987 resultados para 1964-1983
The study is part of a research project of 269 psychiatric patients with major depression, Vantaa Depression Study, in the Department of Mental Health and Alcohol Research of the National Public Health Institute and the Department of Psychiatry of the Peijas Medical Care District. The aim was to study at the onset of MDE psychosocial differences in subgroups of patients and clustering of events into time before depression and its prodromal phase, to study whether more severe life events and less social support predict poorer outcome in all patients, but most among those currently in partial remission, whether social support declines as a consequence of time spent in MDE, is sensitive to improvement, and whether social support is influenced by neuroticism and extraversion. After screening, a semistructured interview (SCAN, version 2.0) was used for the presence of DSM-IV MDE, and other psychiatric diagnoses. Life events and social support were studied with semistructured methods (IRLE, Paykel 1983; IMSR, Brugha et al. 1987), perceived social support and neuroticism/extraversion with questionnaires (PSSS-R, Blumenthal et al. 1987; EPI, Eysenck and Eysenck 1964) at baseline, 6 and 18 months. At the onset of depression life events were common. No major differences between subgroups of patients were found; the younger had more events, whereas those with comorbid alcoholism and personality disorders perceived less support. Although events were distributed evenly between the time before depression, the prodromal phase and the index MDE, two thirds of the patients attributed their depression to some life event. Adversities and poor perceived support influenced the outcome of all psychiatric patients, most in the subgroup of full remission. In the partial remission group, the impact of severe events and in the MDE, perceived support was important. Low objective and subjective support were predicted by longer time spent in MDE. Along with improvement subjective support improved. Neuroticism and extraversion were associated with the size of social network and perceived support and predicted change of perceived support. In conclusion, adversities were common in all phases of depression. They may thus have many roles; before depression they may precipitate it, in the prodromal phase worsen symptoms, and during the MDE, the outcome of depression. Patients often attributed their depression to a life event. Psychosocial subgroup differences were quite small. Perceived support predicted the outcome of depression, and time spent in MDE objective and subjective support. Neuroticism and extraversion may modify the level and change particularly in perceived support, thereby indirectly effecting vulnerability to depression.
The memoir was written in New York between 1981 and 1983. Recollections of the Nazi take-over in Germany and their growing awareness of the upcoming danger. Closure of the cabaret of Friedrich Hollaender, where Lotte and her husband were working, due to its "subversive" political views. After the burning of the "Reichstag" (parliament) Lotte and Victor emigrated to France. Life of emigres in Paris. Lotte found work as a foreign language secretary. Victor worked with a film editor. Extradition from France due to their expired carte d'identite. Move to Amsterdam. In 1935 they went to friends in Spain, where Victor had a position as a film editor. They lived in Barcelona until outbreak of civil war. Escape to London via Prague. Exit visas for the United States. Arrival in New York in 1937. Victor was invited by Friedrich Hollaender to Hollywood, where Lotte joined him a few months later. Work as butler and cook in a family. Lotte found only a few engagements in theater and film. Divorce from her husband and remarriage with actor Wolfgang Zilzer (Paul Andor).
Obverse: Emblem of the Israel Government Coins and Medal Corporation. Reverse: Stylized design of the Western Wall and the Mount above.
The records of the North American Jewish Students Appeal (NAJSA or APPEAL) contains documents on two levels of concern: those documents dealing with the NAJSA as a student-run organization promoting Jewish identity among college-aged youth; and those documents dealing with the APPEAL as a fundraising organization for several well-known student constituent organizations. The Constituents were: the Jewish Student Press Service, Lights in Action, the North American Jewish Students Network, the Progressive Zionist Caucus, Response: A Contemporary Jewish Review, Yavneh Religious Students Organization, and Yugntruf Youth for Yiddish. Documents include correspondence, financial records, minutes, press releases, information on grants awarded to student organizations for programming and publishing, student journals, and newspapers, photographs, and ephemera.
