997 resultados para 83-003
BACKGROUND: Data for trends in glycaemia and diabetes prevalence are needed to understand the effects of diet and lifestyle within populations, assess the performance of interventions, and plan health services. No consistent and comparable global analysis of trends has been done. We estimated trends and their uncertainties in mean fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and diabetes prevalence for adults aged 25 years and older in 199 countries and territories. METHODS: We obtained data from health examination surveys and epidemiological studies (370 country-years and 2·7 million participants). We converted systematically between different glycaemic metrics. For each sex, we used a Bayesian hierarchical model to estimate mean FPG and its uncertainty by age, country, and year, accounting for whether a study was nationally, subnationally, or community representative. FINDINGS: In 2008, global age-standardised mean FPG was 5·50 mmol/L (95% uncertainty interval 5·37-5·63) for men and 5·42 mmol/L (5·29-5·54) for women, having risen by 0·07 mmol/L and 0·09 mmol/L per decade, respectively. Age-standardised adult diabetes prevalence was 9·8% (8·6-11·2) in men and 9·2% (8·0-10·5) in women in 2008, up from 8·3% (6·5-10·4) and 7·5% (5·8-9·6) in 1980. The number of people with diabetes increased from 153 (127-182) million in 1980, to 347 (314-382) million in 2008. We recorded almost no change in mean FPG in east and southeast Asia and central and eastern Europe. Oceania had the largest rise, and the highest mean FPG (6·09 mmol/L, 5·73-6·49 for men; 6·08 mmol/L, 5·72-6·46 for women) and diabetes prevalence (15·5%, 11·6-20·1 for men; and 15·9%, 12·1-20·5 for women) in 2008. Mean FPG and diabetes prevalence in 2008 were also high in south Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and central Asia, north Africa, and the Middle East. Mean FPG in 2008 was lowest in sub-Saharan Africa, east and southeast Asia, and high-income Asia-Pacific. In high-income subregions, western Europe had the smallest rise, 0·07 mmol/L per decade for men and 0·03 mmol/L per decade for women; North America had the largest rise, 0·18 mmol/L per decade for men and 0·14 mmol/L per decade for women. INTERPRETATION: Glycaemia and diabetes are rising globally, driven both by population growth and ageing and by increasing age-specific prevalences. Effective preventive interventions are needed, and health systems should prepare to detect and manage diabetes and its sequelae. FUNDING: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and WHO.
Mitochondria are essential in cellular stress responses. Mitochondrial output to environmental stress is a major factor in metabolic adaptation and is regulated by a complex network of energy and nutrient sensing proteins. Activation of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases (PARPs) has been known to impair mitochondrial function; however, our view of PARP-mediated mitochondrial dysfunction and injury has only recently fundamentally evolved. In this review, we examine our current understanding of PARP-elicited mitochondrial damage, PARP-mediated signal transduction pathways, transcription factors that interact with PARPs and govern mitochondrial biogenesis, as well as mitochondrial diseases that are mediated by PARPs. With PARP activation emerging as a common underlying mechanism in numerous pathologies, a better understanding the role of various PARPs in mitochondrial regulation may help open new therapeutic avenues.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Nutrition and dietary patterns have been shown to have direct impact on health of the population and of selected patient groups. The beneficial effects have been attributed to the reduction of oxidative damage caused by the normal or excessive free radical production. The papers aims at collecting evidence of successful supplementation strategies. METHODS: Review of the literature reporting on antioxidant supplementation trials in the general population and critically ill patients. RESULTS: Antioxidant vitamin and trace element intakes have been shown to be particularly important in the prevention of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, age related ocular diseases and in aging. In animal models, targeted interventions have been associated with reduction of tissue destruction is brain and myocardium ischemia-reperfusion models. In the critically ill antioxidant supplements have resulted in reduction of organ failure and of infectious complications. CONCLUSIONS: Antioxidant micronutrients have beneficial effects in defined models and pathologies, in the general population and in critical illness: ongoing research encourages this supportive therapeutic approach. Further research is required to determined the optimal micronutrient combinations and the doses required according to timing of intervention.
