860 resultados para Aliments -- Terminologia
El projecte Arbre del Coneixement, dirigit i promogut pel Grup Enciclopèdia Catalana, neix el 1995 amb un doble propòsit: proporcionar una eina de revisió de la Gran enciclopèdia catalana (obra emblemàtica de l¿editorial) i experimentar noves formes d¿accés a la informació en el marc d¿una societat cada vegada més oberta a les noves tecnologies i als sistemes hipertextuals. El projecte, que es considera finalitzat en el 80 %, organitza, seguint una classificació polijeràrquica, les gairebé 225.000 accepcions que constitueixen el corpus enciclopèdic de la Gran enciclopèdia catalana. En l¿actualitat l¿Arbre del Coneixement ha estat el suport d¿una sèrie de realitzacions editorials encarades tant a l¿interior de l¿editorial (revisió de l¿enciclopèdia, generació de diccionaris temàtics), com orientades als usuaris externs (Hiperenciclopèdia, Fototeca, creació de CD, etc.).
Light food and beverages are increasing on the market for many years, first for economic reasons and, more and more for aesthetisme, however without aimed a defined population. The interest of these products is not evident, reason why it is difficult to get a clear and objective opinion without being influenced by marketing messages. Under what circumstances can they be a solution? Can we advise them? Do they have an influence in the loss or weight control? This article offers some thoughts and suggestions on the use of these specific products.
Análise da perspectiva poliédrica da terminologia como um objeto, uma prática ou uma disciplina, comparando diferentes pontos de vista. O propósito desta análise é destacar a natureza interdisciplinar da terminologia e suas aplicações práticas na moderna era da informação.
Food intake high in calcium content is important in the development of skeleton and the prevention of osteoporosis. From a public health perspective, it is therefore important to know the dietary calcium intake of a population. Two population surveys in the French and Italian parts of Switzerland (MONICA, 1988-1989, and Geneva, 1991), were combined to study nutritional habits related to calcium intake. A random population sample, aged 35 et 65 years, answered to a 24 hour recall questionnaire, either self-administered (MONICA, cantons of Vaud, Fribourg and Tessin, N = 2734) or by phone (canton of Geneva, N = 475). In the 4 cantons, for the previous day, 60% of participants ate dairy products, particularly whole milk and cheese. They drunk 3-4 dl/day of milk. A significant proportion (10%) of french and italian speaking Swiss did not consume any food high in calcium content. In Geneva, the mean daily calcium intake was 656 mg in men and 489 mg in women. In conclusion 1) eating habits related to calcium intake are similar across cantons; 2) women consume dairy products more frequently than men, but in smaller quantities; 3) about 60% of men and 80% of women do not get the daily amount of calcium recommended for the prevention of osteoporosis.
En aquest treball s'estudien les característiques de la terminologia jurídica en català, especialment, els patrons morfosintàctics que la defineixen. A partir d'aquests patrons s'experimenta l'extracció automatitzada amb el programa TBXTools sobre un corpus paral·lel català-castellà format pels DOGC de l'any 2013.
En una època de crisi econòmica com la que estem patint, la terminologia té una importància cabdal. La majoria dels economistes opinen, quan el que necessitem és que diagnostiquin. I en aquesta fase de la crisi no tenim encara diagnòstics perquè els termes es confonen entre qui parla i qui escolta.
This is a contribution that presents a translation of the work "Terminology for Analytical Capillary Electromigration Techniques" by Riekkola and collaborators (Pure Appl. Chem., Vol. 76, No. 2, 443-451, 2004) from IUPAC© for the Portuguese Language. Additional terms that had not been defined in native Portuguese were included for the benefit of the local community. Additional notes were also included to clarify some important concepts and to highlight the differences between techniques.