Contains papers and photos including correspondence and other materials relating to work as Chairman of the Jewish Agency for Palestine (and Israel), as National Chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, as a leading campaigner for Israel Bonds, and as co-founder of and Chairman of the Board of the Weizmann Institute of Science; 2 texts of radio broadcasts made in 1948 informing America about the Israeli war for independence and the new Israeli republic; a list of military equipment supplied by Mr. Stone to Israel in 1948; letters and biographical material relating both to pressure applied by Mr. Stone and others on Pres. Truman to recognize and support the new Jewish state and to Mr. Stone's financial support of Truman's campaign and the Democratic Party in 1948; materials on associations with Boston University (including the dedication of the Dewey D. and Harry K. Stone Science Building), and the Truman Library; tributes and awards; biographical material; memorials; misc. speeches, presentations, and essays; misc. press clippings; and various photographs. Among the correspondents are: Chaim Weizmann, Vera Weizmann, Abba Eban, David Ben Gurion, Harry S. Truman, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, the Rothschilds, Hubert Humphrey, Adlai E. Stevenson II, Teddy Kollek, Golda Meir, Richard Cardinal Cushing, Jacob Fine, Henry Ford II, Solomon Goldman, John M. McCormack, Meyer Weisgal, and Stephen S. Wise.
Lemkin is the individual primarily responsible for adoption of the United Nations Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide. The collection is arranged according to the following subject areas: personal material, material on the Genocide Convention, material on genocide.
"Genealogy of a Jewish Family: The descendants of Herz Anschel" by W. Rosenstock [or Siegfried Auerbach] and clipping with review
In 1916, the Jewish community of Boston established Beth Israel Hospital on Townsend Street in Roxbury to provide health care to immigrants in the area. Although accessible to everyone, the hospital provided Yiddish-speaking services for Eastern European Jewish immigrants and served kosher food, as well as conducted Jewish religious services. In 1928 the hospital entered into a teaching agreement with Harvard Medical School, Tufts University, and Simmons College. Shortly thereafter, the hospital moved to its current location in the Longwood area of Boston and expanded to a 220-bed operation. During 1935-1936, at the height of the Depression, Beth Israel spent 1.5 million dollars in free patient care and was only one of two local hospitals to offer health care to people on welfare. In 1996, Beth Israel Hospital merged with Deaconess Medical Center and became Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. This collection contains reports, pamphlets and hospital publications.
A brochure, listing all members of the order, 1842-1983. A typescript adds members until 1985 and lists Jewish members, 1842-1981.
Tämän tutkimuksen tehtävänä oli selvittää, miten Luterilaisen maailmanliiton (LML) käsitys pappeudesta voidaan ymmärtää LML:n vuosien 1983, 1992, 2002 ja 2007 julkilausumien perusteella. Tutkimuksessa kiinnitettiin erityisesti huomiota siihen muutokseen, jota LML:n papinvirkaa koskevissa käsityksissä on vuosien 1983 ja 2007 välillä tapahtunut. Tutkimuksen lähtökohtana oli oletus, että julkilausumissa painopiste on siirtynyt vuosien 1983 ja 2007 välillä yleisen pappeuden korostamisesta kohti vihityn pappeuden ja erityisesti kaitsentaviran