436 resultados para motilidade espermática
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
The general objective of this thesis was to stablish protocols to obtain and conserve agouti (Dasyprocta leporina) sperm bred in captivity in the Brazilian semi-arid, aiming its sustainable production. The thesis was divided in three experiments. In the first one, we studied the influence of the interaction between two probes (quadratics and sine waves) and two stimulation protocols (continuous and in series) on the agouti sperm collection by electroejaculation efficiency. The most efficient interaction on this obtainment was the one with probes with rings associated with stimuli in series (4/7; 57%, P<0.05). In the second experiment we compared the cryoprotectant effects of different substances (glycerol, ethyleneglycol, dimethylsulfoxide, dimethylformamide) on epididymis sperm cryopreservation. The highest values on motility (39.5±4.6%), vigor (2.9±0.2) and membrane integrity (30.6±4.5%) were observed on the samples cryopreserved using glycerol when compared to those with ethyleneglycol and dimethylformamide, but there was no difference (P>0.05) when compared to the samples cryopreserved with dimethylsulfoxide. At last, we studied the effects of the methods to obtain sperm (electroejaculation vs epididymal collection) on post thawing sperm quality. The samples obtained by epididymal retrograde flushing showed values for motility of 25.0±10.9% and vigor 2.4±0.8, and those obtained by electroejaculation had 31.2±14.2% of motility and vigor of 2.2±0.7, however, without statistical difference (P>0.05), which shows the possibility to successfully use the epididymal sperm cryopreservation protocol on agouti ejaculated sperm. In conclusion, significant advances on obtainment and processing of agouti sperm were made, allowing the establishment of germplasm banks from sperm samples obtained from the epididymis or by electroejaculation.
The objective was to evaluate spermatogenesis alterations caused by DMD and the effect of the treatment using ascorbic acid in preventing those injuries. Twenty four mice were used, 12 from the C57BL/10 lineage (non-dystrophic) and 12 from the C57BL/10Mdx (dystrophic). The sample was divided in six groups containing 4 animals each, as: C30 = 30 days control; D30 = Dystrophic with 30 days; C60 = 60 days control; D60 = Distrophic with 60 days; CS60 = 60 days control supplemented with ascorbic acid and DS60 = Dystrophic with 60 days supplemented with ascorbic acid. The ascorbic acid supplementation was given in the water, 0,005 mg/day. After euthanasia, the testicles (right and left) were collected, weighted and cross sectioned. The material was fixed in the Karnovsky solution for 24 hours, included in resin for histological studies (morphological and morphometric analyzes) submitted to ultrastructural analysis and immunohistochemistry for caspase-3. There was a significant increase in the tunica propria percentage in D30 compared to C30 and D60. The ultrastructural analysis showed mitochondrial apoptosis evidence of Sertoli cells that can reduce sperm efficiency in CS60 and DS60. A higher volume density of apoptotic cells postivas to Caspase-3 in C30 and D30 versus DS60 compared to CS60. There was severe hypertrophy of the Leydig cells between D30 and D60. However, with supplementation was observed reversal of this change in DS60. The ultrastructure of Leydig cells to early presence of lipid vesicles was observed in the group pre-pubertal dystrophic (D30). Thus, the DMD affect the organization of the seminiferous tubules and intertubule, however, the ascorbic acid supplementation used for the treatment of DMD has been just enough to reduce the hypertrophy of the Leydig cells.
The industrial Brazilian pig farming despite of the constant advance in the genetic improvement, nutrition, and in handling, seasonality problems occur in the production of weaned piglet, mainly due to the stations of the year that can impact directly in the profitability. These problems can be deepen due to breed and line of decent used in Brazil are all source from tempered weather countries. To the pig farmer it's difficult to determine the relations between indoor temperature of the barns, relative humidity of the air and top thermal amplitude which can provide good reproductive rates for the boars and arrays lodged in conventional barns. The lack research to production of environmental indices of easy interpretation to pigs, which are not dependent of complicated handling machines and also which are not expensive is considered as a negative factor from the producers. the objective os this experiment is evaluate the effects of the stations of the year over the reproductive performance of the boars Agroceres PIC 425, Agroceres PIC 337 and D.B. Dambred LM 6200, and of arrays Agroceres Canborough 22, Penarlan Naima e DB90 Danbred, in addition develop an environmental index with easy interpretation and use to the pig farmers of the region of Uberlândia - MG, using the maxim temperatures, rainfall monthly accumulated and of the thermal amplitude of the barn. The features rated during the stations of the years 2013 and 2014 were the volume and spermatic quality of the boars and the mainly reproductive indexes of the arrays as the total number of piglets born alive and total number of weaned piglets/ array/ parturition. The station of the year which had the worst results in the reproductive feature of the boars and arrays was the spring. Boars from different line of decent are sensitive to the effects of stress of the heat of spring causing lowest volume, concentration and problems in the spermatic morphology (p<0,05). The spring prejudice the reproductive indexes of arrays from different line of decent (p<0,05) and the pig farmers of Uberlândia are subjected to operating losses and income evasion due to the thermal stress in the reproduction that added can reach $150.000,00 annual for each 1000 arrays lodged/year.
