577 resultados para RHEUMATOID


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p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK) is an important signal transducing enzyme involved in many cellular regulations, including signaling pathways, pain and inflammation. Several p38 MAPK inhibitors have been developed as drug candidates to treatment of autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis. In this paper we reported the docking, synthesis and pharmacological activity of novel urea-derivatives (4a-e) designed as p38 MAPK inhibitors. These derivatives presented good theoretical affinity to the target p38 MAPK, standing out compound 4e (LASSBio-998), which showed a better score value compared to the prototype GK-00687. This compound was able to reduce in vitro TNF-alpha production and was orally active in a hypernociceptive murine model sensible to p38 MAPK inhibitors. Otherwise, compound 4e presented a dose-dependent analgesic effect in a model of antigen (mBSA)-induced arthritis and anti-inflammatory profile in carrageenan induced paw edema, indicating its potential as a new antiarthritis prototype. (c) 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Arthritic pain is a serious health problem that affects a large number of patients. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) activation within the joints has been implicated in pathophysiology of arthritis. However, their role in the genesis of arthritic pain needs to be demonstrated. In the present study, it was addressed the participation of TLR2 and TLR4 and their adaptor molecule MyD88 in the genesis of joint hypernociception (a decrease in the nociceptive threshold) during zymosan-induced arthritis. Zymosan injected in the tibio-tarsal joint induced mechanical hypernociception in C57BL/6 wild type mice that was reduced in TLR2 and MyD88 null mice. On the other hand, zymosan-induced hypernociception was similar in C3H/HePas and C3H/Hej mice (TLR4 mutant mice). Zymosan-induced joint hypernociception was also reduced in TNFR1 null mice and in mice treated with IL-1 receptor antagonist or with an antagonist of CXCR1/2. Moreover, the joint production of TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta and CXCL1/KC by zymosan was dependent on TLR2/MyD88 signaling. Investigating the mechanisms by which TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta and CXCL1/KC mediate joint hypernociception, joint administration of these cytokines produced mechanical hypernociception, and they act in an interdependent manner. In last instance, their hypernociceptive effects were dependent on the production of hypernociceptive mediators, prostaglandins and sympathetic amines. These results indicate that in zymosan-induced experimental arthritis, TLR2/MyD88 is involved in the cascade of events of joint hypernociception through a mechanism dependent on cytokines and chemokines production. Thus, TLR2/MyD88 signaling might be a target for the development of novel drugs to control pain in arthritis. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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OBJETIVO: Elaborar recomendações para o tratamento da artrite reumatoide no Brasil. MÉTODO: Revisão da literatura com seleção de artigos baseados em evidência e opinião de especialistas da Comissão de Artrite Reumatoide da Sociedade Brasileira de Reumatologia. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: 1) A decisão terapêutica deve ser compartilhada com o paciente; 2) imediatamente após o diagnóstico, uma droga modificadora do curso da doença (DMCD) deve ser prescrita e o tratamento ajustado para atingir remissão; 3) o tratamento deverá ser conduzido por reumatologista; 4) o tratamento inicial inclui DMCD sintéticas; 5) o metotrexato é a droga de escolha; 6) pacientes que não alcançaram resposta após a utilização de dois esquemas de DMCD sintéticas devem ser avaliados para DMCD biológicas; 7) excepcionalmente, DMCD biológicas poderão ser consideradas mais precocemente; 8) recomenda-se preferencialmente o uso de agentes anti-TNF como terapia biológica inicial; 9) após falha terapêutica a uma primeira DMCD biológica, outros biológicos poderão ser utilizados; 10) ciclofosfamida e azatioprina podem ser consideradas em manifestações extra-articulares graves; 11) recomenda-se a utilização de corticoide oral em baixas doses e por curtos períodos; 12) os anti-inflamatórios não hormonais devem sempre ser prescritos em associação à DMCD; 13) avaliações clínicas devem ser mensais no início do tratamento; 14) terapia física, reabilitação e terapia ocupacional são indicadas; 15) deve-se recomendar tratamento cirúrgico para correção de sequelas; 16) métodos de terapia alternativa não substituem a terapia tradicional; 17) deve-se orientar planejamento familiar; 18) orienta-se a busca ativa e o manejo de comorbidades; 19) atualizar e documentar a vacinação do paciente; 20) doenças transmissíveis endêmico-epidêmicas devem ser investigadas e tratadas.


