998 resultados para Acton
L’eau, l’air, la nourriture, le sol, le travail sont autant de « milieux d’exposition » à des contaminants chimiques et microbiologiques, ainsi qu’à des agents physiques dont on continue de découvrir, et à tenter de minimiser, les effets sur la santé humaine. La santé environnementale, autrefois appelée « hygiène des milieux », couvre un très vaste domaine de disciplines, de connaissances, de pratiques et de recherches que nul ne saurait maîtriser dans sa totalité. D’où l’intérêt d’un ouvrage exhaustif qui prend le parti de décrire la relation environnement-santé dans ses diverses dimensions : principes, méthodes, milieux, effets, pratiques. Fruit d’une complexe, mais enrichissante collaboration entre les meilleurs spécialistes francophones des deux côtés de l’Atlantique, cet ouvrage, avec ses trente-neuf chapitres regroupés en cinq parties, servira aussi bien de livre de référence pour les professionnels que de manuel d’étude universitaire.
Le présent mémoire cherche à relever, à travers la lecture du texte Le bain de Diane de Pierre Klossowski, les modalités propres au littéraire pour penser les liens entre les concepts d’immanence et de transcendance. Proposant en premier lieu la mise en place des concepts nécessaires à une telle entreprise, je m’attarde à des auteurs tels que Platon, Apulée, Pierre Hadot, Gilles Deleuze et Michel Foucault, ayant contribué à la conception du démon tel qu’il est décrit chez Klossowski, ainsi qu’au concept de simulacre, concept clé de la pensée de l’auteur à l’étude. En retraçant la création et la représentation de ces concepts dans divers textes, pour ensuite les retracer dans Le bain de Diane, je cherche à montrer l’importance de la figuration littéraire dans le rapport complexe que nous entretenons avec les notions de sensible et de suprasensible.
Este trabajo es el resultado del proyecto de investigación financiado por Colciencias y la Universidad del Rosario, que incorporó la Cátedra Viva Intercultural, constituyéndose así un escenario para el intercambio de saberes y constumbres propias de las comunidades étnicas de nuestro país. Un espacio en el que se reconocen afrocolombianos, indígenas, gitanos, y raizales, y se analiza su realidad social y la jurisprudencia que garantiza la efectividad de sus derechos. El presente texto contiene un estudio metodológico para consolidar el proceso de enseñanza de los saberes tradicionales de las comunidades étnicas en el aula universitaria. Es un documento guía para las futuras cátedras étnicas, dirigido a estudiantes, docentes y a entidades gubernamentales y ONG que trabajen por el respeto de la diversidad étnica de Colombia.El presente texto contiene un estudio metodológico para consolidar el proceso de enseñanza de los saberes tradicionales de las comunidades étnicas en el aula universitaria. Es un documento guía para las futuras cátedras étnicas, dirigido a estudiantes, docentes y a entidades gubernamentales y ONG que trabajen por el respeto de la diversidad étnica de Colombia.
A focused library of potential hydrogelators each containing two substituted aromatic residues separated by a urea or thiourea linkage have been synthesised and characterized. Six of these novel compounds are highly efficient hydrogelators, forming gels in aqueous solution at low concentrations (0.03–0.60 wt %). Gels were formed through a pH switching methodology, by acidification of a basic solution (pH 14 to ≈4) either by addition of HCl or via the slow hydrolysis of glucono-δ-lactone. Frequently, gelation was accompanied by a dramatic switch in the absorption spectra of the gelators, resulting in a significant change in colour, typically from a vibrant orange to pale yellow. Each of the gels was capable of sequestering significant quantities of the aromatic cationic dye, methylene blue, from aqueous solution (up to 1.02 g of dye per gram of dry gelator). Cryo-transmission electron microscopy of two of the gels revealed an extensive network of high aspect ratio fibers. The structure of the fibers altered dramatically upon addition of 20 wt % of the dye, resulting in aggregation and significant shortening of the fibrils. This study demonstrates the feasibility for these novel gels finding application as inexpensive and effective water purification platforms.
The increasing use of drug combinations to treat disease states, such as cancer, calls for improved delivery systems that are able to deliver multiple agents. Herein, we report a series of novel Janus dendrimers with potential for use in combination therapy. Different generations (first and second) of PEG-based dendrons containing two different “model drugs”, benzyl alcohol (BA) and 3-phenylpropionic acid (PPA), were synthesized. BA and PPA were attached via two different linkers (carbonate and ester, respectively) to promote differential drug release. The four dendrons were coupled together via (3 + 2) cycloaddition chemistries to afford four Janus dendrimers, which contained varying amounts and different ratios of BA and PPA, namely, (BA)2-G1-G1-(PPA)2, (BA)4-G2-G1-(PPA)2, (BA)2-G1-G2-(PPA)4, and (BA)4-G2-G2-(PPA)4. Release studies in plasma showed that the dendrimers provided sequential release of the two model drugs, with BA being released faster than PPA from all of the dendrons. The different dendrimers allowed delivery of increasing amounts (0.15–0.30 mM) and in exact molecular ratios (1:2; 2:1; 1:2; 2:2) of the two model drug compounds. The dendrimers were noncytotoxic (100% viability at 1 mg/mL) toward human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and nontoxic toward red blood cells, as confirmed by hemolysis studies. These studies demonstrate that these Janus PEG-based dendrimers offer great potential for the delivery of drugs via combination therapy.