Microglial cells are the resident immune cells of central nervous system (CNS) and the major players in neuroinflammation. These cells are also responsible for surveilling the neuronal microenvironment, and upon injury to the CNS they change their morphology and molecular profile and become activated. Activated status is associated with microglia proliferation, migration to injury foci, increased phagocytic capacity, production and release of reactive oxygen species (ROS), cytokines (pro- or anti-inflammatory) and reactive nitrogen species. Microglia activation is crucial for tissue repair in the healthy brain. However, their chronic activation or deregulation might contribute for the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases. A better understanding of the mechanisms underlying microglial cell activation is important for defining targets and develop appropriate therapeutic strategies to control the chronic activation of microglia. It has been observed an increase in profilin (Pfn) mRNA in microglial cells in the rat hippocampus after unilateral ablation of its major extrinsic input, the entorhinal cortex. This observation suggested that Pfn might be involved in microglia activation. Pfn1 is an actin binding protein that controls assembly and disassembly of actin filaments and is important for several cellular processes, including, motility, cell proliferation and survival. Here, we studied the role of Pfn1 in microglial cell function. For that, we used primary cortical microglial cell cultures and microglial cell lines in which we knocked down Pfn1 expression and assessed the activation status of microglia, based on classical activation markers, such as: phagocytosis, glutamate release, reactive oxygen species (ROS), pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. We demonstrated that Pfn1 (i) is more active in hypoxia-challenged microglia, (ii) modulates microglia pro- and anti-inflammatory signatures and (iii) plays a critical role in ROS generation in microglia. Altogether, we conclude that Pfn1 is a key protein for microglia homeostasis, playing an essential role in their activation, regardless the polarization into a pro or anti-inflammatory signature.
Existem cerca de 1 milhão e 500 mil crianças cegas e 19 milhões com algum tipo de deficiência visual, abrangendo a faixa etária dos 0 aos 14 anos. Os erros refrativos são a principal causa de deficiência visual nas crianças, sendo a miopia e o astigmatismo os principais responsáveis por essa situação. Estima-se que a prevalência de ambliopia na população infantil em Portugal é de 1 a 2,5%, onde cerca de 20% das crianças apresentam erros refrativos significativos. O diagnóstico, a referenciação e o encaminhamento precoces são fundamentais na prevenção das deficiências visuais de causas evitáveis. Finalidade do estudo: caracterização do estado visual numa amostra infantil em idade escolar e pré-escolar.
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Biologia Celular, Pós-Graduação em Biologia Molecular, 2015.
Fertilization is a multistep and complex process culminating in the merge of gamete membranes, cytoplasmic unity and fusion of genome. CD81 is a tetraspanin protein that participates in sperm-oocyte interaction, being present at the oocyte surface. CD81 has also been implicated in other biological processes, however its specific function and molecular mechanisms of action remain to be elucidated. The interaction between CD81 and its binding partner proteins may underlie the CD81 involvement in a variety of cellular processes and modulate CD81/interactors specific functions. Interestingly, in a Yeast two Hybrid system previously performed in our lab, CD81 has emerged as a putative interactor of the Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP). In the work here described, bioinformatics analyses of CD81 interacting proteins were performed and the retrieved information used to construct a protein-protein interaction network, as well as to perform Gene Ontology enrichment analyses. CD81 expression was further evaluated in CHO, GC-1 and SH-SY5Y cell lines, and in human sperm cells. Additionally, its subcellular localization was analyzed in sperm cells and in the neuronal-like SH-SY5Y cell line. Subsequently, coimmunoprecipitation assays were performed in CHO and SH-SY5Y cells to attempt to prove the physical interaction between CD81 and APP. A functional interaction between these two proteins was accessed thought the analyses of the effects of CD81 overexpression on APP levels. A co-localization analysis of CD81 and some interactors proteins retrieved from the bioinformatics analyses, such as APP, AKT1 and cytoskeleton-related proteins, was also performed in sperm cells and in SH-SY5Y cells. The effects of CD81 in cytoskeleton remodeling was evaluated in SH-SY5Y cells through monitoring the effects of CD81 overexpression in actin and tubulin levels, and analyzing the colocalization between overexpressed CD81 and F-actin. Our results showed that CD81 is expressed in all cell lines tested, and also provided the first evidence of the presence of CD81 in human sperm cells. CD81 immunoreactivity was predominantly detected in the sperm head, including the acrosome membrane, and in the midpiece, where it co-localized with APP, as well as in the post-acrosomal region. Furthermore, CD81 co-localizes with APP in the plasma membrane and in cellular projections in SH-SY5Y cells, where CD81 overexpression has an influence on APP levels, also visible in CHO cells. The analysis of CD81 interacting proteins such as AKT1 and cytoskeletonrelated proteins showed that CD81 is involved in a variety of pathways that may underlie cytoskeleton remodeling events, related to processes such as sperm motility, cell migration and neuritogenesis. These results deepen our understanding on the functions of CD81 and some of its interactors in sperm and neuronal cells.