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OBJETIVO: Elaborar recomendações da Comissão de Artrite Reumatoide da Sociedade Brasileira de Reumatologia (SBR) para o manuseio das comorbidades em artrite reumatoide (AR). MÉTODOS: Revisão da literatura e opinião de especialistas da Comissão de AR da SBR. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: Recomendações: 1) Diagnosticar e tratar precoce e adequadamente as comorbidades; 2) O tratamento específico da AR deve ser adaptado às comorbidades; 3) Inibidores da enzima conversora da angiotensina (IECA) ou bloqueadores dos receptores de angiotensina II (BRA) são preferidos no tratamento da hipertensão arterial sistêmica; 4) Em pacientes com AR e diabetes mellitus, deve-se evitar o uso contínuo de dose cumulativa alta de corticoides; 5) Sugere-se o uso de estatinas para manter níveis de LDL menor que 100 mg/dL e índice aterosclerótico menor que 3,5 em pacientes com AR e comorbidades; 6) A síndrome metabólica deve ser tratada; 7) Recomenda-se a realização de exames para a investigação de aterosclerose subclínica; 8) Maior vigilância para um diagnóstico precoce de neoplasia oculta; 9) Medidas de prevenção para trombose venosa são sugeridas; 10) Recomenda-se a realização de densitometria óssea em pacientes com AR acima de 50 anos, e naqueles com idade menor com corticoide maior que 7,5 mg por mais de três meses; 11) Pacientes com AR e osteoporose devem evitar quedas, e devem ser aconselhados a aumentarem a ingestão de cálcio, aumentarem a exposição solar e fazerem atividade física; 12) Suplementação de cálcio e vitamina D é sugerida.Autilização de bisfosfonatos é sugerida para pacientes com escore T menor que -2,5 na densidade mineral óssea; 13) Recomenda-se equipe multidisciplinar, com participação ativa do médico reumatologista no tratamento das comorbidades.


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O diagnóstico precoce da artrite reumatoide é essencial para o manejo adequado da condição. Atualmente, considera-se que a fase inicial da doença constitui uma janela de oportunidade terapêutica para a artrite reumatoide. Embora o diagnóstico seja primordialmente clínico, o desenvolvimento e o aprimoramento de métodos laboratoriais e de imagem têm contribuído para o diagnóstico mais precoce e a determinação da conduta na artrite reumatoide inicial. Neste artigo os autores revisam o papel dos principais métodos de imagem utilizados para a avaliação da artrite reumatoide inicial, notadamente a radiologia convencional, a ultrassonografia e a ressonância magnética.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Embora muitos estudos sugiram que a presença de autoanticorpos, tais como fator reumatoide (FR) e/ou antipeptídeos citrulinados cíclicos (anti-CCP), sejam preditores de danos articulares na artrite reumatoide (AR), a associação entre os questionários de incapacidade e de qualidade de vida ainda são desconhecidos. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a correlação entre os questionários Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) e Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) com marcadores como FR, anti-CCP e antivimentina citrulinada (anti-Sa). PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados no momento do diagnóstico 65 pacientes da Coorte Brasília com AR inicial. Foram realizadas sorologias (ELISA) para FR (IgM, IgG e IgA), anti-CCP (CCP2, CCP3 e CCP3.1) e anti-Sa, com a aplicação do HAQ e SF-36 na avaliação inicial. RESULTADOS: A idade média foi de 45 anos, predominando o gênero feminino (86%). Na avaliação inicial, o FR foi positivo em 32 indivíduos (49,23%); anti-CCP em 34 indivíduos (52,3%); e anti-Sa em nove indivíduos (13,8%). O escore inicial do HAQ foi de 1,8. Os escores dos domínios do SF-36 foram: emocional, 19,3; social, 43,1; dor, 25,43; estado geral, 57,6; saúde mental, 48,1; vitalidade, 49,5; físico, 4,6; e limitação por aspecto físico, 24,7. HAQ e escores do SF-36 não variaram com os níveis de autoanticorpos. CONCLUSÃO: Muitos pacientes com AR inicial apresentam comprometimento na qualidade de vida relacionada aos domínios da capacidade física e mental. Embora FR e anti-CCP tenham sido relacionados com dano articular e pior prognóstico clínico, não há correlação entre os questionários e as avaliações da qualidade de vida e incapacidade.


