886 resultados para Relationship with educational system
Este estudo visa analisar as interferencias do Banco Mundial na Educacao Brasileira a partir do estudo de seis teses (aqui identificadas pelas iniciais A,B,C, D, E e F) de doutorado relativas ao tema, defendidas na Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), sendo quatro delas (A, B, C, e D) voltadas a area de educacao e duas (E e F) a area de Ciencias Sociais e Economia. O estudo das teses parte dos objetivos de cada uma, que podem ser resumidos da seguinte forma: a Tese A - ¡ªA Mundializacao da Educacao: o Projeto Neoliberal de Sociedade e de Educacao no Brasil e na Venezuela. (MELO, 2003) -, sob a orientacao do Prof. Dr. Nilson Joseph Demange, teve como objetivo investigar o processo de mundializacao da educacao como elemento de uma nova fase de internacionalizacao e acumulacao capitalista, conduzida hegemonicamente pelos sujeitos politicos coletivos que assumem o projeto neoliberal de sociabilidade, especialmente o Fundo Monetario Internacional e o Banco Mundial, que buscam ser condutores das reformas estruturais para a America Latina e Caribe; a Tese B . ¡ªO Capital Financeiro e a Educacao no Brasil. (DEITOS, 2005) -, sob a orientacao da Profa. Dra. Maria Elizabete Sampaio Prado Xavier, teve como objetivo definir quais as consequencias da consolidacao do projeto, para a redefinicao das politicas educacionais na America Latina e Caribe; a Tese C . ¡ªGlobalizacao e Descentralizacao: o Processo de Desconstrucao do Sistema Educacional Brasileiro pela Via da Municipalizacao. (ROSAR, 1995) -, sob a orientacao do Prof. Dr. Demerval Saviani, teve como objetivo analisar as reformas educacionais empreendidas no Brasil, no periodo de 1995-2002, particularmente a politica educacional nacional para o ensino medio e profissional, com financiamento externo do Banco Internacional para Reforma e Desenvolvimento (BIRD); a Tese D . ¡ªAs Politicas Educacionais para o Desenvolvimento e o Trabalho Docente. (SOUZA, 1999) ., sob a orientacao da Profa. Dra. Liliana Rolisen Petrilli Segnini, trata da politica educacional para o ensino de 1¨¬ grau, tracada segundo a visao de seu autor no ambito de projetos federais, com o objetivo de induzir a municipalizacao do ensino, transferindo encargos para o municipio, sem a realizacao de investimentos financeiros satisfatorios nessa instancia; a Tese E . ¡ªEconomia, poder e influencias externa: O Grupo Banco Mundial e as Politicas de Ajustes Estruturais na America Latina, nas Decadas de Oitenta e Noventa. (COELHO, 2002) ., sob a orientacao do Prof. Dr. Sebastiao Carlos Velasco e Cruz, teve como objetivo analisar as relacoes entre o projeto educacional implementado pelo governo estadual, no periodo entre 1995 e 1998 e suas concepcoes de politicas educacionais; a Tese F - ¡ªA Questao Social e os Limites do Projeto Liberal no Brasil. (GIMENES, 2007) ., sob a orientacao do Prof. Dr. Carlos Alonso Barbosa de Oliveira, teve como objetivo analisar a relacao entre a economia, o poder politico e a influencia externa, focalizando o Grupo Banco Mundial e os programas de ajustamento estrutural na America Latina. Por fim este estudo mescla teses brasileiras advindas da area da Educacao e da Economia; foca o banco mundial e sua influencia no Brasil, oferecendo uma visao das conexoes logicas existentes entre elas. Como conclusao deste trabalho, apresentaremos as consideracoes finais de cada uma das teses, bem como as limitacoes e sugestoes para
Respiration is a complex activity. If the relationship between all neurological and skeletomuscular interactions was perfectly understood, an accurate dynamic model of the respiratory system could be developed and the interaction between different inputs and outputs could be investigated in a straightforward fashion. Unfortunately, this is not the case and does not appear to be viable at this time. In addition, the provision of appropriate sensor signals for such a model would be a considerable invasive task. Useful quantitative information with respect to respiratory performance can be gained from non-invasive monitoring of chest and abdomen motion. Currently available devices are not well suited in application for spirometric measurement for ambulatory monitoring. A sensor matrix measurement technique is investigated to identify suitable sensing elements with which to base an upper body surface measurement device that monitors respiration. This thesis is divided into two main areas of investigation; model based and geometrical based surface plethysmography. In the first instance, chapter 2 deals with an array of tactile sensors that are used as progression of existing and previously investigated volumetric measurement schemes based on models of respiration. Chapter 3 details a non-model based geometrical approach to surface (and hence volumetric) profile measurement. Later sections of the thesis concentrate upon the development of a functioning prototype sensor array. To broaden the application area the study has been conducted as it would be fore a generically configured