745 resultados para SPORTS-MEDICINE
Research on lifestyle physical activity interventions suggests that they help individuals meet the new recommendations for physical activity made by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). The purpose of this research was to describe the rates of adherence to two lifestyle physical activity intervention arms and to examine the association between adherence and outcome variables, using data from Project PRIME, a lifestyle physical activity intervention based on the transtheoretical model and conducted by the Cooper Institute of Aerobics Research, Dallas, Texas. Participants were 250 sedentary healthy adults, aged 35 to 70 years, primarily non-Hispanic White, and in the contemplation and preparation stages of readiness to change. They were randomized to a group (PRIME G) or a mail- and telephone-delivered condition (PRIME C). Adherence measures included attending class (PRIME G), completing a monthly telephone call with a health educator (PRIME C), and completing homework assignments and self-monitoring minutes of moderate- to vigorous physical activity (both groups). In the first results paper, adherence over time and between conditions was examined: Attendance in group, completing the monthly telephone call, and homework completion decreased over time, and participants in PRIME G were more likely to complete homework than those in PRIME C. Paper 2 aimed to determine whether the adherence measures predicted achievement of the CDC/ACSM physical activity guideline. In separate models for the two conditions, a latent variable measuring adherence was found to predict achievement of the guideline. Paper 3 examined the association between adherence measures and the transtheoretical model's processes of change within each condition. For both, participants who completed at least two thirds of the homework assignments improved their use of the processes of change more than those who completed less than that amount. These results suggest that encouraging adherence to a lifestyle physical activity intervention, at least among already motivated volunteers, may increase the likelihood of beneficial changes in the outcomes. ^
The U.S. Air Force, as with the other branches of military services, has physical fitness standards imposed on their personnel. These standards ensure a healthy and fit combat force. To meet these standards, Airmen have to maintain a certain level of physical activity in their lifestyle. Objective. This was a cross sectional (prevalence) study to evaluate the association of Airmen's self-reported physical activity and their performance in the Air Force Physical Fitness Assessment in 2007. Methods. The self-reported physical activity data were obtained from the Air Force Web Health Assessment (AF WEB HA), a web-based health questionnaire completed by the Airmen during their annual Preventive Health Assessment. The physical activity levels were categorized as having met or not having met the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) physical activity recommendations. Physical Fitness scores were collected from the Air Force Fitness Management System (AFFMS), a repository of physical fitness test data. Results. There were 49,029 Airmen who answered the AF WEB HA in 2007 and also took their physical fitness test. 94.4% (n = 46,304) of Airmen met the recommended physical activity guidelines and 79.9% (n = 39,178) passed the fitness test. Total Airmen who both met the physical activity recommendations and passed the fitness test was 75.6% (n = 37,088). Airmen who did not meet the activity recommendations and also failed the fitness test totaled 635 or 1.3% of the study group. The Mantel-Haenszel Chi-Square analysis of the data on the activity levels and the physical fitness test relationship was the following χ2 = 18.52, df 1, and p = <0.0001. The Odds Ratio (OR) was 1.22 (95% CI 1.12, 1.34). Conclusion. The study determined that there was a positive association between Airmen's self-reported physical activity and their performance in the physical fitness assessment.^
Although long distance running clearly has benefits--as witnessed by its popularity--it also has risks of injury and death. Little is known, however, about the prevalence of potentially dangerous training habits in long distance runners, although anecdotal information suggests that many runners have erroneous beliefs about risks and benefits of marathon running. We conducted a cross-sectional survey to estimate the prevalence of 19 potentially dangerous training habits (risky behaviors) among marathon runners. A 66-item self-administered questionnaire was mailed to a stratified random sample of runners who finished of the 1992 Houston-Tenneco Marathon and were 21-71 years of age. Responses were obtained from 508 runners (83%) with approximately equal representation in four age-gender groups: men $<$40 years, men $\ge$40 years, women $<$40 years, and women $\ge$40 years.^ Prevalences of risky behaviors were high. 50% or more ran in dangerously hot and humid conditions, did not cool down or stretch after running, did not wear proper running gear, or ran when injured or ill; 25-49% did not warm up, ran on dangerous surfaces, did not drink sufficient water during training, increased weekly mileage too quickly, and ran during lightning storms; 10-24% ran daily, ran in areas with high pollution, ran in the same direction as traffic, did hard runs frequently, ran more than 60 miles per week, or ran against the advice of a physician.^ Positive associations were found between the practice of risky behaviors and self-reported prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries, heat-related injuries, noncompliance with recommendations for preventive health examinations, and noncompliance with positive health habits.^ These results indicate that many marathon runners engage in training habits that may increase risk of substantial injury or illness. Further studies are needed to explore the association of risky training behaviors on the incidence of injuries, and to determine reasons for noncompliance with recommendations from sports medicine specialists. ^
