949 resultados para Administrative management
"Prepared by: Staff Development Unit, Administrative Management Section, Management Coordination Branch, Divison of Accounting Operations."
v. 1. Wholesale distribution function.--v. 2. Administrative management, the role of the chief executive.--v. 3. Financial management.--v. 4. Marketing management.--v. 5. Inventory control, theory and practice.--v. 6. Applied management techniques.
Em meio às rápidas mudanças que acontecem na sociedade e no mundo, muitas organizações estão a caminho de perder sua finalida-de, sendo que as mais vulneráveis são as igrejas protestantes tradi-cionais. O contexto multicultural da Bolívia fez com que a Igreja E-vangélica Metodista da Bolívia experimentasse dificuldades para es-tabelecer uma linha de trabalho que a ajudasse a cumprir sua missão; por isso a pesquisa está direcionada a conscientizar sobre a impor-tância da adaptação de alguns procedimentos administrativos para as tarefas da missão. Porém, primeiro foi necessário apresentar uma síntese histórica da igreja, depois uma conscientização da importân-cia de olhar as igrejas como organizações, focalizando nossa análise nos fatores e condicionantes de sua estrutura; posteriormente foram oferecidos subsídios para uma gestão administrativa.(AU)
Given the growth demand for air transport allied to the need of adequacy of the infrastructure of the airports the need arises for the elaboration and Project Deployment enhancements to to the administrative management with efficiency and effectiveness of processes. The present dissertation aims to develop an organizational and operational proposal to management improvement projects an airport midsize business. The state of art literature contemplated the following topics: project management, project office; improvement approaches; improvement projects and technical and support improvement projects and project management tools. The research method is characterized as a case study of a qualitative nature. The validation of the proposal was carried out through a focus group with the participation twelve representatives of the administrative areas of an airport-sized Brazilian midfielder with the objective of validate the proposed organizational structure and operational procedures and to identify the barriers to implementation of the proposal. The result of the work presents an proposed considering the integration of the project office with the organizational structure of the administration, the conception of the project office, operating procedures and the directives for implementation
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Geografia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia, 2015.
Uma das formas das empresas de pesquisa e transferência de tecnologia estarem alinhadas com as necessidades da cadeia produtiva é através da constante prospecção de demandas, visando subsidiar a elaboração de novos projetos ou estratégias de pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D). A prospecção de demandas também permite elaborar melhores estratégias de divulgação dos conhecimentos existentes ou recém gerados pelas empresas de pesquisa públicas e privadas, auxiliando na transferência de tecnologia (TT). Uma das formas de prospectar as demandas de P&D e TT é através de eventos que permitam a participação dos diversos atores que atuam na cadeia produtiva do algodoeiro. Assim, com o objetivo de discutir os principais problemas dos sistemas de produção em que o algodoeiro está inserido, bem como propor alternativas para a superação de eventuais gargalos de natureza tecnológica, em setembro de 2014, em Sinop-MT, promoveu-se o ?Encontro Técnico de Pesquisadores, Consultores e Empresas sobre o manejo da cultura do algodoeiro?, cujos resultados estão sistematizados neste documento.
O presente trabalho final de mestrado pretende realizar uma análise crítica acerca do estágio curricular desenvolvido no Departamento de Recursos Humanos de uma empresa ligada ao setor das Tecnologias de Informação. Este relatório procura, através da identificação e descrição de métodos e estratégias implementadas pela empresa, que têm como finalidade potencializar o capital humano da organização, estabelecer uma relação entre os diferentes processos de Gestão de Recursos Humanos, interligando-os. Funcionando como um sistema integrado, pretende-se descrever as atividades realizadas no processo de recrutamento e seleção, de acolhimento e integração, de gestão administrativa/contratual, de gestão de desempenho e de formação e desenvolvimento profissional. Em suma, importa salientar que apesar de os processos de Gestão de Recursos Humanos da companhia terem procedimentos devidamente identificados, existe necessidade de promover práticas de melhorias no que concerne ao controlo interno dos mesmos; Abstract: The Integrated Human Resource Management of an Information Technology company This final work of master aims to realize a critical analysis about the internship developed in the Human Resources Department of Information Technology company. This report seeks, through the identification and description of methods and strategies implemented by the company, which are intended to enhance the human capital of the organization, establish a relationship between the different Human Resource Management processes, connecting them. Functioning as an integrated system, is intended to describe the activities in the process of recruitment and selection, reception and integration, administrative/contract management, performance management and training and professional development. In short, it should be noted that although Human Resource Management processes of the company have properly identified procedures, there is need to promote improved practices with regard to internal monitoring.