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OBJETIVO: A análise morfológica da estrutura óssea de C2, em pacientes com artrite reumatoide, com o objetivo de aumentar a segurança de procedimentos de estabilização desta vértebra. MÉTODOS: Analisamos retrospectivamente 20 tomografias de coluna cervical realizadas em pacientes com artrite reumatoide, foram medidos os seguintes parâmetros: o ângulo espinolaminar, espessura e comprimento da lâmina de C2. RESULTADOS: Os valores médios encontrados são: espessura das lâminas direita 5,92mm e esquerda 5,87mm; comprimento das lâminas direita 27,75mm e esquerda 27,94mm e ângulo espinolaminar 44,7(0). CONCLUSÃO: Os valores obtidos são compatíveis com os de estudos realizados em indivíduos normais publicados por outros autores, não havendo aparente necessidade de alteração na técnica para colocação dos parafusos. Nível de Evidência IV, Série de casos.


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Recently, new treatment approaches have been developed to target the host component of periodontal disease. This review aims at providing updated information on host-modulating therapies, focusing on treatment strategies for inhibiting signal transduction pathways involved in inflammation. Pharmacological inhibitors of MAPK, NFκB and JAK/STAT pathways are being developed to manage rheumatoid arthritis, periodontal disease and other inflammatory diseases. Through these agents, inflammatory mediators can be inhibited at cell signaling level, interfering on transcription factors activation and inflammatory gene expression. Although these drugs offer great potential to modulate host response, their main limitations are lack of specificity and developments of side effects. After overcoming these limitations, adjunctive host modulating drugs will provide new therapeutic strategies for periodontal treatment.


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Introduction Vaccination is an effective tool against several infectious agents including influenza. In 2010, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended influenza A H1N1/2009 immunization for high risk groups, including juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) patients and more recently the EULAR task force reinforced the importance of vaccination in immunosuppressed pediatric rheumatologic patients. We have recently shown that Influenza A H1N1/2009 vaccination generated protective antibody production with short-term safety profile among 93 JIA patients, but the possible impact of the vaccine in autoimmune response in JIA have not been studied. Therefore, we aimed to assess the production of some autoantibodies generated following influenza H1N1 vaccination in JIA patients. Objectives To assess the autoimmune response and H1N1 serology following influenza H1N1 vaccination in patients with JIA. Methods Cepa A/California/7/2009 (NYMC X-179A) anti-H1N1 was used to vaccinate JIA patients: 1 dose of immunization was given to all participants and those <9yrs of age received a second booster 3 weeks apart. Sera were analyzed before and 3 weeks following complete vaccination. Serology against H1N1 virus was performed by hemagglutination inhibition antibody assay, rheumatoid factor (RF) by latex fixation test, antinuclear antibodies (ANA) by IIF, IgM and IgG anticardiolipin (aCL) by ELISA.Results Among 98 JIA patients that were vaccinated, 58 sera were available for this study. Mean age of 58 JIA patients was 23.9 ± 9.5 yrs, 38 were females and 20 males with mean disease duration of 14.7 ± 