999 resultados para –Alternativas ao Uso de Animais
Las Unidades de Evaluación se presentan como alternativa a las pruebas de rendimiento o exámenes. Una Unidad de Evaluación tiene tres partes esenciales: el escenario, las tareas y los inventarios de corrección. El 'escenario' es el estímulo, la situación significativa del contexto que se utiliza para movilizar los conocimientos; se utiliza un formato verbal (texto escrito) y otro no verbal (imágenes, tablas, gráficos, cuadros, etc.) que se extraen de cualquier fuente documental. Las 'tareas' permiten conocer, mediante la movilización de los conocimientos, cuál es la competencia alcanzada en el uso de procesos cognitivos, afectivos, sociales y funcionales, y el nivel de logro de los aprendizajes. Para que la información contenida sea completa (saber, hacer y querer) la Unidad de Evaluación debe incluir tareas que valoren aprendizajes receptivos, productivos y valorativos. El proceso de evaluación concluye con la corrección de tareas, realizada por el propio alumno o por el profesorado. Con carácter general, las tareas utilizadas en las Unidades de Evaluación se definen con diferentes formatos de respuesta y criterios de corrección. Esta Unidad de Evaluación se presenta como un modelo de evaluación competencial, en ningún caso pretende ser algo más que una ejemplificación que estimule la creación de materiales para la evaluación de las competencias básicas de los propios docentes. Elaborada por la Oficina de Evaluación de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha para su aplicación en la primera fase de la Evaluación de Diagnóstico de segundo curso de ESO (2009)
Analizar las posibilidades formativas de los videojuegos. Analizar el papel de las nuevas tecnologías como contexto lúdico, la utilización de videojuegos a través de Internet. Análisis de 12 webs que ofrecen la posibilidad de utilización de videojuegos a través de Internet. Se han definido las siguientes variables: número de juegos disponibles en la web, posibilidad de jugar con otros usuarios, chat dentro del juego, edad promedio de los juegos ofertados por la web, requisitos mínimos necesarios, otros factores. Listas de control. Análisis de tendencia. La utilización de juegos online no puede ser considerada en sí como un medio perjudicial para los niños de edades tempranas. El ritmo de vida actual de la sociedad fundamentalmente urbana, supone nuevos conceptos respecto la utilización del tiempo de los menores y desarrollo del ocio, que sustituyen antiguos modelos basados fundamentalmente en el juego en espacios al aire libre. La novedad del medio comporta un miedo y rechazo por sus posibles efectos, un miedo a lo desconocido y a los resultados que puedan extraerse de su uso, al dejarse libremente a los menores participar sin existir referentes de uso ni para los padres ni para los educadores, situación que hace necesario profundizar en las investigaciones sobre las posibilidades educativas de los videojuegos. Actualmente, en la sociedad urbana es complicado para los menores poder participar en juegos compartidos, se han reducido los ámbitos de desarrollo de los juegos y canciones infantiles, pasando los videojuegos electrónicos a ocupar un papel importante en el ocio de los más pequeños, ocupando funciones de 'canguros electrónicos'; sin embargo no se observa ni en padres ni en educadores la necesidad de controlar el tiempo ni el lugar de juego ni tampoco supervisar el contenido del videojuego y potenciar alternativas de uso compartido de los videojuegos frente al uso individual por los más pequeños. Queda mucho por hacer relativo a este campo, se han iniciado los procesos de regulación del contenido de los videojuegos, pero no se considera suficiente, es necesario que el profesorado participe asesorando a los padres en las posibilidades educativas que puedan ofrecer los videojuegos, como ha hecho con otros medios. Los aspectos positivos o negativos de los videojuegos se deben fundamentalmente al uso que de ellos se haga más que al videojuego en sí. Las webs analizadas muestran la potencialidad de este recurso, de forma gratuita para su utilización en clase y en el aula, con diferentes potencialidades y riesgos; situación que se verá incrementada paralelamente al desarrollo de la red. No se perciben criterios comunes y consensuados de utilización de los videojuegos en red ni guías de aprovechamiento para la formación de los menores, fomentando los componentes lúdicos sin atender a criterios educativos.