korostamista. Tutkimuksen metodina oli systemaattinen analyysi. Myös historiallisiin seikkoihin kiinnitettiin huomiota. Tämän tutkimuksen lähteinä käytettiin LML:n kirkollista virkaa käsitteleviä julkilausumia: The Lutheran Understanding of Ministry (1983), The Lutheran Understanding of Episcopal Office (1983), Women in the Ministries of the Church (1983), MINISTRY -Women -Bishops (1992), The Episcopal Ministry within the Apostolicity of the Church (2002) ja Episcopal Ministry within the Apostolicity of the Church (2007). Tutkimuksen taustaluvussa (2.) esitellään kirkollisen virkakäsityksen kehittymistä Saksan, Pohjoismaiden sekä Pohjois-Amerikan luterilaisissa kirkoissa reformaation ajalta vuoteen 1983 saakka. Taustaluvun jälkeen alkaa tutkimuksen pääluvut (3, 4, 5), joissa tutkitaan julkilausumia aikajärjestyksessä (luku 3: 1983, luku 4: 1992, luku 5: 2002 ja 2007). Viimeiseksi esitellään tutkimustulokset sekä tutkimuksessa käytetyt lähteet ja kirjallisuus (luvut 6 ja 7). Tämä tutkimus paljasti, että LML:n käsitys pappeudesta muuttui vuosien 1983–2007 välillä näkemyksestä, jonka mukaan yleinen pappeus on vihityn pappeuden ensisijainen muoto, näkemykseksi, jonka mukaan yleinen ja vihitty pappeus ovat erillisiä pappeuden muotoja. Tutkimus paljasti myös, että kaitsentaviran arvostus kasvoi vuosien 1983 ja 2007 välillä. Tämä kasvu ei kuitenkaan ollut tasaisen lineaarista nousua, vaan huippuarvostuksen vuosista (1992 ja 2002) oli vuonna 2007 laskeuduttu hieman maltillisemmalle tasolle. Samalla kuitenkin vihityn pappeuden arvostus kasvoi. Tutkimus paljasti myös, että LML on suhtautunut jo vuodesta 1983 lähtien sekä naisten vihittyyn pappeuteen että kaitsentavirassa toimiviin naisiin hyvin positiivisesti. Naisten vihityn pappeuden perustelut olivat kuitenkin muuttuneet 25 vuoden aikana. Käytännön hyötyjä tai muita kirkon käytäntöihin liittyviä perusteluja ei tuotu enää vuoden 1983 jälkeen ilmestyneissä lähteissä esille. Vuoden 1983 julkilausumassa ja vuoden 1992 raportissa naisten vihkimistä perusteltiin yleisen pappeuden kautta. Tätäkään ei esiintynyt enää 2000-luvun julkilausumissa, joissa keskityttiin ainoastaan raamatullisiin perusteluihin. Tutkimus paljasti myös, että kaikissa lähteenä käytetyissä LML:n julkilausumissa apostolinen seuraanto nähtiin BEM-asiakirjan mukaisesti laajassa mielessä. Konsekraation seuraantoa ei nähty missään vaiheessa kirkon apostolisen seuraannon kannalta ehdottoman välttämättömänä. Konsekraation seuraannon arvostus oli matalimmalla vuonna 1983, korkeimmalla vuosina 1992 ja 2002 sekä maltillisemmalla tasolla vuonna 2007. Vihityn pappeuden seuraannon merkitystä korostettiin erityisesti vuoden 2007 julkilausumassa. Tutkimus paljasti myös, että luterilaisten kirkkojen hallinnolliset rakenteet olivat tässä tutkimuksessa käytettyjen lähteiden ajalla (1983–2007) LML:n näkemyksen mukaan asteittain yhdenmukaistuneet luterilaisissa kirkoissa. Vuonna 1983 luterilaisissa kirkoissa vallitsi lähes lukematon määrä erilaisia hallinnollisia malleja. Vuoden 1992 julkilausuman mukaan piispa-nimike oli yleistynyt, samoin synodaalisten rakenteiden ja henkilöityneen kaitsentaviran yhdistelmästä koostuva kirkkohallinnon malli. Vuoden 2002 julkilausuman mukaan tällainen hallinnollinen järjestelmä oli jo lähes kaikissa LML:n jäsenkirkoissa ja vuoden 2007 Julkilausuman mukaan kaitsentaviran ja synodaalisten rakenteiden yhdistelmä oli ainoa luterilaisissa kirkoissa käytetty kirkkohallinnon malli. Tämä kehitys koettiin LML:ssa positiivisena.
Julkaistu Silva Fennica Vol. 17(4) -numeron liitteenä.
