869 resultados para fundamental education


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The aim of this paper is to gather research information and studies posted about the importance of social environment in the development of symbolic systems on children. Languages verbal, visual and written are interrelated representation systems, although each one has its own characteristics and elements. The objective of this paper is to elucidate the importance of linking the various existing types of language and therefore the importance of a coordinate approach also in the teaching-learning situations of these systems. The work also intends to disclose how thin is the line that separates writing of drawing, both of them as representative systems. As well as to show how visual information and language are intrinsically linked as thought happens by the connections between them. The work includes the report of an activity with Japanese ideograms done in the author's teacher's training at formal education. It also approaches pictographic, creative and poetic aspects of ideograms that brings up new ways of thinking and representing symbolically just like the methods of artistic language


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The play and playfulness as well as school subjects are ways that the teacher has in the classroom to mediate the relationship between knowledge and the students, providing an easier and more enjoyable learning. This paper aims to analyze how teachers in the early years of primary education, the areas of Physical Education, Education, Art and English, assesses the importance of playfulness at school, define concepts such as the playful, playing, their importance for the learning and social life. Field research through interviews with nine teachers was conducted, six Educationalists teachers, an art professor, an English and physical education teacher. The results indicated that most of these teachers mediates learning through playfulness that children have better learning when the pedagogical work occurs through play, and feel more motivated to attend school. Participants have the idea that playfulness is the play and the play and say the school should value the playful, and need support from the school staff and the community. In conclusion, the playful should be part of everyday school life and more than a teaching strategy, should be valued in the integral formation of the individual


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Quality of municipal public spending on primary education in Brazil. The focus of this paper was to analyze the relationship between municipal public education spending and students' academic achievement, evaluated according to IDEB (Index of Basic Education Development) of 2005. The following databases were used: School Census 2005, Brazil Exam (mathematics evaluation applied to students from fourth grade of elementary school) and Finance of Brazil (FINBRA). A multilevel model was estimated and the results suggest that simply increasing the percentage of municipal expenditures on education or the percentage of spending on primary education in relation to municipal expenditures on education do not automatically guarantee improvements in the quality of education.


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No pressuposto de que a educação infantil (EI) contribui para trajetórias escolares mais favoráveis, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar o impacto do tempo de exposição à educação infantil sobre o desempenho acadêmico e avaliar o progresso escolar das crianças, na trajetória do 3º ao 5º ano do ensino fundamental, em função da exposição à educação infantil. Participaram 294 alunos de escolas públicas, reunidos em três grupos: sem EI, com um ano de EI e com dois anos de EI. Avaliou-se o desempenho no 3º, 4º e 5º anos, por meio do julgamento do professor e provas coletivas. O Teste de Desempenho Escolar foi aplicado no 3º e 5º ano. Controlado o efeito do nível socioeconômico, a análise de variância com medidas repetidas mostrou que o acesso à EI foi consistentemente associado a melhor desempenho, porém um tempo maior de exposição à EI não teve efeito adicional. Dadas suas implicações para políticas públicas, este último resultado requer verificação e esclarecimento por meio de novas pesquisas.


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Este artigo tem como objetivo identificar, com base em registros de observações de aulas de ciências no Ensino Fundamental II, em uma escola da rede pública estadual do município de Valinhos, SP, se a prática pedagógica pode criar condições que potencializem ou limitem a exigência conceitual no tratamento do conhecimento. As análises foram feitas por meio da comparação com outros estudos sobre práticas favoráveis à aproximação ao conhecimento científico, desenvolvidos sob a mesma perspectiva teórica a teoria de Basil Bernstein, e, nesse sentido, ficou evidente o quanto a prática pedagógica analisada se distancia do que vem sendo apontado como uma configuração mais adequada, especialmente por não permitir a intervenção dos alunos na determinação dos tempos envolvidos na aprendizagem, e por preservar rigidamente as fronteiras entre os conteúdos científicos, o que acaba criando condições favoráveis à redução do nível de exigência conceitual nas aulas.


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OBJETIVO: Investigar o desempenho de crianças ao final do Ciclo I do Ensino Fundamental em memória operacional fonológica e consciência fonológica, bem como a possível relação entre essas habilidades nesta faixa de escolaridade. MÉTODOS: O grupo de pesquisa foi composto por 29 sujeitos de ambos os gêneros, com média de idade de 10 anos, todos regularmente matriculados no 5º ano do Ensino Fundamental com ausência de alterações de linguagem oral e/ou escrita. Foi realizada a avaliação da memória operacional fonológica com a utilização do Teste de Repetição de Pseudopalavras e, posteriormente, utilizou-se o Instrumento de Avaliação Sequencial - CONFIAS para avaliar a consciência fonológica. RESULTADOS: Os escolares apresentaram desempenho adequado na memória operacional fonológica independente da similaridade da pseudopalavra. Para a consciência fonológica, observou-se desempenho melhor no nível silábico e inferior ao esperado para o nível fonêmico. Apesar de muitos estudos afirmarem a correlação entre a memória operacional fonológica e a consciência fonológica, esta não foi observada nesta amostra. CONCLUSÃO: A ausência de correlação encontrada entre essas habilidades traz reflexões quanto a possíveis fatores extrínsecos que podem influenciar o desempenho em consciência fonológica.


