446 resultados para legitimidade
Many changes have taken place in contemporary society causing impacts in its different sectors, making it much more complex and insecure than in past times. The alteration on the decision-making system of the Brazilian society is among the main changes today. The post-modern context contributed to the occurrence of the transfer of state power of the Legislative and Executive Powers to the Judiciary Power, specifically to the Federal Court of Justice, leading to an expansion on the actuation range of this institution mainly through the exercise of the constitutional jurisdiction. This has caused a crisis of legitimacy in society once the Court will now decide the political and social fundamental issues. In this scenario, the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality n° 3937/SP and n° 3357/RS are highlighted and both are being tried by the Supreme Court. Such emphasis is given, since it is a matter of high complexity and social repercussion that will be decided by a legal institution and not a political one. Thus, this work aims to analyze the role of the Supreme Court in the context of contemporary society on the trial of complex and controversial cases, particularly on the trial of Direct Action of Unconstitutionality n° 3937/SP and n° 3357/RS. This study has noticed that due to the post-modern context the majority of the Supreme Court Ministers tend to base their votes in constitutional principles and no longer limit themselves to a formal review of the constitutionality of laws, which indicates a substantialist approach. Moreover, it can be noticed the deliberative potential of the Court as well as the influence of the post-modern features, such as risk, uncertainty and insecurity on the elaboration of the Minister‟s votes. Therefore, sometimes, such as the case in study, the Supreme Court has acted as a technocratic agent in Brazilian society once fundamental political and social decisions for society especially when it comes to complex and controversial cases are being taken by the Supreme Court, which is composed by “Law technicians” and such decisions are mainly based in technical data and scientific studies. For the accomplishment of this work, it has been adopted the inductive approach and monographic procedure method and the bibliographical and documentary research technique.
Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta os resultados da pesquisa sobre Roger Williams – pastor puritano, de origem inglesa, que migrou para a América a fim de participar da constituição da colônia de Massachusetts, no ano de 1631. Pergunta-se, nesta pesquisa, sobre os motivos que levaram Roger Williams a questionar o pensamento dominante, relativo à natureza do ameríndio e à legitimidade da ocupação de suas terras. Parte-se da tese de que a partir das experiências de Roger Williams, primeiro, com o sofrimento dos pobres e com perseguição religiosa na Inglaterra, segundo, suas próprias experiências na América, ele pôde contemplar os ameríndios como vítimas do sistema colonial inglês-puritano. Seu posicionamento seria, portanto, uma abertura à alteridade desses povos. Com isso, o objetivo determinado foi o de analisar a crítica de Roger Williams ao colonialismo inglês e sua defesa aos ameríndios, buscando compreendê-lo frente à alteridade dos ameríndios. Trata-se de uma bibliográfica das obras do autor e também de outros autores que tratam do tema. Como referência teórica, remetemo-nos ao pensamento de Enrique Dussel, principalmente, por meio de algumas categorias da Filosofia da Libertação, como Totalidade, Exterioridade, Alteridade, Alienação, Dominação e Libertação, que possibilitaram pensar o sistema colonial em sua incapacidade de contemplar a exterioridade ameríndia. Também, de Dussel, aplicou-se a reflexão sobre a crítica ética desde a negatividade das vítimas, para poder-se analisar o comportamento do personagem diante da violência colonial. E para a discussão sobre a sujeiticidade de Roger Williams, buscou-se o aporte de Franz J. Hinkelammert quanto à teoria do sujeito. Como resultado, os três capítulos da dissertação apresentam, respectivamente, uma síntese biográfica e contextual do personagem, seguida por uma exposição do debate sobre a humanidade e a civilidade dos ameríndios e sobre a questão da terra e, no terceiro capítulo, uma discussão sobre Roger Williams e a alteridade. Detectou-se, na trajetória do personagem, uma sensibilidade ética que o conduziu à defesa de grupos marginalizados socialmente, primeiro na Inglaterra e depois nas colônias. E diante disso, concluiu-se que a defesa dos ameríndios seguiu esse mesmo critério, possibilitando a Williams distanciar-se das pressuposições europeias quanto à sua superioridade para buscar novos paradigmas que orientassem as relações entre colonos e nativos. Espera-se que este trabalho possa contribuir para as reflexões críticas sobre a gênese do colonialismo e sobre os primeiros sinais de um pensamento crítico no interior do sistema colonial.