sensor array. In experimental form the system performance on group estimation compares favourably with existing system on volumetric performance. In addition provides continuous transient measurement of respiratory motion within an acceptable accuracy using approximately 20 sensing elements. Because of the potential size and complexity of the system it is possible to deploy it as a fully mobile ambulatory monitoring device, which may be used outside of the laboratory. It provides a means by which to isolate coupled physiological functions and thus allows individual contributions to be analysed separately. Thus facilitating greater understanding of respiratory physiology and diagnostic capabilities. The outcome of the study is the basis for a three-dimensional surface contour sensing system that is suitable for respiratory function monitoring and has the prospect with future development to be incorporated into a garment based clinical tool.
The ultimate aim of this project was to design new biomaterials which will improve the efficiency of ocular drug delivery systems. Initially, it was necessary to review the information available on the nature of the tear fluid and its relationship with the eye. An extensive survey of the relevant literature was made. There is a common belief in the literature that the ocular glycoprotein, mucin, plays an important role in tear film stability, and furthermore, that it exists as an adherent layer covering the corneal surface. If this belief is true, the muco-corneal interaction provides the ideal basis for the development of sustained release drug delivery. Preliminary investigations were made to assess the ability of mucin to adhere to polymer surfaces. The intention was to develop a synthetic model which would mimic the supposed corneal/mucin interaction. Analytical procedures included the use of microscopy (phase contrast and fluorescence), fluorophotometry, and mucin-staining dyes. Additionally, the physical properties of tears and tear models were assessed under conditions mimicking those of the preocular environment, using rheological and tensiometric techniques. The wetting abilities of these tear models and opthalmic formulations were also investigated. Tissue culture techniques were employed to enable the surface properties of the corneal surface to be studied by means of cultured corneal cells. The results of these investigations enabled the calculation of interfacial and surface characteristics of tears, tear models, and the corneal surface. Over all, this work cast doubt on the accepted relationship of mucin with the cornea. A corneal surface model was designed, on the basis of the information obtained during this project, which would possess similar surface chemical properties (i.e. would be biomimetic) to the more complex original. This model, together with the information gained on the properties of tears and solutions intended for ocular instillation, could be valuable in the design of drug formulations with enhanced ocular retention times. Furthermore, the model itself may form the basis for the design of an effective drug-carrier.
This study aimed firstly to investigate current patterns of language use amongst young bilinguals in Birmingham and secondly to examine the relationship between this language use and educational achievement. The research then focussed on various practices, customs and attitudes which would favour the attrition or survival of minority languages in the British situation. The data necessary to address this question was provided by a sample of three hundred and seventy-four 16-19 year olds, studying in Birmingham schools and colleges during the period 1987-1990 and drawn from the main linguistic minority communities in Birmingham. The research methods chosen were both quantitative and qualitative. The study found evidence of ethnolinguistic vitality amongst many of the linguistic minority communities in Birmingham: a number of practices and a range of attitudes indicate that linguistic diversity may continue and that a stable diglossic situation may develop in some instances, particularly where demographical and religious factors lead to closeness of association. Where language attrition is occurring it is often because of the move from a less prestigious minority language or dialect to a more prestigious minority language in addition to pressures from English. The educational experience of the sample indicates that literacy and formal language study are of key importance if personal bilingualism is to be experienced as an asset; high levels of oral proficiency in the L1 and L2 do not, on their own, necessarily correlate with positive educational benefit. The intervening variable associated with educational achievement appears to be the formal language learning process and literacy. A number of attitudes and practices, including the very close associations maintained with some of the countries of origin of the families, were seen to aid or hinder first language maintenance and second language acquisition.