Documented risks of physical activity include reduced bone mineral density at high activity volume, and sudden cardiac death among adults and adolescents. Further illumination of these risks is needed to inform future public health guidelines. The present research seeks to 1) quantify the association between physical activity and bone mineral density (BMD) across a broad range of activity volume, 2) assess the utility of an existing pre-screening questionnaire among US adults, and 3) determine if pre-screening risk stratification by questionnaire predicts referral to physician among Texas adolescents. ^ Among 9,468 adults 20 years of age or older in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2007-2010, linear regression analyses revealed generally higher BMD at the lumbar spine and proximal femur with greater reported activity volume. Only lumbar BMD in women was unassociated with activity volume. Among men, BMD was similar at activity beyond four times the minimum volume recommended in the Physical Activity Guidelines. These results suggest that the range of activity reported by US adults is not associated with low BMD at either site. ^ The American Heart Association / American College of Sports Medicine Preparticipation Questionnaire (AAPQ) was applied to 6,661 adults 40 years of age or older from NHANES 2001-2004 by using NHANES responses to complete AAPQ items. Following AAPQ referral criteria, 95.5% of women and 93.5% of men would be referred to a physician before exercise initiation, suggesting little utility for the AAPQ among adults aged 40 years or older. Unnecessary referral before exercise initiation may present a barrier to exercise adoption and may strain an already stressed healthcare infrastructure. ^ Among 3181 athletes in the Texas Adolescent Athlete Heart Screening Registry, 55.2% of boys and 62.2% of girls were classified as high-risk based on questionnaire answers. Using sex-stratified contingency table analyses, risk categories were not significantly associated with referral to physician based on electrocardiogram or echocardiogram, nor were they associated with confirmed diagnoses on follow-up. Additional research is needed to identify which symptoms are most closely related to sudden cardiac death, and determine the best methods for rapid and reliable assessment. ^ In conclusion, this research suggests that the volume of activity reported by US adults is not associated with low BMD at two clinically relevant sites, casts doubts on the utility of two existing cardiac screening tools, and raises concern about barriers to activity erected through ineffective screening. These findings augment existing research in this area that may inform revisions to the Physical Activity Guidelines regarding risk mitigation.^
La pregunta que guía la investigación es cómo son entendidos los juegos, los deportes, las gimnasias y la higiene en la Revista de Medicina aplicada a los deportes, educación física y trabajo, entre los años 1935, momento de su fundación, y 1940. Se trata de la divulgación oficial de la Filial Argentina de la Unión Internacional de Médicos del Deporte. Se entiende a la publicación como una forma de legitimar y deslegitimar, desde el discurso médico, ciertos comportamientos relativos al cuerpo de las personas. Se plantean como objetivos: a) Comprender a la Revista de medicina aplicada a los deportes, educación física y trabajo en relación al contexto argentino e internacional de la última mitad de la década de 1930; b) Analizar el discurso médico como legitimador/deslegitimador de prácticas corporales en la publicación en cuestión; y c) Indagar las formas en que son entendidos los juegos, los deportes, las gimnasias y la higiene. Se opta por una metodología de tipo cualitativa o no estándar y por la técnica de rastreo bibliográfico
La pregunta que guía la investigación es cómo son entendidos los juegos, los deportes, las gimnasias y la higiene en la Revista de Medicina aplicada a los deportes, educación física y trabajo, entre los años 1935, momento de su fundación, y 1940. Se trata de la divulgación oficial de la Filial Argentina de la Unión Internacional de Médicos del Deporte. Se entiende a la publicación como una forma de legitimar y deslegitimar, desde el discurso médico, ciertos comportamientos relativos al cuerpo de las personas. Se plantean como objetivos: a) Comprender a la Revista de medicina aplicada a los deportes, educación física y trabajo en relación al contexto argentino e internacional de la última mitad de la década de 1930; b) Analizar el discurso médico como legitimador/deslegitimador de prácticas corporales en la publicación en cuestión; y c) Indagar las formas en que son entendidos los juegos, los deportes, las gimnasias y la higiene. Se opta por una metodología de tipo cualitativa o no estándar y por la técnica de rastreo bibliográfico
La pregunta que guía la investigación es cómo son entendidos los juegos, los deportes, las gimnasias y la higiene en la Revista de Medicina aplicada a los deportes, educación física y trabajo, entre los años 1935, momento de su fundación, y 1940. Se trata de la divulgación oficial de la Filial Argentina de la Unión Internacional de Médicos del Deporte. Se entiende a la publicación como una forma de legitimar y deslegitimar, desde el discurso médico, ciertos comportamientos relativos al cuerpo de las personas. Se plantean como objetivos: a) Comprender a la Revista de medicina aplicada a los deportes, educación física y trabajo en relación al contexto argentino e internacional de la última mitad de la década de 1930; b) Analizar el discurso médico como legitimador/deslegitimador de prácticas corporales en la publicación en cuestión; y c) Indagar las formas en que son entendidos los juegos, los deportes, las gimnasias y la higiene. Se opta por una metodología de tipo cualitativa o no estándar y por la técnica de rastreo bibliográfico
Objective. The influence of an exercise programme performed by healthy pregnant women on maternal glucose tolerance was studied. Study design. A physical activity (PA, land/aquatic activities) programme during the entire pregnancy (three sessions per week) was conducted by a qualified instructor. 83 healthy pregnant women were randomly assigned to either an exercise group (EG, n=40) or a control (CG, n=43) group. 50 g maternal glucose screen (MGS), maternal weight gain and several pregnancy outcomes were recorded. Results. Significant differences were found between study groups on the 50 g MGS. Values corresponding to the EG (103.8±20.4 mg/dl) were better than those of the CG (126.9±29.5 mg/dl), p=0.000. In addition, no differences in maternal weight gain and no cases of gestational diabetes in EG versus 3 in CG (7%) (p>0.05) were found. Conclusion. A moderate PA programme performed during pregnancy improves levels of maternal glucose tolerance.
