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The population’s life expectancy is growing every year. This fact highlights the importance of the elderly for the dentistry. The oral cavity quality has great influence on quality of life at both the biological and the psychological and social factors by maintaining a self-esteem, self-expression, communication and satisfactory facial aesthetics. Unfortunately, the number of edentulous elderly population is also high, which may create problems to their social life. Therefore, the objective of this study was to demonstrate and evaluate the difficulties of treating edentulous patients, comparing data prior to treatment to post data after treatment by complete dentures made to the patients undergoing oral rehabilitation in the Dental Clinic of the Faculty of Dentistry of Adamantina – FAI. For this study, questionnaires were filled in the form of answers developed alternative focused on the degree of patient satisfaction, the current situation of occlusion, and outcome of treatment. The results showed that 96% of patients were satisfied with the results obtained in the treatment, all of whom believed that the prosthesis helped them feel better aesthetically and improved self-esteem. By this methodology, it was concluded that the degree of satisfaction was high, but the services provided must be constantly reevaluated, once the elderly population presents a wide labor market for dental professionals and demand level services will certainly increase each year.
The treatment with overdenture supported by tooth consists in complete or partial removable prosthesis confection in which some satisfactory tooth are maintained and used to aiding retention associated with any retention system. The purpose of this case report is to show the use of magnet attachment in the confection overdenture to improve the oral rehabilitation in cases with restricted intermaxillary space. The treatment was considered successful by the patient and no need for excessive alteration in the prosthesis was required in the follow-up period of 6 months.
The use of implants of greater length may be more favorable for the predictability of dental implants. This statement is relevant, since the cause of failures in dental implants are more related to biomechanical complications. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of increase of the length around the entire body of the implant. Six models were created with the presence of only one hexagonal implant (Master Screw connection, Implant Systems, São Paulo, Brazil) of 3.75 mm x 7.0 mm (Model A), 3.75 mm x 8.5 mm (Model B ), 3.75 mm x 10.0 mm (Model C) 3.75 mm x 11.5 mm (Model D) 3.75 mm x 13.0 mm (Model E) 3.75 mm x 15.0 mm (Model F) using the method of photoelasticity. The results were visualized through a qualitative analysis of stresses (number and intensity photoelastic fringes). The model A showed a pattern of less favorable stress distribution, the oblique loading was the most detrimental to the related structures. Conclusion: The increased length allowed for a better distribution of stresses. The oblique loading was more detrimental when compared to axial loading.
O tratamento de indivíduos totalmente desdentados, desde os primórdios dos conceitos e fundamentos da reabilita-ção oral, tem sido um grande desafio para os profissionais da odontologia, especialmente em relação à retenção, suporte e estabilidade das próteses totais. Esses pré-requisitos protéticos estão geralmente deficientes em pacientes que apresentam um longo período de desdentamento, com grande atrofia e reabsor-ção dos rebordos alveolares, especialmente no arco mandibular. Com o advento da implantodontia e com a evolução sequencial dos estudos envolvendo o processo de osseointegração essa filosofia se tornou otimizada pelas próteses totais fixas implantossuportadas, denominadas próteses protocolo, repre-sentando uma modalidade clinicamente previsível no âmbito da dontologia moderna. Com base nessa premissa, o objetivo do presente trabalho é elucidar a sequência clínica de uma reabilitação total bimaxilar, conjugando-se uma prótese total convencional superior e uma prótese protocolo inferior.
The literature has suggested that the association of removable partial dentures with dental implants can improve the quality of life of patients. Thus, the purpose of this study was to present a case report. This case report describes the development of a removable partial denture associated with dental implants bilaterally been monitored for 12 years, and the efficacy of the proposed treatment. The radiographic controls demonstrated no changes on bone tissue. The maxillary arch was rehabilitated with metal-free crowns. The patient was fully satisfied with this technique providing stability, esthetics, and proper function. It was concluded that the technique of using removable partial dentures associated with dental implants is viable and show the advantages of improved function, aesthetics and cost reductions in rehabilitation treatment.
