45 resultados para Afterlife


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La Confraternita bolognese di S. Maria della Morte, istituita nel 1336 sull’onda della predicazione del frate domenicano Venturino da Bergamo, è la più antica e meglio documentata compagnia italiana ‘di giustizia’. Possedeva un laudario conosciuto attraverso 12 manoscritti redatti tra XV e XVI secolo, dove le laude seguono il “confortatorio” che insegnava ai confratelli come relazionarsi col condannato e prepararlo a morire in perfetto spirito cristiano. Nelle laude l’identificazione poetica tra Cristo e il condannato era funzionale allo scopo di convertire il criminale in santo, convincendolo che la sua morte aveva una funzione redentrice per sé e la città stessa. L’assoluzione plenaria poteva essere ottenuta solo tramite una morte completamente accettata e un pentimento sincero. La dissertazione indaga le tematiche espresse dalle laude e le motivazioni forti che spingevano i confortatori a intraprendere questa peculiare attività assistenziale.


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In this thesis, I examine the influences of westernization, the tension between Japanese modernity and tradition, and the stories of Hans Christian Andersen on Ogawa Mimei’s children’s stories. I begin the body of my thesis with a brief historical background of Japan, beginning with the start of the Meiji period in 1868. Within the historical section, I focus on societal and cultural elements and changes that pertain to my thesis. I also include the introduction of Hans Christian Andersen in Japan. I wrap up the historical section by a description of Ogawa’s involvement in the Japanese proletarian literature movement and the rise of the Japanese proletarian children’s literature movement. Then, I launch into an analysis of Ogawa’s works categorized by thematic elements. These elements include westernization, class conflict, nature and civilization, religion and morals, and children and childhood. When relevant, I also compare and contrast Ogawa’s stories with Andersen’s. In the westernization section, I show how some of Ogawa’s stories demonstrate contact between Japan and the West. In the Class Conflict section, I discuss how Ogawa views class through a socialist lens, whereas Andersen does not dispute class distinctions, but encourages his readers to attempt an upward social climb. In the nature and civilization section, I show how Ogawa and Andersen share common opinions on the impact of civilization on nature. In the religion and morals section, I show how Ogawa incorporates religion, including Christianity, into vii his works. Andersen utilizes religion in a more overt manner in order to convey morals to his audience. Both authors address religious topics like the concept of the afterlife. Finally, in children and childhood, I demonstrate how both Ogawa and Andersen treat their child protagonists and use them and their situations to instruct their readers. Through this case study, I show how westernization and the tensions between Japanese modernization and tradition led to the rise of the proletarian children’s literature movement, which is exemplified by Ogawa’s stories. The emergence of the proletarian children’s literature movement is an indication of the establishment of a new concept of childhood in Japan. Writers like Ogawa Mimei attempted to write children’s stories that represented the new Japanese culture that was a result of adapting Western ideals to fit Japanese society. Some of Ogawa’s stories are a direct commentary on his opinion of Japanese interaction with the West. By comparing Ogawa’s and Andersen’s stories, I demonstrate how Ogawa borrows certain Western elements and possibly responds directly to Andersen. Ogawa also addresses some of the same topics as Andersen, yet their reactions are not always the same. What I find in my analysis supports my thesis that Ogawa is able to maintain Japanese tradition while infusing his children’s stories with Western and modern elements. In doing so, he reflects a largely popular social and cultural practice of his time.


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Life after Letty is a novel that explores themes of isolation, belonging and life after death. Its primary question explores what happens if our answers about life do not become clear at death. It is set in an alternate reality in which the protagonist, Letty, exists beyond the point of her death. Trapped in a type of unbearable ennui, Letty struggles to find meaning in her afterlife. She is isolated from her surroundings and has lost her reason for existing. Upon meeting Michael, Letty is exposed to a new way of looking at death. Michael shows Letty the importance of cultivating her own meaning and purpose. Everything she believes about reality is challenged and transformed through her relationship with Michael.


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Introducción: Se define la espiritualidad como la búsqueda personal de propósito y significado en la vida, pudiendo incorporar o no la religión. En este artículo se presenta el desarrollo y la aplicación de una medida de bienestar espiritual a una muestra de pacientes en hemodiálisis. Material y métodos: El instrumento básico empleado se denomina Cuestionario del Sentido de la Vida (Meaning in Life Scale, MiLS), con 21 ítems y cuatro escalas: Propósito, Falta de significado, Paz y Beneficios de la espiritualidad. También se proporciona una puntuación global de espiritualidad. Además, se registraron variables de tipo clínico (tiempo en hemodiálisis, índice de comorbilidad de Charlson) y sociodemográfico (edad, género), así como estimaciones del estado de salud, calidad de vida (general y actual), felicidad personal, el grado de religiosidad y la creencia en la existencia de vida ultraterrena. Se ha utilizado un diseño transversal con 94 pacientes en hemodiálisis. Resultados: Los resultados muestran que la versión española de este instrumento (MiLS-Sp) es una medida de bienestar espiritual con garantías psicométricas de calidad (fiabilidad, validez), adecuada para evaluar las complejas exigencias generadas por la problemática de salud del paciente en hemodiálisis. El bienestar espiritual se relaciona significativamente con diversas variables de calidad de vida, percepción de salud, felicidad personal o religiosidad. No existe una relación significativa entre las puntuaciones de espiritualidad y la edad, el sexo, el tiempo en diálisis o el índice de comorbilidad. El grado de bienestar espiritual de estos pacientes es relativamente bajo. Conclusión: La espiritualidad parece desempeñar un papel importante en el bienestar psicológico, el estado de salud y la calidad de vida percibidos por el paciente en hemodiálisis. El grado de bienestar espiritual de estos pacientes es relativamente bajo. Estos resultados sugieren que considerar y evaluar el grado de bienestar espiritual en los pacientes en hemodiálisis puede ser de utilidad para la práctica clínica.