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This paper constitutes a summary of the consensus documents agreed at the First European Workshop on Implant Dentistry University Education held in Prague on 19-22 June 2008. Implant dentistry is becoming increasingly important treatment alternative for the restoration of missing teeth, as patients expectations and demands increase. Furthermore, implant related complications such as peri-implantitis are presenting more frequently in the dental surgery. This consensus paper recommends that implant dentistry should be an integral part of the undergraduate curriculum. Whilst few schools will achieve student competence in the surgical placement of implants this should not preclude the inclusion of the fundamental principles of implant dentistry in the undergraduate curriculum such as the evidence base for their use, indications and contraindications and treatment of the complications that may arise. The consensus paper sets out the rationale for the introduction of implant dentistry in the dental curriculum and the knowledge base for an undergraduate programme in the subject. It lists the competencies that might be sought without expectations of surgical placement of implants at this stage and the assessment methods that might be employed. The paper also addresses the competencies and educational pathways for postgraduate education in implant dentistry.


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Introduction: Concerns about the quality of physician education have changed current medical education practices. Learners must demonstrate competency in core areas, rather than solely participating in educational activities. Academic medical institutions are challenged with identifying leaders to direct curricular and evaluation reforms. An innovative partnership between the University of Houston College of Education and Baylor College of Medicine, the University of Texas Medical School at Houston, and the University of Texas Dental Branch at Houston offers a Masters of Education in Teaching degree with an emphasis in Health Sciences. Courses encompass fundamental areas including curriculum, instruction, technology, measurement, research design and statistics. [See PDF for complete abstract]


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The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) states that education should be "directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms... promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups." This study surveyed 53 teachers on their views of Human Rights Education, including their familiarity with the concept, their self-efficacy with teaching it, and conditions that would increase the likelihood of their teaching it. The study found that, regardless of familiarity with the topic, years of teaching experience, or school location (urban/suburban), most teachers were open to teaching Human Rights Education. They did identify the need for better resources in the form of lesson plans, teaching materials, and professional training. In addition, support from other teachers, administration, and parents was felt to be important in order for them to undertake Human Rights Education. The best strategy to move forward with Human Rights Education would be to provide resources and support for teachers so that we can be living up to the expectations put forth in the UDHR.


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The present study aims to reflect on the importance of supervised internship in Physical Education in the context of elementary education; establishing, therefore, a path of definitions of concepts ranging from the disquieting comprehension regarding the association between theory and practice to the most intricate details of the content to be treated in Physical Education classes, as well as the formative process of the learners who perform the supervised training. Thus, it was possible to build a vigorous dialogue with the different theorists and scholars of both Education and Physical Education. Since then, various thematic issues that punctuate the supervised internship in all its dimensions have aroused


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The present study aims to reflect on the importance of supervised internship in Physical Education in the context of elementary education; establishing, therefore, a path of definitions of concepts ranging from the disquieting comprehension regarding the association between theory and practice to the most intricate details of the content to be treated in Physical Education classes, as well as the formative process of the learners who perform the supervised training. Thus, it was possible to build a vigorous dialogue with the different theorists and scholars of both Education and Physical Education. Since then, various thematic issues that punctuate the supervised internship in all its dimensions have aroused


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The present study aims to reflect on the importance of supervised internship in Physical Education in the context of elementary education; establishing, therefore, a path of definitions of concepts ranging from the disquieting comprehension regarding the association between theory and practice to the most intricate details of the content to be treated in Physical Education classes, as well as the formative process of the learners who perform the supervised training. Thus, it was possible to build a vigorous dialogue with the different theorists and scholars of both Education and Physical Education. Since then, various thematic issues that punctuate the supervised internship in all its dimensions have aroused


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En este trabajo se analizan y discuten las similitudes en el primer año de enseñanza de la química a nivel universitario en diferentes países. Este aspecto es una base fundamental que deben considerar, tanto profesores como alumnos, en programas de intercambio.


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BARBOSA, Sílvia Maria C. Etnometodologia e ulterreferencialidade: a formação do professor dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental sob duas perspectivas. São Bernardo do Campo: UMESP, p. 122, 2006. O estudo discute o Curso de Pedagogia do Programa Especial de Formação Profissional para Professores de Educação Básica PROFORMAÇÃO, da Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte/UERN. Assumo a hipótese de que, ao ser pensado e vivido, este não leva em conta a vida dos professores, com seus: conceitos, normas, conhecimentos e concepções de mundo, e precisa ser pensado de forma complexa. À luz da etnometodologia de Coulon (1995) e da abordagem multirreferencial de Ardoino, Barbosa, Macedo (1998, 2000), pretendo contribuir para a compreensão da formação do professor dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental a partir da leitura da realidade do professor e de sua formação, com a perspectiva de contribuir com as discussões referidas ao curso, para que esse se torne mais adequado à realidade dos professores de Ensino Fundamental. Trata-se de um estudo de natureza etnometodológica, com aspectos da pesquisa-ação (Barbier, 1977), tendo como coadjuvantes três alunas-professoras que estudaram no curso durante o período de 2001 a 2004. A leitura minuciosa dos dados fez com que eu percebesse que a hipótese formulada não condiz com o momento atual da pesquisa, claro que o estudo ora realizado não tem como objetivo comprovar ou não a hipótese. Até porque numa pesquisa edificada a partir da etnometodologiamulterreferencialidade, a hipótese perde totalmente o sentido, já que busco compreender e demonstrar o que se passa no curso em estudo. Vários fatores ocasionaram o diferencial da turma, como: todos os professores-formadores eram dos quadros efetivos da UERN; professores-formadores com experiência em pesquisa; três professoras-formadoras estiveram do início ao fim do curso.