Recuperación de la frecuencia cardiaca en atletas varones españoles During postexercise recovery, heart rate (HR) initially falls rapidly, followed by a period of slower decrease, until resting values are reached. The aim of the present work was to examine the differences in the recovery heart rate (RHR) between athletes engaged in static and dynamic sports.
Ejercicio, embarazo y diabetes
Regulación carótida en ejercicio aeróbico
The American College of Sports Medicine argues that sports performance is improved with optimal nutrition (ACSM position stand, MSSE 2009, Mar; 41(3):709-31). However, scientific evidence shows that professional athletes do not achieve nutritional recommendations (Farajian et al, IJSNEM 2004 Oct; 14(5):574-85; Shroeder et al EJSS 2004 Jun 4 (2):1; Nogueira & Da Costa, IJSNEM 2004; 14:684-697) Objectives: a) describe the nutritional practices of one professional basketball player b) carry out a long term nutritional intervention to adapt his diet to current recommendations.
No dia três de fevereiro, tivemos o prazer de entrevistar o Dr. André Novo. Este jovem e promissor investigador – que adquiriu uma relevância além-fronteiras depois de ter recebido um prémio atribuído pela European Federation of Sports Medicine Association, no âmbito do seu inovador trabalho de investigação sobre a capacidade funcional de pacientes em hemodiálise - nasceu a 21 de Abril de 1983 e, para além de ser licenciado em Enfermagem especializou-se em Enfermagem de Reabilitação e possui um doutoramento em Ciências da Atividade Física e do Desporto. André Novo, atualmente, é docente do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança e apesar de, como assumiu, o seu trabalho lhe deixar muito pouco tempo disponível, aceitou encontrar-se connosco, para nos esclarecer sobre algumas questões relativas ao seu excecional percurso académico e profissional. Ao longo de todo o diálogo, mostrou-se sempre bastante simpático, divertido e recetivo às nossas perguntas.
Copyright © 2016 by the American College of Sports Medicine
A crioterapia é prática comum na medicina esportiva, pela praticidade, facilidade de acesso e baixo custo, possuindo vantajoso uso na Saúde Pública. No entanto, os efeitos analgésicos do gelo tem pouca base objetiva e sistematizada em termos de técnicas, duração e frequência. O objetivo deste estudo foi sintetizar através da revisão sistemática (RS) as evidências relativas à efetividade da crioterapia para o tratamento das entorses de tornozelo de atletas. A RS é um método de pesquisa observacional e retrospectivo, pelo qual se tratam artigos, preferencialmente Ensaios Clínicos Aleatórios – ECA, como sujeitos da investigação, com rigorosos critérios de inclusão e exclusão e, quando possível, realiza-se uma macro estatística dos resultados – metaanálise. No presente RS, foram consultados cinco bancos de dados - Medline, Embase, Cochrane, Lilacs e PEDro para buscar ECA sobre crioterapia com os desfechos dor, edema, rigidez e função. Resultados: 289 estudos foram identificados inicialmente, dos quais nove com tratamentos isolados ou associados à crioterapia, porém apenas um preencheu aos critérios de inclusão, cujo N era 121 atletas, dos quais 64 receberam a crioterapia (funcional) e 57 no grupo controle (imobilização). Maior probabilidade para o evento dor foi observada no grupo controle, após 3 e 12 meses. A RS revelou uma lacuna em ECA dentro do tema, mas não encontrou efeito adverso na prática da crioterapia, sendo um princípio analgésico importante, sobretudo em lesões de tecidos moles.