Proactive career behaviors become increasingly important in today's career environment, but little is known about how and when motivational patterns affect individual differences. In a six-month longitudinal study among German university students (Study 1; N = 289) it was demonstrated that motivation in terms of "can do" (self-efficacy and context beliefs), "reason to" (autonomous career goals), and "energized to" (positive affect) significantly predicted career behaviors. Contrary to expectation, negative context beliefs had a positive effect when combined with other motivational states. Study 2 replicated and extended those results by investigating whether "can do" motivation mediates the effect of proactive personality and whether those effects are conditional upon the degree of career choice decidedness. We tested a moderated multiple mediation model with a unique sample of 134 German students, assessed three times, each interval being 6 weeks apart. The results showed that effects of proactivity were partially carried through higher self-efficacy beliefs but not context beliefs. Supporting a moderation model, indirect effects through self-efficacy beliefs were not present for students with very low decidedness.
OBJECTIVES: The objectives were to identify the social and medical factors associated with emergency department (ED) frequent use and to determine if frequent users were more likely to have a combination of these factors in a universal health insurance system. METHODS: This was a retrospective chart review case-control study comparing randomized samples of frequent users and nonfrequent users at the Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland. The authors defined frequent users as patients with four or more ED visits within the previous 12 months. Adult patients who visited the ED between April 2008 and March 2009 (study period) were included, and patients leaving the ED without medical discharge were excluded. For each patient, the first ED electronic record within the study period was considered for data extraction. Along with basic demographics, variables of interest included social (employment or housing status) and medical (ED primary diagnosis) characteristics. Significant social and medical factors were used to construct a logistic regression model, to determine factors associated with frequent ED use. In addition, comparison of the combination of social and medical factors was examined. RESULTS: A total of 359 of 1,591 frequent and 360 of 34,263 nonfrequent users were selected. Frequent users accounted for less than a 20th of all ED patients (4.4%), but for 12.1% of all visits (5,813 of 48,117), with a maximum of 73 ED visits. No difference in terms of age or sex occurred, but more frequent users had a nationality other than Swiss or European (n = 117 [32.6%] vs. n = 83 [23.1%], p = 0.003). Adjusted multivariate analysis showed that social and specific medical vulnerability factors most increased the risk of frequent ED use: being under guardianship (adjusted odds ratio [OR] = 15.8; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.7 to 147.3), living closer to the ED (adjusted OR = 4.6; 95% CI = 2.8 to 7.6), being uninsured (adjusted OR = 2.5; 95% CI = 1.1 to 5.8), being unemployed or dependent on government welfare (adjusted OR = 2.1; 95% CI = 1.3 to 3.4), the number of psychiatric hospitalizations (adjusted OR = 4.6; 95% CI = 1.5 to 14.1), and the use of five or more clinical departments over 12 months (adjusted OR = 4.5; 95% CI = 2.5 to 8.1). Having two of four social factors increased the odds of frequent ED use (adjusted = OR 5.4; 95% CI = 2.9 to 9.9), and similar results were found for medical factors (adjusted OR = 7.9; 95% CI = 4.6 to 13.4). A combination of social and medical factors was markedly associated with ED frequent use, as frequent users were 10 times more likely to have three of them (on a total of eight factors; 95% CI = 5.1 to 19.6). CONCLUSIONS: Frequent users accounted for a moderate proportion of visits at the Lausanne ED. Social and medical vulnerability factors were associated with frequent ED use. In addition, frequent users were more likely to have both social and medical vulnerabilities than were other patients. Case management strategies might address the vulnerability factors of frequent users to prevent inequities in health care and related costs.
BACKGROUND: Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) in very young patients have been poorly described. We therefore evaluate ACS in patients aged 35 years and younger. METHODS: In this prospective cohort study, 76 hospitals treating ACS in Switzerland enrolled 28,778 patients with ACS between January 1, 1997, and October 1, 2008. ACS definition included ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), and unstable angina (UA). RESULTS: 195 patients (0.7%) were 35 years old or younger. Compared to patients>35 years, these patients were more likely to present with chest pain (91.6% vs. 83.7%; P=0.003) and less likely to have heart failure (Killip class II to IV in 5.2% vs. 23.0%; P<0.001). STEMI was more prevalent in younger than in older patients (73.1% vs. 58.3%; P<0.001). Smoking, family history of CAD, and/or dyslipidemia were important cardiovascular risk factors in young patients (prevalence 77.2%, 55.0%, and 44.0%). The prevalence of overweight among young patients with ACS was high (57.8%). Cocaine abuse was associated with ACS in some young patients. Compared to older patients, young patients were more likely to receive early percutaneous coronary interventions and had better outcome with fewer major adverse cardiac events. CONCLUSIONS: Young patients with ACS differed from older patients in that the younger often presented with STEMI, received early aggressive treatment, and had favourable outcomes. Primary prevention of smoking, dyslipidemia and overweight should be more aggressively promoted in adolescence.