Este proyecto pretende colaborar en el desarrollo integral de los alumnos mediante la puesta en práctica de medidas activas que favorezcan la prevención de la drogodependencia. Los objetivos son lograr un mayor grado de sensibilidad y un compromiso en la comunidad educativa en relación con la prevención de drogodependencias y favorecer hábitos de salud y bienestar personal. La metodología adptada se basa en un enfoque integrador y globalizador, y da importancia al marco psicosocial. Las actividades que se desarrollan están relacionadas con la educación en valores y actuaciones conducentes a crear alternativas al uso de drogas. Establece objetivos y actividades para cada área didáctica. La evaluación tiene en cuenta la organización del equipo docente, la gestión de recursos, colaboración con entidades e instituciones del entorno para el desarrollo del proyecto y la participación de alumnos y padres.
Título del congreso: 'El español, lengua del mestizaje y la interculturalidad'
El artículo forma parte de la monografía: los conflictos actuales en la enseñanza
El coordinador del trabajo, profesor de inglés en el IES de San Juan Bosco de Lorca, planteó la experiencia en el aula de inglés, trabajando en colaboración con una profesora del área del IES Ramón Arcas Meca de la misma localidad. Los objetivos fueron fomentar el aprendizaje cooperativo, adquirir léxico temático, organizar y seleccionar información, clasificación jerárquica de la información, corrección de aspectos mecánicos (ortografía, puntuación) y aplicación de reglas de gramática. El proyecto APLICA (ESO) se programa para el aula de inglés formando grupos de cuatro alumnos para la realización del trabajo. En una primera fase de recogida de material los alumnos buscan en revistas y periódicos españoles palabras en inglés. Cada grupo recogió de 25 a 30 anglicismos que se apuntaron en listas y se analizaron las alternativas de uso y traducción con ayuda de diccionarios. En clase de lengua los alumnos comprobaron su uso (frecuente o esporádico), su necesidad y su admisión o no por la RAE. Una vez cotejadas y corregidas las listas se introdujeron en soporte informático elaborando una base de datos (Glosario electrónico de APLICA en formato MS-ACCES 97). Se evalúa de 0 a 5 cada uno de los objetivos señalados en el proyecto, justificando la puntuación.
Requalificação de ativo público em obsolescência tecnológica: a ferrovia tronco centro de Pernambuco
O estudo objetivou levantar as possibilidades de requalificação da Linha Tronco Centro de Pernambuco (LTCPE), um ativo ferroviário secular, em bitola métrica, com 608 km de extensão, desenvolvidos ao longo da linha dorsal do Estado de Pernambuco. Sua relevância se justifica pela solicitação da Concessionária ao Governo federal de devolução do patrimônio ferroviário. A operadora destaca que a linha ferroviária será substituída por outra linha férrea, a Ferrovia Nova Transnordestina, em bitola larga, de alto desempenho, que liga os estados de Pernambuco, Piauí e Ceará. Ambas as ferrovias desenvolvem um longo paralelismo em toda a extensão da LTCPE. Pretendeu-se, pois, identificar outras utilidades para o referido ramal ferroviário que não a de transporte de carga, vez que esta requalificação não deveria se dar em posição concorrencial com a Transnordestina. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida com base na compreensão de seu contexto histórico, da análise do quadro nacional do setor e na análise dos diversos ambientes socioeconômicos em que está inserido esse ramal ferroviário. Para obtenção dos resultados, foram aplicados questionários com profissionais dos setores de serviços públicos de planejamento e logística, operadores e outros ligados à consultoria e engenharia. Com base no rol de intervenientes identificados, foi construída uma Matriz Institucional em que se apresentou o caminho crítico de ação e as interrelações entre os intervenientes públicos. Na mesma perspectiva, foi elaborada uma Matriz de SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities e Threats) de forma a articular o conjunto de dados e ações, indicando atividades e inversões financeiras que subsidiarão os estudos técnicos para a requalificação. Como resultados, o estudo identificou os trechos requalificáveis, sua destinação e novas alternativas de uso do patrimônio ferroviário remanescente.
After the decline of production from natural energy of the reservoir, the methods of enhanced oil recovery, which methods result from the application of special processes such as chemical injection, miscible gases, thermal and others can be applied. The advanced recovery method with alternating - CO2 injection WAG uses the injection of water and gas, normally miscible that will come in contact with the stock oil. In Brazil with the discovery of pre-salt layer that gas gained prominence. The amount of CO2 present in the oil produced in the pre-salt layer, as well as some reservoirs is one of the challenges to be overcome in relation to sustainable production once this gas needs to be processed in some way. Many targets for CO2 are proposed by researchers to describe some alternatives to the use of CO2 gas produced such as enhanced recovery, storage depleted fields, salt caverns storage and marketing of CO2 even in plants. The largest oil discoveries in Brazil have recently been made by Petrobras in the pre -salt layer located between the states of Santa Catarina and Espírito Santo, where he met large volumes of light oil with a density of approximately 28 ° API, low acidity and low sulfur content. This oil that has a large amount of dissolved CO2 and thus a pioneering solution for the fate of this gas comes with an advanced recovery. The objective of this research is to analyze which parameters had the greatest influence on the enhanced recovery process. The simulations were performed using the "GEM" module of the Computer Modelling Group, with the aim of studying the advanced recovery method in question. For this work, semi - synthetic models were used with reservoir and fluid data that can be extrapolated to practical situations in the Brazilian Northeast. The results showed the influence of the alternating injection of water and gas on the recovery factor and flow rate of oil production process, when compared to primary recovery and continuous water injection or continuous gas injection
Brazil, one of the largest agricultural producers in the world, has managed in recent years to significantly improve its production. However, in response to this advance in the agro-industrial sector, the generation of agro-industrial residues has also increased. New technological alternatives have to be implemented in order to bring economic and rational use of this material and drying is one of the possible choices. Considering the great importance that bioactive compounds present for food science and technology, this research aims to evaluate the air-drying process of acerola residue in a tray convective drier under controlled temperature (60, 70 e 80ºC), air velocity (4.0, 5.0 e 6.0 m/s) and material width (0.5, 0.62 e 0.75 cm) by applying an experimental planning 23 + 3. Based on that, the impact on physical-chemical characteristics, color, bioactive compounds concentration and antioxidant activity of dried acerola waste was evaluated, having the in natura and freeze dried waste as control groups. Dried acerola residue presented natural pigments, mainly carotenoids (143.68 - 68.29 mg/g) and anthocyanins (290.92 - 90.11 mg/100 g), which explain the red and yellow instrumental color parameters observed. The acerola residue powder is also rich in phenolic compounds (3261.11 -2692.60 mgGAEeq/100g), proanthocyanidins (61.33-58.46 eq/100g), ascorbic acid (389.44 739.29 mg/100 g) and DPPH antioxidant activity (20.91 24.72 μg Trolox eq/g). Results show decreased concentration of phenolic compounds, anthocyanins, carotenoids, proanthocyanidins and ascorbic acid caused by the air-drying process. However, even after the observed drying losses, the acerola residue powder can be considered a high value food ingredient, considering the high bioactive compounds concentration found in the final product, as well as the colorimetric characterization and microbiological stability of the dried powder
Nowadays, the urban chaos brings some problems to the citizens such as mental fatigue, irritability and lack of attention, emphasizing the need for open urban spaces, capable to contribute to the restoration of physical and mental balance of people. By the variety of alternative uses available, many of them related to the stimulus of entertainment activities, the squares have been identified as restorative environments, especially by its potential as a place of leisure. In this context, the objective of this dissertation is to understand the use of the square as leisure environment, by a square in Natal RN, establishing the relationship between environmental and behavioral characteristics. More specifically, I attempt to identify the major activities that happen there, the people that develop them and the spatial and temporal configurations of this occupation. Among the 290 squares available in the city, the Kalina Maia Square was selected, which is located in the district of Lagoa Nova. The case study chosen was based on criteria relating to scale, shape, location on the urban environment, variability of uses and conservation status. In the study were used behavioral mapping place-centered and people-centered, behavior trace analysis and 14 interviews. The results show that the square is used by people from different ages and social classes, subdivided into groups with specific days and times. These users are usually engaged in activities related to various types of leisure, with sports predominance. The relationship between spatial configuration and behavior shows that there is a sectorization of uses, being possible to identify the environmental characteristics that most favor observed activities, especially in relation to shading and presence of furniture and equipment. Moreover, throughout the day it appears that the affordances inherent to the various fixed objects on the square are decoded differently by various categories of users, by giving them insights that help the development of leisure activities that characterize each group
The genesis of the research emerges from reflection about the space dynamics of the capital and to the capital. The expansion and the incorporation of territory for capital reveal, in part, strategies of the capitalism production way, which shows the search for accumulation conditions, expanding the alternatives of territory use that is, nowadays, selective and uneven. The present work verified the mechanisms where the capital imposes its practices through the agrarian structure and the valuation of land market, meaning, in our knowledge, that the reproduction of inequalities is showed, many times, by the wide land speculation and the fast land valuation. For this, the snip space will be the Sibaúma community, belonging to Tibau do Sul district, located in Rio Grande do Norte state. It‟s a rural area that has, gradually, changing through the advent of urban characteristics, given the association of public and private investments, both domestic and international. Through the empirical observations, inside the Sibaúma community, it was found expansion strategies, incorporation and appropriation of territory by capital. As a result of this practice, it‟s occurring the land valuation and the presence of a process of socio-spatial segregation, through the encouraging the opening of new subdivisions, mainly for construction of second homes and tourism enterprises in order to meet the demand of a higher socioeconomic level. The areas still available in Sibaúma, constitute into a reserve of value for the achievement of capitalist rent, being a mechanism of capital reproduction. In this way, to studying the socio-spatial transformations, caused by spatial valuation, we turn to the project of social space designed by Santos(2006), from the perspective of capitalist production of space, by understanding the historical process of formation, the mechanisms and the actions of social actors that produce and consume space
The Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza (RMF) is composed by thirteen cities, where is call the attention of Aquiraz. The city has a excellent resort area and a big importance in socioculture and historics aspects. It was one of the first village of Ceará, and it was founded in 1699, with was also the capital of the state until 1726. The urban local development has been disorganized in the last decades, the fact is, insert of turismon in its coast, and it is unable with alow capacity of the natural suppots, configuring unsustainable and et environment ambience. Considering as a turistic region, it is preoccupy, been necessart to create a better control of the nature of the region by the users. The environmental zoning in this work it is to plan of adequate form the use of the ground based in the management of the interests and the social and economic necessities in accord with the preservation of the environment and the natural characteristics of the city. The same is one great instrument planning where use to be analized in differents ways: social, ambiental, economical and institucional, and promove alternatives of use and occupation of the land to recreate the city. The methodo used to get the real objective, englobed zonal maps in ambiental unities and others themes (geologic/geomorphologic) since than the images from satelities LANDSAT and SPOT and fotografies under position of maps, secundaries listes gets in publics department, bibliographie, informations by the local populations. This prociduries mede easy to create maps, geologic/geomorphologic, of use and occupation the earth and the environmental zoning to analize the dynamic and the working of each ambiental unity of the city Aquiraz wich is located by map of this job. As a result of this job was confectionated the environmental zoning map of Aquiraz wich was divided in five ambiental unities and restrictions areas of occupation: unit I Littoral Plain (zoning with serious restrictions to the occupation); unit II Sub-Littoral Plain (improper zoning to the occupation); unit III between tray zoning Pré-Littoral and Peripheral Depression (improper zoning to the occupation); unit IV Strativism reserve of the plug (zoning used more under control in its occupation) and unit V Fluvial Plain Localities of the Indians Jenipapo-Kaninde/ locality Quilombolas (zoning used more without official regulation). With proposal in the ambient units above one expects that it has a reduction of the ambient degradation and protection of the local biodiversity of the city of Aquiraz in the State of the Ceará
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The use of laboratory animals in conjunction with research on the human organism provides a basis for on understanding of several important physiological and pathological processes. Besides, the results of experimental studies enable technical and safety improvements to be made in surgical techniques used in the medical clinic. As living biological material is involved, we should guarantee its physical well-being, taking into account microbiological contamination and the genetics, nutrition and correct manipulation of the animals, in order to avoid incorrect conclusions from the experiments or unnecessarily large numbers of animals being used. In parallel with the concerns and legislation on the use of laboratory animals, there is also a growing preoccupation with the welfare and safety of those who handle the laboratory animals, since they run the risk of acquiring occupational diseases through contact with zoonotic pathogens or developing allergies. Prevention requires the application of modern technological advances in the design of the animal house and in the work routines. Unfortunately, few establishments in Brazil possess staff with adequate training and a basic infrastructure of research that includes the laboratory animal breeding centers, equivalent to those existing ones in the United States and Europe.
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