Cadbury showed concern for the welfare of its labour force in a variety of ways and not least in the provision of educational and educative-recreational facilities. The firm regarded the education of employees as having a positive effect on the efficiency of the business at the same time as being of benefit to the individual, the local community and the nation. The life-long education of people was seen as essential for personal fulfilament, social improvement, economic competitiveness and the proper functioning of democratic procedures. The educational system built up at Cadbury, and the philosophy on which it was founded, acquired both a domestic and international reputation. Its main components were the day continuation education of juniors; the Bournville Works Evening Institute; vocational and non-vocational scholarships; emphasis on the primary importance of general education as a basis for life, work and technical training; stress on equality of educational opportunity for females; and leisure and sporting amenities which the firm felt to be educative in the sense that they contributed to personal psychological and physical development and social skills. The system was primarily shaped and constructed in the first three decades of the twentieth century and went into decline and eventual demise in the 1960's and 1970's as a result of economic pressures, social changes, enhanced state arrangements for education, shifts in Cadbury management thinking and the merger with Schweppes in 1969.
The precipitation reactions occurring in a series of copper-based alloys selected from the system copper-chromium-zirconium have been studied by resistometric and metallographic techniques. A survey of the factors influencing the development of copper-based alloys for high strength, high conductivity applications is followed by a more general review of contemporary materials, and illustrates that the most promising alloys are those containing chromium and zirconium. The few systematic attempts to study alloys from this system have been collated, discussed, and used as a basis for the selection of four alloy compositions viz:- Cu - 0.4% Cr Cu - 0.24. Zr Cu - 0. 3% Cr - 0.1% Zr Cu - 0.2% Cr - 0.2% Zr A description of the experimental techniques used to study the precipitation behaviour of these materials is preceeded by a discussion of the currently accepted theories relating to precipitate nucleation and growth. The experimental results are presented and discussed for each of the alloys independently, and are then treated jointly to obtain an overall assessment of the way in which the precipitation kinetics, metallography and mechanical properties vary with alloy composition and heat treatment. The metastable solid solution of copper-chromium is found to decompose by the rejection of chromium particles which maintain a coherent interface and a Kurdjumov-Sachs type crystallographic orientation relationship with the copper matrix. The addition of 0.1% zirconium to the alloy retards the rate of transformation by a factor of ten and modifies the dispersion characteristics of the precipitate without markedly altering the morphology. Further additions of zirconium lead to the growth of stacking faults during ageing, which provide favourable nucleation sites for the chromium precipitate. The partial dislocations bounding such stacking faults are also found to provide mobile heterogeneous nucleation sources for the precipitation reactions occurring in copper-zirconium.
The purpose of this inquiry was to investigate the perceptions of former service personnel, students and their parents about the organizational effectiveness of the Ghana National Service Scheme (GNSS). The inquiry addressed the following questions: How do the participants perceive the effectiveness of the national service program on the Ghanaian society? What are the perceptions of school administrators who worked with service personnel, parents and students vis-à-vis the over all impact of the GNSS on the educational system? What are the perceptions of former service personnel, students and their parents in regard to the impact of the GNSS on them? ^ The GNSS is a part within the ministry of education, which is also part in the Ghanaian social structure. Hence, a systems theory approach which asks, “How and why a system as a whole functions as it does” (Patton, 1990), was utilized in the study. Methodologies included purposive sampling; interviews; participant observation, and follow-up interviews. The study was conducted over a six-moth period. ^ A cross-sectional survey design was used to generate data. The survey was followed up with an ethnographic study where in-depth, face-to-face interviews were conducted together with observations. The results were described and interpreted. ^ The summary of findings concludes that perceptional determinants of the effectiveness of the GNSS were biased by the age and zone of origin but not gender. This partially agrees with Marenin's (1990) except for gender. A significant difference was detected between the responses of those who were officials of the National service Secretariat and of former service personnel. The administrators defended the status quo and demonstrated their deeper knowledge about the scheme. The former personnel and parents freely criticized the program when necessary and did not seem to know much about the GNSS. Respondents mostly stressed the need for the secretariat to focus on the following areas: (1) involvement in the agricultural sector of the economy, (2) involvement in rural mass, civic and health education, (3) adequacy of remuneration and personnel welfare, and (4) ensuring posting of personnel to areas of their expertise. Recommendation for further research concluded the study. ^
