984 resultados para Agriculture Sector


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La convergence des crises mondiales financière, énergétique et alimentaire des dernières années a contribué à une intensification du contrôle de la terre par des intervenants étatiques et non-étatiques. Des entreprises nationales et transnationales, aidées par les gouvernements locaux, s’empressent d’acquérir de grandes superficies agricoles dans le but défini de produire des cultures de rentes pour la production d'agrocarburants. Parfois désigné « acquisition foncière », « investissement étranger en agriculture » ou « accaparement de terres », ce phénomène semble décrire le futur des politiques agricoles de nombreux pays. Aux Philippines, plusieurs accords sont en vigueur pour le développement de la filière des agrocarburants. Selon le gouvernement du pays, ces ententes, en plus de dynamiser le secteur de l’agriculture, peuvent générer des effets positifs au sein des régions rurales en sécurisant une part des revenus des agriculteurs engagés dans ce type de production, tout en favorisant la pluriactivité dans ces mêmes régions. Cette recherche a été réalisée dans les hautes-terres du sud de la province de Negros Oriental, où 10 000 hectares de terres agricoles ont été concédés à une entreprise coréenne spécialisée dans la production d’éthanol. Cette acquisition a mené à un processus d’exclusion et de dépossession par les élites traditionnelles au détriment des populations jusqu’alors tournées vers les productions vivrières. Ces populations ont été expulsées de la terre et privées des ressources constituant l’essentiel de leurs revenus. Suite à l’opposition des paysans, plusieurs détachements militaires se sont installés dans la région, menant à une intensification des conflits. Plusieurs unités paramilitaires se partagent dorénavant l’espace occupé initialement par ces paysans qui ont dû quitter en raison de l’augmentation de l’intimidation et de la violence. Cette recherche a permis d’examiner les façons dont les accaparements des terres transforment le système foncier antérieur à l'entente et modifient les conditions socioéconomiques d’une région caractérisée par un système hybride de production.


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Women participating in work outside home and the resultant change in Labour market structure placeing female labour as a strong component were breakthrough of twentieth centry. The major share of women labourers in India is crowding in agriculture, household industries and other traditional sectors. Shift in cropping pattern has adverse impacts on female labour. Female labour lost opportunities in the labour market this has adverse impact on family consumption. The study is directed to investigate the impact of female labour saving shift in cropping on female labour force participation and the resultant change in household consumption pattern the specific objectives this study are impact of change in the cropping pattern on employment, change female employment, family consumption pattern and changing situations of womenlabour in agriculture sector.


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Although short messaging service (SMS) through mobile phones has quickly gained popularity among most other sectors in India, its potential is not fully realised in the agriculture sector as a cost effective service to reach farmers and elicit desirable action. Despite the cost effectiveness, mobile messaging has remained a challenge in the farming sector in terms of its end use and action as far as extension systems are concerned. While there could be many influencing factors affecting the utility of mobile messages, this study assumed that educational level of farmers could be a major factor. A telephone survey was conducted to ascertain the influence of farmers’ education on the level of utilisation of mobile-based advisories. Farmers with higher education level showed better comprehension of advisories, actedupon the advisories more promptly and shared the information with fellow farmers more often than those with lower education level. There was a significant association between comprehending, sharing and acting upon advisories. This has implications to achieve enhanced extension reach with higher efficiency in terms of cost and time.


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Colombia es un país cuyo perfil logístico, en comparación a los demás países alrededor del mundo, se encuentra rezagado y con muchas oportunidades de mejora como en la inversión en infraestructura, educación, mitigación de la corrupción y planes para el desarrollo de distintos sectores de la economía como el agroindustrial. El sector agroindustrial colombiano se ha caracterizado por tener muy poca participación en las exportaciones totales del país, y esto es debido a que el sector no se ha tecnificado lo suficiente, como para poder elaborar productos con valor agregado. Es por esta razón que se decide realizar el caso de estudio con una empresa pequeña agroindustrial de Cundinamarca, la cual tiene como enfoque la producción de verduras y hortalizas deshidratadas. Este trabajo de investigación da como resultado, a través del estudio y análisis del sector agrícola nacional en general, del departamento de Cundinamarca y de la operación interna de Agroindustria La María, distintos planes de mejoras los cuales se proponen implementar en la empresa para optimizar el proceso productivo e impulsar el desarrollo hacia un mejoramiento continuo.


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El mercadeo relacional no sólo implica desarrollar relaciones con los clientes y satisfacer efectivamente sus necesidades, sino que también implica la vinculación de la empresa con la comunidad, y para esto se deben utilizan estrategias comunitarias generando así un desarrollo y beneficio recíproco a largo plazo. La empresa mayorista del sector agropecuario analizada en este proyecto dentro de su concepto de comunidad tiene claro quiénes son sus principales agentes (clientes externos, proveedores, clientes internos y comunidades vulnerables) y cómo relacionarse con ellos mediante el uso efectivo y equilibrado de las estrategias de marketing y de las estrategias orientadas a la comunidad, lo cual se ve reflejado en sus resultados financieros y en el impacto que ha generado en el desarrollo integral de la comunidad rural y del sector agropecuario. No obstante, la empresa si bien mantiene una relación permanente con sus clientes, proveedores y empleados y algunas fundaciones, se observa que la relación con otros agentes pierde continuidad al ser una iniciativa a corto plazo como respuesta a un cambio.


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The present study is focused on the analysis of the political, economical and social factors that may interfere with the possibility of a Green Revolution as a solution for Mozambique to reach self-sufficiency and to reduce poverty. In order to perform such analysis, the study analyzes the consequences of the decolonization process in Mozambique focusing that the independence process in Mozambique did not create non-colonial models for the Agriculture Sector. Later on, the study tries to understand the impact of HIV/AIDS and Malaria on the labor force. By then, it explores the concepts of the Green Revolution and its successful history in India. At the end, it tries to evaluate if a Green Revolution is possible in Africa, especially in Mozambique, first identifying the factors, which characterized the Green Revolution in India, and trying to link those factors with the reality of Mozambique. The report is structured as followed; Chapter 2, ¿The decolonization process and its impacts on the agriculture sector¿. It gives information about the decolonization process, and explores its consequences. Chapter 3, ¿The Impacts of HIV/AIDS and Malaria on the Labor Force¿. It analyzes the impact of those diseases in the labor force. Chapter 4 ¿The Green Revolution and the Agriculture Sector¿, explores the concepts of Green Revolution, its success in India and its history in Mozambique. Chapter 5, finally, centers on conclusions, findings and recommendations.


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A arquitetura do sistema de ajuda internacional passa por um processo de transformação, no qual as barreiras Norte e Sul tornam-se cada vez mais indefinidas, e a cooperação trilateral, que une as práticas opostas da cooperação Norte-Sul com a cooperação Sul-Sul, emerge como uma nova modalidade da cooperação técnica brasileira. Com o objetivo de compreender esse cenário, esta tese almeja identificar e contrastar as motivações e as práticas dos agentes da cooperação trilateral brasileira por meio de um estudo de caso comparado de dois projetos, desenvolvidos pela Agência Brasileira de Cooperação (ABC), no setor agrícola em Moçambique: o ProALIMENTOS, parceria entre a United States Agency for International Development (USAID- -Brasil) e ABC, e o ProSAVANA, parceria entre Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) e ABC. Para isso, a pesquisa parte dos pressupostos da actor-oriented approach para estabelecer uma análise multinível, que cria desta forma um elo entre o agente e a estrutura, a prática e a política, com um olhar sobre o contexto macro, meso e micro. A utilização da metodologia qualitativa aplicada a essa investigação combinou a técnica de participação observante com a técnica de análise documental, acrescentando à análise 59 entrevistas semiestruturadas, realizadas principalmente entre os meses de março e junho de 2013, em Moçambique. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que, no caso do ProALIMENTOS, há ganhos em complementaridade e troca de conhecimento para as três contrapartes, porém há a sobreposição das práticas Norte-Sul de cooperação para o desenvolvimento internacional sobre as práticas da cooperação Sul-Sul. Enquanto que, no caso do ProSAVANA, não há qualquer ganho de complementariedade, uma vez que o Programa enfrenta desafios internos e externos. A falta de harmonização e coordenação técnica no âmbito interno intensificam o embate externo com os representantes da sociedade civil ao gerar constantes falhas de comunicação, o que coloca em xeque a própria continuidade do ProSAVANA. Por último, a pesquisa mostra que é necessário um maior comprometimento do governo brasileiro nos projetos de Cooperação Trilateral, uma vez que os resultados desses projetos podem impactar e afetar a credibilidade do Brasil como um novo prestador de ajuda internacional.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The biotechnology movement in the Caribbean is a fledgling industry that has tremendous potential for development. It focuses on the use of fermentation and enzyme technologies, tissue culture and recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology and is more greatly applied to plant varieties rather than animal species. Tissue culture is by far the most developed type of technology but increasing attention is being paid to rDNA technology. Main areas include application in the agriculture sector but the use in medicine and biology are also being promoted. In its purest form, the term "biotechnology" refers to the use of living organisms or their products to modify human health and the human environment for commercial purposes. The term brings to mind many different things. Some think of developing new types of animals while others anticipate almost unlimited sources of human therapeutic drugs. Still others envision the possibility of growing crops that are more nutritious and naturally pest-resistant to feed a rapidly growing world population. Biotechnology in one form or another has flourished since prehistoric times. When the first human beings realized that they could plant their own crops and breed their own animals, they learned to use biotechnology. The discovery that fruit juices fermented into wine or that milk could be converted into cheese or yogurt, or that beer could be made by fermenting solutions of malt and hops began the study of biotechnology. When the first bakers found that they could make soft, spongy bread rather than a firm, thin cracker, they were acting as fledgling biotechnologists. The first animal breeders, realizing that different physical traits could be either magnified or lost by mating appropriate pairs of animals, engaged in the manipulations of biotechnology. Throughout human history, we have learned a great deal about the different organisms that our ancestors used so effectively. The marked increase in our understanding of these organisms and their cell products gains us the ability to control the many functions of various cells and organisms. Using the techniques of gene splicing and recombinant DNA technology, we can now actually combine the genetic elements of two or more living cells. Functioning lengths of DNA can be taken from one organism and placed into the cells of another organism. As a result, for example, we can cause bacterial cells to produce human molecules. Cows can produce more milk for the same amount of feed. And we can synthesize therapeutic molecules that have never before existed.


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Almost two-thirds of the Brazilian territory still has prevalence of natural vegetation. Although not all pristine, much of these areas have high conservation value. 170 million hectare (Mha) of the natural vegetation is located within Federal and State protected areas. Most of the remaining 367 Mha is on private agriculture lands, where the Forest Act is the most important legal framework for conservation. In July 2010, the Brazilian parliament began the analysis of a substitutive legislation for the Forest Act. The main motivations for the revision is that, on the one hand, it has been found ineffective in protecting natural vegetation, and on the other hand, it is perceived as a barrier against development in the agriculture sector. The substitutive Forest Act, as it presently stands, does not represent a balance between existing standpoints and objectives; it may drive development towards either more private protection through market-driven compensation actions, or increased deforestation and less nature protection/restoration. This article uses outcomes from modeling analyses to discuss weaknesses of the substitutive Forest Act and to suggest possible improvements. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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La recuperación económica de Argentina desde 2003 impactó favorablemente en las diversas regiones del país, en especial, aquéllas muy vinculadas con el sector industrial y agropecuario de la economía. Entre ellas se destacan: el Aglomerado Gran Rosario (AGR) y el Aglomerado Gran Córdoba (AGCBA), dos de las aglomeraciones urbanas de mayor población después del Gran Buenos Aires. Este trabajo evalúa la dinámica productiva de ambas regiones, analizando las características del crecimiento experimentado en la última década e identificando aquellos aspectos de la estructura productiva que condicionan y/o favorecen la sustentabilidad del mismo. Se asume que un mayor grado de diversificación económica hacia sectores más intensivos en conocimiento es un factor importante para el logro de un crecimiento sostenido. Se observa en el AGCBA una mayor cantidad de variables socioeconómicas que muestran entre 2003 y 2013 una tasa de crecimiento promedio superior al del AGR. Dicho desempeño podría estar asociado a algunas características estructurales como son: la menor diversificación sectorial de la industria, un mayor peso relativo de sectores con uso intensivo de recursos naturales en comparación con sectores intensivos en conocimiento, una participación más alta de actividades “más informales" en el empleo total (construcción, servicio doméstico).


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Pig’s slurry is a key source of greenhouse gases (GHG). In Spain, GHG emissions (CH4+ N2O) from pig slurry (storage and land application) accounted in 2011 for 18.4% of total GHG emissions (in CO2- equivalent) of the agriculture sector according to the National Inventory Report (NIR). Slurry composition can be modified through diet manipulation. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of different fibre types in fattening pigs’ diets on GHG emissions from pig slurry storage and field application.


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The spatial distribution of self-employment in India: evidence from semiparametric geoadditive models, Regional Studies. The entrepreneurship literature has rarely considered spatial location as a micro-determinant of occupational choice. It has also ignored self-employment in developing countries. Using Bayesian semiparametric geoadditive techniques, this paper models spatial location as a micro-determinant of self-employment choice in India. The empirical results suggest the presence of spatial occupational neighbourhoods and a clear north–south divide in self-employment when the entire sample is considered; however, spatial variation in the non-agriculture sector disappears to a large extent when individual factors that influence self-employment choice are explicitly controlled. The results further suggest non-linear effects of age, education and wealth on self-employment.


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Social Media is becoming an increasingly important part of people’s lives and is being used increasingly in the food and agriculture sector. This paper considers the extent to which each section of the food supply chain is represented in Twitter and use the hashtag #food. We looked at the 20 most popular words for each part of the supply chain by categorising 5000 randomly selected tweets to different sections of the food chain and then analysing each category. We sorted the users by those who tweeted most frequently and categorised their position in the food supply chain. Finally to consider the indegree of influence, we took the top 100 tweeters from the previous list and consider what following these users have. From this we found that consumers are the most represented area of the food chain, and logistics is the least represented. Consumers had 51.50% of the users and 87.42% of the top words tweeted from that part of the food chain. We found little evidence of logistics representation for either tweets or users (0.84% and 0.35% respectively). The top users were found to follow a high percentage of their own followers with most having over 70% the same. This research will bring greater understanding of how people perceive the food sector and how Twitter can be used within this sector.


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This chapter explores the trade-off between competing objectives of employment creation and climate policy commitments in Irish agriculture. A social accounting matrix (SAM) multiplier model is linked with a partial equilibrium agricultural sector model to simulate the impact of a number of GHG emission reduction scenarios, assuming these are achieved through a constraint on beef production. Limiting the size of the beef sector helps to reduce GHG emissions with a very limited impact on the value of agricultural income at the farm level. However, the SAM multiplier analysis shows that there would be significant employment losses in the wider economy. From a policy perspective, a pragmatic approach to GHG emissions reductions in the agriculture sector, which balances opportunities for economic growth in the sector with opportunities to reduce associated GHG emissions, may be required.