10.1 yrs. JIA subtypes were: 33 (57%) poliarticular, 10 (17%) oligoarticular, 6 (10%) systemic and 9 (16%) other. Sixteen patients were off drugs while 42 (72%) were under different pharmacotherapy: 32 (55%) were on 1 DMARD/IS, 10 (17%) on 2 DMARDs/IS, 19 (33%) antimalarials, 29 (50%) MTX, 8(14%) sulfasalazine, 6 (10%) anti-TNFs, 4 (7%) abatacept; no patient was using prednisone >0.5 mg/kg/d. Seroprotection rates against H1N1 influenza increased from 23 to 83% and seroconversion rates were achieved in 78% JIA. Prior to vaccination, 31(53.4%) JIA patients were ANA+, 6(10.3%) RF+, and 4 (7%) IgM + IgG aCL+. After complete H1N1 vaccination, positivity for ANA remained the same whereas 1 patient became negative for IgG aCL, and another for RF, IgM and IgG aCL. One (1.7%) patient turned low titer IgG aCL+. Conclusion Vaccination of JIA patients against pandemic influenza A (H1N1) generated successful protective antibody production without the induction of autoantibody production, except for 1 patient that became positive for low titer IgG aCL, supporting its safety.


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Introduction Alfa-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH) has a variety of biological functions such as downregulation of pro-inflammatory pathways, reduction of skin delayed-type hypersensitivity and blockage of leukocyte migration. Inhibition of experimental disease models development including inflammatory bowel disease and rheumatoid arthritis has been shown, however the immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects of α-MSH on murine lupus remain undetermined. Objectives To evaluate the effect of α-MSH analogue (NDP α-MSH) on pristane-induced murine lupus. Methods Thirty-five BALB/c mice were injected with 0.5 ml intraperitoneal (IP) pristane for lupus-like model induction and 5 age/gender matched control mice were given saline. Pristane-induced lupus animals received daily IP saline (n = 5) or treatments with 3.1 mg/kg/d chloroquine (n = 10), 1.25 mg/kg/d NDP α-MSH (n = 10) or 2.5 mg/kg/d NDP α-MSH (n = 10). Prior and 180 days after induction, clinical and laboratorial lupus-like parameters were examined. Sera ANA was tested by IF using Hep2 cells. Statistical analysis was performed by Mann-Whitney and Fisher test and P < 0,05 considered significant. Results Arthritis in both hind legs and large amounts of lipogranulomas in peritoneal cavity were observed in all lupus-like animals in contrast to all controls. By visual observation, all lupus animals treated with both doses of α-MSH had significant less amount and lower size lipogranulomas. Mean arthritis score in 5 untreated mice, 9 animals treated with chloroquine and 8 with α-MSH 2.5 mg/kg/d was 5.2, 3.33 and 3.1 respectively. Remarkably, mean arthritis score of animals treated with α-MSH 1.25 mg/kg/d was 1.6, significantly lower than untreated mice (1.6 vs 5.2, p = 0.0291). ANAs were negative in sera from all 40 animals before pristane lupus injection; 180 days after induction, ANAs remained negative in normal mice but became positive in all 5 (100%) untreated lupus animals, 7 (77%), 4 (50%) and 3 (35%) lupus models treated with chloroquine, α-MSH 2.5 mg/kg/d and α-MSH 1.25 mg/kg/d (100% vs 35%, p = 0,0256), respectively. Before the end of the experiment, by day 150, 3 animals died: 1 treated with chloroquine and 2 with higher doses of α-MSH. Conclusion NDP α-MSH promoted improvement of clinical and serological parameters in pristane-induced murine lupus suggesting a potential role for this drug in human SLE.