The University of the West Indies (UWI), established in the British colony of Jamaica in 1948, was mandated to serve the “brightest and the best” of the British colonies. Unfortunately, the austerity of Jamaica's economy has not helped to augment an “open door” access to higher education, and UWI is often criticized for not implementing policies to sustain the democratization of higher education; it is accused of functioning as an elitist institution. ^ The purpose of this qualitative study was to determine whether UWI functions democratically as an institution to influence the equity of higher education in Jamaica. A review of the literature reveals many interpretations of the democratization of higher education. Three of Spaulding and Kargodorian's four criteria were utilized to analyze this research. They were (1) equality of access to higher education, (2) equality of participation within the institution of higher education, and (3) equality of educational results. Multiple sources of written data augmented by interviews in Jamaica and Miami were utilized. ^ The analysis revealed that UWI functions in a collaborative relationship with Jamaica's Centralized Educational System as well as with the country's political, economic, and social realms to impact the democratization of higher education. Documentation suggests that, although strong traditional influences continue to exist, UWI has deviated from its original mandate and instead, flexible admittance policies and diversification of expanded programs have contributed to greater accessibility. ^ Despite UWI's reports of improvements which have contributed to more access, UNESCO and some interviewees have not been impressed. A World Bank report on enrollment ratio at the university level in English speaking Caribbean countries reflects less than one percent of the age cohort. The Jamaicans interviewed, especially those from the lower class, felt that their democratic right to receive higher education was not met. UNESCO regards UWI's efforts as just putting a “dent” in the problem. ^ Recommendations include continuing efforts towards developing curricula more relevant to the Jamaican society, increasing distance education in order to ease UWI's load, expanding financial partnerships with private sectors, and extending research in collaboration with large local and foreign private companies. ^
In Brazil, since the 1990, the country has been operating an extensive transformation in the education system. This situation is justified, among other reasons, the search for answers to the new demands that modern society gives to school, to new technologies and information and communication systems. To better put the Brazilian school that context, the federal government, through the Ministerial Decree No. 17/2007, created the More Education Program as a measure to combat low levels of development of basic education in the capital cities and metropolitan areas, aiming at the implementation of comprehensive education in schools. After the first year since the implementation of the program, there are advances in the permanence of students within the school. But as for the teachers, there is a gap on ownership and consequent acceptance. Considering the reality of the state system of schools of Basic Education in Natal - RN, this study investigates the training needs of teachers in institutions working with More Education Program, envisioning the educational relationship with Macrocampos contained in this national project. Answering this question allows us to absorb the concept of such needs in teachers, as well as to check priority in relation to the continuing education of teachers for this new pedagogical reality.
This study is about the enhancement of the elementary school in Natal/RN, (PCCR - Law No. 058/2004), concerning to the horizontal promotion through the performance evaluation. It uses as reference the education policy on the legislative field hegemony and the managerial model. The analysis of the teacher´s valorization is based on the policy of Funds (Fundef and Fundeb) in the Brazilian social and educational agenda. The study focuses on the Career Plan, Career and Remuneration of teachers in the period (2004-2010).The study focuses on the Career Plan, Career and Remuneration of teachers in the period (2004-2010). The thesis argues for the necessity to adopt a direct relationship between career development and horizontal promotion for more others fifteen classes, no matter to any conditioning variables. In addition, the performance shall be evaluated by interval of 25 years to reach at least the provisions decided in the law, which determines the salary adjustment in 5% at every two years, as pointed at the PCCR, about teachers remuneration, and teachers qualifications. A work of a bibliographic and a documental review about the education funding with the purpose of enhancement of educational work, career concepts, and also promotion and evaluation performance as well was performed based on experts authors in this field. The survey was organized with the aim of articulating quantitative and qualitative information, analyzing data from the teacher's salary - payrolls and paychecks - also applying a questionnaire. After the implementation of the PCCR, it was found that the wage indices for horizontal promotion during the teaching career are tied to a strategy for evaluating the performance which disqualifies the teacher‟s salaries in a minimum percentage of 25% (up to 25 years) and there are also elements that disturb the promotion strategy. The national minimum wage was set in three salaries by the PSPN Lei nº11.738/2008 but it never reaches the three salaries at Natal/RN educational system.Otherwise, the elements that structure the horizontal promotion in fifteen classes, throughout the career, flout the minimum years of teaching work, long established in 25 years. In addition, changes in terms in the salary increase depend on individual efforts by professional development through titration. Concerning to the career, despite of the category approving its PCCR, neither this instrument nor the Funds Policy managed to establish regulations were able to cope effective rules for valuing the teachers in the educational district system. It is necessary to ensure, in percentage terms and financial, the real remuneration of teachers with the attainment of horizontal promotion, reviewing the elements that structure the career and the determinants of performance evaluation.