A dismotilidade entérica é uma complicação a longo prazo da Diabetes mellitus (DM) que causa desconforto significativo em 76% dos pacientes diabéticos. Sabendo que as purinas estão envolvidas na neuromodulação colinérgica e que no SNC de animais diabéticos foram encontradas alterações na expressão de recetores purinérgicos, decidimos investigar se na dismotilidade diabética a neuromodulação purinérgica se encontra preservada. O modelo animal escolhido de diabetes tipo I resultou da administração de estreptozotocina (STZ, 55 mg/kg, IP) a ratazanas (Rattus norvegicus, Wistar). Este modelo STZ provou ser adequado para o estudo, apresentando 2 semanas após a indução polidipsia, poliúria, polifagia, hiperglicemia e um atraso da motilidade gastrointestinal. A caraterização morfológica macroscópica dos animais STZ revelou um aumento significativo do cego e do intestino. Funcionalmente, estudos preliminares indicam que as contrações espontâneas do íleo dos animais STZ perdem ritmicidade e apresentam maior amplitude que as dos animais controlo de uma forma insensível à TTX, sugerindo o comprometimento das ICC. Paralelamente, estudos imagiológicos revelaram uma perda neuronal mioentérica, principalmente de neurónios nitrérgicos, sendo os colinérgicos preservados. Contudo, a resposta muscular do íleo de animais diabéticos à acetilcolina (ACh) foi inferior à dos controlos, estando a libertação de ACh modulada pela adenosina modificada. Verificou-se que a inibição promovida pelos recetores A1 se mantinha, mas que se perdia a facilitação mediada pela ativação de recetores A2A, cuja imunorreatividade também se encontrava diminuída. Curiosamente, apesar do catabolismo do ATP e dos seus metabolitos estar aumentado nos animais STZ, não se verificou um aumento dos níveis extracelulares de adenosina. Nos animais diabéticos a adenosina é rapidamente desaminada e recaptada por transportadores de nucleósidos, com principal relevância para os concentrativos, sendo os equilibrativos responsáveis pelo transporte da adenosina em animais controlo. Os resultados apresentados nesta tese sugerem que a dismotilidade diabética pode dever-se à perda da atividade nitrérgica, das ICC e da neuromodulação purinérgica mediada por recetores A2A, comprometendo assim a libertação de ACh e consequentemente a motilidade GI.
Los factores que influyen en la crioconservación de semen son la calidad, el manejo y los métodos de congelación (Lozano, 2009). La supervivencia y vitalidad espermática post-descongelación en la crioconservación está relacionada con los protocolos de procesamiento del semen y la dilución (Andrabi, 2009). Existen parámetros que permiten valorar la calidad seminal como la Motilidad Individual Progresiva (MIP), la Vitalidad Espermática (VE) y la tasa de Anormalidades en el semen descongelado que se ven afectados por los tiempos de equilibrio. Además la motilidad espermática y la vitalidad post-descongelación se pueden ver afectadas con el uso de los diferentes diluyentes tanto sintéticos (lecitina de soya) como orgánicos (yema de huevo). El objetivo fue comparar la eficacia del diluyente AndroMed® (TRIS + Lecitina de soya) y Triladyl® (TRIS + Yema de Huevo) y tres tiempos de equilibramiento de acuerdo a los protocolos establecidos en la crioconservación de semen de toro.