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In the northeast of Brazil, caprine arthritis-encephalitis (CAE) is one of the key reasons for herd productivity decreasing that result in considerable economic losses. A comparative study was carried out using computed radiography (CR), histological analysis (HA), and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) of the joints of CAE infected and normal goats. Humerus head surface of positive animals presented reduced joint space, increased bone density, and signs of degenerative joint disease (DJD). The carpal joint presented no morphological alterations in CR in any of the animals studied. Tarsus joint was the most affected, characterized by severe DJD, absence of joint space, increased periarticular soft tissue density, edema, and bone sclerosis. Histological analysis showed chronic tissue lesions, complete loss of the surface zone, absence of proteoglycans in the transition and radial zones and destruction of the cartilage surface in the CAE positive animals. Analysis by SEM showed ulcerated lesions with irregular and folded patterns on the joint surface that distinguished the limits between areas of normal and affected cartilage. The morphological study of the joints of normal and CAE positive goats deepened understanding of the alteration in the tissue bioarchitecture of the most affected joints. The SEM finding sustained previous histological reports, similar to those found for rheumatoid arthritis, suggesting that the goat infected with CAE can be considered as a potential model for research in this area.


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Background Immunosuppressed individuals present serious morbidity and mortality from influenza, therefore it is important to understand the safety and immunogenicity of influenza vaccination among them. Methods This multicenter cohort study evaluated the immunogenicity and reactogenicity of an inactivated, monovalent, non-adjuvanted pandemic (H1N1) 2009 vaccine among the elderly, HIV-infected, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), cancer, kidney transplant, and juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) patients. Participants were included during routine clinical visits, and vaccinated according to conventional influenza vaccination schedules. Antibody response was measured by the hemagglutination-inhibition assay, before and 21 days after vaccination. Results 319 patients with cancer, 260 with RA, 256 HIV-infected, 149 elderly individuals, 85 kidney transplant recipients, and 83 with JIA were included. The proportions of seroprotection, seroconversion, and the geometric mean titer ratios postvaccination were, respectively: 37.6%, 31.8%, and 3.2 among kidney transplant recipients, 61.5%, 53.1%, and 7.5 among RA patients, 63.1%, 55.7%, and 5.7 among the elderly, 59.0%, 54.7%, and 5.9 among HIV-infected patients, 52.4%, 49.2%, and 5.3 among cancer patients, 85.5%, 78.3%, and 16.5 among JIA patients. The vaccine was well tolerated, with no reported severe adverse events. Conclusions The vaccine was safe among all groups, with an acceptable immunogenicity among the elderly and JIA patients, however new vaccination strategies should be explored to improve the immune response of immunocompromised adult patients. (ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT01218685)