RESUMO: O profissional de Secretariado Executivo desenvolveu nos últimos anos uma série de novas competências, que lhe tem permitido contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento da qualidade e para a produtividade das organizações em uma conjuntura permeada pela complexidade. A Gestão de Processos se refere a um relevante modelo de gestão, que emergiu em resposta a essa complexidade organizacional. Diante desse contexto, a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a atuação do profissional de Secretariado Executivo na Gestão de Processos e, como objetivos específicos, caracterizar a Gestão de Processos, investigar as atribuições e as competências do profissional de Secretariado Executivo, e verificar se há alinhamento entre as atribuições e competências previstas para o profissional de Secretariado Executivo e a Gestão de Processos. Realizou-se um estudo de caso de natureza qualitativa e descritiva na Embrapa Soja, cujos dados foram coletados em entrevistas semiestruturadas e em documentos. Os resultados permitiram identificar a existência de alinhamento entre as atribuições e competências previstas para esse profissional e referido modelo de gestão. Nesse sentido, o estudo constatou a capacidade do profissional de Secretariado Executivo para atuar na Gestão de Processos, com postura crítica e analítica em relação ao ambiente em que está inserido e às atividades que lhe competem. ABSTRACT: Executive assistants have developed, over the past few years, a series of new competencies, which have enabled them to contribute to the organizational quality and productivity improvement in a context permeated by complexity. Process Management refers to a relevant business model, which has emerged in response to this organizational complexity. In this context, the present study has the main purpose of analyzing the performance of executive assistants in Process Management. As specific objectives, it aims to characterize Process Management, to investigate the responsibilities and competencies of executive assistants, as well as to verify the relationship between the responsibilities and competencies of executive assistants with Process Management. We conducted a qualitative and descriptive case study at Embrapa Soybean, whose data were collected through semi-structured interviews and documents. The results allowed us to identify the existence of relationship between the responsibilities and competencies of this professional with this management model. Thus, the study verified the ability of executive assistants to work in Process Management, with a critical and analytical position towards the environment in which they are engaged and the activities which they are responsible for.
Diante das adversidades climáticas ocorridas nos últimos anos, bem como a intensificação das podas em lavouras novas, foi avaliada a capacidade de recuperação vegetativa e reprodutiva após a poda do tipo esqueletamento em 24 cultivares comerciais de C. arabica, em lavoura com quatro anos e meio de idade. Aos 24 meses após a realização da poda, foram avaliadas as características agronômicas: produtividade, percentagem de grãos chochos, classificação por peneira alta dos grãos, percentual de grãos do tipo moca e vigor vegetativo das plantas. Os dados de produtividade foram avaliados por meio da análise de deviance, em fatorial duplo 24x2, sendo 24 cultivares comerciais e dois tipos de condução (submetidas ou não à poda). Utilizando-se a média dos três anos, as demais características agronômicas, citadas acima, foram avaliadas em fatorial triplo 24x2x2, sendo 24 cultivares comerciais, dois tipos de condução (com ou sem poda) e dois anos de avaliação (safras 2012/2013 e 2013/2014). Em todas as características estudadas, não houve sobreposição dos intervalos de confiança, indicando que as cultivares tiveram desempenho diferentes entre si. As cultivares estudadas apresentam capacidade de recuperação após a poda tipo esqueletamento em fase jovem, com destaque para a Catiguá MG3, Topázio MG1190 e Sabiá 398, que apresentaram produtividades altas aliadas a um elevado vigor vegetativo, baixo percentual de frutos chochos e alto percentual de peneira alta dos grãos no primeiro biênio após a poda.
