992 resultados para 12-112


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Chemical analyses of North Atlantic D.S.D.P. (Deep Sea Drilling Project) sediments indicate that basal sediments generally contain higher concentrations of Fe, Mn, Mg, Pb, and Ni, and similar or lower concentrations of Ti, Al, Cr, Cu, Zn, and Li than the material overlying them. Partition studies on selected samples indicate that the enriched metals in the basal sediments are usually held in a fashion similar to that in basal sediments from the Pacific, other D.S.D.P. sediments, and modern North Atlantic ridge and non-ridge material. Although, on average, chemical differences between basal sediments of varying ages are apparent, normalization of the data indicates that the processes leading to metal enrichment on the crest of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge appear to have been approximately constant in intensity since Cretaceous times. In addition, the bulk composition of detrital sediments also appears to have been relatively constant over the same time period. Paleocene sediments from site 118 are, however, an exception to this rule, there apparently having been an increased detrital influx during this period. The bulk geochemistry, partitioning patterns, and mineralogy of sediments from D.S.D.P. 9A indicates that post-depositional migration of such elements as Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb may have occurred. The basement encountered at the base of site 138 is thought to be a basaltic sill, but the overlying basal sediments are geochemically similar to other metalliferous basal sediments from the North Atlantic. These results, as well as those from site 114 where true oceanic basement was encountered, but where there was an estimated 7 m.y. hiatus between basaltic extrusion and basal sediment deposition, indicate that ridge-crest sediments are not necessarily deposited during active volcanism but can be formed after the volcanism has ceased. The predominant processes for metal enrichment in these deposits and those formed in association with other submarine volcanic features is a combination of shallow hydrothermal activity, submarine weathering of basalt, and the formation of ferromanganese oxides which can scavenge metals from seawater. In addition, it seems as though the formation of submarine metalliferous sediments is not restricted to active-ridge areas.


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The structure of silicon surfaces in the orientation range (113)-(5,5,12)-(337)-(112) has been investigated using high resolution LEED and photoemission both on a spherical and on flat samples. We find that Si(5,5,12) [5.3 degrees from (113) and 0.7 degrees from (937)] is the only stable orientation between (113) and (111) and confirm the result of Baski et al. [Science 269, 1556 (1995)] that it has a 2 x 1 superstructure with a very large unit cell of 7.68 x 53.5 Angstrom(2). Adsorption measurements of water on Si(5,5,12) yield a mobile precursor kinetics with two kinds of regions saturating at 0.25 and 0.15 ML which are related to adsorption on different sites. Using these results, a modified structure model is proposed. Surfaces between (113) and (5,5,12) separate into facets of these two orientations; between (5,5,12) and (112), they separate into (5,5,12) and (111) facets. (337) facets in this range may be considered as defective (5,5,12) facets.


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Os constituintes evangélicos discutem o novo projeto constitucional e querem suas propostas aprovadas na nova Carta. Manoel Moreira (PMDB-SP) almeja uma Constituição que respeite os direitos dos brasileiros e que acabe com a impunidade generalizada no país. As questões que mais preocupam esse grupo são: família, aborto, o casamento e a liberdade de culto. Salatiel Carvalho (PFL-PE) não concorda com alguns pontos aprovados na Comissão das Garantias tais como os direitos e garantias aos homossexuais e a questão do aborto. Na sessão O Povo Pergunta, cidadão pede atenção para a saúde do nordestino. Inocêncio Oliveira (PFL-PE) responde que a Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) precisa definir uma lei que proporcione o acesso de todos a rede pública de saúde e melhore a distribuição de renda. A Comissão de Sistematização prevê que os recursos públicos serão destinados para escolas públicas, comunitárias, filantrópicas e confessionais. Agripino Lima (PFL-SP) considera que as verbas públicas devem ser destinadas as escolas públicas, voltadas ao ensino fundamental. Ubiratan Aguiar (PMDB-CE) diz que os recursos são insuficientes e que a educação pública não pode dispersar suas verbas para as escolas particulares. Átila Lira (PFL-PI) acredita no avanço da educação pública e de melhores condições de trabalho para o professor.


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Apresenta a Lei n. 8112, de dezembro de 1990, que dispõe sobre o regime jurídico dos servidores públicos civis da União, das autarquias e das fundações públicas federais.


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Trata da análise do veto aposto à Lei nº 12.764/12 que institui a Política Nacional de Proteção dos Direitos da Pessoa com Transtorno do Espectro Autista; e altera o § 3o do art. 98 da Lei no 8.112, de 11 de dezembro de 1990, com o objetivo de verificar se há, de fato, vedação à iniciativa parlamentar no caso em questão.


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[ES]Este proyecto trata acerca de diseñar y desarrollar una nueva aplicación de 112 de nueva generación. Para ello, se realiza un estudio de todas las alternativas posibles y se establece como objetivo la creación de una aplicación que se base en las redes de nueva generación, más conocidas como NGN. Esta aplicación se conectará con los servicios de emergencia (ambulancias, bomberos, policía…), proporcionando la localización del usuario y, en base a ello, contactar con el servicio más cercano posible. Además, se trata de comprobar si las nuevas tecnologías emergentes pueden ser utilizadas cualquier otro fin.