A series of hydro- and organo-supergelators have been synthesised via coupling of simple bis aromaticureas via alkyl amide linkages. These bis amide-aromatic-ureas exhibited reduced critical gelator concentrations, improved gelator stability, mechanical and dye removal properties for potential use in water purification, in comparison to related bis aromatic-ureas. Systematic structure studies via variation of the bis amide-aromatic-urea linker length as well as functionalization of the terminal aromatic moieties have enabled control over the gel properties.
A series of hydro- and organo-supergelators have been synthesised via coupling of simple bis aromaticureas via alkyl amide linkages. These bis amide-aromatic-ureas exhibited reduced critical gelator concentrations, improved gelator stability, mechanical and dye removal properties for potential use in water purification, in comparison to related bis aromatic-ureas. Systematic structure studies via variation of the bis amide-aromatic-urea linker length as well as functionalization of the terminal aromatic moieties have enabled control over the gel properties.
Esta dissertação descreve os acontecimentos molares das políticas de saüde no espaço a VIII e a IXª Conferências Nacionais de Saüde, especialmente no que se refere a participação comunitária e a controle social no sistema único de Saüde-SUS, assim como os acontecimentos moleculares na legislação e na organização do Conselho Municipal de Saúde de Joinville (Santa Catarina). A partir destas descrições são pensados os conceitos de informação, poder e política social. A política de saúde é peça estratégica na reprodução social, seja pela disciplina dos corpos, seja pelo governo da populações. A política de saúde define a sua forma e o seu modo a partir das relações de forças no espaço social. A política de saúde determina uma organização da sociedade e da circulação da informação no espaço social de comunicação. Os conselhos de saúde são locus privilegiados de discussão e de deliberação da política de saúde. Os conselhos de saúde são o locus de entendimento a partir da ética da discussão, ao mesmo tempo que são o locus de encontro de agenciamentos micro-políticos de grupos de interesse e de desejo. Os conselhos de saúde são a possibilidade viva de uma mudança na subjetividade que gira em torno do próprio conceito de saúde.
The paper analyzes a two period general equilibrium model with individual risk and moral hazard. Each household faces two individual states of nature in the second period. These states solely differ in the household's vector of initial endowments, which is strictly larger in the first state (good state) than in the second state (bad state). In the first period households choose a non-observable action. Higher leveis of action give higher probability of the good state of nature to occur, but lower leveIs of utility. Households have access to an insurance market that allows transfer of income across states of oature. I consider two models of financiaI markets, the price-taking behavior model and the nonlínear pricing modelo In the price-taking behavior model suppliers of insurance have a belief about each household's actíon and take asset prices as given. A variation of standard arguments shows the existence of a rational expectations equilibrium. For a generic set of economies every equilibrium is constraíned sub-optímal: there are commodity prices and a reallocation of financiaI assets satisfying the first period budget constraint such that, at each household's optimal choice given those prices and asset reallocation, markets clear and every household's welfare improves. In the nonlinear pricing model suppliers of insurance behave strategically offering nonlinear pricing contracts to the households. I provide sufficient conditions for the existence of equilibrium and investigate the optimality properties of the modeI. If there is a single commodity then every equilibrium is constrained optimaI. Ir there is more than one commodity, then for a generic set of economies every equilibrium is constrained sub-optimaI.
At the end of the 20th century we live in a pluralist world in which national and ethnic identities play an appreciable role, sometimes provoking serious conflicts. Nationalist values seem to pose a serious challenge to liberal ones, particularly in the post-communist countries. Malinova asked whether liberalism must necessarily be contrasted with nationalism. Although nationalist issues has never been a major concern for liberal thinkers, in many countries they have had to take such issues into consideration and a form of 'liberalism nationalism' has its place in the history of political ideas. Some of the thinkers who tried to develop such an idea were liberals in the strict sense of the word and others were not, but all of them tried to elaborate a concept of nationalism that respected the rights of individuals and precluded discrimination on ethnic grounds. Malinova studied the history of the conceptualisation of nations and nationalism in the writings, of J.S. Mill, J.E.E. Acton, G. Mazzini, V. Soloviev, B. Chicherin, P. Struve, P. Miljoukov and T.G. Masaryk. Although it cannot be said that these theories form a coherent tradition, certain common elements of the different approaches can be identified. Malinova analysed the way that liberal nationalists interpreted the phenomenon of the nation and its rights in different historical contexts, reviewed the structure of their arguments and tried to evaluate this theoretical experience from the perspective of the contemporary debate on the problems of liberal nationalism and multiculturalism and recent debates on 'the national idea' in Russia.