646 resultados para corporate fraud


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Grupos privados que comercializam eletricidade ao setor residencial estão, atualmente, a implementar programas que procuram alcançar Eficiência Energética (EE). Estes programas levam a um menor consumo do produto core destas empresas. A EE é um tema destacado na atualidade, nações de todo o mundo traçam planos para alcançá-la, indo ao encontro do estabelecido no Protocolo de Quioto. Em Portugal, o setor da energia elétrica encontra-se entre os que mais danos acarretam para o ambiente. O presente estudo quis conhecer a orientação destes grupos nestes programas. Ou seja, conhecer a sua motivação para os implementar, bem como conhecer a abordagem disciplinar utilizada para os “desenhar”, procurando saber até que ponto o Corporate Social Marketing (CSM) é aplicado. O CSM utiliza a tecnologia do Marketing mainstream para alcançar mudanças comportamentais desejadas. Visa o bem-estar social e/ou ambiental e mede os resultados que atinge. A sua aplicação em programas que visam a EE no consumo, tratando-a como um produto social, é o foco da presente pesquisa. Para o efeito delineou-se a pesquisa através da metodologia Estudo de Caso, com o objetivo de estudar a orientação do Grupo EDP nestes programas, através do programa A Tua Energia, sabendo que “os projetos de Eficiência Energética são sempre definidos e implementados pela EDP enquanto Grupo” (EDP, 2012). A metodologia de análise de dados utilizada é a Grounded Theory (GT) que procura ir ao encontro de uma teoria substantiva, emersa dos dados, que se enquadre ao contexto da pesquisa. O Estudo da orientação do Grupo EDP levou a pesquisa a conhecer a realidade do setor elétrico em relação a estes programas, não só em Portugal mas noutro mercado onde a empresa EDP atua, o Brasil. Os principais resultados alcançados quanto à motivação dos Grupos privados para implementar estes programas foram Ganhos Empresariais, nos quais se integram Imagem Positiva, Estratégia de Negócio e Relacionamento com Stakeholders. Os dados revelam que o programa A Tua Energia não é um programa de CSM pois ainda que foque a mudança comportamental não a alcança efetivamente. Já a EDP no Brasil implementa um programa de mudança comportamental assente na abordagem do CSM. Concluiu-se que a envolvente influencia a orientação da EDP nestes programas, ainda que estes sejam designados pela EDP enquanto Grupo.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Finanças Empresariais, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Dissertação de Mestrado Apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Tradução e Interpretação Especializadas, sob orientação da Mestre Suzana Noronha Cunha


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Identity is traditionally defined as an emission concept [1]. Yet, some research points out that there are external factors that can influence it [2]; [3]; [4]. This subject is even more relevant if one considers corporate brands. According to Aaker [5] the number, the power and the credibility of corporate associations are bigger in the case of corporate brands. Literature recognizes the influence of relationships between companies in identity management. Yet, given the increasingly important role of corporate brands, it is surprising that to date no attempt to evaluate that influence has been made in the management of corporate brand identity. Also Keller and Lehman [6] highlight relationships and costumer experience as two areas requiring more investigation. In line with this, the authors intend to develop an empirical research in order to evaluate the influence of relationships between brands in the identity of corporate brand from an internal perspective by interviewing internal stakeholders (brand managers and internal clients). This paper is organized by main contents: theoretical background, research methodology, data analysis and conclusions and finally cues to future investigation.


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Master Thesis Presented at Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto for obtaining the Master’s degree in Digital Marketing under the supervision of Professor José de Freitas Santos


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A Masters Thesis, presented as part of the requirements for the award of a Research Masters Degree in Economics from NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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This work project intends to evaluate the effectiveness of the Portuguese Government’s strategy to promote the orderly deleveraging of the corporate sector in the context of the current economic crisis. The recommendations of the Troika and the commitments assumed under the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Government in 2011 required the creation of formal processes to avoid disorderly deleveraging. Conclusions and recommendations were drawn based on past experiences of large-scale corporate restructuring strategies in other countries and on the analysis of financial and statistical data on companies applying for “Programa Especial de Revitalização”.


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There is general consensus nowadays that CSR is not just altruistic do-gooding but rather a way for both companies and society to prosper. Companies themselves increasingly recognize that their sustainability depends on their willingness to assume responsibility for social and environmental issues. Academic research has, in the past, tried to theorize exactly how CSR improves business, employee satisfaction and productivity. However, few studies have a) separated the different effects of internal CSR and external CSR and b) studied these effects in times of internal organizational distrust. Hence, this paper examines the relationship between each type of CSR with two outcome variables related to employee attitudes: affective organizational commitment (AOC) and turnover intentions (TI). Furthermore, it investigates whether organizational distrust works as a moderator in each of these relationships by testing the hypothesis using a sample of 212 employees from a company that is currently going through a moment of internal crisis. Findings suggest that although all variables are strongly correlated, distrust works as a moderator for external CSR but not for internal CSR. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings conclude the paper.


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This study attempts to identify basis-trading opportunities in the European banking sector by comparing two different measures for the market’s assessment of risk: market-observed CDS spreads and model-implied Z-spreads. Using a sample of 10 banks, over a period of 3 years following the European banking crisis, it can be concluded that there were arbitrage opportunities in the sector, as evidenced by the derived negative bases.


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This paper sets out the case for the use of impact investing as part of companies’ CSR strategy, demonstrated by the term “corporate impact investing” or “corporate impact venturing”. After an indirect analysis of global practices in corporate impact investment, it considers whether companies are interested in employing this innovative practice in their CSR strategy and how they could be incentivized to do so through direct research methods, with a focus on Europe. A survey answered by 116 company representatives reveals that companies are interested in impact investing yet the majority was not initially aware of its existence; therefore if the right incentives are put into place a new paradigm for CSR may arise


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This study assess the quality of Cybersecurity as a service provided by IT department in corporate network and provides analysis about the service quality impact on the user, seen as a consumer of the service, and on the organization as well. In order to evaluate the quality of this service, multi-item instrument “SERVQUAL” was used for measuring consumer perceptions of service quality. To provide insights about Cybersecurity service quality impact, DeLone and McLean information systems success model was used. To test this approach, data was collected from over one hundred users from different industries and partial least square (PLS) was used to estimate the research model. This study found that SERVQUAL is adequate to assess Cybersecurity service quality and also found that Cybersecurity service quality positively influences the Cybersecurity use and individual impact in Cybersecurity.


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This paper aims to provide a model that allows BPI to measure the credit risk, through its rating scale, of the subsidiaries included in the corporate groups who are their clients. This model should be simple enough to be applied in practice, accurate, and must give consistent results in comparison to what have been the ratings given by the bank. The model proposed includes operational, strategic, and financial factors and ends up giving one of three results: no support, partial support, or full support from the holding to the subsidiary, and each of them translates in adjustments in each subsidiary’s credit rating. As it would be expectable, most of the subsidiaries should have the same credit rating of its parent company.


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The Price of Honour is a case study, supported with teaching notes, which describes the events and circumstances surrounding the implosion of one of Portugal’s most systemically important banks - Banco Espírito Santo (BES). The case focuses on BES’s corporate governance and how the Espírito Santo family’s tight control of the bank led to its exploitation. Although the situation caught the attention of the bank’s supervisors, their untimely actions could not prevent BES’s financial health from crumbling only two months after a rights issue. With little leeway, the supervisors put forward a resolution which dramatically ended the bank’s centennial legacy.