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Objetivo: La evaluación del bienestar espiritual del paciente es un aspecto crítico y fundamental en la atención holística y multidisciplinar. Disponer de un instrumento válido de evaluación de la espiritualidad con finalidad tanto investigadora como clínica es muy conveniente. En este estudio se examina la presencia de bienestar espiritual, o sentido de la vida, en pacientes en cuidados paliativos a través de un cuestionario con garantías psicométricas de calidad. Pacientes y Métodos: Han participado en este estudio con diseño transversal un total de 60 pacientes en cuidados paliativos. El instrumento básico empleado ha sido la versión española del Cuestionario del Sentido de la Vida (Meaning in Life Scale), de 21 ítems y 4 escalas: Propósito, Falta de significado, Paz, y Beneficios de la espiritualidad. Se proporciona, también, una puntuación global de espiritualidad. Se registraron, además, variables de tipo clínico y sociodemográfico, así como estimaciones del estado de salud, calidad de vida (general y actual), felicidad personal, el grado de religiosidad y la creencia en la existencia de vida ultraterrena. Resultados: Los resultados muestran que la versión española de este instrumento (Cuestionario del Sentido de la Vida [Meaning in Life Scale]) es una medida de bienestar espiritual con garantías psicométricas de calidad (buena fiabilidad y validez), adecuada para evaluar la complejas exigencias generadas por la enfermedad crónica del paciente en cuidados paliativos. El bienestar espiritual se relaciona significativamente con diversas variables de calidad de vida, percepción de salud, felicidad personal o religiosidad. No existe una relación significativa entre las puntuaciones de espiritualidad y variables sociodemográficas como la edad o el sexo. La presencia de bienestar espiritual en estos pacientes es más baja de la esperada. Conclusión: Este cuestionario de espiritualidad resulta un instrumento válido para valorar las 4 dimensiones básicas del bienestar espiritual. Los resultados sugieren que considerar y evaluar el bienestar espiritual de los pacientes en cuidados paliativos puede ser de ayuda para la práctica clínica. La presencia de espiritualidad parece desempeñar un papel importante en el bienestar psicológico, el estado de salud y la calidad de vida percibidos por el paciente en cuidados paliativos. El grado de bienestar espiritual de estos pacientes es relativamente bajo.


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The human being is understood as an integral being, complex, which has multiple dimensions: social, biological, psychological, anthropological, spiritual and others. As its biological dimension, the man presents the possibility of physical illness, which means that the body requires care. The sick away from humans in health and safety conditions, approaching them directly from the finitude and vulnerability condition, leading us to contact the major uncertainties of life: suffering of disease and death. Religiosity and spirituality are important coping strategy for human when faced with borderline situations. When people turn to religion to cope with stress is the religious and spiritual coping. The objective of this research was to evaluate the relationship between the views on death and the religious-spiritual coping in patients with chronic diseases hospitalized. The study included ten patients hospitalized for chronic disease complications Medical Clinic Unit of a public hospital in the city of Uberlândia/MG. two psychological scales were used: Scale Religious-Spiritual Coping Brief (CRE-Brief Scale) and Scale Brief Diverse Perspectives of Death and a structured interview (audiogravada) on the subject of death and religious and spiritual coping. The results indicated that 80% of the sample (N = 8) consisted of patients hospitalized due to chronic diseases, while 20% accounted for patients with AIDS complications. Analyzing the results of scale CRE-Brief, it emphasizes the use of strategies of religious and spiritual coping by participants as compared to CRE Total, all study participants had average or high scores for this index, with a low utilization CRE negative and average utilization CRE Positive. Regarding views on death, the results obtained by the Different Perspectives Quick Scale on Death suggest that this sample agrees with the view death as something that is part of the natural cycle of life (M8 - Death as a natural end) and features the prospect of death as uncertainty, mystery and ignorance (M4 - death as Unknown). The correlations between the measures the factors and items of CRE-Bref and dimensions of Short scales on different perspectives of Death notes the prevalence of correlations of M4 dimensions - Death as unknown and M8 - Death as a natural order to the creditor scale soon. In the interview analysis revealed a positive influence of religion/ spirituality on health, from the perspective of the respondent, highlighting the protection promoted by religion. It also noticed the use of prayer as a coping strategy of hospitalization and illness. Regarding the interview about the topic of death, there was a predominance of issues related to "afterlife", "unknown" and "abandonment", which are associated with the visions of death and mystery and death as a natural end. In the interviews there belief clues about death as a terrifying mystery connected, so the unknown and the feeling of fear on the same. The experience of illness can therefore be considered as a source of vulnerability, since it is present personal perception of danger (external) - own illness and possible death, especially in those patients undergoing ICU - and where control is insufficient for the sense of security, since the hospital providing care to the patient are delegated to third parties and patients assume a passive role. This fact is important and relevant to health professionals who deal daily with patients hospitalized for chronic diseases, since the recourse to religion and spirituality as a coping strategy that psychic movement was not constituted in a form of negative distance or even denial of health condition. On the contrary, it refers to a movement in search of comfort and security provided by the religion and spirituality.


