1000 resultados para distância mínima
This research presents an analysis of the profile of participants in the second edition of the Extension Course “Libras by distance: a proposal for continuing education of teachers in inclusive educational settings”, funded by the Program for Continuing Education of Teachers in Special Education, the SEESP / MEC and the support of the UAB, whose goal was to promote a theoretical-practical-discourse on the importance of Libras in deaf education. The course was developed by the School of Philosophy and Science of UNESP / Marília, in distance mode. practicing teachers in public schools, linked to 19 Departments and / or Directors of Education in several regions of Brazil took the course. The information was collected from the questionnaire responses of the diagnostic evaluation performed in the pre-registration course. In general, the information was about place of residence, marital status, family constitution, educational training and professional experience in special education. We performed quantitative analysis and descriptive statistics on the data. The information presented refers to a summary of results for the total sample investigated. With the release of the profile of participants we expect to contribute towards the organization of new extension courses in the area of deafness, in distance mode, aimed at the in-service training of teachers with a view to Inclusive Education.
This research aims to investigate the possible causes for the dropout of participants under instruction in distance courses. Data gathered from the Specialization Course in Specialized Educational Support Services - SES, sponsored by the Department for Continuing Education, Literacy and Diversity of the Ministry of Education - SECAD / MEC - and the Open University of Brazil – OUB, will be analyzed. The objective of the course is to graduate teachers who work in classrooms equipped with multifunctional resources in regular schools to give specialized educational support for students with special educational needs marked by disabilities, global development disorders and high abilities/highly gifted students. In order to analyze dropout data in the first semester of the ongoing course, a sample of 1349 participants enrolled in the distance course was considered; 216 of these had their enrollment cancelled on request or because they stopped accessing the Virtual Learning Environment - VLE / Teleduc Platform showing no interest in the course. However, the information below aims to present and discuss only the tabulated data of the 98 participants who requested to have their enrollment officially cancelled by submitting the online dropout term. The findings showed the main reasons for dropping out were personal problems, lack of time to commit to an ongoing distance course, difficulty using ICT and the tools available in the VLE. The research also highlighted the importance of developing digital inclusion initiatives as well as on-site supporting poles as a way to soften the barriers of technological accessibility and the dropout rate in this kind of courses.
The inclusive education policy implemented by state and municipal educational systems of Brazil, contemplates that students with hearing loss can study in regular education classes. In this context, the use and knowledge of the Brazilian sign language is essential. Therefore, in 2009, an extension course of Libras of 120 hours in distance mode was developed in partnership with the FFC / UNESP, funded by the Program for Continuing Education of Teachers, the SEESP - MEC for Brazilian public school teachers. In the presence of this reality, this research sought to examine the course content, the evaluation of teachers about it and also verify the impression of teachers on a course offered in distance mode. We analyzed: the course design, the scientific report and the evaluation sheets filled in by pupils. It was found that the course had three modules: introduction to distance education; theoretical reflection on the use of Libras in inclusive education, practical activities and the use of Libras. 548 public school teachers linked to 19 departments and/ or boards of education in various regions of Brazil participated in the study. The analysis showed that teachers evaluated the course satisfactorily, pointing out that they favored the interaction with deaf students. Regarding the use of the modality of distance learning, the teacher students had difficulties with the Internet, which hampered access to the materials. However, the teachers considered distance learning interesting, because they learned to tinker with previously unknown tools, and had the opportunity to hone their technology skills.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEB
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