The present article describes the treatment planning and fabrication of overlay denture to restore the jaw relationship in a partial edentulous patient with bruxism. A male patient, 51 years old, was referred to the oral rehabilitation clinic complaining about the chewing and aesthetic. The occlusal surface of the superior teeth presented severe wear. The fabrication of an interim overlay denture to restore the jaw relationship was planned. The overlay had metallic projections and covered the occlusal surface of superior teeth. After overlay insertion both function and aesthetic of the patient were recovered. It was concluded that the use of overlay improved the physiological normal position of the jaw and could provide a favorable prognosis for a definitive oral rehabilitation with implant-supported fixed denture.
Próteses sobre implantes esteticamente favoráveis estão diretamente relacionadas com a condição dos tecidos moles e duros que as envolvem. A preservação dos tecidos mucogengivais ao redor de implantes dentários instalados na maxila anterior propicia um sorriso harmonioso, com uma estética bastante agradável. No entanto, em alguns casos, isso não ocorre principalmente pela grande reabsorção tecidual na região, na qual deveria ter sido realizado enxerto ósseo, antes mesmo da instalação dos implantes. Desse modo, o objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar uma solução reabilitadora estética para essas possíveis falhas durante o planejamento com reabilitações sobre implantes, por meio de gengiva artificial cerâmica.
The modalities of treatment with prostheses over implants for total edentulous patients can be divided in fixed and removable prostheses (overdentures). The fixed prostheses modality has proven to offer better results as to the functional aspects and, results in higher longevity. Overdentures are considered as a modality of rehabilitation utilized to compensate the need for better retention, aside from augmenting chewing efficiency. Its use is justified by its facilitated hygiene, reduced surgical and prosthetic costs, reestablishment of labial support and elimination of the possibility of air escape. However, this option presents psychosocial downside, since the fact that it is considered a removable rehabilitation modality does not please the majority of patients. Although many patients prefer a fixed implant-supported prosthesis to a removable overdenture, frequently it is necessary to utilize an implant retained overdenture as an alternative to the treatment, due to anatomical, physiological, aesthetic, hygienic, and financial limitations regarding the patient. The objective of this study was to discuss a clinical case of a partially edentulous patient treated in the Implantodontic Surgery Post-Graduation Course from the Kenedy Dentistry Institute Mozarteum/Famosp Unit – Goiânia-Brazil), and submitted to osseointegrated implants surgical fixation techniques. A modality of differential diagnosis was established after osseointegration period, it aimed at facilitating the choice of a rehabilitation model that could favor the patient’s and professional`s expectations. Therefore the appreciated aspects were function, comfort, aesthetics, and especially the patient satisfaction.
Eye loss results on facial asymmetry compromising its aesthetics. Ocular prostheses are important to re-establish aesthetics; protect the anophthalmic cavity; recover function such as the redirection of lachrymatory liquid; and reintegrate the patient to society. The aim of this study was to describe a case report, demonstrating clinical and laboratorial procedures for confection of ocular prostheses and highlighting their advantages. A female patient was afflicted by toxoplasmosis, which led to the loss of her eye. An eye visceration was performed. The patient reported no previous use of ocular prosthesis. A PMMA ocular prosthesis was manufactured restoring patient’s aesthetic and facial contour. The patient was satisfied with the treatment. Therefore the present study has shown that PMMA ocular prosthesis is able to restore facial aesthetics and can be a safe and satisfactory alternative for patients that have lost their eyes due to toxoplasmosis.
Nowadays the search for aesthetic in removable dentures is considered a success clinical factor. Besides, both the selection of artificial denture teeth and the characterization of dentures have been based on the facial harmony and cultural factors. But these factors change over time. Therefore, the present study aimed to discuss the selection of artificial denture teeth in relation to patient’s variables such as face shape, skin color, hair color, eye color, age and gender. Moreover, artificial denture teeth’ color, shape and size were presented.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of implant angulation and abutment type (UCLA and Estheticone) on stress distribution in screw-retained implant-supported prostheses through photoelasticity. Three models were fabricated with photoelastic resin PL-2 (Vishay, Micro-Measurements Group, Inc Raleigh, N.C., USA) containing one external hexagon implant with 3.75x10mm (Master screw, Conexão Sistemas de Prótese Ltda., Arujá, São Paulo) with 0°, 17° and 30° degrees and a screw-retained prostheses with UCLA and Estheticone abutments. The assembly was positioned in a circular polariscope; axial and oblique (45° degrees) loads of 100N were applied in fixed points on the occlusal crown surfaces by a universal testing machine. The stress generated was photographed and analyzed qualitatively with appropriate software (Adobe Photoshop®). The results demonstrated the same number of fringes for both abutment types for each angulation, with fringes increasing in the same way. A higher number of fringes were closer in the oblique loading mode. It was concluded that there was no significant difference in stress distribution in prostheses with UCLA and Estheticone abutments. Higher stress concentrations were observed with increased implant angulation. Stress concentration and intensity were higher in the oblique load than in axial load application.