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This paper deals with the relationship between different sets of archaeological legislation, material culture and communities. First it presents a historical sketch of the heritage legislation in the West and its contemporary uses. Secondly, it shows how alternative archaeological agencies, such as community archaeology, deal with these problems. The discussion is especially relevant in Brazil, where contract archaeology is presently overwhelming, and the issue is raised in the last part of the paper.


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Nowadays, archaeology is trying to redefine its relation with objects. This change is taking place at the same time as the West is breaking once and for all with the generation who did the rural exodus in the mid of the twentieth century. The present paper proposes a revision of the conditions that allow us to both define this rupture and at the same time determine our affinity with materiality. This is done through a reconsideration of the relation between the past and the present and the dynamics marking this difference. We are situated in a moment when the experience of time is shifting and thus so is the integrity of archaeological objects. Under the name of Negative Archaeology, the border between past and present is explored. This border determines the creation of the past in a present which intends to homogenise changes. Archaeology is a unique discipline which could prevent this process, or at least bear witness to the dynamics to which objects seem to be subjected. Obscolescence is introduced as a concept in an attempt to name the aforementioned problem.


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Three questions on the study of NO Iberian Peninsula sweat lodges are posed. First, the new sauna of Monte Ornedo (Cantabria), the review of the one of Armea (Ourense), and the Cantabrian pedra formosa type are discussed. Second, the known types of sweat lodges are reconsidered underlining the differences between the Cantabrian and the Douro - Minho groups as these differences contribute to a better assessment of the saunas located out of those territories, such as those of Monte Ornedo or Ulaca. Third, a richer record demands a more specific terminology, a larger use of archaeometric analysis and the application of landscape archaeology or art history methodologies. In this way the range of interpretation of the sweat lodges is opened, as an example an essay is proposed that digs on some already known proposals and suggests that the saunas are material metaphors of wombs whose rationale derives from ideologies and ritual practices of Indo-European tradition.


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Al evaluar los contactos de Plutarco con otras culturas contemporáneas, los investigadores todavía no han llegado a un consenso acerca de la relación entre el queronense y la literatura cristiano-primitiva. Un buen ejemplo de esto aparece al atender al motivo de la creación del alma humana. La intención de las próximas páginas es, tras un análisis de los textos plutarqueos, atender a estos posibles contactos con NHC, los heresiólogos y el Corpus Hermeticum a fin de dilucidar sus similitudes y diferencias.


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Este trabajo pretende explorar la dimensión ritual en los Textos de las Pirámides, el corpus de literatura religiosa extensa más antiguo de la humanidad. La naturaleza variada de sus componentes textuales ha impedido que los egiptólogos comprendan en profundidad las complejidades de la colección y los contextos originales en los que estos textos (ritos) aparecieron. La aplicación de la teoría del ritual, principalmente la aproximación de la sintaxis ritual, ofrece a los investigadores un marco excelente de análisis e interpretación del corpus, su estructura y función. Sujeto a las reglas de la sintaxis ritual es posible exponer los múltiples niveles de significado en el corpus para la resurrección y salvación del difunto.


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Doing Kyd reads Thomas Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy, the box-office and print success of its time, as the play that established the revenge genre in England and served as a 'pattern and precedent' for the golden generation of early modern playwrights, from Marlowe and Shakespeare to Middleton, Webster and Ford. Interdisciplinary in approach and accessible in style, this collection is crucial in two respects: firstly, it has a wide spectrum, addressing readers with interests in the play from its early impact as the first sixteenth-century revenge tragedy, to its afterlife in print, on the stage, in screen adaptation and bibliographical studies. Secondly, the collection appears at a time when Kyd and his play are back in the spotlight, through renewed critical interest, several new stage productions between 2009 and 2013, and its firm presence in higher-education curriculum for English and drama.