referendum and following the rational choice framework, I estimate a model of the demand for power diffusion and demonstrate that groups voting decisions depend on expected gains and likelihood of monopolizing power. The results also reveal the importance of ethnic divisions in hindering the power diffusion process, and therefore the study establishes a channel through which ethnic fragmentation impacts on economic development.