The evolution of ceramic systems currently allows the manufacture of prosthesis similar to the natural teeth, meeting the expectations of patients. However, when using vitreous ceramic the color of substrate is significant for the esthetic result, requiring planning aesthetic cores when involved reconstruction of endodontically treated teeth without coronal structure. Thus, the aim of this study to describe a case report of aesthetic rehabilitation in upper anterior teeths using vitreous ceramic system for the reconstruction of elements: 11, 12, 21 and 22 after endodontically treated. It was emphasized the removal of crowns and manufacture of custom cast post and core with ceramic in coronal portion, prioritizing the aesthetic result. Through the clinical results observed can be seen that the use of custom cast post and core with ceramic in association lithium disilicate glass ceramics provided a satisfactory aesthetic result.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to gather information and discuss the predictability of implant-supported prostheses in patients with bruxism by performing a literature review. METHODS: In order to select the studies included in this review, a detailed search was performed in PubMed and Medline databases, using the following key words: bruxism, dental implants, implant supported prosthesis, and dental restoration failure. Items that were included are: case reports, randomized controlled trials, in vitro studies, literature and systematic reviews, with or without meta-analysis, of the last 20 years that addressed the theme. Articles without abstracts, animal studies, articles in languages other than English and articles from journals unrelated to the dental field were excluded. RESULTS: after analysis according to inclusion and exclusion criteria, 28 articles were selected from a total of 54. It is known from the array of scientific articles which have assessed, either through retrospective, prospective or experimental studies, that the biomechanical and biological impact of bruxism on implant-supported prostheses is small, and that the literature has contributed little to exemplify the prosthetic limits of safety for the specialist from a clinical point of view. CONCLUSION: Although there is still no general consensus on this matter, most of the literature review articles do provide clinical guidelines that contribute to implant supported prostheses longevity and stability in patients with bruxism.
Introduction: The oral rehabilitation with dental implants is a very viable treatment modality for patients. Therefore the discovery of osseointegration, dentistry has reached the trigger with respect to treatment with a high predictability of success. For this various principles, since the surgical protocols, the choice of material and even the technique for the manufacture of implant-supported prosthesis influence a good prognosis for treatment. Objective: Therefore, it is proposed this study a literature review of the fundamentals of osseointegration, explaining the historical and technical parameters of implantology, focusing in what the literature currently is studying with more intensity, the acceleration of osseointegration. Conclusion:well conducted procedures promotes the best aimed success in implantology. Rough surfaces shows great are for implant-bone contact and better mechanical results. The bone quality is fundamental in results foresigh.
In many oral rehabilitation professionals seeking venture renew people smile. However, these procedures have functional implications and aesthetic criteria which must be satisfied so that the final result is predictable. The restoration of relations intermaxillary, phonetics, masticatory function, esthetics and patient comfort are the goals to be achieved. An effective way to achieve these goals when immediate reconstruction with permanent dentures is not possible, make use of a type of partial denture called overlay. Bruxism is a manifestation of biopsychological imbalance that affects the stomatognathic system, characterized by clenching and / or attrition of teeth together so centric or eccentric, can be manifestation of nocturnal or diurnal. Its effects can manifest themselves in different parts of the stomatognathic system, varying the severity of the damage as the resistance of the structures affected, the time of existence, its regularity and the general state of the wearer. The description of the steps followed in solving this case, in which the patient edentulous mandibular arch while the maxillary arch showed absence of teeth 16 and 26 and, except for the teeth 17 and 27, all other teeth showed wear very sharp in the sense denoting incisal cervical, severe impairment of the vertical dimension, the quality of masticatory function and a marked impairment phonetic, this case report aims to guide the beginning of a rehabilitation, as well as the transitional phase of treatment for recovery of functional and aesthetic relationships intermaxillary .