O tema desta dissertação é a Avaliação Institucional da Educação Básica. Para tal, faz-se a análise do processo de avaliação, com ênfase no instrumento utilizado pelas Escolas Adventistas de nível básico do estado de São Paulo, considerando que a educação adventista se tornou uma parte consistente dentro da estrutura da Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia. Procurou-se, neste trabalho, como objetivo geral, compreender como se configura a prática da avaliação institucional das escolas da Rede Adventista de Educação. O método da investigação incluiu análise bibliográfica dos principais teóricos da área de políticas públicas e do sistema privado bem como da avaliação institucional, seguido de exame documental do instrumento utilizado no processo de avaliação institucional. O estudo resgata a contextualização histórica do desenvolvimento da escola privada, destacando aspectos relevantes de sua relação com o Estado. Também apresenta brevemente a história da Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia (IASD) nos Estados Unidos (EUA) e no Brasil, de modo a situar o surgimento do sistema educacional adventista, bem como a sua filosofia de ensino, buscando conhecer as origens desse grupo religioso que há mais de um século atua no cenário educacional brasileiro. Em seguida, aborda aspectos da Avaliação Institucional. Finalmente, apresenta-se uma síntese do processo e uma descrição analítica do instrumento de avaliação institucional das escolas de nível básico da Educação Adventista. Na conclusão do trabalho, não se encontraram indícios de que o conceito adventista de avaliação educacional seja diferente do das abordagens tradicionais. Entretanto, na concepção adventista de avaliação, existe mais fortemente a preocupação de se manter um processo de avaliação contínuo e sistemático.
The commodification of natural resources and the pursuit of continuous growth has resulted in environmental degradation, depletion, and disparity in access to these life-sustaining resources, including water. Utility-based objectification and exploitation of water in some societies has brought us to the brink of crisis through an apathetic disregard for present and future generations. The ongoing depletion and degradation of the world’s water sources, coupled with a reliance on Western knowledge and the continued omission of Indigenous knowledge to manage our relationship with water has unduly burdened many, but particularly so for Indigenous communities. The goal of my thesis research is to call attention to and advance the value and validity of using both Indigenous and Western knowledge systems (also known as Two-Eyed Seeing) in water research and management to better care for water. To achieve this goal, I used a combined systematic and realist review method to identify and synthesize the peer-reviewed, integrative water literature, followed by semi-structured interviews with first authors of the exemplars from the included literature to identify the challenges and insights that researchers have experienced in conducting integrative water research. Findings suggest that these authors recognize that many previous attempts to integrate Indigenous knowledges have been tokenistic rather than meaningful, and that new methods for knowledge implementation are needed. Community-based participatory research methods, and the associated tenets of balancing power, fostering trust, and community ownership over the research process, emerged as a pathway towards the meaningful implementation of Indigenous and Western knowledge systems. Data also indicate that engagement and collaborative governance structures developed from a position of mutual respect are integral to the realization of a given project. The recommendations generated from these findings offer support for future Indigenous-led research and partnerships through the identification and examination of approaches that facilitate the meaningful implementation of Indigenous and Western knowledge systems in water research and management. Asking Western science questions and seeking Indigenous science solutions does not appear to be working; instead, the co-design of research projects and asking questions directed at the problem rather than the solution better lends itself to the strengths of Indigenous science.
Executive summary
Digital systems have transformed, and will continue to transform, our world. Supportive government policy, a strong research base and a history of industrial success make the UK particularly well-placed to realise the benefits of the emerging digital society. These benefits have already been substantial, but they remain at risk. Protecting the benefits and minimising the risks requires reliable and robust cybersecurity, underpinned by a strong research and translation system.