The dissertation examines the foreign policies of the United States through the prism of science and technology. In the focal point of scrutiny is the policy establishing the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and the development of the multilateral part of bridge building in American foreign policy during the 1960s and early 1970s. After a long and arduous negotiation process, the institute was finally established by twelve national member organizations from the following countries: Bulgaria, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), France, German Democratic Republic (GDR), Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Poland, Soviet Union and United States; a few years later Sweden, Finland and the Netherlands also joined. It is said that the goal of the institute was to bring together researchers from East and West to solve pertinent problems caused by the modernization process experienced in industrialized world. It originates from President Lyndon B. Johnson s bridge building policies that were launched in 1964, and was set in a well-contested and crowded domain of other international organizations of environmental and social planning. Since the distinct need for yet another organization was not evident, the process of negotiations in this multinational environment enlightens the foreign policy ambitions of the United States on the road to the Cold War détente. The study places this project within its political era, and juxtaposes it with other international organizations, especially that of the OECD, ECE and NATO. Conventionally, Lyndon Johnson s bridge building policies have been seen as a means to normalize its international relations bilaterally with different East European countries, and the multilateral dimension of the policy has been ignored. This is why IIASA s establishment process in this multilateral environment brings forth new information on US foreign policy goals, the means to achieve these goals, as well as its relations to other advanced industrialized societies before the time of détente, during the 1960s and early 1970s. Furthermore, the substance of the institute applied systems analysis illuminates the differences between European and American methodological thinking in social planning. Systems analysis is closely associated with (American) science and technology policies of the 1960s, especially in its military administrative applications, thus analysis within the foreign policy environment of the United States proved particularly fruitful. In the 1960s the institutional structures of European continent with faltering, and the growing tendencies of integration were in flux. One example of this was the long, drawn-out process of British membership in the EEC, another is de Gaulle s withdrawal from NATO s military-political cooperation. On the other hand, however, economic cooperation in Europe between East and West, and especially with the Soviet Union was expanding rapidly. This American initiative to form a new institutional actor has to be seen in that structural context, showing that bridge building was needed not only to the East, but also to the West. The narrative amounts to an analysis of how the United States managed both cooperation and conflict in its hegemonic aspirations in the emerging modern world, and how it used its special relationship with the United Kingdom to achieve its goals. The research is based on the archives of the United States, Great Britain, Sweden, Finland, and IIASA. The primary sources have been complemented with both contemporary and present day research literature, periodicals, and interviews.
Contenido: Editorial – La personalidad del maestro Ángel J. Battistessa / Octavio N. Derisi – Soneto del cumpleaños, opus 80 / Ángel J. Battistesa – Plácemes, evocaciones y semblanzas – Una reelaboración estilística de Enrique Larreta / Arturo Berenguer Carisomo – Battistessa traductor de Dante / Eugenio Castelli – El problema de la lengua y otros aspectos americanistas en la obra de Andrés Bello / Graciela M. Pucciarelli de Colantonio – Góngora y la poesía pura / Celina Sabor de Cortazar – Maestros e ingratitudes / Elso Darío Di Bernardo – Cuatro clases de modificadores causales con “porque” / Ofelia Kovacci – Un Calisto o Romeo anónimo del siglo XVI / Rafael Lapesa – Lectura retórica de Facundo / Luisa López Grigera – Cautivos en la literatura argentina del siglo XX / Luis Martínez Cuitiño – Aproximaciones a Benito Lynch y su obra / María Luisa Montero – Nota a un cuento de Jorge Luis Borges / Eithel Orbit Negri – Ardientes hebras, do s’ilustra el oro / Germán Orduna – La escritura de Manuel Gálvez / Antonio Pagés Larraya – Ulises de Joyce: el laberinto y el secreto / Rosa E. M. D. Penna – La composición de las “figuras” en “El mundo por de dentro” / Melchora Romanos – Celos, aun del aire, matan (de Juan Hidalgo y Pedro Calderón de la Barca) en versión de nuestro tiempo / Beatriz Entenza de Solare – Doctrina metafísica tradicional del Romance de la Infantina Encantada / Aquilino Suárez Pallasá – La Sagrada Escritura en “Morada del cielo”, de Fray Luis de León / Teresa Herraiz de Tresca – Expresiones de agasajo y de recuerdo – Homenaje universitario y académico – En la perspectiva del tiempo
Contenido: Editorial – El Código de Derecho Canónico de 1983 / Alejandro Gagliardo – Ley, costumbre y actos administrativos en el nuevo Código de Derecho Canónico / Pedro Lombardía – Reflexión iusfilosófica sosbre la naturaleza jurídica del dictamen y la profesión de abogar / Jorge Guillermo Portela – La igualdad : consideración iusfilosófica / Siro de Martini – Juicio prudencial y razonamiento jurídico en las indemnizaciones por daños a la persona / Héctor Pedro Iribarne – La jurisdicción naval militar en el Río de la Plata (1748-1895) / Guillermo Palombo – Escolios – Documentos – Notas bibliográficas