In recent years it was possible to see a considerable growth of distance education, while the classroom teaching had a more modest growth. Thus, maintained this scenario, it will not take long for the quantitative indicators of distance education outweigh the classroom education. The distance education is evolving rapidly and changing traditional methods of acquiring knowledge and reduce inequalities caused by isolation and distance from large urban centers. This work aims to develop a videolesson and analyze its application in the teaching of statistics to a class of students of FEG, using modern techniques of distance education. To that end, was record a videolesson and developed two assessment tools, one practical and the other qualitative. The results showed that students prefer to follow the resolution of examples, with high degree of difficulty, and the audio recording is a key to the proper understanding of the same. In addition, students consider important mainstay of distance education, the fact that you can attend a class several times, whenever you need it, anywhere
This work includes an analysis about the distance learning Online. By bibliographic researches were was observed some Distance Learning peculiarities in Brazil, since its implementation until the present days. Was considered aspects of activities the teachers, main problems, advantages, needed resources for implementation the distance learning course and the approach on a virtual learning environment. (TelEduc) The text was written from books, articles and web pages related to Online distance learning in order to provide the reader an overview of this teaching modality increasingly growing in Brazil
A silimarina é um flavonóide polifenólico extraído de frutos e sementes de Silybum marianum, que possui efeitos antiinflamatórios, citoprotetores e anticarcinogênicos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito antiinflamatório desse flavonóide sobre linhagens geneticamente selecionadas para máxima e mínima resposta inflamatória aguda, a intensidade dessa resposta foi avaliada através dos seguintes parâmetros: contagem total e diferencial de células, concentração protéica do exsudato infamatório e dosagem de H2O2 através de cultura de células do infiltrado. Para a avaliação do efeito da silimarina, as linhagens foram divididas em dois grupos, grupo AIRmax e grupo AIRmin, e cada um desses grupos foi subdividido em outros três grupos, de acordo com a forma de tratamento determinada (grupo controle, grupo tratado com silimarina 200mg/kg e grupo tratado com silimarina 100mg/kg). Os animais foram tratados durante seis dias consecutivos, recebendo um total de seis doses; ao final do tratamento os animais foram submetidos à indução flogógena pelo composto BIOGEL-P100 por via subcutânea, ao final de 24 horas o exsudato inflamatório foi retirado do dorso dos animais e preparados para análise. Os resultados demonstraram que a silimarina afetou significativamente alguns dos parâmetros avaliados. A contagem total de células mostrou redução significativa no número de células presentes no infiltrado do grupo AIRmax tratado com silimarina 100mg/kg em relação ao seu grupo controle; na contagem diferencial de células houve redução significativa no número de neutrófilos encontrados em amostras do exsudato dos animais AIRmax tratados com silimarina 100mg/kg, assumindo um padrão de resposta semelhante ao da contagem total; a concentração protéica mostrou redução significativa nos grupos AIRmax tratados com 100 e 200mg/kg em relação ao seu controle, indicando um possível efeito modulador da silimarina
Com base numa experiência pessoal com a dança e leituras sobre butoh, o trabalho traça um paralelo entre o corpo na dança butoh e o corpo na educação, pensando como o corpo do educando é cerceado a ponto de não conseguir criar possibilidades de liberdade e resultando por isso numa indisciplina como grito de socorro. O primeiro meio de comunicação é o corpo, é nossa mídia mínima e é o primeiro a ser domesticado na escola e na sociedade. O trabalho busca caminhos pelo labirinto procurando como esse corpo poderia encontrar manifestações expressivas no meio da pressão e prisão em que é inserido na sociedade e, consequentemente, na escola, mostrando como exemplo os caminhos que o butoh criou como forma de resistência. Com apoio de Christine Greiner e Maura Baiocchi, procura decifrar como os dançarinos de butoh se manifestam contra esse meio opressor que impôs ao Japão uma cultura ocidental indo contra, rotulando e desrespeitando as nuances da cultura japonesa. Exercitando um butoh com as palavras, Clarice Lispector serve de inspiração à pesquisa, dando pinceladas que mostram quão profundo pode ser um movimento artístico quando se tem o corpo intenso e inteiro na criação, como ela tem. No trabalho, a autora revela o sonho de uma educação onde o corpo vivesse toda a experiência intensamente, recebendo suas marcas como um presente e não como uma cicatriz que dói. Com a ajuda do butoh, sonha uma escola que deixaria marcas a servirem como pistas para a criança encontrar seu próprio corpo
