Compilation of global mid-Miocene opal distribution

Autoria(s): Heinze, Christoph; Dittert, Nicolas

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 5.408600 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 10.163211 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -77.441300 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -178.503000 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 69.889200 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 177.899000 * DATE/TIME START: 1968-12-20T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1986-04-16T00:00:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.00 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 943.52 m




text/tab-separated-values, 7562 data points








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Palavras-Chave #104-643A; 10-87; 10-90; 10-91; 10-97; 11-104; 11-106B; 12-112; 12-116; 12-118; 12-119; 13-120; 13-126; 13-133; 14-135; 14-136; 14-138; 14-139; 14-140; 14-142; 15-149; 15-153; 16-158; 16-159; 17-166; 17-167; 17-171; 18-173; 18-178; 19-183; 20-199; 21-204; 21-205; 21-208; 21-209; 21-210; 22-213; 22-216; 22-216A; 22-218; 23-219; 23-223; 24-231; 24-234; 24-235; 24-236; 24-237; 24-238; 25-240; 25-240A; 25-241; 25-242; 25-245; 25-249; 26-251A; 26-253; 26-254; 26-255; 27-260; 28-265; 28-266; 28-267B; 28-269; 28-270; 28-274; 29-278; 29-279A; 29-281; 29-282; 30-285; 30-285A; 30-288; 30-288B; 30-289; 31-296; 31-297; 3-14; 3-15; 3-17A; 32-305; 33-315A; 33-317B; 33-318; 34-319; 34-320; 35-323; 36-328; 36-328B; 36-329; 37-335; 38-338; 38-341; 38-342; 38-345; 38-346; 38-348; 38-350; 39-354; 39-356; 39-356A; 40-360; 40-362; 40-364; 41-366; 41-366A; 41-367; 41-368; 41-369; 41-369A; 41-370; 4-23; 42-375; 4-24; 4-30; 4-31; 43-382; 43-386; 44-388A; 44-391; 45-396; 47-397; 47-398; 48-400; 48-404; 48-406; 49-407; 49-408; 50-415; 5-32; 5-33; 5-34; 56-434; 56-436; 57-438A; 57-439; 58-442A; 58-442B; 59-447A; 59-448A; 59-449; 59-450; 60-458; 60-459B; 63-469; 63-470; 63-470A; 63-472; 6-53; 6-54; 6-55; 6-56B; 67-495; 67-496; 67-499; 71-512; 72-515B; 72-516; 73-522; 74-525A; 74-525B; 74-526A; 74-527; 74-528A; 74-529; 77-536; 77-540; 80-548A; 80-549A; 81-552; 81-555; 82-563; 84-569; 85-572D; 85-573B; 85-574; 85-575; 86-578; 86-581; 8-69; 8-70; 8-71; 8-72; 8-73; 8-75; 87-584; 90-588A; 90-590B; 90-591B; 90-592; 90-593; 90-594; 90-594A; 91-596; 92-597; 92-597A; 92-598; 93-603; 93-603B; 94-608; 94-610; 94-611C; 9-77B; 9-78; 9-79; 9-80; 9-80A; Age model; Antarctic Ocean; Antarctic Ocean/BASIN; Antarctic Ocean/CONT RISE; Antarctic Ocean/PLAIN; Antarctic Ocean/RIDGE; Antarctic Ocean/Tasman Sea/CONT RISE; Antarctic Ocean/Tasman Sea/RIDGE; ANT-IV/4; Calculated, see reference(s); Caribbean Sea/BASIN; Caribbean Sea/GAP; Caribbean Sea/RIDGE; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; DSDP JOIDES Screen classifiation; Elevation of event; Event label; Glomar Challenger; Gravity corer (Kiel type); Gulf of Mexico; Gulf of Mexico/BANK; Gulf of Mexico/BASIN; Gulf of Mexico/PLAIN; Gulf of Mexico/SLOPE; Indian Ocean//BASIN; Indian Ocean//CHANNEL; Indian Ocean//FAN; Indian Ocean//FRACTURE ZONE; Indian Ocean//PLAIN; Indian Ocean//PLATEAU; Indian Ocean//RIDGE; Indian Ocean/Arabian Sea/RIDGE; Indian Ocean/Gulf of Aden/BASIN; Joides Resolution; LATITUDE; Leg10; Leg104; Leg11; Leg12; Leg13; Leg14; Leg15; Leg16; Leg17; Leg18; Leg19; Leg20; Leg21; Leg22; Leg23; Leg24; Leg25; Leg26; Leg27; Leg28; Leg29; Leg3; Leg30; Leg31; Leg32; Leg33; Leg34; Leg35; Leg36; Leg37; Leg38; Leg39; Leg4; Leg40; Leg41; Leg42; Leg43; Leg44; Leg45; Leg47; Leg48; Leg49; Leg5; Leg50; Leg56; Leg57; Leg58; Leg59; Leg6; Leg60; Leg63; Leg67; Leg71; Leg72; Leg73; Leg74; Leg77; Leg8; Leg80; Leg81; Leg82; Leg84; Leg85; Leg86; Leg87; Leg9; Leg90; Leg91; Leg92; Leg93; Leg94; LONGITUDE; Maud Rise; Mediterranean Sea/BASIN; Mediterranean Sea/RIDGE; Mediterranean Sea/SLOPE; North Atlantic; North Atlantic/BANK; North Atlantic/BASIN; North Atlantic/CONT RISE; North Atlantic/CONT SLOPE; North Atlantic/FLANK; North Atlantic/HILL; North Atlantic/Norwegian Sea; North Atlantic/Norwegian Sea/BASIN; North Atlantic/Norwegian Sea/PLATEAU; North Atlantic/Norwegian Sea/RIDGE; North Atlantic/PLAIN; North Atlantic/PLATEAU; North Atlantic/RIDGE; North Atlantic/SEAMOUNT; North Atlantic/SEDIMENT POND; North Atlantic/SPUR; North Pacific; North Pacific/ABYSSAL FLOOR; North Pacific/BASIN; North Pacific/CONT RISE; North Pacific/ESCARPMENT; North Pacific/FAN; North Pacific/FLANK; North Pacific/GUYOT; North Pacific/HILL; North Pacific/Philippine Sea/BASIN; North Pacific/Philippine Sea/RIDGE; North Pacific/PLAIN; North Pacific/PLATEAU; North Pacific/RIDGE; North Pacific/SEDIMENT POND; North Pacific/SLOPE; North Pacific/TRENCH; North Pacific/TROUGH; North Pacific/VALLEY; Norwegian Sea; Opal, biogenic silica; Polarstern; PS08; PS08/646; PS1466-1; Reference/source; Sample code/label; Silicon Cycling in the World Ocean; SINOPS; SL; South Atlantic; South Atlantic/BANK; South Atlantic/BASIN; South Atlantic/CONT RISE; South Atlantic/CREST; South Atlantic/HILL; South Atlantic/PLATEAU; South Atlantic/RIDGE; South Atlantic/SLOPE; South Atlantic/SYNCLINE; South Pacific; South Pacific/BASIN; South Pacific/CONT RISE; South Pacific/Coral Sea/BASIN; South Pacific/Coral Sea/PLATEAU; South Pacific/PLATEAU; South Pacific/RIDGE; South Pacific/Tasman Sea/CONT RISE; South Pacific/Tasman Sea/PLATEAU; South Pacific/TRENCH; South Pacific/VALLEY