Nas últimas décadas vêm-se ocorrendo de forma repetida altos índices de abstenção eleitoral, na democracia Cabo-Verdiana. Esta descida dos níveis de participação demonstra um crescente desinteresse dos cidadãos pelo sistema político, que não só coloca em causa a legitimidade das instituições políticas saídas dos processos eleitorais, como também ameaça tanto o partido no poder, assim como, os partidos da oposição, pois, reflete uma negação não só a um partido, como também ao próprio sistema político. Este trabalho analisa comparativamente os motivos da abstenção nos círculos eleitorais, nas ilhas de Santo Antão e São Vicente. Ao longo do trabalho podemos constatar que apesar dos eleitores se interessarem pouco pelos assuntos ligados a política, não implica que deixam de exercem o seu direito do voto. Ainda podemos perceber que o fator socio-demográfico é considerado como um dos motivos da abstenção eleitoral, nomeadamente na ilha de Santo Antão tendo em conta o meio geográfico.
The present study aims to understand the process of Participation of the Health Council- CMS in the formularization, implementation and control of the Municipal health plan of Pedras de Fogo, through four criteria of quality of participation considered by Demo (1993): representation, legitimacy, base participation, and self-responsibility. The criteria of representation is related to the quality of politics of the representative over the representings. Legitimacy is related to the politics` quality of the process of participation based on norms and rules that stipulate the participation, the base participation is a necessary political support so that the power authorization directed to the representings can be effective and the self-responsibility refers to the capacity of being responsible when it concerns to the public service or property. Through the descriptive and exploratory study a qualitative method was adopted to consider the conditions of the participation of the twelve council members of the City council of Health of Pedras de Fogo, through a formulated Instrument based on the criteria of DEMO (1993). It was concluded that the quality of the participation of the council members of the CMS of Pedras de Fogo understands essential aspects of the criteria of quality considered by Demo (1993) but it shows fragilities as unfamiliarity with the norms that legitimize the performance of the council; unfamiliarity of its condition of being an agent and the importance of the participation of the base for the reinforcement of its participation, as well as inertia related to the check and rendering of accounts on its performance. This way it makes sense that the participation of the council in the four criteria of quality of politics considered in this paper needs to improve
The Federal Institution for Education, Science and Technology, in its historical path, has been living different changes. The transformations occurred along the way have been determined by coercive forces from the institutional environment, which has became more and more broad and complex throughout the time, obtaining diverse characteristics and new elements such as non institutional factors1 which started to contribute with the other changes. In this context, this work aims to study the isomorphic practices of the managers in the institutional changes process of the IFRN in 1998 and 2008, as of a theoretical coevolutionary perspective (CHILD; RODRIGUES; LEWIN; CARROL; VOLBERDA, 2003). This theory brings a new point of view for the organization analysis to the organizational studies, since it offers a non deterministic and non linear lection of the evolution process, which means, a coevolution. Thus, the organizations and their institutional and non institutional environment auto evolve, auto organize and auto reproduce. Therefore, the institutional and non institutional factors of the macro environment keep a continuous interdependence relationship with the organizations. For the means of this study, it is important to understand that is impossible to comprehend the object, the isomorphic practices, without considering that the previous institutional changes and its evolutions, its continuations and discontinuations, important in the coevolution process. As such, to call upon the institutional historical track is a fundamental aspect to materialize this study, for the recursive movement is indeed present in the coevolution. Another important point to make this research effective is that it is not possible to abdicate from the hologramatic view2 of this study, which considers the object, the isomorphic practices, part of the whole and this whole is