The aim of this study was to describe the clinical and PSG characteristics of narcolepsy with cataplexy and their genetic predisposition by using the retrospective patient database of the European Narcolepsy Network (EU-NN). We have analysed retrospective data of 1099 patients with narcolepsy diagnosed according to International Classification of Sleep Disorders-2. Demographic and clinical characteristics, polysomnography and multiple sleep latency test data, hypocretin-1 levels, and genome-wide genotypes were available. We found a significantly lower age at sleepiness onset (men versus women: 23.74 ± 12.43 versus 21.49 ± 11.83, P = 0.003) and longer diagnostic delay in women (men versus women: 13.82 ± 13.79 versus 15.62 ± 14.94, P = 0.044). The mean diagnostic delay was 14.63 ± 14.31 years, and longer delay was associated with higher body mass index. The best predictors of short diagnostic delay were young age at diagnosis, cataplexy as the first symptom and higher frequency of cataplexy attacks. The mean multiple sleep latency negatively correlated with Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) and with the number of sleep-onset rapid eye movement periods (SOREMPs), but none of the polysomnographic variables was associated with subjective or objective measures of sleepiness. Variant rs2859998 in UBXN2B gene showed a strong association (P = 1.28E-07) with the age at onset of excessive daytime sleepiness, and rs12425451 near the transcription factor TEAD4 (P = 1.97E-07) with the age at onset of cataplexy. Altogether, our results indicate that the diagnostic delay remains extremely long, age and gender substantially affect symptoms, and that a genetic predisposition affects the age at onset of symptoms.
Las especies de peces pelágicos son las más abundantes del Pacífico Sudeste y sustentan una de las pesquerías más importantes del mundo, como la de anchoveta (Engraulis ringens). Durante los eventos El Niño ocurridos en las décadas recientes y catalogados como fuertes o muy fuertes, la abundancia de anchoveta decayó por varios factores; luego de cada evento de fuerte intensidad fue reemplazada en el ambiente por otros recursos. Durante la Niña la situación se invierte, siendo normalmente la anchoveta la especie predominante en abundancia debido a su rápido crecimiento y reproducción, y a la mayor disponibilidad de alimento de ese período. En general, la abundancia de anchoveta muestra una correlación negativa con la de otros recursos pelágicos, particularmente la sardina, aunque se carece de un modelo que establezca esta relación.
La situación alimentaria del jurel (Trachurus murphyi) en las zonas de Paita, Callao, Pisco e Ilo se comparó en un año normal (1979) y durante El Ni ño 1982/83, analizando los datos del (1) contenido estomacal, (2) del indice alimentario y (3) de la relación longitud/peso, de un total de 2082 individuos. Durante El Niño el cambio más notable en la dieta del jurel fue la ausencia de la anchoveta (Egraulis ringens), la cual representó en 1979 más del 60% del peso estomacal total, el principal ítem alimentario (promedio: Callao, Pisco, Iló). A diferencia de lo constatado en el centro y el sur, la importancia de la anchoveta como recurso alimentario del jurel fue casi nulo en el norte (zona de Paita, 4°L.S 2°L.S) tanto en un año "normal" (1979) , como durante El Niño 1982/83. De otro lado, durante El Niño se incrementó la diversidad alimentaria por la presencia de peces de aguas tropicales como Bregmaceros bathymaster, Abrialopsis sp. y Anchoa sp. y aumentó la importancia de la fracción de macrozooplancton (eufáusidos, Copépodos), alcanzando el 53% del peso estomacal total, comparado con sólo 32%. en 1979 ( promedios:Paita, Callao, Pisco, Ilo) . El valor promedio del indice alimentario durante El Niño es sólo el 36% del valor durante 1979 y la relación longitud / peso muestra para un jurel (macho) de 35 cm una pérdida en el peso promedio de 8%.