A quimioterapia antitumoral convencional, baseada na aplicação da dose máxima tolerável de drogas antineoplásicas, está comumente associada com mielossupressão e causa diminuição da viabilidade e número de células dendríticas (DCs), principais células apresentadoras de antígenos (APCs) do sistema imune. Uma alternativa para limitar os efeitos tóxicos desses agentes é a quimioterapia metronômica, baseada na administração das drogas em doses baixas e frequentes que, entre outros aspectos, melhora a eficácia antitumoral pela inibição da angiogênese no sítio do tumor. Estudos prévios do grupo indicam que doses ultrabaixas de determinados agentes antineoplásicos modulam positivamente o estado de ativação e as funções das células dendríticas, sugerindo que a associação entre vacinas de DCs e quimioterapia metronômica possibilitaria a estimulação da resposta imune, ao mesmo tempo em que as células tumorais sofrem o efeito dos agentes antineoplásicos em doses ultrabaixas. Assim, hipotetizamos que o uso de 5-Fluorouracil e Leucovorina, drogas de escolha para o tratamento do câncer colorretal, em dose efetiva mínima ou dose ultrabaixa não tóxica, poderia modular positivamente as DCs humanas e potencializar a imunogenicidade de células tumorais, além de torná-las mais sensíveis à ação de linfócitos T citotóxicos. Desse modo, o presente estudo tem o objetivo de avaliar o efeito in vitro da dose efetiva mínima e dose não tóxica de 5-Fluorouracil e Leucovorina sobre as funções de células dendríticas humanas e sobre a imunogenicidade de células de câncer colorretal humano da linhagem HT-29. Com esse propósito as DCs humanas foram sensibilizadas com lisatos de células tumorais pré tratadas com as doses previamente determinadas das drogas e avaliadas quanto à capacidade de apresentação de antígenos e indução de linfócitos T citotóxicos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The unpaved back roads, despite their simplicity, are of paramount importance to the municipalities that their economy basis are in agri-livestock and a large portion of their population lives in rural areas, as it is from these pathways that flow of production is performed and ensuring access of the rural population to urban centers is allowed. Aiming the importance of these rural roads, this work studies the case of pathologies found in local roads of São Luiz do Paraitinga, located in the Vale do Paraíba upstate São Paulo, due to lack of a periodic maintenance program the roads not withstood the heavy rains late in the year 2009 and early 2010, generating major impacts on society and the economy of the city. From surveys conducted in the field, it was analyzed the various pathologies found (pathology drainage, slope and platform) checking also the nature of their occurrence, therefore propose solutions for intervention in rural roads, to decrease the susceptibility of these roads during the rainy season
This study aims to determine surface skin doses in dogs (with suspected pulmonary metastasis) submitted to chest X-rays using the technique of thermoluminescence dosimetry. Twenty seven exams from different dogs were performed at the Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade Estadual Paulista (FMVZ-UNESP/Botucatu). The doses were evaluated using thermoluminescent dosimeters of calcium sulphate doped with dysprosium (CaSO4:Dy) produced by the Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN-CNEN). The pulmonary metastasis exams are carried out in three projections, one dorsal-ventral and two lateral-lateral. During the procedures the projection thicknesses and source-skin surface distances were registered. To simulate the dog phantom the dosimeters were positioned in a cubic simulator (30x30x30 cm) of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) filled with water and irradiated according to the parameters of projections with the X-ray energies ranging from 45 to 70 kV. To estimate the surface skin dose the dose-response curves were obtained for X-ray energies of 50 and 70 kV using the diagnostic X-ray beam machine of the Instruments Calibration Laboratory of IPEN for doses of 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.5 and 4.0 mGy. The main difficulty of this work was the dog immobilization that is reflected in poor-quality diagnostic imaging and, consequently, demands the repetition of the exams, which contributes to the increase of the doses received by the animals being studied and the clinical staff. The doses evaluated in this type of procedure are between 0.43 and 4.22 mGy. This research has shown to be extremely important for the assessment of doses involved in veterinary diagnostic radiology procedures, and as a parameter in the individual monitoring of pet’s owners who assist the animal positioning and occupationally exposed workers of the Department of Veterinary Radiology
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR