747 resultados para early childhood care
Wykorzystanie seksualne dziecka jest związane z przestępstwami z art. 200 i z kilku artykułów pokrewnych polskiego Kodeksu karnego. Czynniki społeczno-kulturowe oddziaływają na to zjawisko poprzez dwa rodzaje socjalizacji. Socjalizacja wtórna zachodzi w populacji polskiej w sposób jednolity dla wszystkich sprawców, natomiast różnicuje ich socjalizacja pierwotna, w związku z czym to ona winna być przedmiotem badań. Najlepsze wyjaśnienia zjawiska oferują ujęcia zintegrowane, akcentujące, między innymi, rolę czynników rodzinnych w jego powstawaniu. W niniejszym artykule, jako teoretyczną podstawę badań, wykorzystano zintegrowaną teorię etiologii przestępstw seksualnych, która uznaje rodzinne doświadczenia sprawcy za główną przyczynę późniejszego seksualnego wykorzystywania dzieci. Zaproponowano cztery ścieżki rozwoju patologii wskazujące, w jaki sposób wczesne uwarunkowania psychologiczne (typ opieki i postawy rodziców) przyczyniają się do zostania sprawcą wykorzystania seksualnego dziecka w przyszłości, oraz zweryfikowano je w badaniach własnych. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań częściowo potwierdzają zaprezentowany model teoretyczny i pozwalają wyznaczyć kierunki dalszych poszukiwań.
Objectives: “Tooth Smart Healthy Start” is a randomized clinical trial which aims to reduce the incidence of early childhood caries (ECC) in Boston public housing residents as part of the NIH funded Northeast Center for Research to Evaluate and Eliminate Dental Disparities. The purpose of this project was to assess public housing stakeholders' perception of the oral health needs of public housing residents and their interest in replicating “Tooth Smart Healthy Start” in other public housing sites across the nation. Methods: The target population was the 180 attendees of the 2010 meeting of the Health Care for Residents of Public Housing National Conference. A ten question survey which assessed conference attendees' beliefs about oral health and its importance to public housing residents was distributed. Data was analyzed using SAS 9.1. Descriptive statistics were calculated for each variable and results were stratified by participants' roles. Results: Thirty percent of conference attendees completed the survey. The participants consisted of residents, agency representatives, and housing authority personnel. When asked to rank health issues facing public housing residents, oral health was rated as most important (42%) or top three (16%) by residents. The agency representatives and housing authority personnel rated oral health among the top three (33% and 58% respectively) and top five (36% and 25% respectively). When participants ranked the three greatest resident health needs out of eight choices, oral health was the most common response. Majority of the participants expressed interest in replicating the “Tooth Smart Healthy Start” program at their sites. Conclusion: All stakeholder groups identified oral health as one of the greatest health needs of residents in public housing. Furthermore, if shown to reduce ECC, there is significant interest in implementing the program amongst key public housing stakeholders across the nation.
This study investigates how the experiences of Junior Infants are shaped in multigrade classes. Multigrade classes are composed of two or more grades within the same classroom with one teacher having responsibility for the instruction of all grades in this classroom within a time-tabled period (Little, 2001, Mason and Doepner, 1998). The overall aim of the research is to problematize the issues of early childhood pedagogy in multigrade classes in the context of children negotiating identities, positioning and power relations. A Case Study approach was employed to explore the perspectives of the teachers, children and their parents in eight multigrade schools. Concurrent with this, a nation-wide Questionnaire Survey was also conducted which gave a broader context to the case study findings. Findings from the research study suggest that institutional context is vitally important and finding the space to implement pedagogic practices is a highly complex matter for teachers. While a majority of teachers reported the benefits for younger children being in mixed-age settings alongside older children, only a minority of case study school teachers demonstrated how it is possible to promote classroom climates which were provided multiple opportunities for younger children to engage fully in classrooms. The findings reveal constraints on pedagogical practice which included: time pressures within the job, an increase in diversity in pupil population, meeting special needs, large class sizes, high pupil/teacher ratios, and planning/organisation of tasks which intensified the complexities of addressing the needs of children who differ significantly in age, cognitive, social and emotional levels. An emergent and recurrent theme of this study is the representation of Junior Infants as apprentices in their ‘communities of practice’ who contributed in peripheral ways to the practices of their groups (Lave and Wenger, 1991, Wenger, 1998). Through a continuous process of negotiation of meaning, these pupils learned the knowledge and skills within their communities of practice that empowered some to participate more fully than others. The children in their ‘figured worlds’ (Holland, Lachiotte, Skinner and Caine 1998) occupy identities which are influenced by established arrangements of resources and practices within that community as well as by their own agentive actions. Finally, the findings of the study also demonstrate how the dimension of power is central to the exercise of social relations and pedagogical practices in multigrade classes.
Drawing on local criminal court records in western and central South Carolina, this dissertation follows the legal experiences of black girls in South Carolina courts between 1885 and 1920, a time span that includes the aftermath of Reconstruction and the foundational years of Jim Crow. While scholars continue to debate the degree to which black children were included in evolving conversations about childhood and child protection, this dissertation argues that black girls were critical to turn-of-the century debates about all children's roles in society. Far from invisible in the courts and jails of their time, black girls found themselves in the crosshairs of varying forms of power --including intraracial community surveillance, burgeoning local government, Progressive reform initiatives and military policy -- particularly when it came to matters of sexuality and reproduction. Their presence in South Carolina courts established boundaries between early childhood, adolescence and womanhood and pushed legal stakeholders to consider the legal implication of age, race, and gender in criminal proceedings. Age had a complicated effect on black girls' legal encounters; very young black girls were often able to claim youth and escape harsher punishments, while courts often used judicial discretion to levy heavier sentences to adolescents and violent girl offenders. While courts helped to separate early childhood from the middle years, they also provided a space for African-American children and family to engage a legal system that was moving rapidly toward disenfranchising blacks.
In dem Bildungsbericht [von Dessau-Roßlau] wurden thematische Schwerpunkte festgelegt, die sich weitestgehend auf das formale Lernen in Institutionen beziehen. Thematisch hat der Bildungsbericht die folgenden Schwerpunkte: Elementare Bildung, Allgemeinbildende Schulen, Berufsbildungssystem – Berufsbildende Schulen, Hochschulbildung, Erwachsenenbildung, Weiterbildung und informelles Lernen. Da insbesondere die Übergänge zwischen den Institutionen wichtige Punkte in der Bildungsbiographie sind, werden sie in den jeweiligen Kapiteln kurz anhand ihrer Besonderheiten und Auffälligkeiten beschrieben. Neben der allgemeinen Darstellung der Teilbereiche werden alle Bereiche in Bezug auf drei Einflussfaktoren untersucht: Demographischer Wandel, Soziale Ungleichheit, Geschlechtsspezifische Ungleichheit. Diese drei Themenkomplexe sind als Querschnittsthemen allen Schwerpunkten vorangestellt und beschreiben, welchen Einfluss die jeweiligen Faktoren haben bzw. wie groß ihr Einfluss auf die Teilbereiche ist. (DIPF/Orig.)
Analog zum ersten Bildungsbericht ist der zweite Bildungsbericht in sechs Kapitel unterteilt, deren Reihenfolge sich - mit Ausnahme des ersten und letzten Kapitels - am Lebenslauf orientiert: (..) Kapitel A beschäftigt sich mit gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen von Bildung und geht in diesem Zusammenhang auf die Bevölkerungsentwicklung, die Arbeitsmarktsituation sowie die soziale Lage im Rems-Murr-Kreis ein. Anschließend wird in Kapitel B die frühkindliche Bildung in den Blick genommen. Der Fokus liegt hier auf der Betreuungssituation der Kinder unter sechs Jahren im Rems-Murr- Kreis, dem Thema Elternbildung sowie auf dem Übergang von der Kindertageseinrichtung in die Grundschule. Kapitel C widmet sich den allgemeinbildenden Schulen im Landkreis. Neben der Schüler- und Angebotsstruktur und dem Erwerb allgemeinbildender Schulabschlüsse wird auf aktuelle schulpolitische Entwicklungen und Maßnahmen zur Berufsorientierung eingegangen. Es folgt Kapitel D zur beruflichen Bildung im Rems- Murr-Kreis, in dem Schülerzahlen und Angebote der Beruflichen Schulen dargestellt werden. Außerdem werden die Themen berufsvorbereitende Bildungsgänge und duale Ausbildung behandelt. In Kapitel E wird die Bildungssituation der beruflichen Weiterbildung und der Erwachsenenbildung dargestellt. Abschließend befasst sich das Kapitel F mit non-formaler Bildung und informellem Lernen, wobei der Fokus auf den Jugendlichen im Rems-Murr-Kreis liegt. Es werden die non-formalen Bildungsorte Musik- und Kunstschulen, Bibliotheken und Einrichtungen der Jugendarbeit in den Blick genommen. Am Ende jedes Kapitels wird darüber hinaus erstmalig auf das Querschnittsthema Inklusion eingegangen. (DIPF/Orig.)
Sonderpädagogisch orientierter Unterricht thematisiert Hören auf dreierlei Weise: Innerhalb von Artikulationsförderung (Lautproduktion) geht es um die Unterscheidung, Wiederholung einzelner Phoneme oder Phonemgruppen, deren Zusammenbinden zu Wörtern, Sätzen usw. und damit um Aufbau und Stabilisierung auditiv-motorischer Regulationskreise bei der Sprachproduktion. In der Wahrnehmungsförderung geht es um Unterscheidung und Benennung von Klängen oder Geräuschen. Ansätze der Medienerziehung heben den Unterschied konservierter/vermittelter und tatsächlicher Klangereignisse hervor. In allen drei Perspektiven geht es um die Ausbildung, Verbesserung, Schulung des Hörorgans und der darauf bezogenen kognitiven und sprachlichen Leistungen. Was dabei allerdings vernachlässigt bleibt ist der ursprüngliche Weltbezug des Hörens. Denn wir hören nicht an sich, sondernd stets irgendwas. Der Klangcharakter der Welt (Schläft ein Lied in allen Dingen) ist nicht eine unverbindliche Metapher sondern korrespondiert mit unserer Fähigkeit zu hören. Nachfolgend wird deshalb vorgeschlagen, Hören als Anliegen des Sachunterrichts zu begreifen und im Rahmen einer ästhetischen Elementarerziehung zu thematisieren. Einige Unterrichtsbeispiele illustrieren, welchen Ertrag eine solche Sicht hat. Dabei soll auch deutlich werden, daß Hörerziehung kein Additivum sein kann, sondern wichtiges Glied schulischer Kommunikationsförderung. (DIPF/Orig.)
Objectives: To investigate the quality of end-of-life care for patients with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Design and participants: Retrospective cohort study of patients from first hospitalisation for metastatic disease until death, using hospital, emergency department and death registration data from Victoria, Australia, between 1 July 2003 and 30 June 2010. Main outcome measures: Emergency department and hospital use; aggressiveness of care including intensive care and chemotherapy in last 30 days; palliative and supportive care provision; and place of death. Results: Metastatic NSCLC patients underwent limited aggressive treatment such as intensive care (5%) and chemotherapy (< 1%) at the end of life; however, high numbers died in acute hospitals (42%) and 61% had a length of stay of greater than 14 days in the last month of life. Although 62% were referred to palliative care services, this occurred late in the illness. In a logistic regression model adjusted for year of metastasis, age, sex, metastatic site and survival, the odds ratio (OR) of dying in an acute hospital bed compared with death at home or in a hospice unit decreased with receipt of palliative care (OR, 0.25; 95% CI, 0.21–0.30) and multimodality supportive care (OR, 0.65; 95% CI, 0.56–0.75). Conclusion: Because early palliative care for patients with metastatic NSCLC is recommended, we propose that this group be considered a benchmark of quality end-of-life care. Future work is required to determine appropriate quality-of-care targets in this and other cancer patient cohorts, with particular focus on the timeliness of palliative care engagement.
There has been an increasing focus on social and emotional development in educational programmes in early childhood as both variables are believed to influence behavioural outcomes in the classroom. However, relationships between social and emotional development and behaviour in early childhood have rarely been explored. This article sets out to investigate the conceptualisation of these variables and their inter-relationships. Structural equation models were used to assess if differences exist between boys and girls in relation to social and emotional competences, which could affect the relative success of such programmes. This article is based on cross-sectional data collected from 749 four- to six-year-olds and their teachers. The findings generally supported the hypothesised relationships between social and emotional development variables and prosocial behaviour (including internalising behaviour) for boys and girls. However, some gender differences were noted in externalising behaviour, which teachers often consider to be most significant due to its potentially disruptive nature in the classroom.
Recent research and policy regarding the advantages of early years provision has focused largely on the enhancement and development of cognitive skills for preschoolers. This study, based in the United Kingdom, focuses on a range of cognitive and social skills and identifies beneficial characteristics of a government pilot scheme for 2-year-olds in areas of social disadvantage. Data were collected from nursery managers and parents across six early years settings using a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods centred around in-depth observational techniques focused on children. Results indicate that in addition to the development of cognitive skills, children showed increased confidence and modes of communication and interaction and that these were associated with the varied activities and routines established within the early years settings. Some variations in terms of frequency and quality of interactions, activities and practice were identified in settings; however, interpersonal support for learning and development was consistent across settings.
Dissertação apresentada na Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa, para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação - Especialidade Intervenção Precoce
Dissertação apresentada na Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa, para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação - Especialidade Intervenção Precoce