Durante los cruceros en con BIC Humboldt en marzo-abril de 1981, enero de 1983 y diciembre de 1984, se muestreo el macrozoobentos en un total de 315 estaciones entre los 3° 30’ y 12° S, a profundidades entre 25 y 500 m. Se presentan las biomasas húmedas, abundancias y números de especies en relación a la latitud, profundidad y concentración de oxígeno.
Se revisa la utilización de recursos alimenticios de tres peces bentófagos en los fondos arenosos someros de la Bahía de Ancón: Menticirrhus ophicephalus, stellifer minos y Paralichthys adspersus.
Se estudia la recuperación de los bancos de los mitílidos Aulacomya ater y Semimytilus algosus después de agosto de 1983 en la Bahía de Ancón y después de agosto de 1986 en Bahía Independencia. En la Bahía de Ancón la recolonización de Semimytilus algosus se inició en octubre de 1983, sostenida por una intensiva proliferación de larvas en el plancton. En febrero de 1984 alcanz.aban una máxima longitud de 31mm y los otros constituyentes de la comunidad estaban completando su recuperación. Sin embargo, hasta marzo de 1987 no habían evidencias de una recuperación de A. ater. En Bahía Independencia hubo una recuperación de S. algosus en el nivel intermareal. En agosto de 1986 recién encontramos una recolonización simultánea de ambos mitílidos en los rizoides de las algas pardas (Macrocystis pyrifera y Lessonia spp.). En los meses posteriores las algas pardas extendieron su distribución vertical de los 6 m hasta más de 12 m de profundidad y junto con ellos también A. ater. Se discute los mecanismos y procesos que estarían implicados en la diferente recolonización de las comunidades de mitílidos en las orillas y fondos rocosos de las dos áreas de estudio.
El "Niño del siglo" 1982-83, debido a sus peculiaridades inesperadas, sorprendió fuertemente a la comunidad científica. Como consecuencia, incluso en las ciencias biológicas marinas, donde los efectos fueron drásticos y a menudo obvios, en general se colectó menos información de lo que hubiera sido posible y deseable. De este panorama hay algunas excepciones, principalmente en lo referente al estudio de las comunidades bénticas y costeras. La reciente información acumulada en estos campos forma la base para una evaluación crítica del avance científico durante y después del fenómeno. Al mismo tiempo permite la ubicación de problemas y la formulación de proyectos de investigación para el futuro. Si bien es evidente que en este momento ya disponemos de una visión más clara de los efectos inmediatos, sean positivos o negativos, de un fenómeno extraordinariamente fuerte, la incertidumbre ante un nuevo El Niño mucho más tenue en 1986-87, nos dió una lección que hay que evaluar. Por otro lado, se ha avanzado muy poco en el estudio de los mecanismos que desencadenan elevadas mortandades de algunas especies y la proliferación inusual de otras. Sin embargo, ya tenemos alguna visión más integral sobre el efecto latitudinal, la gradiente vertical, los efectos previos a la llegada de las ondas Kelvin, los efectos post-Niño y los efectos de largo plazo. No obstante, hasta el momento, sólo podemos hipotetizar tanto sobre la historia evolutiva de El Niño, como sobre su significancia para el origen de las comunidades marinas del presente. Las investigaciones futuras deben tener un enfoque multidisciplinario, sin descuidar los aspectos básicos. Esto debería implicar: un mayor esfuerzo de las universidades a lo largo del litoral pacífico; investigaciones más continuadas; trabajos experimentales comparativos en diferentes lugares, a fin de saber más sobre los mecanismos involucrados; una mayor cooperación entre los científicos que trabajan en comunidades y problemas semejantes de las diversas latitudes; y un mayor intercambio de información entre los investigadores de comunidades actuales, paleontólogos, sedimentólogos y arqueólogos. Se concluye que sin duda hemos aprendido algo durante El Niño 1982-83; sin embargo, estaríamos aprovechando muy poco si no aceptamos nuestro reto de continuar profundizando estas investigaciones.