Background - Several studies have shown that celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder that occurs in genetically susceptible individuals, is highly prevalent among relatives of celiac patients. Aim - To determine the prevalence of celiac disease in a group of first degree relatives of Brazilian celiac patients. Methods - First degree relatives of celiac patients attending the Brasilia University Hospital Pediatric Gastroenterology Outpatient Clinic or the Celiac Disease Investigation Center, Brasília, DF, Brazil, between March 2001 and November 2004 were invited to undergo serological screening for celiac disease applying the IgA anti-endomysium antibody test (IgA-EMA). All positive IgA-EMA sera underwent a second screening using the IgA anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies test. Duodenal or small intestinal biopsies were performed in all subjects positive to serological testing. Biopsy samples were classified as type (O) normal, (I) infiltrative, (II) infiltrative hyperplastic, (III) flat destructive, and (IV) atrophic hypoplastic. The final diagnosis was ascertained in subjects showing positive serological tests and a grade I to III small intestinal lesion. Results - Nine new cases of celiac disease were found among the 188 first degree relatives tested (4.8%). Conclusion - The present study confirms the high prevalence of celiac disease among first degree celiac patients’ relatives and reinforces the need of extensive diagnostic screening in this specific group.
Estudou-se a influência das quatro estações do ano nas características do sêmen e nas concentrações de testosterona e cortisol em touros. Cinco touros Nelore e cinco Simental entre 48 e 72 meses de idade, criados extensivamente, foram avaliados andrologicamente por meio de exames físicos das características morfológicas do sêmen e das concentrações séricas de testosterona e cortisol. Houve redução na motilidade e no vigor do sêmen no inverno (P<0,05) na raça Simental. Observou-se correlação (P<0,01) entre testosterona x motilidade (0,69) e testosterona x vigor (0,57) na raça Simental, e cortisol x motilidade (0,68) e cortisol x vigor (0,65) na raça Nelore. O efeito das estações do ano modificou a qualidade do sêmen com aumento da motilidade e vigor espermáticos na primavera e verão nos touros Simental. A concentração de cortisol diminuiu no outono nos touros Nelore.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2014
Dissertação de Mestrado, Oncobiologia, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar las características cuali-cuantitativas de espermatozoides de cuyes extraídos de la cola del epidídimo según su fenotipo y edad reproductiva. Se realizó en la granja Irquis de la U. de Cuenca en 20 reproductores identificados por sus características fenotípicas y dispuestos en cuatro grupos: 5 criollos jóvenes (CJ), 5 criollos adultos (CA), 5 mejorados jóvenes (MJ), y 5 mejorados adultos (MA). Los cuyes fueron hemicastrados y de los epidídimos fueron disectados la cola sobre una caja petri. Se recuperó los espermatozoides por Swim up, diluidos en 1ml de medio (18% rafinosa y 3% leche descremada), procesados con Triladyl®, refrigerados a 5oC/1 hora, y equilibrados por 0, 2, 24, 48, 96, 192, y 360 horass para su análisis de viabilidad espermática. Se congelaron únicamente los espermatozoides de 2 hs de equilibrio en vapores de nitrógeno. Se usó un DCA de 2x2: fenotipo y edad, y se usó un ANOVA para comprobar significancia. Se obtuvo interacción (P<0,05) entre factores con eficiencia atribuida a MJ a las 0 hs: en Concentración (C) y Anormalidades de cola (AC), a las 24 hs: en motilidad individual (MIP) y 48 hs: en Vitalidad (VE). En MIP no se encontró diferencias (P>0,05) en ningún tiempo de medición. En VE sólo encontró diferencias (P<0,05) a las 96 hs (CJ:18,0;MJ:10,2;MA:8,6;CA:6,0%). En anormalidades totales (AT) sólo se encontró diferencias (P<0,05) a las 0 hs (MJ:26,3;CJ:32,6;MA:36,2;CA:38,5%); y en AC se encontró diferencias (P<0,05) a las 0 hs (MJ:4,6; CJ:9,5; CA:11,5; MA:16,4%), y a las 48 hs (CA:5,7;CJ:7,3;MJ:16,0;MA:18,1%). En Integridad de la membrana (HOS-Test) se obtuvo (P<0,05) diferencias a las 2 hs (MJ:20,0; MA:13,1;CA:10,7;CJ:9,0%) y a las 96 hs (CA:25,4;CJ:15,3;MJ:9,7; MA:8,8%). A la congelabilidad no se obtuvo sobrevivencia de espermatozoides en ninguno de los tratamientos. En conclusión, la cantidad y calidad de espermatozoides epididimarios de cuyes identificados fenotípicamente varía según su edad; sin embargo, no se pudo comprobar su variación en la congelabilidad mostrándose absolutamente inviables a la crío conservación