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Die Selektine initiieren im Verlauf von Entzündungsprozessen einen ersten Zellkontakt zwischen Leukozyten und Endothelzellen und ermöglichen so die Auswanderung der Leukozyten aus den Blutgefäßen in das umliegende Gewebe, wo sie ihre immunologische Wirkung entfalten können. Viele Krankheiten gehen allerdings mit einer übermäßigen, durch Selektine vermittelten Zelladhäsion einher. Daher war es das Ziel dieser Arbeit, Selektininhibitoren zu synthetisieren, die pathologische Zelladhäsionsprozesse, wie man sie z.B. bei rheumatoider Arthritis, bei Erkrankungen der Herzkranzgefäße oder im Verlauf von Tumormetastasierungen findet, unterbinden können. Als Leitstruktur für solche Inhibitoren dient das auf den natürlichen Selektinliganden vorkommende Tetrasaccharid Sialyl-Lewis-X. Sialyl-Lewis-X stellt aber nur einen Teil der natürlichen Selektinliganden dar. Es bindet auch nur im millimolaren Bereich an die Selektine. Die komplexen natürlichen Selektinliganden wie z.B. ESL-1 (E-Selektin-Ligand-1), die an verschiedenen Glycosylierungs-stellen des Glycoproteins Sialyl-Lewis-X präsentieren, binden mit deutlich höherer Affinität an die Selektine. Für eine spezifische Rezeptorbindung sind daher außer dem Tetrasaccharid weitere Partialstrukturen verantwortlich, wobei gezeigt werden konnte, dass ein Anknüpfen von Sialyl-Lewis-X-Derivaten an die Partialsequenz 672-681 des ESL-1 eine Affinitätssteigerung hervorruft. Ein weiterer Nachteil des natürlichen Sialyl-Lewis-X-Tetrasaccharids im Hinblick auf seine pharmakologische Verwendung besteht darin, dass sowohl die fucosidische Bindung als auch die glycosidische Verknüpfung zur Neuraminsäure durch Enzyme leicht gespalten werden, wodurch Sialyl-Lewis-X als potenzielles Anti-Adäsionsmolekül an Wert verliert. Um die Kohlenydratliganden vor einem solchen enzymatischen Abbau zu bewahren, wurden in dieser Arbeit neben der im Sialyl-Lewis-X vorliegenden L-Fucose die im Menschen nicht vorkommenden Kohlenhydrate D-Arabinose und L-Galactose sowie neben der Neuraminsäure die (S)-Cyclohexylmilchsäure zur Herstellung der sechs Glycopeptid-Selektinliganden 1-6 mit der Partialsequenz 672-681 des ESL-1 verknüpft. Die Tetrasaccharide und Tetrasaccharid-Mimetika können aus den geschützten Monosacchariden und der geschützten Cyclohexylmilch-säure in parallelen Synthesen im Gramm-Maßstab hergestellt werden. Die automatisierten Glycopeptid-Festphasensynthesen wurden an einem Peptidsynthesizer nach der Fmoc-Strategie unter Verwendung von mit Asparaginsäure vorbeladenen TentaGel®-Harzen durchgeführt. Die Strukturen aller sechs Glycopeptide 1-6 wurden sowohl durch hoch auflösende massenspektrometrische Analysen als auch durch ein- und zweidimensionale NMR-Experimente belegt. Als Ergebnis dieser Arbeit liegen sechs Sialyl-Lewis-X-Glycopeptide und -Mimetika mit der Partialsequenz 672-681 des ESL-1 vor. Diese werden in Kürze auf ihre Wirksamkeit als Zelladhäsions-inhibitoren für E-Selektin getestet. Daraus sollen sich Erkenntnisse über Struktur-Wirkungs-Beziehungen gewinnen lassen, insbesondere was das kooperative Zusammenwirken von Saccharid- und Peptidteilstrukturen in der Erkennung der Liganden durch das E-Selektin anbetrifft.


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Zelladhäsionsprozesse sind von großer Bedeutung für zahlreiche biologische Prozesse, wie etwa die Immunantwort, die Wundheilung und die Embryogenese. Außerdem spielen sie eine entscheidende Rolle im Verlauf inflammatorischer Prozesse. An der Zelladhäsion sind verschiedene Klassen von Adhäsionsmolekülen beteiligt. Die erste leichte „rollende“ Adhäsion von Leukozyten am Ort einer Entzündung wird durch die Selektine vermittelt. Diese binden über die Kohlenhydrat-Strukturen Sialyl-Lewisx und Sialyl-Lewisa über eine calciumabhängige Kohlenhydrat-Protein-Bindung an ihre spezifischen Liganden und vermitteln so den ersten Zellkontakt, bevor andere Adhäsionsmoleküle (Cadherine, Integrine) die feste Adhäsion und den Durchtritt durch das Endothel bewirken. Bei einer