also in the parts, therefore it is impossible to comprehend the object of study outside the context where it belongs. With this, as of the objective previously proposed, it is necessary to describe the characteristics of coevolution of the institutional changes related in 1998 and 2008; analyze the dynamic of the isomorphic mechanisms in its respective institutional change process; and describe the lessons learned which the isomorphic practices left to the IFRN, regarding its benefits and difficulties. All these transformations happened through coercive forces3 of the institutional environment. As of the Nineties, these forces became stronger, the environment became broader and more complex, with the emergency of new environmental factors. This study proposed to study the managing process and its practices, related to the micro environment, although it is required to articulate these actions, the demands and requirements from the macro environment. To make this research effective, semi structured interviews have been conducted with the managers who participated in both institutional change processes. In the results analysis, it has been possible to verify the particularity of each change, the one from 1998 with a strong normative action of the managers against coercive forces from the government for the search of recognition and the institutional legitimation and the one in 2008, which has been characterized by the normative action by managers in agreement with the coercive forces from the government, in favor of the government policy for the technological professional education. However, the results analysis it is possible to notice the evidence of a belonging feeling from the interviewed managers
The present dissertation analyzes the performance and acting of the Rio Grande do Norte Public Ministery, in the strategic perspective, while responsible Institution for the defense of the collective rights. The comprehension of this theme inserts in a context of modernization of the public administration, in which is inserted, as well as their functional and structural changes, in a reality of innovations there is passing the organizations, looking to rescue the legitimacy of the government organizations, aligning them to the democratic values of the society. It detaches the strategic administration and the public administration and it exposes the strategic performance about the central point of the study, focusing in the development of the organization in the last four years, and other relative subjects to the acting. It is a unic case study, framed in the characteristics of the qualitative approaches - descriptive and exploratory. The analysis showed, through the method of content analysis, by the criterion of thematic categorization, that MP / RN come developing in an intense way,and it detaches that the changes already happened reflect a good strategic acting of the Institution, especially in the structural and functional areas, showing the strategic conscience of this, although that is not still enough to consider it as a strategic organization, and it concludes that there is still a lot for doing, and that the occurrence of an administration typically strategic in the extent of MP/RN is possible, with the conscience and participation of all, members and servants
El creciente peso que han alcanzado los mercados y diferentes actores económicos dentro de la escena política mundial, sugieren que estamos frente a un nuevo paradigma en lo que concierne al funcionamiento del Estado nación. El concepto de Geoeconomía surge como respuesta a los cambios que se han comenzado a configurar a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, a su vez que ilustra como a través de la concepción de estrategias de control económico se puede alcanzar dominio y poder en términos internacionales, bien sea a través de los Estados de manera directa o bajo su influencia o beneplácito a través de grandes grupos económicos. En efecto, el presente trabajo de investigación aborda desde la óptica Geoeconómica la progresiva colonización que ha emprendido el sistema financiero colombiano, y más propiamente el Grupo Bancolombia, sobre una serie de activos financieros estratégicos en Centroamérica. Del mismo modo, explica cómo este fenómeno ha traído consigo cambios sustanciales en la dinámica de las relaciones internacionales de Colombia con sus vecinos, a su vez que ha propiciado las condiciones de legitimidad necesarias para una serie de actores privados que podrían llegar incluso a ser capaces de moldear en cierta medida la política interior y exterior del país, tal y como ha sucedido en algunos episodios recientes.