Trust is essential for growing and maintaining participation in the digital society. Organisations earn trust by acting in a trustworthy manner: building systems that are reliable and secure, treating people, their privacy and their data with respect, and providing credible and comprehensible information to help people understand how secure they are.
Resilience, the ability to function, adapt, grow, learn and transform under stress or in the face of shocks, will help organisations deliver systems that are reliable and secure. Resilient organisations can better protect their customers, provide more useful products and services, and earn people’s trust.
Research and innovation in industry and academia will continue to make important contributions to creating this resilient and trusted digital environment. Research can illuminate how best to build, assess and improve digital systems, integrating insights from different disciplines, sectors and around the globe. It can also generate advances to help cybersecurity keep up with the continued evolution of cyber risks.
Translation of innovative ideas and approaches from research will create a strong supply of reliable, proven solutions to difficult to predict cybersecurity risks. This is best achieved by maximising the diversity and number of innovations that see the light of day as products.
Policy, practice and research will all need to adapt. The recommendations made in this report seek to set up a trustworthy, self-improving and resilient digital environment that can thrive in the face of unanticipated threats, and earn the trust people place in it.
Innovation and research will be particularly important to the UK’s economy as it establishes a new relationship with the EU. Cybersecurity delivers important economic benefits, both by underpinning the digital foundations of UK business and trade and also through innovation that feeds directly into growth. The findings of this report will be relevant regardless of how the UK’s relationship to the EU changes.
Headline recommendations
● Trust: Governments must commit to preserving the robustness of encryption, including end-to-end encryption, and promoting its widespread use. Encryption is a foundational security technology that is needed to build user trust, improve security standards and fully realise the benefits of digital systems.
● Resilience: Government should commission an independent review of the UK’s future cybersecurity needs, focused on the institutional structures needed to support resilient and trustworthy digital systems in the medium and longer term. A self-improving, resilient digital environment will need to be guided and governed by institutions that are transparent, expert and have a clear and widely-understood remit.
● Research: A step change in cybersecurity research and practice should be pursued; it will require a new approach to research, focused on identifying ambitious high-level goals and enabling excellent researchers to pursue those ambitions. This would build on the UK's existing strengths in many aspects of cybersecurity research and ultimately help build a resilient and trusted digital sector based on excellent research and world-class expertise.
● Translation: The UK should promote a free and unencumbered flow of cybersecurity ideas from research to practical use and support approaches that have public benefits beyond their short term financial return. The unanticipated nature of future cyber threats means that a diverse set of cybersecurity ideas and approaches will be needed to build resilience and adaptivity. Many of the most valuable ideas will have broad security benefits for the public, beyond any direct financial returns.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
El presente trabajo consiste en una propuesta de reestructuración del currículodel bloque matemático Carrera de Matemáticas y Física de la Universidad de Cuenca, de manera específica la parte matemática del mismo. Tiene como objetivo ser un documento que oriente los futuros cambios que se impulsen, como consecuencia de la aplicación de las nuevas leyes que regulan el Sistema de Educación Superior. Consta de cuatro capítulos, en el primero se hace una revisión de todos los antecedentes que es necesario conocer para la elaboración de la propuesta, de manera especial, la Constitución de la República, la Ley Orgánica de Educación Superior y su reglamento y el Reglamento de Régimen Académico. La propuesta tiene que ver con una carrera que forma docentes de Educación General Básica y Bachillerato por lo que fue necesario revisar también los documentos correspondientes a estos niveles. En el segundo capítulo se revisa aspectos generales concernientes a la teoría curricular, así como aspectos específicos del currículo y educación matemática. El capítulo tres constituye la propuesta en sí, explica el proceso que se ha seguido para llegar a concretar la idea de un plan de estudios de la carrera. Se establece una relación entre resultados de aprendizaje de la carrera, contenidos a estudiarse en EGB y en el BGU, para luego plantear asignaturas con sus correspondientes números de créditos y carga horaria, obteniendo como resultado el diseño de una malla curricular que responda a las actuales necesidades. Finalmente el capítulo cuatro trata sobre conclusiones y recomendaciones.