pathogenen Überexpression der Selektine kommt es jedoch zu zahlreichen chronischen Erkrankungen wie z. B. rheumatoider Arthritis, Erkrankungen der Herzkranzgefäße oder dem Reperfusions-syndrom. Außerdem wird eine Beteiligung der durch die Selektine vermittelten Zellkontakte bei der Metastasierung von Karzinomzellen angenommen. Ein Ansatzpunkt für die Behandlung der oben genannten Erkrankungen ist die Gabe löslicher kompetitiver Inhibitoren für die Selektine. Ziel der Arbeit war die Modifikation des Sialyl-Lewisx-Leitmotivs zur Steigerung der metabolischen Stabilität und dessen Einbau in die Peptidsequenz aus der für die Bindung verantwortlichen Domäne des endogenen Selektin-Liganden PSGL-1. Dazu wurden mit einer modifizierten Lewisx-Struktur glycosylierte Aminosäurebausteine dargestellt (Abb.1). Die Verwendung von Arabinose und des Sulfatrestes anstelle von Fusose und Sialinsäure sollte außerdem zu einer gesteigerten metabolischen Stabilität des synthetischen Liganden beitragen. Die so erhaltenen Glycosylaminosäuren sollten nun in die Festphasenpeptidsynthese eingesetzt werden. Aufgrund der großen säurelabilität konnte hier nicht auf das Standartverfahren (Wang-Harz, Abspaltung mit TFA) zurückgegriffen werden. Deshalb kam ein neuartiges UV-labiles Ankersystem zum Einsatz. Dazu wurde ein Protokoll für die Synthese und Abspaltung von Peptiden an diesem neuen System entwickelt. Daran gelang die Synthese des nichtglycosylierten Peptidrückgrats sowie eines mit der dem sulfatierten Lewisx-Motiv versehenen Glycopeptids. Ein vierfach sulfatiertes Glycopeptid, welches durch den Einsatz von im Vorfeld chemisch sulfatierer Tyrosin-Bausteinen dargestellt werden sollte, konnte massenspektrometrisch nachgewiesen werden.


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Es wurden Glycopeptide mit einer Partialsequenz aus der N-terminalen Domäne des natürlichen Selektinliganden PSGL-1 synthetisiert, welche prinzipiell als kompetitive Inhibitoren unerwünschter selektinvermittelter Zelladhäsionsphänomene fungieren könnten. Grundsätzlich könnte es möglich sein, auf diesem Wege entsprechende chronisch entzündliche Krankheiten wie rheumatoide Arthritis zu behandeln und bestimmte akut eintretende schwere Schädigungen von gesundem Gewebe sowie die Metastasenbildung maligner Tumore zu unterdrücken. Das tatsächliche Potential der hergestellten Glycopeptide als Liganden der Selektine kann nun in biologischen Tests geprüft werden. Der gewählte Ausschnitt aus dem P-Selektin-Glycoprotein-Liganden-1 (PSGL-1) reicht von Tyr48 bis Pro59 und umfasst so sämtliche Aminosäurereste der Sequenz, die für das Auftreten einer hochaffinen Rezeptorbindung erforderlich sind. Dabei ist die Seitenkette von Thr57 mit einem O-Glycan modifiziert, welches das in natürlichen Selektinliganden häufig vorkommende Tetrasaccharid Sialyl-Lewisx bzw. ein Mimetikum desselben enthält und die für Mucine typische Form der Anbindung an das peptidische Rückgrat über eine N-Acetyl-α-D-galactosamineinheit aufweist. Zum Aufbau der komplexen Glycopeptidstrukturen wurde zunächst eine Strategie für die Synthese des an die Hydroxylaminosäure gebundenen Oligosaccharids im Gramm-Maßstab ausgearbeitet. Dabei kam der Wahl eines geeigneten Schutzgruppenmusters besondere Bedeutung zu. Das entwickelte Konzept basiert allein auf chemischen Methoden und ermöglicht die parallele Herstellung potentieller Mimetika. So wurde in dieser Arbeit L-Fucose durch D-Arabinose und N-Acetyl-D-neuraminsäure durch (S)-Cyclohexylmilchsäure ersetzt. Die erhaltenen Glycosylaminosäure-Bausteine wurden schließlich in die Glycopeptid-synthesen an der festen Phase eingebracht, welche nach vollständiger Deblockierung die gewünschten Zielverbindungen lieferten.rn