Prevê-se que os profissionais de saúde façam o melhor para o doente, com o melhor conhecimento que têm, e dentro das boas práticas. Na relação profissional-doente, da qual deve fazer parte a confiança, ocorre um certo desnivelamento. Por um lado o enfermeiro garante a qualidade dos cuidados e actuação em função do bem do outro, por outro ao doente cabe a confiança no profissional, seus conhecimentos e acção. A bioética ajuda a balancear este desnível e proteger a relação de eventuais abusos, com ajuda de alguns princípios, nomeadamente o da autonomia. Como corolário deste princípio surge o consentimento informado. O CI dá primazia à decisão consciente do doente, face ao que lhe diz respeito. Mas se por um lado, favorece um aumento de conhecimento, diminuindo o risco de uma medicina paternalista, por outro pode gerar desconforto na equipa de saúde. O CI deve ser olhado como ponto de equilíbrio, numa relação de respeito, ao invés de causador de medos recíprocos. Assim a relação tende a aproximar-se do ideal, capacitando o doente da tomada de decisões e consequente actuação de acordo com a sua autonomia e autodeterminação, em simultâneo com uma atitude profissional, segura e firmada na boa fé. Caminha-se para a aliança terapêutica, na qual estão impressas a confiança e segurança recíprocas. A legitimidade que se exige ao CI tem obrigatoriamente a informação cedida àquele que toma a decisão. Cabe ao profissional o dever de informar e de forma compreensível. Só com informação compreendida pelo receptor, todos os outros direitos se preenchem de sentido, na medida em que a livre escolha, participação e cidadania são plenamente exercidos. Informar é o meio mais eficaz para «empoderar» cada pessoa, dando-lhe uma parte significativa dos meios necessários à concretização dos projectos pessoais de saúde e de vida. E o enfermeiro é o fio de prumo na balança desta relação, que se deseja equilibrada.
The present study aims to understand the process of Participation of the Health Council- CMS in the formularization, implementation and control of the Municipal health plan of Pedras de Fogo, through four criteria of quality of participation considered by Demo (1993): representation, legitimacy, base participation, and self-responsibility. The criteria of representation is related to the quality of politics of the representative over the representings. Legitimacy is related to the politics` quality of the process of participation based on norms and rules that stipulate the participation, the base participation is a necessary political support so that the power authorization directed to the representings can be effective and the self-responsibility refers to the capacity of being responsible when it concerns to the public service or property. Through the descriptive and exploratory study a qualitative method was adopted to consider the conditions of the participation of the twelve council members of the City council of Health of Pedras de Fogo, through a formulated Instrument based on the criteria of DEMO (1993). It was concluded that the quality of the participation of the council members of the CMS of Pedras de Fogo understands essential aspects of the criteria of quality considered by Demo (1993) but it shows fragilities as unfamiliarity with the norms that legitimize the performance of the council; unfamiliarity of its condition of being an agent and the importance of the participation of the base for the reinforcement of its participation, as well as inertia related to the check and rendering of accounts on its performance. This way it makes sense that the participation of the council in the four criteria of quality of politics considered in this paper needs to improve
The Federal Institution for Education, Science and Technology, in its historical path, has been living different changes. The transformations occurred along the way have been determined by coercive forces from the institutional environment, which has became more and more broad and complex throughout the time, obtaining diverse characteristics and new elements such as non institutional factors1 which started to contribute with the other changes. In this context, this work aims to study the isomorphic practices of the managers in the institutional changes process of the IFRN in 1998 and 2008, as of a theoretical coevolutionary perspective (CHILD; RODRIGUES; LEWIN; CARROL; VOLBERDA, 2003). This theory brings a new point of view for the organization analysis to the organizational studies, since it offers a non deterministic and non linear lection of the evolution process, which means, a coevolution. Thus, the organizations and their institutional and non institutional environment auto evolve, auto organize and auto reproduce. Therefore, the institutional and non institutional factors of the macro environment keep a continuous interdependence relationship with the organizations. For the means of this study, it is important to understand that is impossible to comprehend the object, the isomorphic practices, without considering that the previous institutional changes and its evolutions, its continuations and discontinuations, important in the coevolution process. As such, to call upon the institutional historical track is a fundamental aspect to materialize this study, for the recursive movement is indeed present in the coevolution. Another important point to make this research effective is that it is not possible to abdicate from the hologramatic view2 of this study, which considers the object, the isomorphic practices, part of the whole and this whole is