The way in which the teaching autonomy is materialized, considered as part of the path traveled by the teaching community on their way to become owners of the disciplinary knowledge and the required pedagogical competencies to practice their role has motivated this paper. For success, Commercial Education requires the urgent transformation of the teaching role and the development of key competences to promote interdisciplinary integration, academic and administrative leadership and the use of contemporary pedagogies. The level of awareness reached by the teaching group about the impact of the learning that is promoted within the educational context will allow the empowerment of the knowledge that comes from the relationship between theory and practice-key element for professional autonomy.
This paper provides a complete description of the Commercial Education Professional Competency Profile that resulted from the curricular diagnosis of the Licenciatura en Educación Comercial , at the Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica. The methodological strategy used relies on the principles of research on education. Upon expert validation, written questionnaires were applied to first-year students, students of the licenciatura, practicing professionals and employers. The objective was to describe a particular education situation. Data was analyzed according to two categories: intentions/principles and scope/development. The findings resulted in the characteristics of the Commercial Education professionals, i.e. characteristics related to the discipline, characteristics related to the administrative management of teaching, specific and general characteristics of education and pedagogy, and characteristics associated to human development. Based on those criteria, on the curricular requirements of the information sources and on the curricular perspectives of the Academic Unit, ideas were put into practice to build the competency profile. The ideas proposed comprise the curricular fundamentals of the educational project on which the profile is set out, which include the subject of the study program, the global competency or training goal, the generic competencies as cross-cutting approaches, as well as the –pedagogical and disciplinary− specific competencies. The specific competencies of the discipline are focused on four competency areas: document production, organizational support, technological resources and information management.(1) Translator’s Note: One-year post-Bachelor study program in Commercial Education.
The conventional meaning of culture is ‘widely shared and strongly held values’ of a particular group or society (Bradley and Parker, 2006: 89). Culture is not a rigid concept; it can be influenced or altered by new ideas or forces. This research examines the ways in which one set of ideas in particular, that is, those associated with New Public Management, have impacted upon the administrative culture of 'street-level' bureaucrats and professionals within Irish social policy. Lipsky (1980: 3) defined 'street-level' bureaucrats as ‘public service workers who interact directly with citizens in the course of their jobs, and who have substantial discretion in the execution of their work’. Utilising the Competing Values Framework (CVF) in the analysis of eighty three semi-structured interviews with 'street-level' bureaucrats and professionals, an evaluation is made as to the impact of NPM ideas on both visible and invisible aspects of administrative culture. Overall, the influence of NPM is confined to superficial aspects of administrative culture such as; increased flexibility in working hours and to some degree job contracts; increased time commitment; and a customer service focus. However, the extent of these changes varies depending on policy sector and occupational group. Aspects of consensual and hierarchical cultures remain firmly in place. These coincide with features of developmental and market cultures. Contrary to the view that members of hierarchical and consensual culture would pose resistance to change, this research clearly illustrates that a very large appetite for change exists in the attitudes of 'street-level' bureaucrats and professionals within Irish social policy, with many of them suggesting changes that correspond to NPM ideas. This study demonstrates the relevance of employing the CVF model as it is clear that administrative culture is very much a dynamic system of competing and co-existing cultures.
In the study of theoretical trends in Administration, the management of information follows the development of theories of Administration; constant-adaptations are suffered. Information Science as Museums, Archives and Libraries, understands and concerns itself with the changes wrought in these endeavour of the knowledge society as new forms of communication and integration. They interact in ways such as to maximize access to information and facilitate improvement on their structural environment. The research aims at identifies the requirements and specifications of an information system for knowledge management in the public's library enviromnent and proposes to achieve a pre-defined structure for the implementation of administration management. The research is conducted with public's library of the metropolian region of the North's Portugal. In the improvement of systems theoretical administrative trends become management decisions and result in the ultimate success of the organization.