996 resultados para Red River Rebellion, 1869-1870.
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Musicais
Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia duodenalis are waterborne parasites that have caused several outbreaks of gastrointestinal disease associated with drinking water. Due to the lack of studies about the occurrence of these protozoa in water in the Southeast of Brazil, an investigation was conducted to verify the presence of cysts and oocysts in superficial raw water of the Atibaia River. The water samples were submitted to membrane filtration (3.0 mum) and elution was processed by (1) scraping and rinsing of membrane (RM method) and (2) acetone-dissolution (ADM method). Microbiologic and chemical parameters were analyzed. Aliquots of the pellets were examined by immunofluorescence (Merifluor, Meridian Diagnostics, Cincinnati, Ohio). All water samples were positive for Cryptosporidium and Giardia, in spite of the high turbidity. Higher recovery rates occurred in samples treated by the RM method than by the ADM technique. The goal for future work is the assessment of viability of cysts and oocysts to determine the public health significance of this finding.
Dissertation for the Degree of Master in Technology and Food Safety – Food Quality
Oysters are edible organisms that are often ingested partially cooked or even raw, presenting therefore a very high risk to the consumers' health, especially in tropical regions. The presence of Vibrio cholerae and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in oysters sampled at an estuary in the Brazilian northeastern region was studied, with 300 oysters tested through an 8-months period. The salinity of the water at the sampling point varied between 3% and 27. V. cholerae was the most frequently detected species (33.3% of the samples), and of the 22 V. cholerae isolates, 20 were identified as non-O1/non-O139, with two of the colonies presenting a rough surface and most of remaining ones belonging to the Heiberg II fermentation group. V. parahaemolyticus was isolated from just one of the samples. Other bacteria such as Providencia spp., Klebsiella spp. and Morganella morganii were also isolated.
A vitamin E extraction method for rainbow trout flesh was optimized, validated, and applied in fish fed commercial and Gracilaria vermiculophylla-supplemented diets. Five extraction methods were compared. Vitamers were analyzed by HPLC/DAD/fluorescence. A solid-liquid extraction with n-hexane, which showed the best performance, was optimized and validated. Among the eight vitamers, only α- and γ-tocopherol were detected in muscle samples. The final method showed good linearity (>0.999), intra- (<3.1%) and inter-day precision (<2.6%), and recoveries (>96%). Detection and quantification limits were 39.9 and 121.0 ng/g of muscle, for α-tocopherol, and 111.4 ng/g and 337.6 ng/g, for γ-tocopherol, respectively. Compared to the control group, the dietary inclusion of 5% G. vermiculophylla resulted in a slight reduction of lipids in muscle and, consequently, of α- and γ-tocopherol. Nevertheless, vitamin E profile in lipids was maintained. In general, the results may be explained by the lower vitamin E level in seaweed-containing diet. Practical Applications: Based on the validation results and the low solvent consumption, the developed method can be used to analyze vitamin E in rainbow trout. The results of this work are also a valuable information source for fish feed industries and aquaculture producers, which can focus on improving seaweed inclusion in feeds as a source of vitamin E in fish muscle and, therefore, take full advantage of all bioactive components with an important role in fish health and flesh quality.
Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em História
We determined the relationship between plasma and red blood cell concentrations of quinine in children with uncomplicated falciparum malaria from an endemic area of Amazonian region. Quinine was determined by high performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection. In the steady state the ratio between plasma and red blood cell quinine concentration was 1.89 ± 1.25 ranging from 1.05 to 2.34. This result demonstrated that quinine do not concentrate in red blood cell of Brazilian children and characterize the absence of interracial difference in this relationship.
Desde finais do século XIX que se desenvolveu, nos estados norte- -americanos de Massachusetts (MA) e de Rhode Island (RI), uma importante comunidade de origem portuguesa. De acordo com o censo norte-americano de 1990, essa comunidade é composta por um total de 320.000 pessoas de portuguese ancestry. Tendo sido freqüentemente descrita como uma minoria étnica "invisível" (cf Smith, 1978), ela tem entretanto uma presença importante em cidades como Fali River e New Bedford - no sudeste de Massachusetts - ou East Providence - Rhode Island - onde representa entre 40 a 55% da população total. Chegada aos EUA em duas vagas sucessivas - a primeira situada entre 1870 e 1930, a segunda entre 1960 e 1980 - esta comunidade é originária, em cerca de 90% dos casos, do arquipélago dos Açores. Dada esta sua ascendência açoriana, os imigrantes portugueses nos EUA mantêm laços importantes com a cultura do arquipélago, que, como se sabe, ao mesmo tempo que possui bastantes pontes com a cultura portuguesa mais geral, apresenta também inúmeras particularidades.
Introduction: Recently, it has been suggested an association between red cell distribution width (RDW) and Crohn’s disease activity index (CDAI), but its use is not yet performed in daily clinical practice. Objectives: To determine whether RDW can be used as a marker of Crohn’s disease (CD) activity. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study including patients with CD, observed consecutively in an outpatient setting between January 1st and September 30th 2013. Blood cell indices, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and C-reactive protein were measured. CD activity was determined by CDAI (active disease if CDAI ≥ 150). Associations were analyzed using logistic regression (SPSS version 20). Results: 119 patients (56% female) were included in the study with a mean age of 47 years (SD 15.2). Twenty patients (17%) had active disease. The median RDW was 14.0 (13---15). There was an association between RDW and disease activity (p = 0.044). After adjustment for age and gender, this association remained consistent (OR 1.20, 95% CI 1.03---1.39, p = 0.016). It was also found that the association between RDW and disease activity was independent of hemoglobin and ESR (OR 1.36, 95% CI 1.08---1.72, p = 0.01) and of biologic therapy (OR 1.19, 95% CI 1.03---1.37, p = 0.017). A RDW cutoff of 16% had a specificity and negative predictive value for CDAI ≥ 150 of 88% and 86%, respectively. Conclusion: In this study, RDW proved to be an independent and relatively specific marker of CD activity. These results may contribute to the implementation of this simple parameter, in clinical practice, aiming to help therapeutic decisions.
Nonhuman primates are considered as the natural hosts of Hepatitis A virus (HAV), as well as other pathogens, and can serve as natural sentinels to investigate epizootics and endemic diseases that are of public health importance. During this study, blood samples were collected from 112 Neotropical primates (NTPs) (Sapajus nigritus and S. cay, n = 75; Alouatta caraya, n = 37) trap-captured at the Paraná River basin, Brazil, located between the States of Paraná and Mato Grosso do Sul. Anti-HAV IgG antibodies were detected in 4.5% (5/112) of NTPs, specifically in 6.7% (5/75) of Sapajus spp. and 0% (0/37) of A. caraya. In addition, all samples were negative for the presence of IgM anti-HAV antibodies. These results suggest that free-ranging NTPs were exposed to HAV within the geographical regions evaluated.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Conservação e Restauro
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Comunicação
O autor analisa o papel dos lojistas de Lisboa na conjuntura política e social do período final da Monarquia, um grupo social onde os republicanos tinham garantida uma boa representação. Desenvolvendo a questão da ligação entre o pequeno comércio e o republicanismo, procede a uma análise detalhada ao discurso político e social dos lojistas de Lisboa, dos seus interesses de classe, participação eleitoral e relação com os políticos na fase final da Monarquia. Tratou-se de um caminho para a República que se começou a moldar no início da década de 1890, ficando definido na primeira década do século XX.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, Perfil de Engenharia de Sistemas Ambientais
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil de Ordenamento do Território e Impactes Ambientais