also in the parts, therefore it is impossible to comprehend the object of study outside the context where it belongs. With this, as of the objective previously proposed, it is necessary to describe the characteristics of coevolution of the institutional changes related in 1998 and 2008; analyze the dynamic of the isomorphic mechanisms in its respective institutional change process; and describe the lessons learned which the isomorphic practices left to the IFRN, regarding its benefits and difficulties. All these transformations happened through coercive forces3 of the institutional environment. As of the Nineties, these forces became stronger, the environment became broader and more complex, with the emergency of new environmental factors. This study proposed to study the managing process and its practices, related to the micro environment, although it is required to articulate these actions, the demands and requirements from the macro environment. To make this research effective, semi structured interviews have been conducted with the managers who participated in both institutional change processes. In the results analysis, it has been possible to verify the particularity of each change, the one from 1998 with a strong normative action of the managers against coercive forces from the government for the search of recognition and the institutional legitimation and the one in 2008, which has been characterized by the normative action by managers in agreement with the coercive forces from the government, in favor of the government policy for the technological professional education. However, the results analysis it is possible to notice the evidence of a belonging feeling from the interviewed managers
Pretendemos, com este estudo, analisar o modo como a escolarização das crianças de etnia cigana e o seu desenvolvimento cognitivo são afetados, entre outros, pelo desfavorecimento sociocultural de que são alvo, justificar a resistência destes alunos a todo o tipo de aprendizagens formais e apurar acerca das representações sociais que envolvem estas comunidades. A escolarização desta minoria, cuja dificuldade é diretamente proporcional ao grau de etnicidade do grupo em estudo, tem vindo a gerar uma crescente preocupação por parte dos vários governos, do que resultou, recentemente, um pedido dos Estados-Membros, à União Europeia, para que elaborasse um Plano Estratégico de Integração das Comunidades Ciganas, onde a Educação é um dos eixos de intervenção. Sendo o professor um elemento primordial no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, cabe-lhe a ele e à instituição onde presta funções, enquanto responsáveis por garantir um ensino de equidade e qualidade, aberto à multi e à interculturalidade, recorrer às práticas pedagógicas e às medidas mais adequadas com vista à estimulação das capacidades cognitivas destes alunos e à efetiva inclusão da diversidade na comunidade escolar. Dos resultados obtidos, as representações da classe docente, face a esta franja social, estão ainda muito marcadas pelo preconceito, pelo estereótipo e pela segregação, embora as responsabilidades sejam bilaterais. Como acontece com qualquer aluno, para que se atinja sucesso na escolarização, torna-se premente uma maior sensibilização das famílias para a utilidade das aprendizagens e uma consequente coresponsabilização pelo percurso dos seus educandos. Surge ainda a questão da legitimidade de avaliar o perfil cognitivo destes alunos, tão específicos do ponto de vista da sua identidade histórica e cultural, pelos mesmos parâmetros dos alunos da sociedade maioritária. Paralelamente, extra escola, há todo um trabalho de concertação ao nível da integração social desta minoria que, quando bem conseguido, se refletirá em termos educativos mas que exige a articulação e o esforço conjunto de várias instâncias, nem sempre dispostas a investir nestas comunidades.
The present dissertation analyzes the performance and acting of the Rio Grande do Norte Public Ministery, in the strategic perspective, while responsible Institution for the defense of the collective rights. The comprehension of this theme inserts in a context of modernization of the public administration, in which is inserted, as well as their functional and structural changes, in a reality of innovations there is passing the organizations, looking to rescue the legitimacy of the government organizations, aligning them to the democratic values of the society. It detaches the strategic administration and the public administration and it exposes the strategic performance about the central point of the study, focusing in the development of the organization in the last four years, and other relative subjects to the acting. It is a unic case study, framed in the characteristics of the qualitative approaches - descriptive and exploratory. The analysis showed, through the method of content analysis, by the criterion of thematic categorization, that MP / RN come developing in an intense way,and it detaches that the changes already happened reflect a good strategic acting of the Institution, especially in the structural and functional areas, showing the strategic conscience of this, although that is not still enough to consider it as a strategic organization, and it concludes that there is still a lot for doing, and that the occurrence of an administration typically strategic in the extent of MP/RN is possible, with the conscience and participation of all, members and servants
Académico - Licenciaturas
Mestrado (dissertação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva, 2015.